def __init__(self, app, system, freq=30): self.system = system self.on_update_gui = Signal() self.frq = freq = app self.on_run_started = Signal() self.on_run_finished = Signal()
def __init__(self, parent=None): super(NEBWidget, self).__init__(parent=parent) self.ui = ui.nebbrowser.Ui_Form() self.ui.setupUi(self) self.plw = self.ui.widget # self.plw.axes.set_ylabel("NEB image energy") # pl.xlabel("distance along the path") # self.system = system # self.min1 = min1 # self.min2 = min2 # self.minimum_selected = Signal() # self.minimum_selected(minim) #the function which tells the eventloop to continue processing events #if this is not set, the plots will stall and not show until the end of the NEB run. #ideally it is the function app.processEvents where app is returned by #app = QApplication(sys.argv) self.process_events = Signal() self.on_neb_pick = Signal() self.on_neb_pick.connect(self.on_pick)
def __init__(self, system, database, min1, min2, outstream=None, return_smoothed_path=True, daemon=True): QtCore.QObject.__init__(self) self.system = system self.database = database self.min1, self.min2 = min1, min2 self.return_smoothed_path = return_smoothed_path self.daemon = daemon self.outstream = outstream self.on_finished = Signal() self.decprocess = None self.newminima = set() self.newtransition_states = set() self.success = False self.killed_early = False self.is_running = False
def __init__(self, database, graph=None, params=None, parent=None): if params is None: params = dict() super(DGraphWidget, self).__init__(parent=parent) self.database = database self.graph = graph self.ui = dgraph_browser.Ui_Form() self.ui.setupUi(self) self.canvas = self.ui.widget.canvas # self.ui.wgt_mpl_toolbar = NavigationToolbar() # self.toolbar = self. self.input_params = params.copy() self.params = {} self.set_defaults() self.minimum_selected = Signal() # self.minimum_selected(minim) self._selected_minimum = None # self.rebuild_disconnectivity_graph() self.colour_tree = [] self.tree_selected = None self._tree_cid = None self._minima_cid = None self._minima_labels = dict()
def __init__(self, plw, axes, neb=None, frq=30, nplots=3): self.count = 0 self.nplots = nplots = deque() self.frq = frq self.process_events = Signal() self.plw = plw self.axes = axes self.neb = neb self.on_coords_select = Signal() self.points_list = [] def on_pick_tmp(event): self.on_pick(event) return self.plw.mpl_connect('pick_event', on_pick_tmp)
def __init__(self, app, systemtype, parent=None): QtGui.QWidget.__init__(self) self.ui = Ui_MainWindow() self.ui.setupUi(self) self.systemtype = systemtype self.transition = None = app self.double_ended_connect_runs = [] self.pick_count = 0 self.minima_selection = MySelection() self.on_minimum_1_selected = Signal() self.on_minimum_2_selected = Signal() # set up the list manager self.list_manager = ListViewManager(self) # define the system self.NewSystem() # finish setting up the list manager (this must be done after NewSystem() is called) self.list_manager.finish_setup() # try to load the pymol viewer. try: self.usepymol = self.system.params.gui.use_pymol except (KeyError, AttributeError): self.usepymol = config.getboolean("gui", "use_pymol") if self.usepymol: try: from .pymol_viewer import PymolViewer self.pymolviewer = PymolViewer(self.system.load_coords_pymol) except (ImportError or NotImplementedError): self.usepymol = False if not self.usepymol: # note: glutInit() must be called exactly once. pymol calls it # during pymol.finish_launching(), so if we call it again it will # give an error. On the other hand, if we're not using pymol we # must call it. from OpenGL.GLUT import glutInit glutInit() self.bhmanager = None
