def __init__(s):

        s.xcelreq = InValRdyBundle(XcelReqMsg())
        s.xcelresp = OutValRdyBundle(XcelRespMsg())

        s.memreq = OutValRdyBundle(MemReqMsg(8, 32, 32))
        s.memresp = InValRdyBundle(MemRespMsg(8, 32))
        s.reqcon = MemReqConnector(18, 8)

        s.xcel = SortXcelHLS()

        s.connect(s.xcelreq, s.xcel.xcelreq)
        s.connect(s.xcelresp, s.xcel.xcelresp)

        s.pq = SingleElementPipelinedQueue(MemRespMsg(8, 32))

        s.connect(s.memresp, s.pq.enq)
        s.connect(s.pq.deq, s.xcel.memresp) = SingleElementBypassQueue(MemReqMsg(8, 32, 32))

        s.connect(, s.memreq)

        s.connect(s.reqcon.in_, s.xcel.memreq)
    def __init__(s, num_cores=1):

        # Interface

        # Starting F16 we turn core_id into input ports to
        # enable module reusability. In the past it was passed as arguments.

        s.core_id = InPort(32)

        # Proc/Mngr Interface

        s.mngr2proc = InValRdyBundle(32)
        s.proc2mngr = OutValRdyBundle(32)

        # Instruction Memory Request/Response Interface

        s.imemreq = OutValRdyBundle(MemReqMsg4B)
        s.imemresp = InValRdyBundle(MemRespMsg4B)

        # Data Memory Request/Response Interface

        s.dmemreq = OutValRdyBundle(MemReqMsg4B)
        s.dmemresp = InValRdyBundle(MemRespMsg4B)

        # val_W port used for counting commited insts.

        s.commit_inst = OutPort(1)

        # stats_en

        s.stats_en = OutPort(1)
    def __init__(s, payload_nbits=32):

        # Parameters
        # Your design does not need to support other values

        nrouters = 4
        opaque_nbits = 8

        srcdest_nbits = clog2(nrouters)

        # Interface

        s.router_id = InPort(srcdest_nbits)

        msg_type = NetMsg(nrouters, 2**opaque_nbits, payload_nbits)

        s.in0 = InValRdyBundle(msg_type)
        s.in1 = InValRdyBundle(msg_type)
        s.in2 = InValRdyBundle(msg_type)

        s.out0 = OutValRdyBundle(msg_type)
        s.out1 = OutValRdyBundle(msg_type)
        s.out2 = OutValRdyBundle(msg_type)

        # Components

        s.dpath = RouterDpathPRTL(payload_nbits)
        s.ctrl = RouterCtrlPRTL()

        s.connect(s.ctrl.router_id, s.router_id)
    def __init__(s,

        # Config Params

        s.nlanes = nlanes
        s.nmul_stages = nmul_stages
        s.cop_addr_nbits = cop_addr_nbits
        s.cop_data_nbits = cop_data_nbits
        s.memreq_params = mem_msgs.MemReqParams(mem_addr_nbits, mem_data_nbits)
        s.memresp_params = mem_msgs.MemRespParams(mem_data_nbits)

        # Interface

        s.from_cpu = InValRdyBundle(cop_addr_nbits + cop_data_nbits)
        s.to_cpu = OutPort(1)
        s.lane_req = [
            OutValRdyBundle(s.memreq_params.nbits) for x in range(s.nlanes)
        s.lane_resp = [
            InValRdyBundle(s.memresp_params.nbits) for x in range(s.nlanes)
    def __init__(s, single_dest, mopaque_nbits, addr_nbits, data_nbits,
                 nopaque_nbits, num_nodes):

        # Parameters

        src_nbits = clog2(num_nodes)

        # Interface

        s.memifc = MemMsg(mopaque_nbits, addr_nbits, data_nbits)
        s.netreqifc = NetMsg(num_nodes, 2**nopaque_nbits, s.memifc.req.nbits)
        s.netrespifc = NetMsg(num_nodes, 2**nopaque_nbits, s.memifc.resp.nbits)

        s.memreq = InValRdyBundle(s.memifc.req)
        s.netreq = OutValRdyBundle(s.netreqifc)

        s.memresp = OutValRdyBundle(s.memifc.resp)
        s.netresp = InValRdyBundle(s.netrespifc)

        s.src_id = InPort(src_nbits)

