def __getitem__(self, index): #load data and meta data img ='{0}/{1}.color.png'.format(self.root, self.list[index])) depth ='{0}/{1}.depth.png'.format(self.root, self.list[index])) with open('{0}/{1}.meta.json'.format(self.root, self.list[index])) as json_file: image_meta = json.load(json_file) label ='{0}/{1}.gen.label.png'.format(self.label_root, self.list[index])) with open('{0}/{1}.meta.json'.format(self.label_root, self.list[index])) as json_file: meta = json.load(json_file) # find the object class id obj = self.class_id_names.index(meta['cls_name'])+1 # augment the data if self.add_noise: # change color img = self.trancolor(img) # rotate angle = random.uniform(-180, 180) augment_rotation = np.identity(4) augment_rotation[:3, :3] = transforms3d.euler.euler2mat(0, 0, np.deg2rad(angle)) img = img.rotate(angle) label = label.rotate(angle) depth = depth.rotate(angle) # load tf from the camera to the robot cam2robot = np.array(meta['cam2robot']).reshape((4, 4)) # if the image is rotated we need to rotate the camera before computing the target object pose if self.add_noise: cam2robot =, cam2robot) # compute object pose robot2object = np.array(meta['robot2object']).reshape((4, 4)) cam2object =, robot2object) target_r = cam2object[:3, :3] target_t = cam2object[:3, 3] # crop&zoom if self.add_noise: img, label, depth, delta_t, image_meta['intr'] = crop_and_zoom(img, label, depth, image_meta['intr'], target_t[2], augment_rotation) print(delta_t) print(target_t) #delta_t[2] = -delta_t[2] target_t -= delta_t #target_t[2] += delta_t[2] print(target_t) #convert input numpy img = np.array(img) label = np.array(label) depth = np.array(depth) if self.add_noise: depth = np.array(depth, dtype=np.float64) depth -= target_t[2] depth[depth < 0] = 0 # get masks and bounding box around the object mask_label = ma.getmaskarray(ma.masked_equal(label, 255)) rmin, rmax, cmin, cmax = get_bbox(mask_label) mask_depth = ma.getmaskarray(ma.masked_not_equal(depth, 0)) mask = mask_label * mask_depth # add some offset noise to the target position if self.add_noise: add_t = np.array([0, 0, 0]) #add_t = np.array([random.uniform(-self.noise_trans, self.noise_trans) for i in range(3)]) # select some points on the object choose = mask[rmin:rmax, cmin:cmax].flatten().nonzero()[0] if len(choose) > self.num_pt: c_mask = np.zeros(len(choose), dtype=int) c_mask[:self.num_pt] = 1 np.random.shuffle(c_mask) choose = choose[c_mask.nonzero()] else: choose = np.pad(choose, (0, self.num_pt - len(choose)), 'wrap') # select the choosen points depth_masked = depth[rmin:rmax, cmin:cmax].flatten()[choose][:, np.newaxis].astype(np.float32) xmap_masked = self.xmap[rmin:rmax, cmin:cmax].flatten()[choose][:, np.newaxis].astype(np.float32) ymap_masked = self.ymap[rmin:rmax, cmin:cmax].flatten()[choose][:, np.newaxis].astype(np.float32) choose = np.array([choose]) # compute the cartesian space position of each pixel and sample to point cloud cam_scale = image_meta['depth_scale'] pt2 = depth_masked / cam_scale pt0 = (ymap_masked - image_meta['intr']['ppx']) * pt2 / image_meta['intr']['fx'] pt1 = (xmap_masked - image_meta['intr']['ppy']) * pt2 / image_meta['intr']['fy'] cloud = np.concatenate((pt0, pt1, pt2), axis=1) if self.add_noise: cloud = np.add(cloud, add_t) # if needed delete some points from the target model points to have the same number all the time dellist = [j for j in range(0, len(self.cld[obj]))] if self.refine: dellist = random.sample(dellist, len(self.cld[obj]) - self.num_pt_mesh_large) else: dellist = random.sample(dellist, len(self.cld[obj]) - self.num_pt_mesh_small) model_points = np.delete(self.cld[obj], dellist, axis=0) # rotate and move the target into the image target =, target_r.T) if self.add_noise: target = np.add(target, target_t + add_t) else: target = np.add(target, target_t) # show the created sample for debug (if wanted) if self.show_sample: plt.subplot(1,2,1) image_cloud = pc_utils.pointcloud2image(img.copy(), cloud, 3, image_meta['intr']) plt.imshow(image_cloud) plt.title('cloud') plt.subplot(1,2,2) image_target = pc_utils.pointcloud2image(img.copy(), target, 3, image_meta['intr']) plt.imshow(image_target) plt.title('target') # crop and convert image into torch image img_masked = np.transpose(np.array(img)[:, :, :3], (2, 0, 1))[:, rmin:rmax, cmin:cmax] # return sample as torch return torch.from_numpy(cloud.astype(np.float32)), \ torch.LongTensor(choose.astype(np.int32)), \ self.norm(torch.from_numpy(img_masked.astype(np.float32))), \ torch.from_numpy(target.astype(np.float32)), \ torch.from_numpy(model_points.astype(np.float32)), \ torch.LongTensor([int(obj) - 1])
