def read(self, filename): content, metadata = super(BetterMarkdownReader, self).read(filename) rel_path = filename.replace(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "content", ""), "") if rel_path[0] == "_": rel_path_split = rel_path.split(os.sep) basename = rel_path_split[-1].replace(".md", "") subsite = rel_path_split[0][1:] page_type = rel_path_split[1] template = os.path.join("subsites", subsite, "article") save_as = os.path.join(subsite, "articles", slugify(basename) + ".html") url = os.path.join(subsite, "articles", slugify(basename) + ".html") metadata["ispage"] = False if page_type == "pages": metadata["date"] = datetime.datetime.strptime("2000-01-01", "%Y-%m-%d") template = os.path.join("subsites", subsite, "page") save_as = os.path.join(subsite, "pages", slugify(basename) + ".html") url = os.path.join(subsite, "pages", slugify(basename) + ".html") metadata["ispage"] = True if ''.join(rel_path_split[1:]) == "": template = os.path.join("subsites", subsite, "index") save_as = os.path.join(subsite, "index.html") url = os.path.join(subsite, "index.html") metadata["slug"] = slugify(subsite + "-" + basename) metadata["template"] = template metadata["save_as"] = save_as metadata["subsite"] = subsite metadata["url"] = url return content, metadata
def generate_urls(article): """ returns the article with clean urls depending on CLEAN_URLS_NO_PROXY option is enabled or not """ if self.settings.get('CLEAN_URLS_NO_PROXY'): # cleaning urls article.save_as = os.path.splitext(article.save_as)[0] article.url = article.save_as + '/' article.save_as = os.path.join(article.save_as, 'index.html') article.author_url = 'author/%s/' % slugify( article.author_save_as = \ os.path.join(article.author_url, 'index.html') article.category_save_as = 'category/%s/index.html' article.category_url = \ os.path.dirname( article.category_save_as % article.category ) + '/' # saving url for each tag article.tag_url = 'tag/%s/' article.tag_save_as = os.path.join(article.tag_url, 'index.html') if hasattr(article, 'tags'): article.tags_data = {} for tag in article.tags: article.tag_url = 'tag/%s/' % tag article.tags_data[tag] = article.tag_url # cleaning drafts url too article.drafts_url = 'drafts/%s/' article.drafts_save_as = \ os.path.join(article.drafts_url, 'index.html') else: # cleaning urls article.author_save_as = \ 'author/%s.html' % slugify( article.author_url = article.author_save_as article.category_save_as = 'category/%s.html' article.category_url = \ article.category_save_as % article.category # saving url for each tag article.tag_url = 'tag/%s.html' article.tag_save_as = article.tag_url if hasattr(article, 'tags'): article.tags_data = {} for tag in article.tags: article.tag_url = 'tag/%s.html' % slugify(tag) article.tags_data[tag] = article.tag_url # cleaning drafts url too article.drafts_url = 'drafts/%s.html' article.drafts_save_as = article.drafts_url return article
def slug(self): if self._slug is None: class_key = '{}_REGEX_SUBSTITUTIONS'.format( self.__class__.__name__.upper()) if class_key in self.settings: self._slug = slugify(, regex_subs=self.settings[class_key]) else: self._slug = slugify(, regex_subs=self.settings.get( 'SLUG_REGEX_SUBSTITUTIONS', [])) return self._slug
def test_slugify(self): samples = (('this is a test', 'this-is-a-test'), ('this is a test', 'this-is-a-test'), ('this → is ← a ↑ test', 'this-is-a-test'), ('this--is---a test', 'this-is-a-test'), ('unicode測試許功蓋,你看到了嗎?', 'unicodece-shi-xu-gong-gai-ni-kan-dao-liao-ma'), ('大飯原発4号機、18日夜起動へ', 'da-fan-yuan-fa-4hao-ji-18ri-ye-qi-dong-he'),) for value, expected in samples: self.assertEqual(utils.slugify(value), expected) # nothing will be changed if allow_non_ascii is True. self.assertEqual(utils.slugify(value, allow_non_ascii=True), value)
def write_output(self): # make category dir if neccessary subdirectory = get_subdirectory_from_path(self.json_file_path) sub_dir_path = os.path.join('content', subdirectory) self.lock.acquire() if not os.path.exists(sub_dir_path): os.mkdir(sub_dir_path) self.lock.release() name = slugify('title').strip()) + '.rst' path = os.path.join(sub_dir_path, name) self.lock.acquire() with open(path, 'w') as fp: fp.write(self.output) self.lock.release() # Validate rST content, metadata = RstReader(DEFAULT_SETTINGS).read(path) if all(map(lambda x: x in content, ('system-message', 'docutils'))): start = content.find('<p class="system-message') end = content.find('</p>', start) snippet = content[start:end] msg_template = 'Unable to parse rST document generated from: {}\n' msg_template += '{}' msg = msg_template.format(self.title, snippet) raise RstValidationError(msg)