        # Connections

        s.connect(s.memreq.val, s.netreq.val)
        s.connect(s.memreq.rdy, s.netreq.rdy)

        s.connect(s.memresp.val, s.netresp.val)
        s.connect(s.memresp.rdy, s.netresp.rdy)

        # Modify memreq's opaque bit to add src information

        s.temp_memreq = Wire(s.memifc.req)
        s.connect(s.temp_memreq, s.netreq.msg.payload)

        def comb_req():
            if single_dest:
                s.netreq.msg.dest.value = 0
                s.netreq.msg.dest.value = s.memreq.msg.addr[
                    4:6]  # hard code 4 bank for now

            s.temp_memreq.value = s.memreq.msg
            s.temp_memreq.opaque[mopaque_nbits -
                                 src_nbits:mopaque_nbits].value = s.src_id

        s.connect(s.netreq.msg.src, s.src_id)
        s.connect(s.netreq.msg.opaque, 0)

        # Clear the opaque field of memresp

        def comb_resp():
            s.memresp.msg.value = s.netresp.msg.payload
            s.memresp.msg.opaque[mopaque_nbits -
                                 src_nbits:mopaque_nbits].value = 0
    def __init__(s,

        # Config params

        s.addr_nbits = cop_addr_nbits
        s.data_nbits = cop_data_nbits
        s.mreq_p = mem_msgs.MemReqParams(mem_addr_nbits, mem_data_nbits)
        s.mresp_p = mem_msgs.MemRespParams(mem_data_nbits)

        # COP interface

        s.from_cpu = InValRdyBundle(s.addr_nbits + s.data_nbits)
        s.to_cpu = OutMatrixVecBundle()

        # Memory request/response ports

        s.memreq = InValRdyBundle(s.mreq_p.nbits)
        s.memresp = OutValRdyBundle(s.mresp_p.nbits)

        # Internal functional model

        s.mem = BytesMemPortProxy(s.mreq_p, s.mresp_p, s.memreq, s.memresp)
        s.xcel_mvmult = MatrixVec(s.mem)
  def __init__( s, num_banks=0 ):

    # Parameters

    idx_shamt       = clog2( num_banks ) if num_banks > 0 else 0
    size            = 256  # 256 bytes
    opaque_nbits    = 8    # 8-bit opaque field
    addr_nbits      = 32   # 32-bit address
    data_nbits      = 32   # 32-bit data access
    cacheline_nbits = 128  # 128-bit cacheline

    # Interface

    # Proc <-> Cache

    s.cachereq  = InValRdyBundle ( MemReqMsg(opaque_nbits, addr_nbits, data_nbits)  )
    s.cacheresp = OutValRdyBundle( MemRespMsg(opaque_nbits, data_nbits) )

    # Cache <-> Mem

    s.memreq    = OutValRdyBundle( MemReqMsg(opaque_nbits, addr_nbits, cacheline_nbits)  )
    s.memresp   = InValRdyBundle ( MemRespMsg(opaque_nbits, cacheline_nbits) )

    s.ctrl      = BlockingCacheBaseCtrlPRTL ( idx_shamt )
    s.dpath     = BlockingCacheBaseDpathPRTL( idx_shamt )
    def __init__(s, num_banks=0):

        # Proc <-> Cache

        s.cachereq = InValRdyBundle(MemReqMsg4B)
        s.cacheresp = OutValRdyBundle(MemRespMsg4B)

        # Cache <-> Mem

        s.memreq = OutValRdyBundle(MemReqMsg16B)
        s.memresp = InValRdyBundle(MemRespMsg16B)

        # connect to Verilog module

        s.set_params({'p_num_banks': num_banks})

            'clk': s.clk,
            'reset': s.reset,
            'cachereq_msg': s.cachereq.msg,
            'cachereq_val': s.cachereq.val,
            'cachereq_rdy': s.cachereq.rdy,
            'cacheresp_msg': s.cacheresp.msg,
            'cacheresp_val': s.cacheresp.val,
            'cacheresp_rdy': s.cacheresp.rdy,
            'memreq_msg': s.memreq.msg,
            'memreq_val': s.memreq.val,
            'memreq_rdy': s.memreq.rdy,
            'memresp_msg': s.memresp.msg,
            'memresp_val': s.memresp.val,
            'memresp_rdy': s.memresp.rdy,
  def __init__( s, nbits = 8, nports = 1, bw = 32, n = 8,  ):

