def set_source_file(filename: str, sections=False, independent=False, report=MAIN_REPORT): """ Uses the given `filename` on the filesystem as the new main file. Args: filename: sections: independent: report: Returns: """ try: with open(filename, 'r') as student_file: set_source(, filename=filename, sections=sections, independent=independent, report=report) except IOError: source_file_not_found(filename, sections, report=report) report[TOOL_NAME]['success'] = False
def verify(code=None, filename=DEFAULT_STUDENT_FILENAME, report=MAIN_REPORT, muted=False): """ Parses the given source code and checks for syntax errors; if no code is given, defaults to the current Main file of the submission. Args: muted: code (str): Some code to parse and syntax check. filename: An optional filename to use report: Returns: """ if code is None: code = report.submission.main_code filename = report.submission.main_file if report.submission.load_error: source_file_not_found(filename, None) report[TOOL_NAME]['success'] = False return False if code.strip() == '': blank_source() report[TOOL_NAME]['success'] = False try: parsed = ast.parse(code, filename) report[TOOL_NAME]['ast'] = parsed except SyntaxError as e: syntax_error(e.lineno, e.filename, code, e.offset, e, sys.exc_info(), report=report, muted=muted) report[TOOL_NAME]['success'] = False report[TOOL_NAME]['ast'] = ast.parse("") report[TOOL_NAME]['success'] = True return report[TOOL_NAME]['success']
def load_submissions(self): given_script = self.config.instructor if self.config.ics_direct: # TODO: Allow non-progsnap ics_direct self.load_progsnap(self.config.submissions, instructor_code=given_script) elif is_progsnap(given_script): self.load_progsnap(given_script) elif os.path.isfile(given_script): self.load_file_submissions([given_script]) elif os.path.isdir(given_script): python_files = os.listdir(given_script) self.load_file_submissions(python_files) else: potential_filenames = list(find_possible_filenames(given_script)) for filename in potential_filenames: load_error = self.load_file_submissions([filename]) if load_error is None: return from pedal.source.feedbacks import source_file_not_found source_file_not_found(potential_filenames[0], False)
def set_source_file(filename: str, sections=False, independent=False, report=MAIN_REPORT): """ Uses the given `filename` on the filesystem as the new main file. Args: filename (str or list[str]): Checks the files, in the given order, to be loaded. If a single string is given, we check if there is a ";" and separate it as multiple options. If a file isn't found, then the next option in the list is tried. If "*.py" is the ending of a given option, then the first Python file found will be used, respecting any directories given (e.g., `"*.py"` finds any in this directory, while `"source/*.py"` finds the first Python file in the `source/` directory). If no files are found, the `source_file_not_found` feedback will be delivered. sections: independent: report: Returns: """ for a_filename in find_possible_filenames(filename): try: with open(a_filename, 'r') as student_file: set_source(, filename=a_filename, sections=sections, independent=independent, report=report) return except IOError: continue else: source_file_not_found(filename, sections, report=report) report[TOOL_NAME]['success'] = False