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(Session, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) has_duration = hasattr(self, 'duration') has_start_date = hasattr(self, 'start_date') if has_duration: d = self.duration.split(' ') if len(d) <> 2 or d[1] <> "minutes": logger.error("Unknown duration format: %s", self.duration) self.duration = timedelta(minutes=int(d[0])) if has_start_date: self.start_date = get_date(self.start_date) self.locale_start_date = strftime(self.start_date, "%A %d") self.locale_start_time = strftime(self.start_date, "%H:%M") if has_duration and has_start_date: self.end_date = self.start_date + self.duration self.locale_end_time = strftime(self.end_date, "%H:%M") if not hasattr(self, 'bios'): bios = conference.bios.by_role_and_slug['speaker'] self.bios = [] for speaker in self.speakers: slug = slugify(speaker) self.bios.append(slug) if slug not in bios: bio = Bio("", {'title': speaker}, settings=self.settings, source_path="", context=self._context) conference.add_bio(bio)
def __init__(self, name, settings): # next 2 lines are redundant with the setter of the name property # but are here for clarity self._name = name self.slug = slugify(name) = name self.settings = settings
def posterous2fields(api_token, email, password): """Imports posterous posts""" import base64 from datetime import timedelta try: # py3k import import json except ImportError: # py2 import import simplejson as json try: # py3k import import urllib.request as urllib_request except ImportError: # py2 import import urllib2 as urllib_request def get_posterous_posts(api_token, email, password, page=1): base64string = base64.encodestring(("%s:%s" % (email, password)).encode("utf-8")).replace("\n", "") url = ("" "posts?api_token=%s&page=%d") % (api_token, page) request = urllib_request.Request(url) request.add_header("Authorization", "Basic %s" % base64string.decode()) handle = urllib_request.urlopen(request) posts = json.loads("utf-8")) return posts page = 1 posts = get_posterous_posts(api_token, email, password, page) while len(posts) > 0: posts = get_posterous_posts(api_token, email, password, page) page += 1 for post in posts: slug = post.get("slug") if not slug: slug = slugify(post.get("title")) tags = [tag.get("name") for tag in post.get("tags")] raw_date = post.get("display_date") date_object = SafeDatetime.strptime(raw_date[:-6], "%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S") offset = int(raw_date[-5:]) delta = timedelta(hours=(offset / 100)) date_object -= delta date = date_object.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M") kind = "article" # TODO: Recognise pages status = "published" # TODO: Find a way for draft posts yield ( post.get("title"), post.get("body_cleaned"), slug, date, post.get("user").get("display_name"), [], tags, status, kind, "html", )
def add(self, new_header, ids): new_level = new_string = new_header.string new_id = new_header.attrs.get('id') if not new_string: new_string = new_header.find_all( text=lambda t: not isinstance(t, Comment), recursive=True) new_string = "".join(new_string) if not new_id: new_id = slugify(new_string, ()) new_id = unique(new_id, ids) # make sure id is unique new_header.attrs['id'] = new_id if(self.level < new_level): new_node = HtmlTreeNode(self, new_string, new_level, new_id, self.include_title) self.children += [new_node] return new_node, new_header elif(self.level == new_level): new_node = HtmlTreeNode(self.parent, new_string, new_level, new_id, self.include_title) self.parent.children += [new_node] return new_node, new_header elif(self.level > new_level): return self.parent.add(new_header, ids)
