def expand_state(s, h_v, env, explicit_graph, goal, A, succs_cache=None): if check_goal(s, goal): raise ValueError( f'State {s} can\'t be expanded because it is a goal state') neighbour_states_dict = {} neighbour_states = [] i = 0 for a in A: if succs_cache and (s, a) in succs_cache: succs = succs_cache[(s, a)] else: succs = get_successor_states_check_exception(s, a, env.domain) for s_, p in succs.items(): if s_ not in neighbour_states_dict: neighbour_states_dict[s_] = i i += 1 neighbour_states.append({'state': s_, 'A': {a: p}}) else: neighbour_states[neighbour_states_dict[s_]]['A'][a] = p unexpanded_neighbours = filter( lambda _s: (not _s['state'] in explicit_graph) or (not explicit_graph[_s['state']]['expanded']), neighbour_states) # Add new empty states to 's' adjacency list new_explicit_graph = copy(explicit_graph) new_explicit_graph[s]["Adj"].extend(neighbour_states) for n in unexpanded_neighbours: if n['state'] != s: is_goal = check_goal(n['state'], goal) h_v_ = 0 if is_goal else h_v(n['state']) new_explicit_graph[n['state']] = { "value": h_v_, "solved": False, "pi": None, "expanded": False, "Q_v": {a: h_v_ for a in A}, "Adj": [] } new_explicit_graph[s]['expanded'] = True return new_explicit_graph
def visit(s, i, d, low): nonlocal explicit_graph, A, goal, n_updates_ is_goal = check_goal(s, goal) if not is_goal and not explicit_graph[s]['expanded']: explicit_graph = expand_state(s, h_v, env, explicit_graph, goal, A, succs_cache=succs_cache) if not is_goal: # run bellman backup explicit_graph = backup_bellman(explicit_graph, A, s, goal, gamma, C) n_updates_ += 1
def vi(S, succ_states, A, V_i, G_i, goal, env, gamma, epsilon): V = np.zeros(len(V_i)) P = np.zeros(len(V_i)) pi = np.full(len(V_i), None) print(len(S), len(V_i), len(G_i), len(P)) print(G_i) P[G_i] = 1 i = 0 diff = np.inf while True: print('Iteration', i, diff) V_ = np.copy(V) P_ = np.copy(P) for s in S: if check_goal(s, goal): continue Q = np.zeros(len(A)) Q_p = np.zeros(len(A)) cost = 1 for i_a, a in enumerate(A): succ = succ_states[s, a] probs = np.fromiter(iter(succ.values()), dtype=float) succ_i = [V_i[succ_s] for succ_s in succ_states[s, a]] Q[i_a] = cost +, gamma * V_[succ_i]) Q_p[i_a] =, P_[succ_i]) V[V_i[s]] = np.min(Q) P[V_i[s]] = np.max(Q_p) pi[V_i[s]] = A[np.argmin(Q)] diff = np.linalg.norm(V_ - V, np.inf) if diff < epsilon: break i += 1 return V, pi
def _is_goal_reached(self, state): """ Check if the terminal condition is met, i.e., the goal is reached. """ return check_goal(state, self._goal)
env.fix_problem_index(problem_index) problem = env.problems[problem_index] goal = problem.goal prob_objects = frozenset(problem.objects) obs, _ = env.reset() A = list(sorted(env.action_space.all_ground_literals(obs, valid_only=False))) print(' calculating list of states...') reach = get_all_reachable(obs, A, env) S = list(sorted([s for s in reach])) print('Number of states:', len(S)) print('done') V_i = {s: i for i, s in enumerate(S)} G_i = [V_i[s] for s in V_i if check_goal(s, goal)] print('obtaining optimal policy') succ_states = {s: {} for s in reach} for s in reach: for a in A: succ_states[s, a] = reach[s][a] V, pi = vi(S, succ_states, A, V_i, G_i, goal, env, args.gamma, args.epsilon) pi_func = lambda s: pi[V_i[s]] n_episodes = 1000 plot = False if args.plot_stats: print('running episodes with optimal policy') steps1 = []
def get_unexpanded_states(goal, explicit_graph, bpsg): return list( filter( lambda x: (x not in explicit_graph) or (not explicit_graph[x]["expanded"] and not check_goal(x, goal)), bpsg.keys()))
def C(s, a): return 0 if check_goal(s, goal) else 1
