def build_base(): base = Database(writable=True) base.upgrade_base() print('#' * 78) print("1- Importing filters...\n") build_filters(base) print("\nDONE\n") print('#' * 78) print("2- Importing Maraston 2005 SSP\n") build_m2005(base) print("\nDONE\n") print('#' * 78) print("3- Importing Bruzual and Charlot 2003 SSP\n") build_bc2003(base) print("\nDONE\n") print('#' * 78) print("4- Importing Draine and Li (2007) models\n") build_dl2007(base) print("\nDONE\n") print('#' * 78) print("5- Importing the updated Draine and Li (2007 models)\n") build_dl2014(base) print("\nDONE\n") print('#' * 78) print("6- Importing Fritz et al. (2006) models\n") build_fritz2006(base) print("\nDONE\n") print('#' * 78) print("7- Importing Dale et al (2014) templates\n") build_dale2014(base) print("\nDONE\n") print('#' * 78) print("8- Importing nebular lines and continuum\n") build_nebular(base) print("\nDONE\n") print('#' * 78) print("9- Importing Schreiber et al (2016) models\n") build_schreiber2016(base) print("\nDONE\n") print('#' * 78) base.session.close_all()
def main(target): with context(f'./data/{target}/fitting', target) as (env, _): vars = env.determining_filters # recover the filter families created for this thesis. The hack here is that the description # is the name of the family, where the name is the name of the filter itself with Database() as db: filter_families = [ row[0] for row in db.session.execute( "select distinct description from filters where name like 'thesis-filter%'" ) ] for filter_family in filter_families: with context(f'./{filter_family}', target): call('pcigale init') config_update(vars['pcigale_init'], { 'analysis_method': 'pdf_analysis', 'cores': mp.cpu_count() - 1 }) call('pcigale genconf')
def main(target): with context(f'./data/{target}/filters', target=target) as (env, _): filters = create_filters(lambda_range_min=400.0, lambda_range_max=800.0, lambda_width=10.0) with Database(writable=True) as db: # I do not use base.add_filter, because that raise dont specific exception when there are duplicated # filter names. I need more like "insert or update" approach [db.session.merge(FilterTable(filter_)) for filter_ in filters] db.session.commit()
def create_filter_family(lambda_range_min, lambda_range_max, lambda_width): """ Create a collection of filters refer as FilterFamily tuple. Non isolated: this save the filters in the database :param lambda_range_min: float :param lambda_range_max: float :param lambda_width: float :return: FilterFamily tuple """ # determining the number of filters n_filters = np.ceil(np.ceil(lambda_range_max - lambda_range_min) / lambda_width) family_name = f'thesis-filter_{lambda_range_min}_{lambda_range_max}_{lambda_width}' print(f'Making {n_filters} filters for FilterFamily: {family_name}') filters = [] with Database(writable=True) as db: for i in range(0, int(n_filters)): lambda_min = lambda_range_min + lambda_width * i lambda_max = lambda_min + lambda_width filter_name = f'{family_name}_{i}' # the filter shape is a rectangular wavelength = [lambda_min - 0.2, lambda_min, lambda_max, lambda_max + 0.2] transmission = [0., 1., 1., 0.] # Create the filter as a instance filter_ = Filter(filter_name, family_name, np.array([wavelength, transmission])) filter_.normalise() filters.append(filter_) db.session.merge(FilterTable(filter_)) # confirm the filters in the database db.session.commit() return FilterFamily(family_name, np.array(filters), lambda_range_min, lambda_range_max, lambda_width)