def add_ical(generator, metadata): # check if a calendar is here if 'calendar' in metadata.keys(): summ = [] path = metadata['calendar'] if not os.path.isabs(path): path = os.path.abspath(metadata['calendar']) cal = Calendar.from_ical(open(path,'rb').read()) for element in cal.walk(): eventdict = {} if == "VEVENT": if element.get('summary') != None: eventdict['summary'] = element.get('summary') if element.get('description') != None: eventdict['description'] = element.get('description') if element.get('url') != None: eventdict['url'] = element.get('url') if element.get('dtstart') != None: eventdict['dtstart'] = element.get('dtstart').dt if element.get('dtend') != None: eventdict['dtend'] = element.get('dtend').dt summ.append(eventdict) # the id of the calendar is the slugified name of the page calId = utils.slugify(metadata['title']) generator.context['events'][calId] = summ
def __init__(self, name, settings, setting_var=None): = name self.slug = slugify( self.settings = settings if not setting_var: setting_var = self.__class__.__name__.upper() self.setting_var = setting_var
def make_video_file(videos_dir, video_data): if video_data['veyepar_state'] < 11: return file_data = {} file_data['description'] = video_data['description'] file_data['title'] = video_data['title'] file_data['speakers'] = video_data['speakers'] file_data['recorded'] = video_data['recorded'].split('T')[0] related_urls = [] videos = [] for item in video_data['videos']: if item['type'] == 'conf': related_urls.append(item['url']) elif item['type'] == 'archive': videos.append(dict(type=item['type'], url=item['url'])) elif item['type'] == 'host': videos.append(dict(type='youtube', url=item['url'])) file_data['videos'] = videos file_data['related_urls'] = related_urls file_data['thumbnail_url'] = '{}/hqdefault.jpg'.format( video_data['source_url'].split('/')[-1]) file_data['duration'] = video_data['duration'] path = os.path.join(videos_dir, slugify(file_data['title']) + '.json') with open(path, 'w') as fp: json.dump(file_data, fp, **JSON_FORMAT_KWARGS)
def __init__(self, name, settings): # next 2 lines are redundant with the setter of the name property # but are here for clarity self.settings = settings self._name = name self.slug = slugify(name, self.settings.get('SLUG_SUBSTITUTIONS', ())) = name
def slug(self): if self._slug is None: substitutions = self.settings.get('SLUG_SUBSTITUTIONS', ()) substitutions += tuple(self.settings.get('CATEGORY_SUBSTITUTIONS', ())) self._slug = slugify(, substitutions) return self._slug
def generate_pages(self, writer): """Generate the pages on the disk""" write = partial( writer.write_file, relative_urls = self.settings.get('RELATIVE_URLS') ) # to minimize the number of relative path stuff modification # in writer, articles pass first article_template = self.get_template('article') for article in chain(self.translations, self.articles): write(article.save_as, article_template, self.context, article=article, category=article.category) PAGINATED_TEMPLATES = self.settings.get('PAGINATED_DIRECT_TEMPLATES') for template in self.settings.get('DIRECT_TEMPLATES'): paginated = {} if template in PAGINATED_TEMPLATES: paginated = {'articles': self.articles, 'dates': self.dates} template_save_as = '%s.html' % template if self.settings.get('CLEAN_URLS_NO_PROXY'): # also, cleaning archives, categories and tags urls if template not in ('index',): template_save_as = '%s/index.html' % template write(template_save_as, self.get_template(template), self.context, blog=True, paginated=paginated, page_name=template) # and subfolders after that tag_template = self.get_template('tag') for tag, articles in self.tags.items(): articles.sort(key=attrgetter('date'), reverse=True) dates = [article for article in self.dates if article in articles] write(article.tag_save_as % slugify(tag), tag_template, self.context, tag=tag, articles=articles, dates=dates, paginated={'articles': articles, 'dates': dates}, page_name='tag/%s' % tag) category_template = self.get_template('category') for cat, articles in self.categories: dates = [article for article in self.dates if article in articles] write(article.category_save_as % cat, category_template, self.context, category=cat, articles=articles, dates=dates, paginated={'articles': articles, 'dates': dates}, page_name='category/%s' % cat) author_template = self.get_template('author') for aut, articles in self.authors: dates = [article for article in self.dates if article in articles] write(article.author_save_as, author_template, self.context, author=aut, articles=articles, dates=dates, paginated={'articles': articles, 'dates': dates}, page_name='author/%s' % aut) for article in self.drafts: write(article.drafts_save_as % article.slug, article_template, self.context, article=article, category=article.category)
