def eval_model(imgarray_evaldata, params): for i in range(params["image_nr"]): pc_utilities.process_messenger("EVALUATING IMAGE " + str(i)) pc_config.eval_img_id = i # generate data set pc_dataset.slice_image_hdf5(imgarray_image=imgarray_evaldata, imgarray_labels="none", sampletype="fullimage") # segment the images # using the model and the probability calibration function, we evaluate the classifier on a real image with unknown labels y_truth, y_model = run_classifier(mode="probcalibratedregression", sampletype="fullimage") y_model = y_model.reshape( (len(y_model) ** (1.0 / 2), len(y_model) ** (1.0 / 2)) ) # return a 2d map of the image prob_map = y_model print "prob map dimension", y_model.shape if pc_config.save_truth: y_truth = y_truth.reshape( (len(y_truth) ** (1.0 / 2), len(y_truth) ** (1.0 / 2)) ) # return a 2d map of the image prob_map = np.concatenate([y_model, y_truth]) # save result and truth next to eachother # save numpy print "saving probability map to ", pc_config.fname_segmentation_pmap_npy, prob_map) # postprocess the probability map to generate json and png data postprocess_image(params) # delete hdf5 samples that are no longer needed pc_dataset.delete_data_hdf5() pc_utilities.process_messenger("EVALUATION COMPLETE.")
def train_model(imgarray_traindata, imgarray_trainlabels, params): # training pc_dataset.slice_image_hdf5(imgarray_traindata, imgarray_trainlabels, sampletype="class01equal") pc_utilities.process_messenger("MODEL TRAINING.") training_loop() # calibration pc_utilities.process_messenger("MODEL TRAINING COMPLETE. NOW PROBABILITY CALIBRATION.") pc_dataset.slice_image_hdf5(imgarray_traindata, imgarray_trainlabels, sampletype="random") train_probability_calibration() pc_dataset.delete_data_hdf5() pc_utilities.process_messenger("PROBABILITY CALIBRATION COMPLETE. CLASSIFIER IS READY.")