    def addAuiTab(self, tabName, evidenceDetails):
        global caseDir
        for x in caseDetails:
            caseDir = x[4]

        if tabName == "Summary":
            self.auiNotebook.AddPage(SummaryTab.TabPanel(self.auiNotebook, caseDetails, evidenceDetails), tabName, False, wx.NullBitmap)

        if tabName == "File":
            #create loading dialog
            self._dialog = wx.ProgressDialog("Loading", "Loading {tabName}".format(tabName=tabName), 100)  
            #start loading 
            #calls and open a aui tab from pcapFilesTab.py
            self.auiNotebook.AddPage(pcapFilesTab.TabPanel(self.auiNotebook, tabName, caseDir), tabName, False, wx.NullBitmap) 
            #sequence = [frameNumber, evidencePath, src_host_str, src_port, dst_host_str, dst_port, protocol, fileName, ext, size, timestamp]
            #added a page so the page we want to access is the last one
            window = self.auiNotebook.GetPage(self.auiNotebook.GetPageCount() - 1) 
            sequence = [1, "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10", "11"]
            pcapFilesTab.TabPanel.addPcapDetails(window, sequence)
            #get the PCAP data from the database and display in the GUI (Files Tab)
            index = 1
            while (True):
                row = connectdb.selectPcapEvidenceDetails(self.conn, index)
                if ( () == row or None == row ):
                    #from while-loop (no more data)
                pcapFilesTab.TabPanel.addPcapDetails(window, row)
                index = index + 1

        if tabName == "Sessions":
            #create loading dialog
            self._dialog = wx.ProgressDialog("Loading", "Loading {tabName}".format(tabName=tabName), 100) 
            #start loading 
            #calls and open a aui tab from pcapSessionsTab.py
            self.auiNotebook.AddPage(pcapSessionsTab.TabPanel(self.auiNotebook, tabName, caseDir), tabName, False, wx.NullBitmap)

        if tabName == "DNS":
            #create loading dialog
            self._dialog = wx.ProgressDialog("Loading", "Loading {tabName}".format(tabName=tabName), 100)  
            #start loading 
            #calls and open a aui tab from pcapDNSTab.py
            self.auiNotebook.AddPage(pcapDNSTab.TabPanel(self.auiNotebook, tabName, caseDir), tabName, False, wx.NullBitmap) 

        if tabName == "Credentials":
            #create loading dialog
            self._dialog = wx.ProgressDialog("Loading", "Loading {tabName}".format(tabName=tabName), 100) 
            #start loading  
            #calls and open a aui tab from pcapCredentialsTab.py  
            self.auiNotebook.AddPage(pcapCredentialsTab.TabPanel(self.auiNotebook, tabName, caseDir), tabName, False, wx.NullBitmap) 
    def addAuiTab(self, tabName, evidenceDetails):
        global caseDir
        for x in caseDetails:
            caseDir = x[4]

        if tabName == "Summary":
            self.auiNotebook.AddPage(SummaryTab.TabPanel(self.auiNotebook, caseDetails, evidenceDetails), tabName, False, wx.NullBitmap)

        if tabName == "File":
            self._dialog = wx.ProgressDialog("Loading", "Loading {tabName}".format(tabName=tabName), 100)  #create loading dialog
            LoadingDialog(self._dialog)                                                                    #start loading 
            self.auiNotebook.AddPage(pcapFilesTab.TabPanel(self.auiNotebook, tabName, caseDir), tabName, False, wx.NullBitmap) #calls and open a aui tab from DeletedFilesTab.py

        if tabName == "Images":
            self._dialog = wx.ProgressDialog("Loading", "Loading {tabName}".format(tabName=tabName), 100)  #create loading dialog
            LoadingDialog(self._dialog)                                                                    #start loading 
            self.auiNotebook.AddPage(ImagesTab.TabPanel(self.auiNotebook, tabName, caseDir), tabName, False, wx.NullBitmap) #calls and open a aui tab from DeletedFilesTab.py

        if tabName == "Sessions":
            self._dialog = wx.ProgressDialog("Loading", "Loading {tabName}".format(tabName=tabName), 100)  #create loading dialog
            LoadingDialog(self._dialog)                                                                    #start loading 
            self.auiNotebook.AddPage(pcapSessionsTab.SessionsTabPanel(self.auiNotebook, caseDir), tabName, False, wx.NullBitmap) #calls and open a aui tab from DeletedFilesTab.py

        if tabName == "DNS":
            self._dialog = wx.ProgressDialog("Loading", "Loading {tabName}".format(tabName=tabName), 100)  #create loading dialog
            LoadingDialog(self._dialog)                                                                    #start loading 
            self.auiNotebook.AddPage(pcapDNSTab.DNSTabPanel(self.auiNotebook, caseDir), tabName, False, wx.NullBitmap) #calls and open a aui tab from DeletedFilesTab.py

        if tabName == "Credentials":
            self._dialog = wx.ProgressDialog("Loading", "Loading {tabName}".format(tabName=tabName), 100)  #create loading dialog
            LoadingDialog(self._dialog)                                                                    #start loading 
            self.auiNotebook.AddPage(CredentialsTab.TabPanel(self.auiNotebook, tabName, caseDir), tabName, False, wx.NullBitmap) #calls and open a aui tab from DeletedFilesTab.py

        if tabName == "Bookmarks":
            self._dialog = wx.ProgressDialog("Loading", "Loading {tabName}".format(tabName=tabName), 100)
            self.auiNotebook.AddPage(AnalyzedDataTab.TabPanel(self.auiNotebook, tabName, evidenceDetails, caseDir, caseDbPath), tabName, False, wx.NullBitmap)  #calls and open a aui tab from SummaryTab.py

