def store_line(line, table_indices, assoc, annot_dict):
##    print('Now storing info.')
    if assoc:
        line_info = pc_toolbox.assoc_tuple(line, table_indices)
        line_info = meta_toolbox.meta_tuple(line, table_indices,annot_dict)
    return line_info
def filter_result(result_file, snpstar):
    line1 = True
    with open(result_file, mode="r") as result:
        for line in result:
            if line1:
                index_dict = pc_toolbox.read_assoc_titles(line,
                                                          .95, 'logistic')
                line1 = False
                lsplit = line.strip().split()
                if lsplit[index_dict['snp']] == snpstar:
                    #print('$$$ '+ line.strip())
                    info_tuple = pc_toolbox.assoc_tuple(line, index_dict)
                    #print info_tuple
                    return info_tuple
def read_assoc(assoc_loc, SNP_loc,c_interval,plink_test, exp):
    global p_bound, index_dict, firstloop
    tuple_list = []
    with open(assoc_loc, mode = 'r') as assoc_file:
        line1_check = True                                        
        for assoc_line in assoc_file:                           #open the assoc file to be read
##            assoc_list = assoc_line.split()
            if line1_check:
                if firstloop:
                    index_dict = pc_toolbox.read_assoc_titles(assoc_line, c_interval, plink_test)
##                    index_dict = identify_cols(assoc_list, c_interval, plink_test)
                    firstloop = False
                if loopcount == 0:
                    if os.path.exists(SNP_loc):
                        clear = open(SNP_loc, mode='w')
                line1_check = False
                tuplet = pc_toolbox.assoc_tuple(assoc_line, index_dict)
##                tuplet = get_tuple(assoc_list, index_dict)
                if is_number(tuplet.p) and tuplet.p < float(p_bound)* math.pow(10,exp):
    return tuple_list