def __init__(self, potential, coords1, coords2, k=100., max_images=50, image_density=10., iter_density=10., verbose=0, factor=1.05, NEBquenchParams=None, adjustk_freq=0, adjustk_tol=0.1, adjustk_factor=1.05, dneb=True, reinterpolate_tol=0.1, reinterpolate=0, adaptive_nimages=False, adaptive_niter=False, interpolator=interpolate_linear, distance=distance_cart, **kwargs): self.potential = potential self.interpolator = interpolator self.verbose = verbose self.distance = distance self.factor = factor self.max_images = max_images self.min_images = 3 self.image_density = image_density self.iter_density = iter_density self.update_event = Signal() self.coords1 = coords1 self.coords2 = coords2 self.reinterpolate = reinterpolate self.reinterpolate_tol = reinterpolate_tol self._nebclass = NEB self._kwargs = kwargs.copy() self.k = k self.adaptive_images = adaptive_nimages self.adaptive_niter = adaptive_niter self._kwargs["adjustk_freq"] = adjustk_freq self._kwargs["adjustk_tol"] = adjustk_tol self._kwargs["adjustk_factor"] = adjustk_factor self._kwargs["dneb"] = dneb if NEBquenchParams is None: NEBquenchParams = {'tol': 1e-2, 'maxErise': 100.0} self.quenchParams = NEBquenchParams self.prepared = False
def __init__(self, db=":memory:", accuracy=1e-3, connect_string='sqlite:///%s', compareMinima=None, createdb=True): self.accuracy = accuracy self.compareMinima = compareMinima if not os.path.isfile(db) or db == ":memory:": newfile = True if not createdb: raise IOError( "createdb is False, but database does not exist (%s)" % db) else: newfile = False # set up the engine which will manage the backend connection to the database self.engine = create_engine(connect_string % db, echo=verbose) if not newfile and not self._is_pele_database(): raise IOError("existing file (%s) is not a pele database." % db) # set up the tables and check the schema version if newfile: self._set_schema_version() self._check_schema_version() self._update_schema() # self._check_schema_version_and_create_tables(newfile) # set up the session which will manage the frontend connection to the database Session = sessionmaker(bind=self.engine) self.session = Session() # these functions will be called when a minimum or transition state is # added or removed self.on_minimum_added = Signal() self.on_minimum_removed = Signal() self.on_ts_added = Signal() self.on_ts_removed = Signal() self.lock = threading.Lock() self.connection = self.engine.connect()
def __init__(self, system, database, on_number_alive_changed=None): self.system = system self.database = database self.workers = [] self._old_nalive = -1 self.on_number_alive_changed = Signal() if on_number_alive_changed is not None: self.on_number_alive_changed.connect(on_number_alive_changed) self.refresh_timer = QtCore.QTimer() self.refresh_timer.timeout.connect(self._check_number)
def __init__(self, system, database, nsteps=None, on_finish=None): QtCore.QObject.__init__(self) self.system = system self.database = database self.daemon = True self.nsteps = nsteps #child_conn = self self.bhprocess = None self.on_finish = Signal() if on_finish is not None: self.on_finish.connect(on_finish)
def __init__(self, database=None, parent=None, app=None, minima=None): QWidget.__init__(self, parent=parent) self.ui = Ui_Form() self.ui.setupUi(self) self.database = database self.minima = minima = app self.canvas = self.ui.canvas.canvas self.axes = self.canvas.axes self.fig = self.canvas.fig self.on_minima_picked = Signal() self.from_minima = set() self.positions = dict() self.boundary_nodes = set() self._selected_minimum = None self._mpl_cid = None self._minima_color_value = None
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(Show3DWithSlider, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.setMinimumSize(200, 200) self.ui = Ui_show3d_with_slider() self.ui.setupUi(self) self.label = self.ui.label self.label.hide() self.ui.btn_animate.hide() self.ui.btn_animate.setCheckable(True) self.oglwgt = self.ui.oglwgt self.slider = self.ui.slider self.on_frame_updated = Signal() self.animate = False self._animate_dir = 1
def __init__(self, parent=None, nplots=3): MPLWidget.__init__(self, parent=parent) self.nplots = nplots self.on_neb_pick = Signal() self.mpl_connect('pick_event', self.on_pick)
def __init__(self, value): self.__value = value self.changed = Signal()
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(GetThermodynamicInfoParallelQT, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.on_finish = Signal()