    # Interface

    s.direq     = InValRdyBundle  ( pageRankReqMsg()  )
    s.diresp    = OutValRdyBundle ( pageRankRespMsg() )

    s.memreq    = OutValRdyBundle  ( MemReqMsg(8,32,32) ) 
    s.memresp   = InValRdyBundle   ( MemRespMsg(8,32)   ) 

    # Verilog import setup

    # verilog parameters
      'nbits'  : nbits,
      'nports' : nports,
      'bw'     : bw,
      'n'      : n

    # verilog ports

      'clk'             : s.clk,
      'reset'           : s.reset,

 #     'in_req_val'      : s.direq.val,
 #     'out_req_rdy'     : s.direq.rdy,
 #     'in_type'         : s.direq.msg.type_,
 #     'in_addr'         : s.direq.msg.addr,
 #     'in_data'         :,

 #     'out_resp_val'    : s.diresp.val,
 #     'in_resp_rdy'     : s.diresp.rdy,
 #     'out_type'        : s.diresp.msg.type_,
 #     'out_data'        :,

      'pr_req_msg'     : s.direq.msg,
      'pr_req_val'     : s.direq.val,
      'pr_req_rdy'     : s.direq.rdy,

      'pr_resp_msg'    : s.diresp.msg,
      'pr_resp_val'    : s.diresp.val,
      'pr_resp_rdy'    : s.diresp.rdy,

      'mem_req_msg'    : s.memreq.msg,
      'mem_req_val'    : s.memreq.val,
      'mem_req_rdy'    : s.memreq.rdy,

      'mem_resp_msg'   : s.memresp.msg,
      'mem_resp_val'   : s.memresp.val,
      'mem_resp_rdy'   : s.memresp.rdy,

    def __init__(s, nbits=32, nports=2, n=8):

        # Interface

        s.direq = InValRdyBundle(pageRankReqMsg())
        s.diresp = OutValRdyBundle(pageRankRespMsg())

        s.memreq = [
            OutValRdyBundle(MemReqMsg(8, 32, 32)) for _ in range(nports)
        s.memresp = [InValRdyBundle(MemRespMsg(8, 32)) for _ in range(nports)]

        # Verilog import setup

        # verilog parameters

        s.set_params({'nbits': nbits, 'nports': nports, 'n': n})

        # verilog ports

            'clk': s.clk,
            'reset': s.reset,

            #     'in_req_val'      : s.direq.val,
            #     'out_req_rdy'     : s.direq.rdy,
            #     'in_type'         : s.direq.msg.type_,
            #     'in_addr'         : s.direq.msg.addr,
            #     'in_data'         :,

            #     'out_resp_val'    : s.diresp.val,
            #     'in_resp_rdy'     : s.diresp.rdy,
            #     'out_type'        : s.diresp.msg.type_,
            #     'out_data'        :,
            'in_req_msg': s.direq.msg,
            'in_req_val': s.direq.val,
            'in_req_rdy': s.direq.rdy,
            'out_resp_msg': s.diresp.msg,
            'out_resp_val': s.diresp.val,
            'out_resp_rdy': s.diresp.rdy,
            'mem_req0_msg': s.memreq[0].msg,
            'mem_req0_val': s.memreq[0].val,
            'mem_req0_rdy': s.memreq[0].rdy,
            'mem_resp0_msg': s.memresp[0].msg,
            'mem_resp0_val': s.memresp[0].val,
            'mem_resp0_rdy': s.memresp[0].rdy,
            'mem_req1_msg': s.memreq[1].msg,
            'mem_req1_val': s.memreq[1].val,
            'mem_req1_rdy': s.memreq[1].rdy,
            'mem_resp1_msg': s.memresp[1].msg,
            'mem_resp1_val': s.memresp[1].val,
            'mem_resp1_rdy': s.memresp[1].rdy,
    def __init__(s, single_dest, mopaque_nbits, addr_nbits, data_nbits,
                 nopaque_nbits, num_nodes):

