def test_sections_syntax_errors(self): contextualize_report( dedent(''' NAMES = [____, ____] ##### Part 1 a = 0 print(a) ##### Part 2 Syntax Error! ##### Part 3 Runtime Error ''')) separate_into_sections(independent=True) check_section_exists(3) self.assertEqual(get_all_feedback()[0].label, "FeedbackSourceSection") next_section() verify_section() self.assertEqual(get_all_feedback()[1].label, "FeedbackSourceSection") next_section() verify_section() feedback = get_all_feedback() self.assertTrue(feedback) self.assertEqual(feedback[3].label, "syntax_error") print(feedback[0].location) self.assertEqual(feedback[3].location.line, 7)
def test_catches_blank_files(self): contextualize_report('') verify() feedback = get_all_feedback() self.assertTrue(feedback) self.assertEqual(feedback[0].label, 'blank_source') contextualize_report(' \n\n\n \n\n\n ') verify() feedback = get_all_feedback() self.assertTrue(feedback) self.assertEqual(feedback[0].label, 'blank_source')
def test_no_more_input(self): contextualize_report('def x():') verify() feedback = get_all_feedback() self.assertTrue(feedback) self.assertEqual(feedback[0].label, 'syntax_error') self.assertEqual( feedback[0].message, """Bad syntax on line 1 The traceback was: Line 1 of file def x(): Suggestion: Check line 1, the line before it, and the line after it.""")
def test_damaged_sections(self): contextualize_report( dedent(''' NAMES = [____, ____] ##### Part 1 a = 0 print(a) ##### Part 2 Syntax Error! #### Part 3 Runtime Error ''')) verify() separate_into_sections() check_section_exists(3) feedback = get_all_feedback() self.assertTrue(feedback) self.assertTrue(feedback[0].label, "incorrect_number_of_sections")
def test_sections_tifa(self): contextualize_report( dedent(''' ##### Part 1 a = 0 ##### Part 2 print(a) ##### Part 3 print(b) ''')) separate_into_sections(independent=False) # First section has an unused variable next_section() self.assertEqual(len(get_all_feedback()), 2) tifa_analysis() self.assertEqual(len(get_all_feedback()), 3) # Second section uses said variable next_section() self.assertEqual(len(get_all_feedback()), 4) tifa_analysis() self.assertEqual(len(get_all_feedback()), 4) # Third section has a new unused variables next_section() self.assertEqual(len(get_all_feedback()), 5) tifa_analysis() feedback = get_all_feedback() self.assertEqual(len(get_all_feedback()), 6) finals = sectional.resolve() self.assertEqual( """FeedbackSourceSection Feedback separated into groups Unused Variable The variable a was given a value on line 3, but was never used after that. Initialization Problem The variable b was used on line 7, but it was not given a value on a previous line. You cannot use a variable until it has been given a value.""", "\n".join(f.title + "\n" + f.message for f in finals.values()))
def test_catches_syntax_errors(self): contextualize_report('a b c') verify() feedback = get_all_feedback() self.assertTrue(feedback) self.assertEqual(feedback[0].label, 'syntax_error')