def restart(self): log('Restart clicked') self.gdb.quit() self.pdb.quit() self.gdb = gdb.gdb(self.python_file_gdb, self.cpp_file, self.cpp_start_line) self.pdb = pdb.pdb(self.python_file_pdb, self.python_start_line) self.button_step_over.setEnabled(True) self.updateView()
def __init__(self,pdb_folder,modeldir,pdb_file,seq_ali): self.seq_ali = modeldir + seq_ali self.pdb_folder = pdb_folder self.modeldir = modeldir self.pdb_file = pdb.pdb(modeldir + pdb_file) self.template = modeldir + pdb_file self.strname = self.pdb_file.NomedaEstrutura() # self.hmmresults = None # self.betterid = None # self.hmm = None self.fasta_aligned_file = None self.template_pir = None
def __init__(self, mixedText, python_file_gdb, cpp_file, cpp_start_line, python_file_pdb, python_start_line, next_dict, cpp_offset_lines=0, python_offset_lines=0, parent=None, watches=[], cpponly=False): self.python_file_gdb = python_file_gdb self.cpp_file = cpp_file self.cpp_start_line = cpp_start_line self.next_dict = next_dict self.python_file_pdb = python_file_pdb self.python_start_line = python_start_line self.cpp_offset_lines = cpp_offset_lines self.python_offset_lines = python_offset_lines = watches self.cpponly = cpponly self.fontFamily = "Courier" super(Form, self).__init__(parent) self.setWindowTitle("SEJITS Integrated Debugger") self.resize(1920, 1024) self.textedit = QTextEdit() self.textedit.setReadOnly(True) self.textedit.setLineWrapMode(QTextEdit.NoWrap) self.button_step_over = QPushButton("Step over") self.button_step_over.clicked.connect(self.stepOver) self.button_restart = QPushButton("Restart") self.button_restart.clicked.connect(self.restart) self.button_close = QPushButton("Close") self.button_close.clicked.connect(self.accept) self.lang_colors = dict() self.lang_colors['C++'] = '#ff0000' self.lang_colors['Python'] = '#0000ff' if self.cpponly: = [x for x in watches if x[0] == 'C++'] self.watch_layout = QGridLayout() self.watch_values = dict() self.button_add_watch = QPushButton("Add watch") self.button_add_watch.clicked.connect(self.add_watch) self.right_panel = QVBoxLayout() self.right_panel.addLayout(self.watch_layout) self.right_panel.addWidget(self.button_add_watch) self.right_panel.addStretch() self.button_hlayout = QHBoxLayout() self.button_hlayout.addWidget(self.button_step_over) self.button_hlayout.addWidget(self.button_restart) self.button_hlayout.addWidget(self.button_close) self.edit_watch_hlayout = QHBoxLayout() self.edit_watch_hlayout.addWidget(self.textedit) self.edit_watch_hlayout.addLayout(self.right_panel) self.edit_watch_hlayout.setStretch(0, 3) self.edit_watch_hlayout.setStretch(1, 1) self.vlayout = QVBoxLayout() self.vlayout.addLayout(self.edit_watch_hlayout) self.vlayout.addLayout(self.button_hlayout) self.setLayout(self.vlayout) self.mixedText = mixedText self.gdb = gdb.gdb(self.python_file_gdb, self.cpp_file, self.cpp_start_line) self.pdb = pdb.pdb(self.python_file_pdb, self.python_start_line) self.updateView() self.update_watch_widgets()
# loop over the identifiers. for ident in ids: # skip existing directories. if os.path.exists(ident): continue # create the directory. os.mkdir(ident) uc = ident.upper() # download the pdb file. url = '' + uc + '.pdb' response = urllib2.urlopen(url) data = # write the result to disk. fpdb = os.path.join(ident, 'input.pdb') f = open(fpdb, 'w') f.write(data) f.close() # open and parse the pdb file. struct = pdb.pdb(fpdb) # write the required input files. write.runfile(os.path.join(ident, 'run')) write.fasta(struct, os.path.join(ident, 'input.fa')) write.params(struct, os.path.join(ident, 'input.par')) write.restraints(struct, os.path.join(ident, 'input.res'))
# if supplied, get the dihedral expansion value. eps = 0 if len(sys.argv) >= 2: eps = float(sys.argv[1]) # if supplied, get the distance restraint limit. dmax = 10 if len(sys.argv) >= 3: dmax = float(sys.argv[2]) # build the output filenames. fres = 'loops-{}-{}.res'.format(eps, dmax) frun = 'loops-{}-{}.run'.format(eps, dmax) # parse the target pdb file (from ../talos/talos.dcd). s = pdb.pdb('loops.pdb') # get the residue index extents. (rmin, rmax) = minmax([atom['resSeq'] for atom in s.models[0]]) # initialize the lines of output. lines = ['', '{{* loops.res: eps = {}, dmax = {} *}}'.format(eps, dmax)] # add dihedral restraints. for resid in range(rmin, rmax + 1): h = resid - rmin i = resid - rmin + 1 j = resid - rmin + 2 lines.append('') lines.append('{{* resid {} *}}'.format(i))