def test_edit_target_form_post(rf): """ This test imitates a editing a target by using the form and doing a request.POST """ target_key = "" for target_item in get_brain_targets(): target_key = target_item["id"] post_data = { "plugin_name": "Plugin1", "location_num": "", "port_num": "8000", "optional_char": "" } url_var = "action/val_edit_target_form/{}/".format(target_key) response = post_test(url_var, post_data, val_edit_target_form, rf, target_id=target_key) assert response.status_code == 302 assert response.url == "/" response = post_test(url_var, {}, val_edit_target_form, rf, target_id=target_key) assert response.status_code == 302
def test_job_state2(rf): """ This test imitates saving a job state in W3 as a second test :param rf: request factory :return: status code """ url_var = "action/save_state/" post_data = { "id_map": { "1": "9859bfb8-8676-4595-8ce2-176957574875" }, "id_reverse_map": { "9859bfb8-8676-4595-8ce2-176957574875": 1 }, "jobs": [{ "plugin": "Plugin1", "address": "", "job": { "Output": True, "OptionalInputs": [], "Tooltip": "\nEcho\n\nClient Returns this string " "verbatim\n\nArguments:\n1. String to " "Echo\n\nReturns:\nString\n", "CommandName": "echo", "Inputs": [{ "Tooltip": "This string will be echoed back", "Type": "textbox", "Name": "EchoString", "Value": "dd" }], "id": "c8999a01-91fb-43f7-8bc5-7aa8ec789688" }, "status": "None" }], "sequences": { "1": ["1"] }, "active_sequence": "1" } with pytest.raises(json.JSONDecodeError): current_state = json.loads(str(post_data)) response = post_test(url_var, current_state, persist_job_state, rf) assert response.status_code == 200 response = post_test(url_var, {}, persist_job_state, rf) assert response.status_code == 200
def test_execute_w3_data_ui_fail(rf): """ This test is replicating when the user clicks on 'Execute Sequence' button at the bottom right of w3. With using false data. """ url_var = "/action/get_w3_data/" with pytest.raises(json.JSONDecodeError): json_data = json.loads(str(SAMPLE_ERROR_JOB)) response = post_test(url_var, json_data, execute_sequence_controller, rf) assert response.status_code == 200 response = post_test(url_var, {}, execute_sequence_controller, rf) assert response.status_code == 200
def test_file_upload(rf): """ This test imitates uploading a file :param rf: request factory :return: status code """ url_var = "file_upload/" response = get_test(url_var, file_upload_list, rf) assert response.status_code == 200 with pytest.raises(json.JSONDecodeError): post_data = json.loads(str(SAMPLE_FILE_ID)) response = post_test(url_var, post_data, file_upload_list, rf) assert response.status_code == 200 response = post_test(url_var, {}, file_upload_list, rf) assert response.status_code == 200
def test_add_plugin_ok(rf): """ This test is replicating when the user clicks on 'Execute Sequence' button at the bottom right of w3. """ url_var = "/update_plugin/NEW/" plugin_data = { "id": "NEW", "Name": "Plugin3", "ServiceName": "Plugin3-4243tcp", "ServiceID": "cheeto3", "State": "Stopped", "DesiredState": "", "OS": "all", "Interface": "", "Environment": [], "Environment[]": "", "ExternalPorts": ["12/tcp"], "ExternalPorts[]": "12/tcp", "InternalPorts": ["12/tcp"], "InternalPorts[]": "12/tcp", "Extra": True, } RPP.insert({"Interface": "", "TCPPorts": ["11"]}).run(connect()) response = post_test(url_var, plugin_data, update_plugin, rf, target_id="NEW") assert response.status_code == 200
def test_post_saved_command(rf): post_data = { "PluginName": "Plugin1", "Name": "sample", "Command_js": "{}", } url_var = "action/put_saved_command/" response = post_test(url_var, post_data, put_saved_command, rf) assert response.status_code == 200
def test_job_state(rf): """ This test imitates saving a job state in W3 :param rf: request factory :return: status code """ url_var = "action/save_state/" post_data = { "replaced": 1, "inserted": 0, "deleted": 0, "errors": 0, "unchanged": 0, "skipped": 0 } with pytest.raises(json.JSONDecodeError): current_state = json.loads(str(post_data)) response = post_test(url_var, current_state, persist_job_state, rf) assert response.status_code == 200 response = post_test(url_var, {}, persist_job_state, rf) assert response.status_code == 200
def test_target_form_post(rf): """Test posting a target Sends POST to the val_target_form method to ensure it processes POST requests. Arguments: rf {RequestFactory} -- used for mocking requests. """ post_data = { "plugin_name": "Plugin1", "location_num": "", "port_num": "8000", "optional_char": "" } url_var = "/action/val_target_form" response = post_test(url_var, post_data, val_target_form, rf) assert response.status_code == 302 assert response.url == "/" response = post_test(url_var, {}, val_target_form, rf) assert response.status_code == 200
def test_execute_w3_data_ui(self, rf): """ This test is replicating when the user clicks on 'Execute Sequence' button at the bottom right of w3. """ url_var = "/action/get_w3_data/" # with pytest.raises(json.JSONDecodeError): my_job = deepcopy(SAMPLE_JOB) del my_job["id"] jobs_json = json.dumps([my_job]) json_data = {"jobs": jobs_json} response = post_test(url_var, json_data, execute_sequence_controller, rf) assert response.status_code == 200
def test_execute_w3_data_two(self, rf): """ This test is replicating when the user clicks on 'Execute Sequence' button at the bottom right of w3 but the command has two arguments. """ job_url = "/action/get_w3_data/" with pytest.raises(json.JSONDecodeError): status_obj = self.status_code_test2( url_str=job_url, post_data=SAMPLE_JOB, function_obj=execute_sequence_controller, rf=rf) assert "inserted" in str(status_obj.content) status_obj = post_test(job_url, {}, execute_sequence_controller, rf) assert status_obj.status_code == 200
def test_stop_job(rf): """ This test is replicating the data displayed in W4 when a user clicks on 'Execute Sequence' button at the bottom right of w3. With correct data. """ first_url = "/action/get_w3_data/" with pytest.raises(json.JSONDecodeError): json_data = json.loads(str(SAMPLE_JOB)) response = post_test(first_url, json_data, execute_sequence_controller, rf) assert "inserted" in str(response.content) assert response.status_code == 200 job_id = json.loads( response.getvalue().decode())['generated_keys'][0] sleep(2) second_url = "/stop_job/{}/".format(job_id) assert stop_job(rf.get(second_url, HTTP_USER_AGENT='Mozilla/5.0'), job_id).status_code == 200