def run(photometry_table, zcol, data_file="cigale_in.fits", config_file="pcigale.ini", wait_for_input=False, plot=True, outdir='out', compare_obs_model=False, **kwargs): """ Input parameters and then run CIGALE. Args: photometry_table (astropy Table): A table from some photometric catalog with magnitudes and error measurements. Currently supports DES, DECaLS, SDSS, Pan-STARRS and WISE zcol (str): Name of the column with redshift estimates. data_file (str, optional): Root name for the photometry data file generated used as input to CIGALE config_file (str, optional): Root name for the file where CIGALE's configuration is generated wait_for_input (bool, optional): If true, waits for the user to finish editing the auto-generated config file before running. plot (bool, optional): Plots the best fit SED if true cores (int, optional): Number of CPU cores to be used. Defaults to all cores on the system. outdir (str, optional): Path to the many outputs of CIGALE If not supplied, the outputs will appear in a folder named out/ compare_obs_model (bool, optional): If True compare the input observed fluxes with the model fluxes This writes a Table to outdir named 'photo_observed_model.dat' kwargs: These are passed into gen_cigale_in() and _initialise() save_sed (bool, optional): Save the best fit SEDs to disk for each galaxy. variables (str or list, optional): A single galaxy property name to save to results or a list of variable names. Names must belong to the list defined in the CIGALE documentation. sed_modules (list of 'str', optional): A list of SED modules to be used in the PDF analysis. If this is being input, there should be a corresponding correct dict for sed_modules_params. sed_module_params (dict, optional): A dict containing parameter values for the input SED modules. Better not use this unless you know exactly what you're doing. """ gen_cigale_in(photometry_table, zcol, infile=data_file, overwrite=True, **kwargs) _initialise(data_file, config_file=config_file, **kwargs) if wait_for_input: input("Edit the generated config file {:s} and press any key to run.". format(config_file)) cigconf = Configuration(config_file) analysis_module = get_module(cigconf.configuration['analysis_method']) analysis_module.process(cigconf.configuration) if plot: try: from pcigale_plots import sed # This modifies the backend to Agg so I hide it here old_version = True except ImportError: from pcigale_plots.plot_types.sed import sed old_version = False if old_version: import pcigale #warnings.warn("You are using CIGALE version {:s}, for which support is deprecated. Please update to 2020.0 or higher.".format(pcigale.__version__)) sed(cigconf, "mJy", True) else: # TODO: Let the user customize the plot. series = [ 'stellar_attenuated', 'stellar_unattenuated', 'dust', 'agn', 'model' ] sed(cigconf, "mJy", True, (False, False), (False, False), series, "pdf", "out") # Set back to a GUI import matplotlib matplotlib.use('TkAgg') # Rename the default output directory? if outdir != 'out': try: os.system("rm -rf {}".format(outdir)) os.system("mv out {:s}".format(outdir)) except: print("Invalid output directory path. Output stored in out/") # Move input files into outdir too os.system("mv {:s} {:s}".format(data_file, outdir)) os.system("mv {:s} {:s}".format(config_file, outdir)) os.system("mv {:s}.spec {:s}".format(config_file, outdir)) # Compare? if compare_obs_model: #Generate an observation/model flux comparison table. with Database() as base: filters = OrderedDict([ (name, base.get_filter(name)) for name in cigconf.configuration['bands'] if not (name.endswith('_err') or name.startswith('line')) ]) filters_wl = np.array( [filt.pivot_wavelength for filt in filters.values()]) mods = + '/results.fits') try: obs = os.path.join(outdir, cigconf.configuration['data_file'])) except: print( "Something went wrong here. Astropy was unable to read the observations table. Please ensure it is in the fits format." ) return for model, obj in zip(mods, obs): photo_obs_model = Table() photo_obs_model['lambda_filter'] = [ wl / 1000 for wl in filters_wl ] photo_obs_model['model_flux'] = np.array( [model["best." + filt] for filt in filters.keys()]) photo_obs_model['observed_flux'] = np.array( [obj[filt] for filt in filters.keys()]) photo_obs_model['observed_flux_err'] = np.array( [obj[filt + '_err'] for filt in filters.keys()]) photo_obs_model.write(outdir + "/photo_observed_model_" + str(model['id']) + ".dat", format="ascii", overwrite=True) #import pdb; pdb.set_trace() return