def getModelData(model): """Return records for the ModelFile or Dat tables. Args: model(str): either 'DAT' or 'MODEL'. If anything else will return 'MODEL'. Return: tuple(cols:header strings, rows: list of record data). """ pm.connectDB() cols = [] rows = [] try: if model == 'DAT': mquery = cols = ['timestamp', 'name', 'amendments', 'comments'] for r in mquery: rows.append([r.timestamp.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"),, r.amendments, r.comments]) elif model == 'IED': mquery = cols = ['timestamp', 'name', 'ref', 'amendments', 'comments'] for r in mquery: rows.append([r.timestamp.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"),, r.ref, r.amendments, r.comments]) else: mquery = == model) cols = ['timestamp', 'name', 'comments'] for r in mquery: rows.append([r.timestamp.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"),, r.comments]) finally: pm.disconnectDB() return cols, rows
def getRunData(): """Return records for the Run table. Return: tuple(cols:header strings, rows: list of record data). """ pm.connectDB() cols = [ 'id', 'timestamp', 'run_hash', 'run_options', 'event_name', 'setup', 'comments', 'ief', 'tcf', 'initial_conditions', 'isis_results', 'tuflow_results', 'estry_results', 'event_duration', 'modeller', 'isis_version', 'tuflow_version', 'ief_dir', 'tcf_dir', 'log_dir', 'run_status', 'mb' ] rows = [] try: rquery = rows = [] for r in rquery: rows.append( [, r.timestamp.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"), r.run_hash, r.run_options, r.event_name, r.setup, r.comments, r.ief, r.tcf, r.initial_conditions, r.isis_results, r.tuflow_results, r.estry_results, r.event_duration, r.modeller, r.isis_version, r.tuflow_version, r.ief_dir, r.tcf_dir, r.log_dir, r.run_status, r.mb ] ) finally: pm.disconnectDB() return cols, rows
def updateModelRow(updateDict, model_name): """Update values in the ModelFile table. Args: updateDict(dict): containing {fieldname: value} pairs for updating. model_name(str): the ModelFile_name value to query. """ pm.connectDB() try: query = pm.ModelFile.update(**updateDict).where( == model_name) query.execute() finally: pm.disconnectDB()
def updateRunRow(updateDict, run_id): """Update values in the Run table. Args: updateDict(dict): containing {fieldname: value} pairs for updating. run_id(int): the value to query. """ pm.connectDB() try: query = pm.Run.update(**updateDict).where( == run_id) query.execute() finally: pm.disconnectDB()
def updateIedRow(updateDict, ied_name): """Update values in the Ied table. Args: updateDict(dict): containing {fieldname: value} pairs for updating. ied_name(str): the value to query. """ pm.connectDB() try: query = pm.Ied.update(**updateDict).where( == ied_name) query.execute() finally: pm.disconnectDB()
def deleteIedRow(ied_name, remove_orphans=True, connect_db=True): """Delete a record in the Ied table. Deletes the specified Ied record. Args: ied_name(str): the to query against. """ if connect_db: pm.connectDB() try: i = pm.Ied.get( == ied_name) i.delete_instance() finally: if connect_db: pm.disconnectDB()
def deleteDatRow(dat_name, connect_db=True): """Delete a record in the Dat table. Deletes the specified Dat record. Args: dat_name(str): the to query against. """ if connect_db: pm.connectDB() try: d = pm.Dat.get( == dat_name) d.delete_instance() finally: if connect_db: pm.disconnectDB()
def getRunRow(run_id): """Return the Run record associated with the given Args: run_id(int): the to query against. Return: dict - containing {field: value} for the record. """ pm.connectDB() try: query = pm.Run.get( == run_id) run = shortcuts.model_to_dict(query, recurse=False) finally: pm.disconnectDB() return run
def addDat(dat): """Add a new record to the Dat table. Args: dat(dict): containing the records to update. Return: peewee.Model - the newly created Dat record. """ pm.connectDB() try: d, created = pm.Dat.get_or_create( name=dat['NAME'], amendments=dat['AMENDMENTS'], comments=dat['COMMENTS'] ) finally: pm.disconnectDB() return d