        # Parameters

        src_nbits = clog2(num_nodes)

        # Interface

        s.memifc = MemMsg(mopaque_nbits, addr_nbits, data_nbits)
        s.netreqifc = NetMsg(num_nodes, 2**nopaque_nbits, s.memifc.req.nbits)
        s.netrespifc = NetMsg(num_nodes, 2**nopaque_nbits, s.memifc.resp.nbits)

        s.netreq = InValRdyBundle(s.netreqifc)
        s.netresp = OutValRdyBundle(s.netrespifc)

        s.memreq = OutValRdyBundle(s.memifc.req)
        s.memresp = InValRdyBundle(s.memifc.resp)

        s.src_id = InPort(src_nbits)

        # Connections

        s.connect(s.netreq.val, s.memreq.val)
        s.connect(s.netreq.rdy, s.memreq.rdy)

        s.connect(s.netresp.val, s.memresp.val)
        s.connect(s.netresp.rdy, s.memresp.rdy)

        # Just need to unpack netreq

        s.connect(s.netreq.msg.payload, s.memreq.msg)

        # For resp, need to pack memresp.msg with the header

        s.connect(s.netresp.msg.src, s.src_id)
        s.connect(s.netresp.msg.opaque, 0)
        s.connect(s.netresp.msg.payload, s.memresp.msg)

        # Use the hidden dest information to determine the recipient

        def comb_resp():
            if single_dest:
                s.netresp.msg.dest.value = 0
                s.netresp.msg.dest.value = s.memresp.msg.opaque[
                    mopaque_nbits - src_nbits:mopaque_nbits]
  def __init__( s, dtype ):

    s.enq = InValRdyBundle ( dtype )
    s.deq = OutValRdyBundle( dtype )

    # Ctrl and Dpath unit instantiation

    s.ctrl  = SingleElementSkidQueueCtrl ()
    s.dpath = SingleElementSkidQueueDpath( dtype )

    # Ctrl unit connections

    s.connect( s.ctrl.enq_val, s.enq.val )
    s.connect( s.ctrl.enq_rdy, s.enq.rdy )
    s.connect( s.ctrl.deq_val, s.deq.val )
    s.connect( s.ctrl.deq_rdy, s.deq.rdy )

    # Dpath unit connections

    s.connect( s.dpath.enq_bits, s.enq.msg )
    s.connect( s.dpath.deq_bits, s.deq.msg )

    # Control Signal connections (ctrl -> dpath)

    s.connect( s.dpath.wen,            s.ctrl.wen            )
    s.connect( s.dpath.bypass_mux_sel, s.ctrl.bypass_mux_sel )
  def __init__( s, num_entries, dtype ):

    s.enq              = InValRdyBundle ( dtype )
    s.deq              = OutValRdyBundle( dtype )
    s.num_free_entries = OutPort( get_nbits(num_entries) )

    # Ctrl and Dpath unit instantiation

    s.ctrl  = NormalQueueCtrl ( num_entries             )
    s.dpath = NormalQueueDpath( num_entries, dtype )

    # Ctrl unit connections

    s.connect( s.ctrl.enq_val,          s.enq.val          )
    s.connect( s.ctrl.enq_rdy,          s.enq.rdy          )
    s.connect( s.ctrl.deq_val,          s.deq.val          )
    s.connect( s.ctrl.deq_rdy,          s.deq.rdy          )
    s.connect( s.ctrl.num_free_entries, s.num_free_entries )

    # Dpath unit connections

    s.connect( s.dpath.enq_bits, s.enq.msg    )
    s.connect( s.dpath.deq_bits, s.deq.msg    )

    # Control Signal connections (ctrl -> dpath)

    s.connect( s.dpath.wen,      s.ctrl.wen   )
    s.connect( s.dpath.waddr,    s.ctrl.waddr )
    s.connect( s.dpath.raddr,    s.ctrl.raddr )
  def __init__( s ):

    # Interface

    s.req    = InValRdyBundle  ( GcdUnitReqMsg() )
    s.resp   = OutValRdyBundle ( Bits(16)        )