def full_prediction(image, depth, meta, segmentor, estimator, refiner, to_tensor, normalize, device, cuda, color_dict, class_names=None, point_clouds=None, plot=False, color_prediction=False, bbox=False, put_text=False): start_time = time.time() output_dict = {'predictions': {}, 'elapsed_times': {}} if color_prediction: output_dict['segmented_prediction'] = np.array(copy.deepcopy(image), dtype=np.float) output_dict['pose_prediction'] = np.array(copy.deepcopy(image), dtype=np.float) # preprocesses input x = copy.deepcopy(image) x = to_tensor(x) x = normalize(x) x = x = x.unsqueeze(0) # get segmetation label pred = segmentor.predict(x) pred = F.softmax(pred, dim=1) if cuda: pred = pred.cpu() pred = pred[0] # crop and preproceses label to pass into the pose estimation pred_arg = torch.argmax(pred, dim=0).numpy() found_cls, counts = np.unique(pred_arg, return_counts=True) if 0 in found_cls: start = 1 else: start = 0 for i, cls in enumerate(found_cls[start:]): if counts[i+start] > 100: cls_pred_arg = copy.deepcopy(pred_arg) cls_pred_arg[cls_pred_arg != cls] = 0 cls_pred = cls_pred_arg * pred[cls].numpy() ret, labels = cv2.connectedComponents(np.array(cls_pred_arg, dtype=np.uint8), connectivity=8) biggest = 1 biggest_score = 0 unique = np.unique(labels) if 0 in unique: start2 = 1 else: start2 = 0 for u in unique[start2:]: score = np.mean(cls_pred[labels == u]) if score > biggest_score: biggest_score = score biggest = u cls_pred[labels != biggest] = 0 cls_pred[cls_pred != 0] = 255 cls_pred = np.array(cls_pred, dtype=np.uint8) output_dict['predictions'][class_names[cls-1]] = {'mask': cls_pred} if color_prediction: for c, color_value in enumerate(color_dict[class_names[cls-1]]['value']): c_mask = np.zeros(cls_pred.shape) c_mask[cls_pred != 0] = color_value output_dict['segmented_prediction'][:, :, c][cls_pred != 0] = \ output_dict['segmented_prediction'][:, :, c][cls_pred != 0] * 0.7 + c_mask[cls_pred != 0] * 0.3 if bbox: bbox = get_bbox(cls_pred) cv2.rectangle(output_dict['segmented_prediction'], (bbox[2], bbox[0]), (bbox[3], bbox[1]), color_dict[class_names[cls-1]]['value'], 2) if put_text: bbox = get_bbox(cls_pred) try: cv2.putText(output_dict['segmented_prediction'], 'Segmentation', (10, 30), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 1, (0, 0, 0), 2, cv2.LINE_AA) cv2.putText(output_dict['segmented_prediction'], class_names[cls - 1], (bbox[2] + 10, bbox[0] - 10), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 1, color_dict[class_names[cls-1]]['value'], 2, cv2.LINE_AA) except: pass if color_prediction: output_dict['segmented_prediction'][output_dict['segmented_prediction'] < 0] = 0 output_dict['segmented_prediction'][output_dict['segmented_prediction'] > 255] = 255 output_dict['segmented_prediction'] = np.array(output_dict['segmented_prediction'], dtype=np.uint8) output_dict['elapsed_times']['segmentation'] = time.time()-start_time start_time_pose = time.time() xmap = np.array([[j for i in range(640)] for j in range(480)]) ymap = np.array([[i for i in range(640)] for j in range(480)]) num_points = 1000 # estimate the pose for cls in output_dict['predictions']: #print('cls name', cls, class_names.index(cls)) mask_label = ma.getmaskarray(ma.masked_equal(output_dict['predictions'][cls]['mask'], 255)) rmin, rmax, cmin, cmax = get_bbox(mask_label) mask_depth = ma.getmaskarray(ma.masked_not_equal(depth, 0)) mask = mask_label * mask_depth # select some points on the object choose = mask[rmin:rmax, cmin:cmax].flatten().nonzero()[0] if len(choose) == 0: continue if len(choose) > num_points: c_mask = np.zeros(len(choose), dtype=int) c_mask[:num_points] = 1 np.random.shuffle(c_mask) choose = choose[c_mask.nonzero()] else: choose = np.pad(choose, (0, num_points - len(choose)), 'wrap') # select the choosen points depth_masked = depth[rmin:rmax, cmin:cmax].flatten()[choose][:, np.newaxis].astype(np.float32) xmap_masked = xmap[rmin:rmax, cmin:cmax].flatten()[choose][:, np.newaxis].astype(np.float32) ymap_masked = ymap[rmin:rmax, cmin:cmax].flatten()[choose][:, np.newaxis].astype(np.float32) choose = np.array([choose]) # compute the cartesian space position of each pixel and sample to point cloud pt2 = depth_masked * meta['depth_scale'] pt0 = (ymap_masked - meta['intr']['ppx']) * pt2 / meta['intr']['fx'] pt1 = (xmap_masked - meta['intr']['ppy']) * pt2 / meta['intr']['fy'] points = np.concatenate((pt0, pt1, pt2), axis=1) #np_points = copy.deepcopy(points) points = torch.from_numpy(points.astype(np.float32)).unsqueeze(0).to(device) choose = torch.LongTensor(choose.astype(np.int32)).unsqueeze(0).to(device) img = np.transpose(np.array(image)[:, :, :3], (2, 0, 1))[:, rmin:rmax, cmin:cmax] img = normalize(torch.from_numpy(img.astype(np.float32))).unsqueeze(0).to(device) idx = torch.LongTensor([int(class_names.index(cls))]).unsqueeze(0).to(device) pred_r, pred_t, pred_c, emb = estimator(img, points, choose, idx) new_points = get_new_points(pred_r, pred_t, pred_c, points) _, my_r, my_t = my_estimator_prediction(pred_r, pred_t, pred_c, num_points, 1, points) # refine the pose for ite in range(0, 2): pred_r, pred_t = refiner(new_points, emb, idx) _, my_r, my_t = my_refined_prediction(pred_r, pred_t, my_r, my_t) output_dict['predictions'][cls]['position'] = my_t output_dict['predictions'][cls]['rotation'] = my_r if color_prediction: my_r = quaternion_matrix(my_r)[:3, :3] np_pred =[class_names.index(cls)], my_r.T) np_pred = np.add(np_pred, my_t) output_dict['pose_prediction'] = pc_utils.pointcloud2image(output_dict['pose_prediction'], np_pred, 3, meta['intr'], color=color_dict[cls]['value']) if put_text: try: cv2.putText(output_dict['pose_prediction'], 'Pose Estimation', (10, 30), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 1, (0, 0, 0), 2, cv2.LINE_AA) except: pass if color_prediction: output_dict['pose_prediction'][output_dict['pose_prediction'] < 0] = 0 output_dict['pose_prediction'][output_dict['pose_prediction'] > 255] = 255 output_dict['pose_prediction'] = np.array(output_dict['pose_prediction'], dtype=np.uint8) output_dict['elapsed_times']['pose_estimation'] = time.time() - start_time_pose if plot and color_prediction: title = '' for cls in output_dict['predictions']: title += '{}: {}, '.format(color_dict[cls]['tag'], cls) fig, axs = plt.subplots(1, 2, constrained_layout=True) fig.suptitle(title) plt.subplot(1, 2, 1) plt.imshow(output_dict['segmented_prediction']) plt.axis('off') plt.title('segmented_prediction') plt.subplot(1, 2, 2) plt.imshow(output_dict['pose_prediction']) plt.axis('off') plt.title('pose_prediction') del_keys = [] for cls in output_dict['predictions'].keys(): #print(output_dict['predictions'][cls].keys()) if 'position' not in output_dict['predictions'][cls]: del_keys.append(cls) elif 'rotation' not in output_dict['predictions'][cls]: del_keys.append(cls) elif 'mask' not in output_dict['predictions'][cls]: del_keys.append(cls) for cls in del_keys: print('Deleting cls "{}"'.format(cls)) del output_dict['predictions'][cls] output_dict['elapsed_times']['total'] = time.time() - start_time # return dict with found objects and their pose. also return the painted image return output_dict
def visualise_pose_label(root): path = os.path.join(root, 'label_generator/data') objects = sorted(os.listdir(path)) if len(objects) == 0: return print('No Labels available') while True: print('____________________________________________________________________') selection = get_selection(objects, 'Select Object') if not selection: break object_path = os.path.join(path, selection) foregrounds = sorted(os.listdir(object_path)) if not foregrounds: print('The object "{}" has no foregrounds'.format(selection)) continue while True: print('____________________________________________________________________') foreground = get_selection(foregrounds, 'Select the foreground') if not foreground: break foreground_path = os.path.join(object_path, foreground) label_dirs = list(os.listdir(foreground_path)) if not label_dirs: print('The foreground "{}" has no labels'.format(foreground)) continue l = len('.meta.json') dirs = np.array([d[:-l] for d in label_dirs if '.meta.json' in d]) np.random.shuffle(dirs) data_path = os.path.join(root, 'data_generation/data', selection, foreground) pc_path = os.path.join(root, 'pc_reconstruction/data', selection, '{}.ply'.format(selection)) cancellationToken = CancellationToken() thread = Thread(target=stop_visualise, args=[cancellationToken]) thread.daemon = False thread.start() for d in dirs: with open(os.path.join(data_path, '{}.color.png'.format(d)), 'rb') as f: image = np.array('RGB'), dtype=np.uint8) with open(os.path.join(data_path, '{}.meta.json'.format(d))) as f: image_meta = json.load(f) intr = image_meta.get('intr') with open(os.path.join(foreground_path, '{}.meta.json'.format(d))) as f: meta = json.load(f) object_position = np.array(meta.get('position')) object_rotation = np.array(meta.get('rotation')).reshape(3, 3) cam2object = np.identity(4) cam2object[:3, 3] = object_position cam2object[:3, :3] = object_rotation point_cloud = point_cloud.transform(cam2object) added = pc_utils.pointcloud2image(copy.deepcopy(image), point_cloud, 3, intr) plt.cla() plt.subplot(1, 2, 1) plt.imshow(image) plt.title('Image') plt.axis('off') plt.subplot(1, 2, 2) plt.imshow(added) plt.title('Added') plt.axis('off') if cancellationToken.is_cancelled: break return print('Returning to Visualization Menu')