def addRun(run, run_hash, ief_dir, tcf_dir, dat=None): """Add a new record to the Run table. Args: run(dict): containing the values to update the Run table with. run_hash(str): unique hash code for this run. ief_dir(str): the ief directory string - can be ''. tcf_dir(str): the tcf directory string - can be ''. dat=None(peewee.Model): the Dat record to reference against the Run.dat foreign key. Return: peewee.Model - the newly created Run record. """ pm.connectDB() try: # if dat is not None: r = pm.Run(dat=dat, run_hash=run_hash, setup=run['SETUP'], modeller=run['MODELLER'], ief=run['IEF'], tcf=run['TCF'], initial_conditions=run['INITIAL_CONDITIONS'], isis_results=run['ISIS_RESULTS'], tuflow_results=run['TUFLOW_RESULTS'], estry_results=run['ESTRY_RESULTS'], event_duration=run['EVENT_DURATION'], comments=run['COMMENTS'], isis_version=run['ISIS_BUILD'], tuflow_version=run['TUFLOW_BUILD'], event_name=run['EVENT_NAME'], ief_dir=ief_dir, tcf_dir=tcf_dir, log_dir=run['LOG_DIR'], run_options=run['RUN_OPTIONS'], run_status=run['RUN_STATUS'], mb=run['MB']) # else: # r = pm.Run(run_hash=run_hash, setup=run['SETUP'], modeller=run['MODELLER'], # ief=run['IEF'], tcf=run['TCF'], initial_conditions=run['INITIAL_CONDITIONS'], # isis_results=run['ISIS_RESULTS'], tuflow_results=run['TUFLOW_RESULTS'], # estry_results=run['ESTRY_RESULTS'], event_duration=run['EVENT_DURATION'], # comments=run['COMMENTS'], isis_version=run['ISIS_BUILD'], tuflow_version=run['TUFLOW_BUILD'], # event_name=run['EVENT_NAME'], ief_dir=ief_dir, tcf_dir=tcf_dir, # log_dir=run['LOG_DIR'], run_options=run['RUN_OPTIONS'], # run_status=run['RUN_STATUS'], mb=run['MB']) finally: pm.disconnectDB() return r
def deleteModelRow(model_name, remove_orphans=True, connect_db=True): """Delete a record in the ModelFile table. Deletes the specified ModelFile record and any foreign key associations. Args: model_name(str): the to query against. remove_orphans=True(bool): if True will call deleteOrphanFiles after. """ if connect_db: pm.connectDB() try: m = pm.ModelFile.get( == model_name) m.delete_instance(recursive=True) # Delete any orphaned subfiles if remove_orphans: deleteOrphanFiles(execute=True) finally: if connect_db: pm.disconnectDB()
def deleteOrphanFiles(run_id=-1, execute=True, connect_db=True): """Find any orphaned file references and delete them from the database. Checks the SubFile table for and values that aren't in the ModelFile_SubFile table and deletes them. Args: execute=True(bool): I don't think this does anything? Should probably always leave as default until further notice. DEBUG. """ if connect_db: pm.connectDB() try: # Delete any orphaned subfiles subs = q = pm.SubFile.delete().where(~( << subs)) if execute: q.execute() # Need to clean up the subfile entries as well subs = q = pm.SubFile.delete().where(~( << subs)) if execute: q.execute() if not run_id == -1: # Delete all of the run references subfile (Run_SubFile) rsquery = pm.Run_SubFile.delete().where(pm.Run_SubFile.run_id == run_id) if execute: rsquery.execute() # Delete all of the run referencd ied files (Run_Ied) iquery = pm.Run_Ied.delete().where(pm.Run_Ied.run_id == run_id) if execute: iquery.execute() finally: if connect_db: pm.disconnectDB()
def getSimpleQuery(table, value1, with_files, new_sub_only, new_model_only, run_id, value2=''): """Get the results of a query from the database. This is a bit of a beast of a function, but it seems hard to break it down until I find a better/neater way of running the queryies. Basically returns header columns, row data list, tuple for using. It is a bit of a black box at the moment. It is not possible to state which fields will be used, only the values to test them against. Args: table (str): table name in the db. value1(str): field value to check. with_files(bool): Used with queries on the ModelFile table. States whether to return associated SubFiles or not. new_sub_only(bool): If True and with_files==True it will return only the associated SubFiles that have new_file == True. new_model_only(bool): Same as new_sub_only, but for ModelFile. run_id(int): the value to compare. If -1 it will not be used. value2=''(str): optional second field value to check. """ pm.connectDB() cols = [] rows = [] try: if table == 'DAT': cols = ['Date', 'Name', 'Amendments', 'Comments'] rows = [] # If run_id given - select all with that id if run_id != -1: query = (pm.Run .select(pm.Run, pm.Dat) .join(pm.Dat) .where( == run_id) ) cols = ['Run ID', 'Date', 'Name', 'Amendments', 'Comments'] for r in query: rows.append([, r.timestamp.