def newpage(self, title, markup='md'): """ Create a new page ("appendix") with the specified title. Returns the path to the page file. """ MARKUP_OPTIONS = { 'md': "Title: {0}\n\n", 'rst': "{0}\n###################\n\n", 'html': "<html>\n\t<head>\n\t\t<title>{0}</title>\n\t</head>" "\n\t<body>\n\t\t\n\t</body>\n</html>\n", } name = slugify(title) for ext in MARKUP_OPTIONS: if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(self.location,self.APPE_DIR, name + '.' + ext)): raise ScribblerError('Date and name produce slug the ' 'same as existing file ' + name + '.' + ext) basename = name + '.' + markup path = os.path.join(self.location, self.APPE_DIR, basename) out = open(path, 'w') try: out.write(MARKUP_OPTIONS[markup].format(title)) out.close() except KeyError as e: out.close() os.remove(path) raise e self.appendices[basename] = ScribblerContent(title, '????-??-??', os.path.join(self.APPE_DIR, basename), self), self.BACKUP_FILE)) return path
def get_out_filename(output_path, filename, ext, kind, dirpage, dircat, categories, wp_custpost): filename = os.path.basename(filename) # Enforce filename restrictions for various filesystems at once; see # # we do not need to filter words because an extension will be appended filename = re.sub(r'[<>:"/\\|?*^% ]', '-', filename) # invalid chars filename = filename.lstrip('.') # should not start with a dot if not filename: filename = '_' filename = filename[:249] # allow for 5 extra characters out_filename = os.path.join(output_path, filename+ext) # option to put page posts in pages/ subdirectory if dirpage and kind == 'page': pages_dir = os.path.join(output_path, 'pages') if not os.path.isdir(pages_dir): os.mkdir(pages_dir) out_filename = os.path.join(pages_dir, filename+ext) elif not dirpage and kind == 'page': pass # option to put wp custom post types in directories with post type # names. Custom post types can also have categories so option to # create subdirectories with category names elif kind != 'article': if wp_custpost: typename = slugify(kind) else: typename = '' kind = 'article' if dircat and (len(categories) > 0): catname = slugify(categories[0]) else: catname = '' out_filename = os.path.join(output_path, typename, catname, filename+ext) if not os.path.isdir(os.path.join(output_path, typename, catname)): os.makedirs(os.path.join(output_path, typename, catname)) # option to put files in directories with categories names elif dircat and (len(categories) > 0): catname = slugify(categories[0]) out_filename = os.path.join(output_path, catname, filename+ext) if not os.path.isdir(os.path.join(output_path, catname)): os.mkdir(os.path.join(output_path, catname)) return out_filename
def fields2pelican(fields, out_markup, output_path, dircat=False): for title, content, filename, date, author, categories, tags, in_markup in fields: if (in_markup == "markdown") or (out_markup == "markdown") : ext = '.md' header = build_markdown_header(title, date, author, categories, tags) else: out_markup = "rst" ext = '.rst' header = build_header(title, date, author, categories, tags) filename = os.path.basename(filename) # option to put files in directories with categories names if dircat and (len(categories) == 1): catname = slugify(categories[0]) out_filename = os.path.join(output_path, catname, filename+ext) if not os.path.isdir(os.path.join(output_path, catname)): os.mkdir(os.path.join(output_path, catname)) else: out_filename = os.path.join(output_path, filename+ext) print(out_filename) if in_markup == "html": html_filename = os.path.join(output_path, filename+'.html') with open(html_filename, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as fp: # Replace simple newlines with <br />+newline so that the HTML file # represents the original post more accurately content = content.replace("\n", "<br />\n") fp.write(content) cmd = 'pandoc --normalize --reference-links --from=html --to={0} -o "{1}" "{2}"'.format( out_markup, out_filename, html_filename) try: rc =, shell=True) if rc < 0: print("Child was terminated by signal %d" % -rc) exit() elif rc > 0: print("Please, check your Pandoc installation.") exit() except OSError, e: print("Pandoc execution failed: %s" % e) exit() os.remove(html_filename) with open(out_filename, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as fs: content = if out_markup == "markdown": # In markdown, to insert a <br />, end a line with two or more spaces & then a end-of-line content = content.replace("\\\n ", " \n") content = content.replace("\\\n", " \n") with open(out_filename, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as fs: fs.write(header + content)
def generate_context(self): """change the context""" # return the list of files to use files = self.get_files(self.path, exclude=['pages',]) all_articles = [] for f in files: try: content, metadata = read_file(f, settings=self.settings) except Exception, e: warning(u'Could not process %s\n%s' % (f, str(e))) continue # if no category is set, use the name of the path as a category if 'category' not in metadata.keys(): if os.path.dirname(f) == self.path: category = self.settings['DEFAULT_CATEGORY'] else: category = os.path.basename(os.path.dirname(f)).decode('utf-8') if category != '': metadata['category'] = unicode(category) if 'date' not in metadata.keys()\ and self.settings['FALLBACK_ON_FS_DATE']: metadata['date'] = datetime.fromtimestamp(os.stat(f).st_ctime) article = Article(content, metadata, settings=self.settings, filename=f) if not is_valid_content(article, f): continue add_to_url = u'' if 'ARTICLE_PERMALINK_STRUCTURE' in self.settings: article_permalink_structure = self.settings['ARTICLE_PERMALINK_STRUCTURE'] article_permalink_structure = article_permalink_structure.lstrip('/').replace('%(', "%%(") # try to substitute any python datetime directive add_to_url = # try to substitute any article metadata in rest file add_to_url = add_to_url % article.__dict__ add_to_url = [slugify(i) for i in add_to_url.split('/')] add_to_url = os.path.join(*add_to_url) article.url = urlparse.urljoin(add_to_url, article.url) article.save_as = urlparse.urljoin(add_to_url, article.save_as) if article.status == "published": if hasattr(article, 'tags'): for tag in article.tags: self.tags[tag].append(article) all_articles.append(article) elif article.status == "draft": self.drafts.append(article) elif article.status == "noindex": self.noindex.append(article)
def test_slugify(self): samples = (('this is a test', 'this-is-a-test'), ('this is a test', 'this-is-a-test'), (u'this → is ← a ↑ test', 'this-is-a-test'), ('this--is---a test', 'this-is-a-test')) for value, expected in samples: self.assertEquals(utils.slugify(value), expected)
def generate_context(self): series_slugs = {} for article in self.context['articles']: if article.status.lower() == "published" and hasattr(article, 'series'): slug = slugify(article.series, self.settings.get('SLUG_SUBSTITUTIONS', ())) self.series[slug].append(article) if article.series not in self.series_slug: self.series_slug[article.series] = slug
def set_extra_info(article): data = {'date': article['metadata']['date'], 'slug': slugify(article['title'])} article['url'] = article_url.format(**data) article_filename = os.path.join(cat_path, article['filename']) article_uuid = article_filename[len(content_root) + 1:] comments = comments_database.get_comments(article_uuid=article_uuid) article['comments_count'] = len(list(comments)) return article
def name_to_filename(name): """ Converts a notebook name to the filename which would store the pickled notebook. """ #~ name = unicodedata.normalize('NFKD', name).encode('ascii', 'ignore') #~ name = unicode(re.sub('[^\w\s-]', '', name).strip().lower()) #~ name = re.sub('[-\s]+', '-', name) return slugify(name) + '.pkl'
def new_post(config, title): '''Create a new blog entry''' date = filename = '.'.join([date, utils.slugify(title), 'md']) filename = / filename click.echo('Create new post: %s' %, fg='green')) (config.jinja.get_template('new_post.tplt') .stream(title=title) .dump(filename, 'utf8'))