def __getitem__(self, index): # load data and meta data if index < self.len_data: if self.show_sample: print('view point sample') # load view point data img ='{0}/{1}.color.png'.format( self.root, self.list[index])) depth ='{0}/{1}.depth.png'.format( self.root, self.list[index])) with open('{0}/{1}.meta.json'.format( self.root, self.list[index])) as json_file: image_meta = json.load(json_file) label ='{0}/{1}.{2}.label.png'.format( self.label_root, self.list[index], self.label_mode)) with open('{0}/{1}.meta.json'.format( self.label_root, self.list[index])) as json_file: meta = json.load(json_file) elif index < self.length: if self.show_sample: print('extra sample') # load extra data img ='{0}/{1}.color.png'.format( self.root, self.extra_data[self.extra_data_index])) depth ='{0}/{1}.depth.png'.format( self.root, self.extra_data[self.extra_data_index])) with open('{0}/{1}.meta.json'.format( self.root, self.extra_data[self.extra_data_index])) as json_file: image_meta = json.load(json_file) label ='{0}/{1}.new_pred.label.png'.format( self.label_root, self.extra_data[self.extra_data_index])) with open('{0}/{1}.meta.json'.format( self.label_root, self.extra_data[self.extra_data_index])) as json_file: meta = json.load(json_file) self.extra_data_index += 1 if self.extra_data_index >= self.len_extra_data: self.extra_data_ids = np.arange(self.len_extra_data) np.random.shuffle(self.extra_data_ids) self.extra_data_index = 0 else: raise ValueError # set the camera intrinsitcs cam_cx = image_meta['intr']['ppx'] cam_cy = image_meta['intr']['ppy'] cam_fx = image_meta['intr']['fx'] cam_fy = image_meta['intr']['fy'] # find the object class id obj = self.class_id_names.index(meta['cls_name']) # augment the data if self.add_noise: # change color img = self.trancolor(img) # rotate angle = random.uniform(-180, 180) augment_rotation = np.identity(4) augment_rotation[:3, :3] = transforms3d.euler.euler2mat( 0, 0, np.deg2rad(angle)) img = img.rotate(angle) label = label.rotate(angle) depth = depth.rotate(angle) # load tf from the camera to the robot cam2robot = np.array(meta['cam2robot']).reshape((4, 4)) # if the image is rotated we need to rotate the camera before computing the target object pose if self.add_noise: cam2robot =, cam2robot) # compute object pose robot2object = np.array(meta['robot2object']).reshape((4, 4)) cam2object =, robot2object) target_r = cam2object[:3, :3] target_t = cam2object[:3, 3] if self.to_meter: target_t = target_t / 1000 #convert input numpy img = np.array(img) label = np.array(label) depth = np.array(depth) # get masks and bounding box around the object mask_label = ma.getmaskarray(ma.masked_equal(label, 255)) rmin, rmax, cmin, cmax = get_bbox(mask_label) mask_depth = ma.getmaskarray(ma.masked_not_equal(depth, 0)) mask = mask_label * mask_depth # add some offset noise to the target position if self.add_noise: add_t = np.array([ random.uniform(-self.noise_trans, self.noise_trans) for i in range(3) ]) # select some points on the object choose = mask[rmin:rmax, cmin:cmax].flatten().nonzero()[0] if len(choose) > self.num_pt: c_mask = np.zeros(len(choose), dtype=int) c_mask[:self.num_pt] = 1 np.random.shuffle(c_mask) choose = choose[c_mask.nonzero()] else: choose = np.pad(choose, (0, self.num_pt - len(choose)), 'wrap') # select the choosen points depth_masked = depth[rmin:rmax, cmin:cmax].flatten()[choose][:, np.newaxis].astype( np.float32) xmap_masked = self.xmap[ rmin:rmax, cmin:cmax].flatten()[choose][:, np.newaxis].astype(np.float32) ymap_masked = self.ymap[ rmin:rmax, cmin:cmax].flatten()[choose][:, np.newaxis].astype(np.float32) choose = np.array([choose]) # compute the cartesian space position of each pixel and sample to point cloud cam_scale = image_meta['depth_scale'] pt2 = depth_masked * cam_scale if not self.to_meter: pt2 = pt2 * 1000 pt0 = (ymap_masked - cam_cx) * pt2 / cam_fx pt1 = (xmap_masked - cam_cy) * pt2 / cam_fy cloud = np.concatenate((pt0, pt1, pt2), axis=1) if self.add_noise: cloud = np.add(cloud, add_t) # if needed delete some points from the target model points to have the same number all the time dellist = [j for j in range(0, len(self.cld[obj]))] dellist = random.sample(dellist, len(self.cld[obj]) - self.num_pt_mesh) model_points = np.delete(self.cld[obj], dellist, axis=0) # rotate and move the target into the image target =, target_r.T) if self.add_noise: target = np.add(target, target_t + add_t) else: target = np.add(target, target_t) # show the created sample for debug (if wanted) if self.show_sample: fig, axs = plt.subplots(1, 2, constrained_layout=True) fig.suptitle('{}, {}'.format(meta['cls_name'], obj), fontsize=16) plt.subplot(1, 2, 1) image_cloud = pc_utils.pointcloud2image(img.copy(), cloud, 3, image_meta['intr']) plt.imshow(image_cloud) plt.title('cloud') plt.subplot(1, 