    def compress(self, X):
        n = X.shape[0]
        # nearest_neighbours = np.zeros((n, self.nn))

        # Compute Euclidean distances
        D = utils.euclidean_dist_squared(X, X)
        D = np.sqrt(D)

        # If two points are disconnected (distance is Inf)
        # then set their distance to the maximum
        # distance in the graph, to encourage them to be far apart.

        adjacency_matrix = np.zeros((n, n))
        nearest_neighbours = self.knn(X)
        for i, j in enumerate(nearest_neighbours):
            for neighbour in j:
                adjacency_matrix[i, neighbour] = D[i, neighbour]
                adjacency_matrix[neighbour, i] = D[neighbour, i]

        dijkstra = utils.dijkstra(adjacency_matrix)

        dijkstra[np.isinf(dijkstra)] = dijkstra[~np.isinf(dijkstra)].max()
        # Initialize low-dimensional representation with PCA
        Z = PCA(self.k).fit(X).compress(X)

        # Solve for the minimizer
        z = find_min(self._fun_obj_z, Z.flatten(), 500, False, dijkstra)
        Z = z.reshape(n, self.k)
        return Z
文件: manifold.py 项目: jaysc96/CS340
    def compress(self, X):
        n = X.shape[0]
        k = self.k
        K = self.K

        # Compute Euclidean distances
        D = utils.euclidean_dist_squared(X, X)
        D = np.sqrt(D)
        nbrs = np.argsort(D, axis=1)[:, 1:K + 1]
        G = np.zeros((n, n))

        for i in range(n):
            for j in nbrs[i]:
                G[i, j] = D[i, j]
                G[j, i] = D[j, i]

        D = utils.dijkstra(G)
        D[D == np.inf] = -np.inf
        max = np.max(D)
        D[D == -np.inf] = max

        # Initialize low-dimensional representation with PCA
        Z = PCA(k).fit(X).compress(X)

        # Solve for the minimizer
        z = find_min(self._fun_obj_z, Z.flatten(), 500, False, D)
        Z = z.reshape(n, k)
        return Z
    def compress(self, X):
        n = X.shape[0]

        # Compute Euclidean distances
        D = utils.euclidean_dist_squared(X, X)
        D = np.sqrt(D)

        # Construct nearest neighbour graph
        G = np.zeros([n, n])
        for i in range(n):
            neighbours = np.argsort(D[i])[:self.nn + 1]
            for j in neighbours:
                G[i, j] = D[i, j]
                G[j, i] = D[j, i]

        # Compute ISOMAP distances
        D = utils.dijkstra(G)

        # If two points are disconnected (distance is Inf)
        # then set their distance to the maximum
        # distance in the graph, to encourage them to be far apart.
        D[np.isinf(D)] = D[~np.isinf(D)].max()

        # Initialize low-dimensional representation with PCA
        Z = PCA(self.k).fit(X).compress(X)

        # Solve for the minimizer
        z = find_min(self._fun_obj_z, Z.flatten(), 500, False, D)
        Z = z.reshape(n, self.k)
        return Z
    def compress(self, X):
        n = X.shape[0]
        k = self.k

        # Compute Euclidean distances
        D = utils.euclidean_dist_squared(X, X)
        D = np.sqrt(D)

        # Initialize low-dimensional representation with PCA
        Z = PCA(k).fit(X).compress(X)

        # Solve for the minimizer
        z = find_min(self._fun_obj_z, Z.flatten(), 500, False, D)
        Z = z.reshape(n, k)
        return Z