def test_slugify_substitute(self): samples = (('C++ is based on C', 'cpp-is-based-on-c'), ('C+++ test C+ test', 'cpp-test-c-test'), ('c++, c#, C#, C++', 'cpp-c-sharp-c-sharp-cpp'), ('c++-streams', 'cpp-streams'),) subs = (('C++', 'CPP'), ('C#', 'C-SHARP')) for value, expected in samples: self.assertEqual(utils.slugify(value, subs), expected)
def posterous2fields(api_token, email, password): """Imports posterous posts""" import base64 from datetime import timedelta try: # py3k import import json except ImportError: # py2 import import simplejson as json try: # py3k import import urllib.request as urllib_request except ImportError: # py2 import import urllib2 as urllib_request def get_posterous_posts(api_token, email, password, page=1): base64string = base64.encodestring( ("%s:%s" % (email, password)).encode('utf-8')).replace('\n', '') url = ("" "posts?api_token=%s&page=%d") % (api_token, page) request = urllib_request.Request(url) request.add_header('Authorization', 'Basic %s' % base64string.decode()) handle = urllib_request.urlopen(request) posts = json.loads('utf-8')) return posts page = 1 posts = get_posterous_posts(api_token, email, password, page) settings = read_settings() subs = settings['SLUG_REGEX_SUBSTITUTIONS'] while len(posts) > 0: posts = get_posterous_posts(api_token, email, password, page) page += 1 for post in posts: slug = post.get('slug') if not slug: slug = slugify(post.get('title'), regex_subs=subs) tags = [tag.get('name') for tag in post.get('tags')] raw_date = post.get('display_date') date_object = SafeDatetime.strptime( raw_date[:-6], '%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S') offset = int(raw_date[-5:]) delta = timedelta(hours=(offset / 100)) date_object -= delta date = date_object.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M') kind = 'article' # TODO: Recognise pages status = 'published' # TODO: Find a way for draft posts yield (post.get('title'), post.get('body_cleaned'), slug, date, post.get('user').get('display_name'), [], tags, status, kind, 'html')
def test_slugify(self): samples = (('this is a test', 'this-is-a-test'), ('this is a test', 'this-is-a-test'), (u'this → is ← a ↑ test', 'this-is-a-test'), ('this--is---a test', 'this-is-a-test'), (u'unicode測試許功蓋,你看到了嗎?', 'unicodece-shi-xu-gong-gai-ni-kan-dao-liao-ma'), (u'大飯原発4号機、18日夜起動へ', 'da-fan-yuan-fa-4hao-ji-18ri-ye-qi-dong-he'),) for value, expected in samples: self.assertEquals(utils.slugify(value), expected)
def create_file(docroot, filename, date_string, title, *args, **kwargs): path = os.path.join(docroot, filename) new_file = open(path, 'w') new_file.write('Date: {0}\n'.format(date_string)) new_file.write('Title: {0}\n'.format(title)) new_file.write('Slug: {0}\n'.format(slugify(title))) if kwargs.get('tags'): new_file.write('Tags: {0}\n'.format(kwargs.get('tags'))) if kwargs.get('category'): new_file.write('Category: {0}\n'.format(kwargs.get('category'))) return True
def test_slugify_substitute_and_keeping_non_alphanum(self): samples = (('Fedora QA', ''), ('C++ is used by Fedora QA', 'cpp is used by'), ('C++ is based on C', 'cpp-is-based-on-c'), ('C+++ test C+ test', 'cpp-test-c-test'),) subs = (('Fedora QA', '', True), ('c++', 'cpp'),) for value, expected in samples: self.assertEqual(utils.slugify(value, subs), expected)
def create_article_or_page(): data = dict(request.POST.decode()) category = u'resultats' page = None for key, val in data.items(): if key.startswith(u'cat_add_'): category = key[len(u'cat_add_'):] break if key.startswith(u'page_add_'): page = key[len(u'page_add_'):] break title = data.get('title', u'').strip() if len(title) == 0: # nope app.add_alert(_('A title is required.')) if page is None: redirect('/category/%s' % category) else: redirect('/page/%s' % page) return article = Article() article['title'] = data['title'] article['body'] = data.get('content', DEFAULT_BODY) date = article.set_metadata('date', date) if page is None: # it's an article cat_info = dict(app.vars['categories'])[category] article.set_metadata('category', cat_info['title']) path = cat_info['path'] else: # it's a page path = dict(app.vars['pages'])[page]['path'] # XXX we might want to put it under the year directory i = 1 filename = slugify(article['title']) fullfilename = os.path.join(path, filename) while os.path.exists(fullfilename + '.rst'): fullfilename += str(i) i += 1 with open(fullfilename + '.rst', 'w') as f: f.write(article.render().encode('utf8')) emit(EVENT_CREATED_CONTENT, article_path=fullfilename) if page is None: redirect('/category/%s/%s' % (category, filename + '.rst')) else: redirect('/page/%s/%s' % (page, filename + '.rst'))