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"),, r.dat.amendments, r.dat.comments]) else: query = query = checkWildcard(query,, value1) cols = ['Date', 'Name', 'Amendments', 'Comments'] for r in query: rows.append([r.timestamp.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"),, r.amendments, r.comments]) elif table == 'IED': rows = [] # If using a run_id we need to join the Run_ModelFile table too if run_id != -1: query = (pm.Run_Ied .select(pm.Run_Ied, pm.Ied) .join(pm.Ied) .switch(pm.Run_Ied) .where(pm.Run_Ied.run_id == run_id) ) cols = ['Run ID', 'Date', 'Name', 'Ref', 'Amendments', 'Comments'] for r in query: rows.append([r.run_id, r.timestamp.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"),, r.ied.ref, r.ied.amendments, r.ied.comments]) else: query = cols = ['Date', 'Name', 'Ref', 'Amendments', 'Comments'] for r in query: rows.append([r.timestamp.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"),, r.ref, r.amendments, r.comments]) elif table == 'RUN Options' or table == 'RUN Event': query = if table == 'RUN Event': query = checkWildcard(query, pm.Run.event_name, value1) else: query = checkWildcard(query, pm.Run.run_options, value1) cols = ['Run ID', 'Date', 'Event Name', 'Run Options', 'Comments', 'Status', 'MB'] rows = [] for r in query: rows.append([str(, r.timestamp.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"), r.event_name, r.run_options, r.comments, r.run_status, r.mb]) else: # Returning associated SubFile's as well so extra queries for the # value2 param will be needed if with_files: # If using a run_id we need to join the Run_ModelFile and Run_Subfile # tables too if run_id != -1: query = (pm.ModelFile_SubFile .select(pm.ModelFile_SubFile, pm.ModelFile, pm.SubFile, pm.Run_ModelFile, pm.Run_SubFile) .join(pm.SubFile) .switch(pm.ModelFile_SubFile) .join(pm.ModelFile) .join(pm.Run_ModelFile) .switch(pm.SubFile) .join(pm.Run_SubFile) ) else: query = (pm.ModelFile_SubFile .select(pm.ModelFile_SubFile, pm.ModelFile, pm.SubFile) .join(pm.SubFile) .switch(pm.ModelFile_SubFile) .join(pm.ModelFile) ) if not table == 'All Modelfiles': query = query.where(pm.ModelFile.model_type == table) query = checkWildcard(query,, value1) query = checkWildcard(query,, value2) if new_sub_only: query = query.where(pm.ModelFile_SubFile.new_file == True) rows = [] if run_id != -1: if new_model_only: query = query.where(pm.Run_ModelFile.new_file == True) # Filter model files by run id query = query.where(pm.Run_ModelFile.run_id == run_id) # Filter subfiles by run id query = query .where(pm.Run_SubFile.run_id == run_id) cols = ['Run ID', 'Modelfile Timestamp', 'Model Type', 'Modelfile', 'Modelfile New', 'Comments', 'Subfile', 'Subfile Timestamp', 'Subfile New'] for r in query: rows.append([r.model_file.run_modelfile.run_id, r.timestamp.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"), r.model_file.model_type,, r.model_file.run_modelfile.new_file, r.model_file.comments,, r.sub_file.timestamp.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"), r.new_file]) else: cols = ['Modelfile Timestamp', 'Model Type', 'Modelfile', 'Comments', 'Subfile', 'Subfile Timestamp', 'Subfile New'] for r in query: rows.append([r.timestamp.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"), r.model_file.model_type,, r.model_file.comments,, r.sub_file.timestamp.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"), r.new_file]) # If not with_files then we don't need to join the SubFile and # ModelFile_SubFile tables else: query = (pm.Run_ModelFile .select(pm.Run_ModelFile, pm.Run, pm.ModelFile) .join(pm.ModelFile) .switch(pm.Run_ModelFile) .join(pm.Run)) if not table == 'All Modelfiles': query = query.where(pm.ModelFile.model_type == table) query = checkWildcard(query,, value1) if new_model_only: query = query.where(pm.Run_ModelFile.new_file == True) if run_id != -1: query = query.where( == run_id) cols = ['Run ID', 'Modelfile Timestamp', 'Modelfile New', 'Model Type', 'Modelfile', 'Comments'] rows = [] for r in query: rows.append([r.run_id, r.timestamp.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"), r.new_file, r.model_file.model_type,, r.model_file.comments]) else: cols = ['Run ID', 'Modelfile Timestamp', 'Modelfile New', 'Model Type', 'Modelfile', 'Comments'] rows = [] for r in query: rows.append([r.run_id, r.timestamp.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"), r.new_file, r.model_file.model_type,, r.model_file.comments]) finally: pm.disconnectDB() return cols, rows