        # TODO un-comment-out the following code once evidence exists properly
        # note: commented-out to allow File tab to be tested before database code added
        """for x in evidenceDetails:                  
    def addAuiTab(self, tabName, evidenceDetails):
        global caseDir
        for x in caseDetails:
            caseDir = x[4]

        if tabName == "Summary":
            self.auiNotebook.AddPage(SummaryTab.TabPanel(self.auiNotebook, caseDetails, evidenceDetails), tabName, False, wx.NullBitmap)

        if tabName == "File":
            self._dialog = wx.ProgressDialog("Loading", "Loading {tabName}".format(tabName=tabName), 100)  #create loading dialog
            LoadingDialog(self._dialog)                                                                    #start loading 
            self.auiNotebook.AddPage(pcapFilesTab.TabPanel(self.auiNotebook, tabName, caseDir), tabName, False, wx.NullBitmap) #calls and open a aui tab from DeletedFilesTab.py
            #sequence = [frameNumber, evidencePath, src_host_str, src_port, dst_host_str, dst_port, protocol, fileName, ext, size, timestamp]
            window = self.auiNotebook.GetPage(self.auiNotebook.GetPageCount() - 1) # we've just added a page so the page we want to access is the last one
            sequence = [1, "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10", "11"]
            pcapFilesTab.TabPanel.addPcapDetails(window, sequence)
            # Get the PCAP data from the database and display in the GUI (File tab)
            index = 1
            while (True):
                row = connectdb.selectPcapEvidenceDetails(self.conn, index)
                if ( () == row or None == row ):
                    break # from while-loop (no more data)
                pcapFilesTab.TabPanel.addPcapDetails(window, row)
                index = index + 1

        if tabName == "Images":
            self._dialog = wx.ProgressDialog("Loading", "Loading {tabName}".format(tabName=tabName), 100)
            self.auiNotebook.AddPage(AnalyzedDataTab.TabPanel(self.auiNotebook, tabName, evidenceDetails, caseDir, caseDbPath), tabName, False, wx.NullBitmap)  

        if tabName == "Sessions":
            self._dialog = wx.ProgressDialog("Loading", "Loading {tabName}".format(tabName=tabName), 100)  #create loading dialog
            LoadingDialog(self._dialog)                                                                    #start loading 
            self.auiNotebook.AddPage(pcapSessionsTab.TabPanel(self.auiNotebook, caseDir), tabName, False, wx.NullBitmap) 

            #sequence = [Packet, timestamp, src_ip, dst_ip, request]
            window = self.auiNotebook.GetPage(self.auiNotebook.GetPageCount() - 1) # we've just added a page so the page we want to access is the last one
            sequence = [1, "2", "3", "4", "5"]
            pcapSessionsTab.TabPanel.addSessionsDetails(window, sequence)
            # Get the PCAP data from the database and display in the GUI (Sessions tab)
            index = 1
            while (True):
                row = connectdb.selectPcapSessionsDetails(self.conn, index)
                if ( () == row or None == row ):
                    break # from while-loop (no more data)
                pcapSessionsTab.TabPanel.addSessionsDetails(window, row)
                index = index + 1

        if tabName == "DNS":
            self._dialog = wx.ProgressDialog("Loading", "Loading {tabName}".format(tabName=tabName), 100)  #create loading dialog
            LoadingDialog(self._dialog)                                                                    #start loading 
            self.auiNotebook.AddPage(pcapDNSTab.TabPanel(self.auiNotebook, caseDir), tabName, False, wx.NullBitmap) 

        if tabName == "Bookmarks":
            self._dialog = wx.ProgressDialog("Loading", "Loading {tabName}".format(tabName=tabName), 100)
            self.auiNotebook.AddPage(AnalyzedDataTab.TabPanel(self.auiNotebook, tabName, evidenceDetails, caseDir, caseDbPath), tabName, False, wx.NullBitmap)  

        for x in evidenceDetails:                  
            evidenceDbConn = connectdb.create_connection(x[2])                      #connects to tsk database
            evidenceDbInfo = connectdb.select_image_info(evidenceDbConn)            #get name, size and md5 from tsk database
            evidencePart  = connectdb.select_image_partitions(evidenceDbConn)       #get partition info from tsk database
            count = 0
            for i in evidencePart:
                count += 1
                if tabName == "Vol{count} {desc}: {start}-{end})".format(count=count, desc=str(i[2]), start=str(i[0]), end=str(i[1])):
                    self._dialog = wx.ProgressDialog("Loading", "Loading {tabName}".format(tabName=tabName), 100)
                    self.auiNotebook.AddPage(AnalyzedDataTab.TabPanel(self.auiNotebook, tabName, evidenceDetails, caseDir, caseDbPath), tabName, False, wx.NullBitmap)