    # Adapters

    s.req_q  = InValRdyQueueAdapter  ( s.req  )
    s.resp_q = OutValRdyQueueAdapter ( s.resp )

    # Concurrent block

    def block():

      # TASK 3.2: Comment out the Exception below.
      #           Implement GcdUnitFL code shown on the slides.

      raise NotImplementedError(
        'GcdUnitMsg has not been implemented yet!\n '
        'Put your implementation code here!'
    def __init__(s, nbits=8, mbits=1):

        # Interface
        s.req = InValRdyBundle(MapperReqMsg())
        s.resp = OutValRdyBundle(MapperRespMsg())

        # Instantiate datapath and control
        s.dpath = MapperDpathRTL(nbits, mbits)
        s.ctrl = MapperCtrlRTL(mbits)

        # connect input interface to dpath/ctrl
        s.connect(, s.dpath.req_msg_data)

        s.connect(s.req.msg.type_, s.ctrl.req_msg_type)
        s.connect(s.req.val, s.ctrl.req_val)
        s.connect(s.resp.rdy, s.ctrl.resp_rdy)

        # connect dpath/ctrl to output interface

        s.connect(s.ctrl.resp_msg_type, s.resp.msg.type_)
        s.connect(s.ctrl.req_rdy, s.req.rdy)
        s.connect(s.ctrl.resp_val, s.resp.val)

        # connect dpath/ctrl
        s.connect(s.ctrl.result_reg_en, s.dpath.result_reg_en)
        s.connect(s.ctrl.reference_reg_en, s.dpath.reference_reg_en)
  def __init__( s ):

    # Interface

    s.req    = InValRdyBundle  ( GcdUnitReqMsg() )
    s.resp   = OutValRdyBundle ( Bits(16)        )

    # Adapters

    s.req_q  = InValRdyQueueAdapter  ( s.req  )
    s.resp_q = OutValRdyQueueAdapter ( s.resp )

    # Concurrent block

    def block():

      # Use adapter to pop value from request queue
      req_msg = s.req_q.popleft()

      # Use gcd function from Python's standard library
      result = gcd( req_msg.a, req_msg.b )

      # Use adapter to append result to response queue
      s.resp_q.append( result )
  def __init__( s, mem_src_msgs, mem_sink_msgs, src_delay, sink_delay,
                memreq_params, memresp_params ):

    s.proc_go      = InPort (  1 )
    s.proc_status  = OutPort( 32 )

    # Memory Request Port

    s.memreq = OutValRdyBundle( memreq_params.nbits )

    # Memory Respone Port

    s.memresp = InValRdyBundle( memresp_params.nbits )

    # Instantiate models

    s.mem_src  = TestSource( memreq_params.nbits,  mem_src_msgs,  src_delay  )
    s.mem_sink = TestSink  ( memresp_params.nbits, mem_sink_msgs, sink_delay )

    s.connect( s.mem_src.out, s.memreq       )
    s.connect( s.memresp,     s.mem_sink.in_ )

    def comb():
      s.proc_status.value = \
        s.mem_src.done and s.mem_sink.done
    def __init__(s):

        # Interface

        s.req = InValRdyBundle(GcdUnitReqMsg())
        s.resp = OutValRdyBundle(Bits(16))

        # Instantiate datapath and control

        s.dpath = GcdUnitDpathRTL()
        s.ctrl = GcdUnitCtrlRTL()

        # Connect input interface to dpath/ctrl

        s.connect(s.req.msg.a, s.dpath.req_msg_a)
        s.connect(s.req.msg.b, s.dpath.req_msg_b)

        s.connect(s.req.val, s.ctrl.req_val)
        s.connect(s.req.rdy, s.ctrl.req_rdy)

        # Connect dpath/ctrl to output interface

        s.connect(s.dpath.resp_msg, s.resp.msg)
        s.connect(s.ctrl.resp_val, s.resp.val)
        s.connect(s.ctrl.resp_rdy, s.resp.rdy)