def updateNewStatus(): """Updates the Run_ModelFile.new_file and ModelFile_SubFile.new_file status flags. Updated the new_file status flag to True for all ModelFile and SubFile records that come first when ordering by name and timestamp. For Run_ModelFile the tables are ordered by, Run_ModelFile.timestamp and the first one updated to True. For ModelFile_SubFile the tables are ordered by ModelFile.model_type, ModelFile_SubFile.sub_file_id, ModelFile_SubFile.timestamp and the first one updated to True. """ pm.connectDB() try: query = (pm.ModelFile_SubFile .select(pm.ModelFile_SubFile, pm.ModelFile, pm.SubFile) #.distinct(pm.ModelFile_SubFile.sub_file_id) .join(pm.SubFile) .switch()#pm.ModelFile_SubFile) .join(pm.ModelFile) .order_by( pm.ModelFile.model_type, pm.ModelFile_SubFile.sub_file_id, pm.ModelFile_SubFile.timestamp) ) query.execute() except: pm.disconnectDB() raise try: query2 = (pm.Run_ModelFile .select(pm.Run_ModelFile, pm.Run, pm.ModelFile) #.distinct(pm.Run_ModelFile.model_file_id) .join(pm.ModelFile) .switch(pm.Run_ModelFile) .join(pm.Run) .order_by(, pm.Run_ModelFile.timestamp) ) query2.execute() except: pm.disconnectDB() raise try: found_names = [] with pm.logit_db.atomic(): for q in query: i = n = q.sub_file_id if not n in found_names: found_names.append(n) q = pm.ModelFile_SubFile.update(new_file=True).where( == i) q.execute() run_found_names = [] for q in query2: ri = rn = q.model_file_id if not rn in run_found_names: run_found_names.append(rn) q = pm.Run_ModelFile.update(new_file=True).where( == ri) q.execute() finally: pm.disconnectDB()
def deleteRunRow(run_id, delete_recursive=False): """Delete a record in the Run table. Delete's a Run record. If delete_recursive it will delete any associated records in the other tables. This is done in a (semi)intelligent way: All ModelFile records associated with this run_id in the Run_ModelFile table will be deleted IF they are not refernced by another in the Run_ModelFile table. This is also True of the Dat reference. TODO: I don't think this is very well written at the moment and is definitely quite slow. Args: run_id(int): the value to query against. delete_recursive=False(bool): if True will delete any foreign key associations and remove any associated Dat and ModelFile records. """ pm.connectDB() try: model_del = [] ied_del = [] dat = None r = None try: r = pm.Run.get( == run_id) except Exception as err: logger.warning('Could not find entry for run_id = %s' % run_id) logger.exception(err) if delete_recursive: # If we have a dat in this run if r.dat is not None: run_d = pm.Dat.get(name=r.dat) # If that dat isn't referenced in any other runs if < 2: dat = # # Get all the run_subfile's referenced # sq = == run_id) # Get all modelfile's and a count of how many times there are referenced mq = (pm.Run_ModelFile .select(pm.Run_ModelFile.run_id, pm.Run_ModelFile.model_file_id, fn.Count(pm.Run_ModelFile.model_file_id).alias('count')) .group_by(pm.Run_ModelFile.model_file_id) ) # If they are only referenced by this run add to the delete list # TODO: VERY slow. Must try harder for m in mq: if m.count < 2 and m.run_id == run_id: model_del.append(m.model_file_id) # Do the same for ied files iq = (pm.Run_Ied .select(pm.Run_Ied.run_id, pm.Run_Ied.ied_id, fn.Count(pm.Run_Ied.ied_id).alias('count')) .group_by(pm.Run_Ied.ied_id) ) for i in iq: if i.count < 2 and i.run_id == run_id: ied_del.append(i.ied_id) r.delete_instance(recursive=delete_recursive) with pm.logit_db.atomic(): if dat is not None: deleteDatRow(dat, connect_db=False) for m in model_del: deleteModelRow(m, remove_orphans=False, connect_db=False) for i in ied_del: deleteIedRow(i, remove_orphans=False, connect_db=False) finally: pm.disconnectDB()