2, 2) plt.title('target') image_target = pc_utils.pointcloud2image(img.copy(), target, 3, image_meta['intr']) plt.imshow(image_target) # crop and convert image into torch image img_masked = np.transpose(np.array(img)[:, :, :3], (2, 0, 1))[:, rmin:rmax, cmin:cmax] # return sample as torch if self.mode == 'test': return torch.from_numpy(cloud.astype(np.float32)), \ torch.LongTensor(choose.astype(np.int32)), \ self.norm(torch.from_numpy(img_masked.astype(np.float32))), \ torch.from_numpy(target.astype(np.float32)), \ torch.from_numpy(model_points.astype(np.float32)), \ torch.LongTensor([int(obj)]), \ image_meta['intr'],\ img.copy() else: return torch.from_numpy(cloud.astype(np.float32)), \ torch.LongTensor(choose.astype(np.int32)), \ self.norm(torch.from_numpy(img_masked.astype(np.float32))), \ torch.from_numpy(target.astype(np.float32)), \ torch.from_numpy(model_points.astype(np.float32)), \ torch.LongTensor([int(obj)])
def create_pose_label(root, object_name, global_regression, icp_point2point, icp_point2plane, plot=False, view_label=False, with_extra=False): object_path = os.path.join(root, 'data_generation/data', object_name) dirs = os.listdir(object_path) background_path = os.path.join(object_path, 'background') pc_path = os.path.join(root, 'pc_reconstruction/data', object_name, '{}_out.ply'.format(object_name)) pco_path = os.path.join(root, 'pc_reconstruction/data', object_name, '{}.ply'.format(object_name)) try: i = dirs.index('background') del dirs[i] except: raise ValueError( 'background does not exist in object_path: {}'.format(object_path)) if 'extra' in dirs: i = dirs.index('extra') del dirs[i] if with_extra: dirs.append('extra') if len(dirs) < 1: raise ValueError('no foreground') remember_pos_and_rot = [] for d in dirs: pc_position = None pc_rotation = None data_path = os.path.join(object_path, d) label_path = os.path.join(root, 'label_generator/data', object_name, d) print('Getting pc position for {}'.format(d)) if d != 'extra': source = pc_position = pc_utils.get_my_source_center(source) # exchange with read correct from meta for meta_file in os.listdir(data_path): if meta_file[-5:] == '.json': with open(os.path.join(data_path, meta_file)) as f: meta = json.load(f) pc_rotation = np.array( meta.get('object_pose')).reshape(4, 4)[:3, :3] break old_rotation = np.rad2deg( transforms3d.euler.mat2euler(pc_rotation)) if not np.array_equal(old_rotation, np.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0])): # load point cloud pc_target_path = os.path.join(root, 'pc_reconstruction/data', object_name, '{}.ply'.format(d)) target = source = #pc_utils.draw_registration_result(source, target, np.identity(4)) # match pointcloud to current surface target, source, init_tf = pc_utils.icp_regression( target, source, voxel_size=5, threshold=10, global_regression=global_regression, icp_point2point=icp_point2point, icp_point2plane=icp_point2plane, plot=plot) print('requested rotation: {}'.format(old_rotation)) pc_rotation =, init_tf[:3, :3]) diff_rotation = np.rad2deg( transforms3d.euler.mat2euler(init_tf[:3, :3])) euler = np.array(transforms3d.euler.mat2euler(pc_rotation)) # set zeros where there should be no rotations for i, angle in enumerate(old_rotation): if angle == 0.0: euler[i] = 0.0 diff_rotation[i] = 0.0 pc_rotation = transforms3d.euler.euler2mat( euler[0], euler[1], euler[2]) new_rotation = np.rad2deg( transforms3d.euler.mat2euler(pc_rotation)) print('___') print('found rotation: {}'.format(new_rotation)) print('diff in rotation: {}'.format(diff_rotation)) print('old pc_position: {}'.format(pc_position)) print('new pc_position: {}'.format( np.array(source.get_center()))) print('diff in pc_position: {}'.format( np.array(source.get_center() - pc_position))) print('___') pc_position = np.array(pc_utils.get_my_source_center(source)) remember_pos_and_rot.append({ 'old_rotation': old_rotation, 'pc_position': pc_position, 'pc_rotation': pc_rotation }) samples = list(os.listdir(data_path)) samples = [d[:-10] for d in samples if '.color.png' in d] for id in samples: with open(os.path.join(data_path, '{}.meta.json'.format(id))) as f: meta = json.load(f) intr = meta.get('intr') robotEndEff2Cam = np.array( meta.get('hand_eye_calibration')).reshape((4, 4)) robot2endEff_tf = np.array( meta.get('robot2endEff_tf')).reshape((4, 4)) object_pose = np.array(meta.get('object_pose')).reshape( 4, 4)[:3, :3] if d == 'extra': for rembered in remember_pos_and_rot: object_rotation = np.rad2deg( transforms3d.euler.mat2euler(object_pose)) if np.array_equal(object_rotation, rembered['old_rotation']): pc_position = rembered['pc_position'] pc_rotation = rembered['pc_rotation'] break # get the transformation from the camera