        # Connect status/control signals

        s.connect_auto(s.dpath, s.ctrl)
    def __init__(s, dtype, msgs, fixed_delay=0):

        s.in_ = InValRdyBundle(dtype)
        s.done = OutPort(1)

        s.sink = TestSimpleNetSink(dtype, msgs)

        s.connect(s.in_.msg, s.sink.in_.msg)
        s.connect(s.in_.rdy, s.sink.in_.rdy)
        s.connect(s.sink.done, s.done)

        s.cnt = fixed_delay
        # TODO: set s.sink.in_.val,
        def setValRdy():
            if s.cnt == 0:
                s.sink.in_.val.value = s.in_.val
                s.in_.rdy.value = s.sink.in_.rdy
                s.sink.in_.val.value = 0
                s.in_.rdy.value = 0

        def decrCounter():
            if s.cnt > 0:
                s.cnt = s.cnt - 1
                s.cnt = 0
    def __init__(s, mem_ifc_types, src_ptr, dest_ptr, nbytes):

        s.src_ptr = src_ptr
        s.dest_ptr = dest_ptr
        s.nbytes = nbytes
        s.done = False

        # Memory request/response ports

        s.memreq = InValRdyBundle(mem_ifc_types.req)
        s.memresp = OutValRdyBundle(mem_ifc_types.resp)

        # BytesMemPortAdapter object

        s.mem = BytesMemPortAdapter(s.memreq, s.memresp)

        # This looks like a regular tick block, but because it is a
        # pausable_tick there is something more sophisticated is going on.
        # The first time we call the tick, the mem_copy function will try to
        # ready from memory. This will get proxied to the BytesMemPortAdapter
        # which will create a memory request and send it out the memreq port.
        # Since we do not have the data yet, we cannot return the data to the
        # mem_copy function so instead we use greenlets to switch back to the
        # pausable tick function. The next time we call tick we jump back
        # into the BytesMemPortAdapter object to see if the response has
        # returned. When the response eventually returns, the
        # BytesMemPortAdapter object will return the data and the underlying
        # mem_copy function will move onto writing the memory.

        def logic():
            if not s.reset:
                mem_copy(s.mem, s.src_ptr, s.dest_ptr, s.nbytes)
                s.done = True
    def __init__(s, dtype, nmsgs):

        s.nmsgs = nmsgs

        # Queue interfaces

        s.in_ = InValRdyBundle(dtype)
        s.out = OutValRdyBundle(dtype)

        # QueuePortProxy objects

        s.in_queue = InQueuePortProxy(s.in_)
        s.out_queue = OutQueuePortProxy(s.out)

        # This looks like a regular tick block, but because it is a
        # pausable_tick there is something more sophisticated is going on.
        # The first time we call the tick, the queue_copy function will try
        # and access the input queue. This will get proxied to the
        # InQueuePortProxy object which will check the val/rdy interface. If
        # the interface is not valid, we cannot return the data to the
        # underlying queue_copy function so instead we use greenlets to
        # switch back to the pausable tick function. The next time we call
        # tick, we call the wrapper function again, and essentially we jump
        # back into the InQueuePortProxy object to see if the interface is
        # valid yet. When the interface is eventually valid, the
        # InQueuePortProxy object will return the data and the underlying
        # queue_copy function will move onto the next element. Currently the
        # queue port proxy objects include infinite internal queues so the
        # output queue can never stall.

        def logic():
            queue_copy(s.nmsgs, s.in_queue, s.out_queue)
  def __init__( s ):

    # Interfaces

    s.xcelreq  = InValRdyBundle ( XcelReqMsg()  )
    s.xcelresp = OutValRdyBundle( XcelRespMsg() )

    # Gcd XcelHLS

    s.gcd_xcel  = GcdXcelHLS()

    s.connect( s.gcd_xcel.xcelreq.msg, s.xcelreq.msg )