def ilao(s0, h_v, goal, A, gamma, env, epsilon=1e-3, succs_cache=None): bpsg = {s0: {"Adj": []}} explicit_graph = {} succs_cache = {} if succs_cache == None else succs_cache explicit_graph[s0] = { "value": h_v(s0), "solved": False, "expanded": False, "pi": None, "Q_v": {a: h_v(s0) for a in A}, "Adj": [] } def C(s, a): return 0 if check_goal(s, goal) else 1 i = 1 unexpanded = get_unexpanded_states(goal, explicit_graph, bpsg) n_updates = 0 explicit_graph_cur_size = 1 while True: while len(unexpanded) > 0: print("Iteration", i) print(len(unexpanded), "unexpanded states") n_updates_ = 0 def visit(s, i, d, low): nonlocal explicit_graph, A, goal, n_updates_ is_goal = check_goal(s, goal) if not is_goal and not explicit_graph[s]['expanded']: explicit_graph = expand_state(s, h_v, env, explicit_graph, goal, A, succs_cache=succs_cache) if not is_goal: # run bellman backup explicit_graph = backup_bellman(explicit_graph, A, s, goal, gamma, C) n_updates_ += 1 dfs(bpsg, on_visit=visit) assert len(explicit_graph) >= explicit_graph_cur_size explicit_graph_cur_size = len(explicit_graph) print("explicit graph size:", explicit_graph_cur_size) print(f"Finished value iteration in {n_updates_} updates") n_updates += n_updates_ bpsg = update_partial_solution(s0, bpsg, explicit_graph) unexpanded = get_unexpanded_states(goal, explicit_graph, bpsg) i += 1 bpsg_states = [s_ for s_ in bpsg.keys() if not check_goal(s_, goal)] print(f"Will start convergence test for bpsg with {len(bpsg)} states") explicit_graph, converged, changed, n_updates_ = value_iteration( explicit_graph, bpsg, A, bpsg_states, goal, gamma, C, epsilon=epsilon, convergence_test=True) n_updates += n_updates_ print(f"Finished convergence test in {n_updates_} updates") bpsg = update_partial_solution(s0, bpsg, explicit_graph) unexpanded = get_unexpanded_states(goal, explicit_graph, bpsg) if changed: continue if converged and len(unexpanded) == 0: break for s_ in bpsg: explicit_graph[s_]['solved'] = True return explicit_graph, bpsg, n_updates
def lao(s0, h_v, goal, A, gamma, env, epsilon=1e-3): bpsg = {s0: {"Adj": []}} explicit_graph = {} explicit_graph[s0] = { "value": h_v(s0), "solved": False, "expanded": False, "pi": None, "Q_v": {a: h_v(s0) for a in A}, "Adj": [] } def C(s, a): return 0 if check_goal(s, goal) else 1 i = 1 unexpanded = get_unexpanded_states(goal, explicit_graph, bpsg) n_updates = 0 explicit_graph_cur_size = 1 while True: while len(unexpanded) > 0: s = unexpanded[0] print("Iteration", i) print("Will expand", len(unexpanded), "states") Z = set() for s in unexpanded: explicit_graph = expand_state(s, h_v, env, explicit_graph, goal, A) Z.add(s) Z.update(find_ancestors(s, explicit_graph, best=True)) assert len(explicit_graph) >= explicit_graph_cur_size explicit_graph_cur_size = len(explicit_graph) print("explicit graph size:", explicit_graph_cur_size) print("Z size:", len(Z)) explicit_graph, _, __, n_updates_ = value_iteration( explicit_graph, bpsg, A, Z, goal, gamma, C, epsilon=epsilon) print(f"Finished value iteration in {n_updates_} updates") n_updates += n_updates_ bpsg = update_partial_solution(s0, bpsg, explicit_graph) unexpanded = get_unexpanded_states(goal, explicit_graph, bpsg) i += 1 bpsg_states = [s_ for s_ in bpsg.keys() if not check_goal(s_, goal)] print(f"Will start convergence test for bpsg with {len(bpsg)} states") explicit_graph, converged, changed, n_updates_ = value_iteration( explicit_graph, bpsg, A, bpsg_states, goal, gamma, C, epsilon=epsilon, convergence_test=True) print(f"Finished convergence test in {n_updates_} updates") n_updates += n_updates_ bpsg = update_partial_solution(s0, bpsg, explicit_graph) unexpanded = get_unexpanded_states(goal, explicit_graph, bpsg) if converged and len(unexpanded) == 0: break return explicit_graph, bpsg, n_updates