to the object robot2object = np.identity(4) robot2object[:3, :3] = pc_rotation robot2object[:3, 3] = pc_position cam2robot =, np.linalg.inv(robot2endEff_tf)) cam2object =, robot2object) object_position = cam2object[:3, 3] object_rotation = cam2object[:3, :3] pose_label = { 'position': list(object_position), 'rotation': list(object_rotation.flatten()), 'cls_name': object_name, 'cam2robot': list(cam2robot.flatten()), 'robot2object': list(robot2object.flatten()) } with open(os.path.join(label_path, '{}.meta.json'.format(id)), 'w') as f: json.dump(pose_label, f) if view_label: # paint the image with open(os.path.join(data_path, '{}.color.png'.format(id)), 'rb') as f: image = np.array('RGB')) point_cloud = point_cloud.transform(cam2object) image = pc_utils.pointcloud2image(image, point_cloud, 3, intr) plt.imshow(image)
def main(data_set_name, root, save_extra='', load_pretrained=True, load_trained=False, load_name='', label_mode='new_pred', p_extra_data=0.0, p_viewpoints=1.0, show_sample=False, plot_train=False, device_num=0): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('--batch_size', type=int, default=8, help='batch size') parser.add_argument('--workers', type=int, default=8, help='number of data loading workers') parser.add_argument('--lr', default=0.0001, help='learning rate') parser.add_argument('--lr_rate', default=0.3, help='learning rate decay rate') parser.add_argument('--w', default=0.015, help='learning rate') parser.add_argument('--w_rate', default=0.3, help='learning rate decay rate') parser.add_argument('--decay_margin', default=0.016, help='margin to decay lr & w') parser.add_argument( '--refine_margin', default=0.010, help='margin to start the training of iterative refinement') parser.add_argument( '--noise_trans', default=0.03, help= 'range of the random noise of translation added to the training data') parser.add_argument('--iteration', type=int, default=2, help='number of refinement iterations') parser.add_argument('--nepoch', type=int, default=500, help='max number of epochs to train') parser.add_argument('--refine_epoch_margin', type=int, default=400, help='max number of epochs to train') parser.add_argument('--start_epoch', type=int, default=1, help='which epoch to start') opt = parser.parse_args() opt.manualSeed = random.randint(1, 10000) torch.cuda.set_device(device_num) random.seed(opt.manualSeed) torch.manual_seed(opt.manualSeed) print('bs', opt.batch_size, 'it', opt.iteration) opt.refine_start = False opt.num_points = 1000 #number of points on the input pointcloud opt.outf = os.path.join(root, 'DenseFusion/trained_models', data_set_name + save_extra) #folder to save trained models if not os.path.exists(opt.outf): os.makedirs(opt.outf) opt.log_dir = os.path.join(root, 'DenseFusion/experiments/logs', data_set_name + save_extra) #folder to save logs opt.log_dir_images = os.path.join(root, 'DenseFusion/experiments/logs', data_set_name + save_extra, 'images') if not os.path.exists(opt.log_dir): os.makedirs(opt.log_dir) if not os.path.exists(opt.log_dir_images): os.makedirs(opt.log_dir_images) opt.repeat_epoch = 1 #number of repeat times for one epoch training print('create datasets') dataset = PoseDataset('train', opt.num_points, True, 0.0, opt.refine_start, data_set_name, root, show_sample=show_sample, label_mode=label_mode, p_extra_data=p_extra_data, p_viewpoints=p_viewpoints) test_dataset = PoseDataset('test', opt.num_points, False, 0.0, opt.refine_start, data_set_name, root, show_sample=show_sample, label_mode=label_mode, p_extra_data=p_extra_data, p_viewpoints=p_viewpoints) opt.num_objects = dataset.num_classes #number of object classes in the dataset print('n classes: {}'.format(dataset.num_classes)) print('create models') estimator = PoseNet(num_points=opt.num_points, num_obj=opt.num_objects) estimator.cuda() refiner = PoseRefineNet(num_points=opt.num_points, num_obj=opt.num_objects) refiner.cuda() if load_pretrained: # load the pretrained estimator model on the ycb dataset, leave the last layer due to mismatch init_state_dict = estimator.state_dict() pretrained_dict = torch.load( os.path.join(root, 'DenseFusion/trained_models/pose_model.pth')) pretrained_dict['conv4_r.weight'] = init_state_dict['conv4_r.weight'] pretrained_dict['conv4_r.bias'] = init_state_dict['conv4_r.bias'] pretrained_dict['conv4_t.weight'] = init_state_dict['conv4_t.weight'] pretrained_dict['conv4_t.bias'] = init_state_dict['conv4_t.bias'] pretrained_dict['conv4_c.weight'] = init_state_dict['conv4_c.weight'] pretrained_dict['conv4_c.bias'] = init_state_dict['conv4_c.bias'] estimator.load_state_dict(pretrained_dict) del init_state_dict del pretrained_dict # load the pretrained refiner model on the ycb