    # Send stage
    # send the configuration message or the iterator message

    s.do_send = Wire( 1 )

    def send_request():

      s.gcd_xcel.xcelreq.val.value = ~s.pipe_stg.prev_stall & s.xcelreq.val

      s.xcelreq.rdy.value = s.gcd_xcel.xcelreq.rdy & ~s.pipe_stg.prev_stall

      s.do_send.value = s.xcelreq.val & s.xcelreq.rdy

    # Receive stage
    # receive response messages

    s.pipe_stg = PipeCtrlFuture()

    s.connect( s.pipe_stg.next_squash, 0 )
    s.connect( s.pipe_stg.next_stall,  0 )
    s.connect( s.pipe_stg.curr_squash, 0 )

    s.connect( s.pipe_stg.prev_val, s.do_send )

    s.xcelresp_q = SingleElementPipelinedQueue( XcelRespMsg() )

    s.connect( s.gcd_xcel.xcelresp,  s.xcelresp_q.enq )
    s.connect( s.xcelresp_q.deq.msg, s.xcelresp.msg   )

    def receive_response():

      s.xcelresp_q.deq.rdy.value = s.pipe_stg.curr_val & s.xcelresp.rdy

      s.xcelresp.val.value = s.pipe_stg.curr_val & s.xcelresp_q.deq.val

      s.pipe_stg.curr_stall.value = \
        s.pipe_stg.curr_val & ( ~s.xcelresp.rdy | ~s.xcelresp_q.deq.val )
    def __init__(s, dtype, stages, pipeq, bypassq):

        s.in_ = InValRdyBundle(dtype)
        s.out = OutValRdyBundle(dtype)

        s.in_q = InValRdyQueue(dtype, pipe=pipeq)
        s.out_q = OutValRdyQueue(dtype, bypass=bypassq)

        s.pipe = Pipeline(stages)
        s.connect(s.in_, s.in_q.in_)
        s.connect(s.out, s.out_q.out)

        def logic():

            # Automatically enq from input / deq from output

            # No stall
            if not s.out_q.is_full():

                # Insert item into pipeline from input queue
                if not s.in_q.is_empty():

                # Items graduating from pipeline, add to output queue
                if s.pipe.ready():

                # Advance the pipeline
    def __init__(s, dtype, idx, synch_info):

        s.in_ = InValRdyBundle(dtype)
        s.out = OutValRdyBundle(dtype)
        s.connect(s.out.msg, s.in_.msg)

        s.num_cycles = Wire(32)

        def comb():
            # PyMTL sensitivity bug... Force this combinational block to be
            # fired every cycle.
            _ = s.num_cycles

            if synch_info.can_send_more_tokens(idx):
                s.in_.rdy.value = s.out.rdy
                s.out.val.value = s.in_.val

                s.in_.rdy.value = 0
                s.out.val.value = 0

        def tick():
            if s.out.val and s.out.rdy:

   = s.num_cycles + 1
    def __init__(s, nbits=6, k=3):

        # Interface
        s.req = InValRdyBundle(FindMaxReqMsg())
        s.resp = OutValRdyBundle(FindMaxRespMsg())

        # Instantiate datapath and control
        s.dpath = FindMaxDpathRTL(nbits, k=3)
        s.ctrl = FindMaxCtrlRTL(nbits, k=3)

        # connect input interface to dpath/ctrl
        s.connect(, s.dpath.req_msg_data)

        s.connect(s.req.val, s.ctrl.req_val)
        s.connect(s.resp.rdy, s.ctrl.resp_rdy)

        # connect dpath/ctrl to output interface
        s.connect(s.dpath.resp_msg_idx, s.resp.msg.idx)

        s.connect(s.ctrl.req_rdy, s.req.rdy)
        s.connect(s.ctrl.resp_val, s.resp.val)

        # connect dpath/ctrl
        s.connect(s.dpath.isLarger, s.ctrl.isLarger)
        s.connect(s.ctrl.max_reg_en, s.dpath.max_reg_en)
        s.connect(s.ctrl.idx_reg_en, s.dpath.idx_reg_en)
        s.connect(s.ctrl.knn_mux_sel, s.dpath.knn_mux_sel)
        s.connect(s.ctrl.knn_counter, s.dpath.knn_counter)
文件: 项目: nds64/pymtl
    def __init__(s, cpu_ifc_types):

        s.cpu_ifc_req = InValRdyBundle(cpu_ifc_types.req)
        s.cpu_ifc_resp = OutValRdyBundle(cpu_ifc_types.resp) = InPort(StatusSignals())
        s.cs = OutPort(CtrlSignals())

        # Interface ports

        s.in_val = Wire(1)
        s.in_rdy = Wire(1)

        s.out_val = Wire(1)
        s.out_rdy = Wire(1)

        # State element

        s.STATE_IDLE = 0
        s.STATE_LOAD = 1
        s.STATE_CALC = 2
        s.STATE_DONE = 3

        s.state = regs.RegRst(2, reset_value=s.STATE_IDLE)
        s.ctrl_msg = Wire(cpu_ifc_types.req.ctrl_msg)
    def __init__(s, dtype):

        s.in_ = InValRdyBundle(TRANSACTION_NBITS)
        s.out = OutValRdyBundle(dtype)

        # Static Elaboration

        s.ctrl = IncrPipeCtrl()
        s.dpath = IncrPipeDpath(dtype)

        # s.connect ctrl

        s.connect(s.ctrl.in_val, s.in_.val)
        s.connect(s.ctrl.in_rdy, s.in_.rdy)
        s.connect(s.ctrl.out_val, s.out.val)
        s.connect(s.ctrl.out_rdy, s.out.rdy)

        # s.connect dpath

        s.connect(s.dpath.in_msg, s.in_.msg)
        s.connect(s.dpath.out_msg, s.out.msg)

        # s.connect ctrl signals (ctrl -> dpath )

        s.connect(s.ctrl.a_reg_en, s.dpath.a_reg_en)
        s.connect(s.ctrl.b_reg_en, s.dpath.b_reg_en)
        s.connect(s.ctrl.c_reg_en, s.dpath.c_reg_en)
        s.connect(s.ctrl.d_reg_en, s.dpath.d_reg_en)
        s.connect(s.ctrl.e_reg_en, s.dpath.e_reg_en)

        # s.connect status signals (ctrl <- dpath )

        s.connect(s.ctrl.inst_b, s.dpath.inst_b)
    def __init__(s, cpu_ifc_types):

        s.cpu_ifc_req = InValRdyBundle(cpu_ifc_types.req)
        s.cpu_ifc_resp = OutValRdyBundle(cpu_ifc_types.resp)

        s.cpu_req_q = InValRdyQueue(cpu_ifc_types.req)
        s.cpu_resp_q = OutValRdyQueue(cpu_ifc_types.resp)
        def __init__(s, dtype):
            s.in_ = InValRdyBundle(dtype)
            s.out = OutValRdyBundle(dtype)

            s.m = BundleExample(dtype)

            s.connect(s.in_, s.m.req)
            s.connect(s.out, s.m.resp)
    def __init__(s):

        # interface

        s.in_control = InValRdyBundle(inst_msg())  # control word
        s.memresp = InValRdyBundle(MemMsg(32, nWid).resp)
        # 0,1: right/left neighbors
        # 2,3: length-2 right/left PEs
        # 4,5: length-4 right/left PEs
        s.in_neighbor = InValRdyBundle[6](nWid)

        s.memreq = OutValRdyBundle(MemMsg(32, nWid).req)
        s.out_fsm = OutValRdyBundle(1)  # response to FSM
        s.out_neighbor = OutValRdyBundle[6](nWid)

        # Queues

        s.memreq_q = SingleElementBypassQueue(MemReqMsg(32, nWid))
        s.connect(s.memreq, s.memreq_q.deq)

        #s.memresp_q = SingleElementPipelinedQueue( MemRespMsg(16) )
        s.memresp_q = SingleElementBypassQueue(MemRespMsg(nWid))
        s.connect(s.memresp, s.memresp_q.enq)

        # temporarily store destination for non-blocking loads
        s.memdes_q = NormalQueue(nMemInst, nDesField)

        # PE local register file
        s.rf = RegisterFile(nWid, nReg, 2)  # 2 read ports

        # approx_mul
        # input is done by reqMsg(src0, src1) done in control plane.
        s.approx_mul = CombinationalApproxMult(nWid / 2, 4)
        s.mul_msg = MymultReqMsg(nWid / 2)

        # temporary variables

        s.src0_tmp = Wire(nWid)
        s.src1_tmp = Wire(nWid)
        s.des_tmp = Wire(nWid)
        s.go = Wire(1)
        s.go_req = Wire(1)
        s.go_resp = Wire(1)
        s.go_mul = Wire(1)

        s.reqsent = RegRst(1, 0)