dataset, leave the last layer due to mismatch init_state_dict = refiner.state_dict() pretrained_dict = torch.load( os.path.join(root, 'DenseFusion/trained_models/pose_refine_model.pth')) pretrained_dict['conv3_r.weight'] = init_state_dict['conv3_r.weight'] pretrained_dict['conv3_r.bias'] = init_state_dict['conv3_r.bias'] pretrained_dict['conv3_t.weight'] = init_state_dict['conv3_t.weight'] pretrained_dict['conv3_t.bias'] = init_state_dict['conv3_t.bias'] refiner.load_state_dict(pretrained_dict) del init_state_dict del pretrained_dict elif load_trained: loading_path = os.path.join( root, 'DenseFusion/trained_models/{}/pose_model.pth'.format(load_name)) pretrained_dict = torch.load(loading_path) estimator.load_state_dict(pretrained_dict) loading_path = os.path.join( root, 'DenseFusion/trained_models/{}/pose_refine_model.pth'.format( load_name)) pretrained_dict = torch.load(loading_path) refiner.load_state_dict(pretrained_dict) del pretrained_dict print('create optimizer and dataloader') #opt.refine_start = False opt.decay_start = False optimizer = optim.Adam(estimator.parameters(), #dataloader =, batch_size=2, shuffle=True, num_workers=opt.workers, # collate_fn=collate_fn) dataloader =, batch_size=1, shuffle=True, num_workers=opt.workers) testdataloader =, batch_size=1, shuffle=False, num_workers=opt.workers) opt.sym_list = dataset.get_sym_list() opt.num_points_mesh = dataset.get_num_points_mesh() print( '>>>>>>>>----------Dataset loaded!---------<<<<<<<<\nlength of the training set: {0}' '\nlength of the testing set: {1}\nnumber of sample points on mesh: {2}\nsymmetry object list: {3}' .format(len(dataset), len(test_dataset), opt.num_points_mesh, opt.sym_list)) criterion = Loss(opt.num_points_mesh, opt.sym_list) criterion_refine = Loss_refine(opt.num_points_mesh, opt.sym_list) best_test = np.Inf best_test_epoch = 0 best_train = np.Inf best_train_epoch = 0 if opt.start_epoch == 1: for log in os.listdir(opt.log_dir): if log != 'images': os.remove(os.path.join(opt.log_dir, log)) for img in os.listdir(opt.log_dir_images): os.remove(os.path.join(opt.log_dir_images, img)) train_dists = [] test_dists = [] losses = [] refiner_losses = [] best_loss = np.inf best_loss_epoch = 0 elapsed_times = 0.0 for epoch in range(opt.start_epoch, opt.nepoch): start_time = time.time() train_count = 0 train_dis_avg = 0.0 if opt.refine_start: estimator.eval() refiner.train() else: estimator.train() optimizer.zero_grad() epoch_losses = [] epoch_losses_refiner = [] for rep in range(opt.repeat_epoch): #for batch in dataloader: #points, choose, img, target, model_points, idx = batch #print(points.shape, choose.shape, img.shape, target.shape, model_points.shape) for i, data in enumerate(dataloader, 0): points, choose, img, target, model_points, idx = data #print(points.shape, choose.shape, img.shape, target.shape, model_points.shape) points, choose, img, target, model_points, idx = Variable(points).cuda(), \ Variable(choose).cuda(), \ Variable(img).cuda(), \ Variable(target).cuda(), \ Variable(model_points).cuda(), \ Variable(idx).cuda() pred_r, pred_t, pred_c, emb = estimator( img, points, choose, idx) loss, dis, new_points, new_target, pred = criterion( pred_r, pred_t, pred_c, target, model_points, idx, points, opt.w, opt.refine_start) epoch_losses.append(loss.item()) if opt.refine_start: for ite in range(0, opt.iteration): pred_r, pred_t = refiner(new_points, emb, idx) dis, new_points, new_target, pred = criterion_refine( pred_r, pred_t, new_target, model_points, idx, new_points) dis.backward() epoch_losses_refiner.append(dis.item()) else: loss.backward() epoch_losses_refiner.append(0) train_dis_avg += dis.item() train_count += 1 # make step after one epoch if train_count % opt.batch_size == 0: optimizer.step() optimizer.zero_grad() # make last step of epoch if something is remaining if train_count % opt.batch_size != 0: optimizer.step() optimizer.zero_grad() refiner_losses.append(np.mean(epoch_losses_refiner)) losses.append(np.mean(epoch_losses)) if losses[-1] < best_loss: best_loss = losses[-1] best_loss_epoch = epoch train_dists.append(train_dis_avg / train_count) if train_dists[-1] < best_train: best_train_epoch = epoch best_train = train_dists[-1] test_dis = 0.0 test_count = 0 estimator.eval() refiner.eval() if plot_train: # plot randomly selected validation preds jj = 0 x_axis = 0 fig_x = 4 fig_y = 4 log_indexes = sorted( list( np.random.choice(list(range(len(testdataloader))), int(fig_x * (fig_y / 2)), replace=False))) plt.cla() plt.close('all') fig, axs = plt.subplots(fig_x, fig_y, constrained_layout=True, figsize=(25, 15)) for j, data in enumerate(testdataloader, 0): points, choose, img, target, model_points, idx, intr, np_img = data points, choose, img, target, model_points, idx = Variable(points).cuda(), \ Variable(choose).cuda(), \ Variable(img).cuda(), \ Variable(target).cuda(), \ Variable(model_points).cuda(), \ Variable(idx).cuda() pred_r, pred_t, pred_c, emb = estimator(img, points, choose, idx) if plot_train: if j in log_indexes: my_pred, my_r, my_t = my_estimator_prediction( pred_r, pred_t, pred_c, opt.num_points, 1, points) _, dis, new_points, new_target, pred = criterion( pred_r, pred_t, pred_c, target, model_points, idx, points, opt.w, opt.refine_start) if opt.refine_start: for ite in range(0, opt.iteration): pred_r, pred_t = refiner(new_points, emb, idx) if plot_train: if j in log_indexes: my_pred, my_r, my_t = my_refined_prediction( pred_r, pred_t, my_r, my_t) dis, new_points, new_target, pred = criterion_refine( pred_r, pred_t, new_target, model_points, idx, new_points) if plot_train: if j in log_indexes: if jj == 4: jj = 0 x_axis += 1 my_r = quaternion_matrix(my_r)[:3, :3] np_pred =[0].data.cpu().numpy(), my_r.T) np_pred = np.add(np_pred, my_t) np_target = target[0].data.cpu().numpy() np_img = np_img[0].data.numpy() image_target = pc_utils.pointcloud2image( np_img.copy(), np_target, 3, intr) image_prediction = pc_utils.pointcloud2image( np_img.copy(), np_pred, 3, intr) axs[x_axis, jj].imshow(image_target) axs[x_axis, jj].set_title('target {}'.format(j)) axs[x_axis, jj].set_axis_off() jj += 1 axs[x_axis, jj].imshow(image_prediction) axs[x_axis, jj].set_title('prediction {}'.format(j)) axs[x_axis, jj].set_axis_off() jj += 1 test_dis += dis.item() test_count += 1 test_dis = test_dis / test_count test_dists.append(test_dis) if plot_train: fig.suptitle('epoch {}, with a average dist: {}'.format( epoch, test_dis), fontsize=16) plt.savefig( os.path.join(opt.log_dir_images, 'test_images_epoch_{}.png'.format(epoch))) if epoch > 1: plt.close('all') plt.cla() fig, axs = plt.subplots(2, 2, constrained_layout=True, figsize=(30, 20)) axs[0, 0].plot(losses) axs[0, 0].set_title('Training estimator loss') axs[0, 0].set_xlabel('Epochs') axs[0, 0].set_ylabel('Loss') axs[0, 1].plot(refiner_losses) axs[0, 1].set_title('Training refiner loss') axs[0, 1].set_xlabel('Epochs') axs[0, 1].set_ylabel('Loss') axs[1, 0].plot(train_dists) axs[1, 0].set_title('Training Avg. distance') axs[1, 0].set_xlabel('Epochs') axs[1, 0].set_ylabel('Avg. distance [m]') axs[1, 1].plot(test_dists) axs[1, 1].set_title('Test Avg. distance') axs[1, 1].set_xlabel('Epochs') axs[1, 1].set_ylabel('Avg. distance [m]') plt.savefig(os.path.join(opt.log_dir_images, 'losses.png')) out_dict = { 'losses': losses, 'refiner_losses': refiner_losses, 'train_dists': train_dists, 'test_dists': test_dists } with open(os.path.join(opt.log_dir, 'losses.json'), 'w') as outfile: json.dump(out_dict, outfile) del out_dict print('>>>>>>>>----------Epoch {0} finished---------<<<<<<<<'.format( epoch)) if test_dis <= best_test: best_test = test_dis best_test_epoch = epoch if opt.refine_start: state_dict = refiner.state_dict(), '{0}/pose_refine_model.pth'.format(opt.outf)) del state_dict else: state_dict = estimator.state_dict(), '{0}/pose_model.pth'.format(opt.outf)) del state_dict print('>>>>>>>>----------MODEL SAVED---------<<<<<<<<') t_elapsed = time.time() - start_time elapsed_times += t_elapsed / 3600 print('elapsed time: {} min, total elapsed time: {} hours'.format( np.round(t_elapsed / 60, 2), np.round(elapsed_times), 2)) print('Train loss : {}'.format(losses[-1])) print('Best train loss {} : {}'.format(best_loss_epoch, best_loss)) print('Train dist : {}'.format(train_dists[-1])) print('Best train dist {} : {}'.format(best_train_epoch, best_train)) print('Test dist : {}'.format(test_dists[-1])) print('Best test dist {} : {}'.format(best_test_epoch, best_test)) # changing stuff during training if... if best_test < opt.decay_margin and not opt.decay_start: print('decay lr') opt.decay_start = True *= opt.lr_rate opt.w *= opt.w_rate optimizer = optim.Adam(estimator.parameters(), if (best_test < opt.refine_margin or epoch >= opt.refine_epoch_margin) and not opt.refine_start: #print('train refiner') opt.refine_start = True print('bs', opt.batch_size, 'it', opt.iteration) opt.batch_size = int(opt.batch_size / opt.iteration) print('new bs', opt.batch_size) optimizer = optim.Adam(refiner.parameters(), #dataloader =, batch_size=1, shuffle=True, num_workers=opt.workers) #testdataloader =, batch_size=1, shuffle=False, num_workers=opt.workers) #opt.sym_list = dataset.get_sym_list() #opt.num_points_mesh = dataset.get_num_points_mesh() print('>>>>>>>>----------train refiner!---------<<<<<<<<') criterion = Loss(opt.num_points_mesh, opt.sym_list) criterion_refine = Loss_refine(opt.num_points_mesh, opt.sym_list)