def tumblr2fields(api_key, blogname): """ Imports Tumblr posts (API v2)""" from time import strftime, localtime try: # py3k import import json except ImportError: # py2 import import simplejson as json try: # py3k import import urllib.request as urllib_request except ImportError: # py2 import import urllib2 as urllib_request def get_tumblr_posts(api_key, blogname, offset=0): url = "" % ( blogname, api_key, offset) request = urllib_request.Request(url) handle = urllib_request.urlopen(request) posts = json.loads('utf-8')) return posts.get('response').get('posts') offset = 0 posts = get_tumblr_posts(api_key, blogname, offset) while len(posts) > 0: for post in posts: title = post.get('title') or post.get('source_title') or post.get( 'type').capitalize() slug = post.get('slug') or slugify(title) tags = post.get('tags') timestamp = post.get('timestamp') date = strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", localtime(int(timestamp))) slug = strftime("%Y-%m-%d-", localtime(int(timestamp))) + slug format = post.get('format') content = post.get('body') type = post.get('type') if type == 'photo': if format == 'markdown': fmtstr = '![%s](%s)' else: fmtstr = '<img alt="%s" src="%s" />' content = '\n'.join(fmtstr % (photo.get('caption'), photo.get('original_size').get('url')) for photo in post.get('photos')) content += '\n\n' + post.get('caption') elif type == 'quote': if format == 'markdown': fmtstr = '\n\n— %s' else: fmtstr = '<p>— %s</p>' content = post.get('text') + fmtstr % post.get('source') elif type == 'link': if format == 'markdown': fmtstr = '[via](%s)\n\n' else: fmtstr = '<p><a href="%s">via</a></p>\n' content = fmtstr % post.get('url') + post.get('description') elif type == 'audio': if format == 'markdown': fmtstr = '[via](%s)\n\n' else: fmtstr = '<p><a href="%s">via</a></p>\n' content = fmtstr % post.get('source_url') + post.get( 'caption') + post.get('player') elif type == 'video': if format == 'markdown': fmtstr = '[via](%s)\n\n' else: fmtstr = '<p><a href="%s">via</a></p>\n' content = fmtstr % post.get('source_url') + post.get( 'caption') + '\n'.join( player.get('embed_code') for player in post.get('player')) elif type == 'answer': title = post.get('question') content = '<p><a href="%s" rel="external nofollow">%s</a>: %s</p>\n%s' % ( post.get('asking_name'), post.get('asking_url'), post.get('question'), post.get('answer')) content = content.rstrip() + '\n' kind = 'article' yield (title, content, slug, date, post.get('blog_name'), [type], tags, kind, format) offset += len(posts) posts = get_tumblr_posts(api_key, blogname, offset)
def dc2fields(file): """Opens a Dotclear export file, and yield pelican fields""" try: from bs4 import BeautifulSoup except ImportError: error = ( 'Missing dependency ' '"BeautifulSoup4" and "lxml" required to import Dotclear files.') sys.exit(error) in_cat = False in_post = False category_list = {} posts = [] with open(file, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f: for line in f: # remove final \n line = line[:-1] if line.startswith('[category'): in_cat = True elif line.startswith('[post'): in_post = True elif in_cat: fields = line.split('","') if not line: in_cat = False else: # remove 1st and last "" fields[0] = fields[0][1:] # fields[-1] = fields[-1][:-1] category_list[fields[0]] = fields[2] elif in_post: if not line: in_post = False break else: posts.append(line) print("%i posts read." % len(posts)) for post in posts: fields = post.split('","') # post_id = fields[0][1:] # blog_id = fields[1] # user_id = fields[2] cat_id = fields[3] # post_dt = fields[4] # post_tz = fields[5] post_creadt = fields[6] # post_upddt = fields[7] # post_password = fields[8] # post_type = fields[9] post_format = fields[10] # post_url = fields[11] # post_lang = fields[12] post_title = fields[13] post_excerpt = fields[14] post_excerpt_xhtml = fields[15] post_content = fields[16] post_content_xhtml = fields[17] # post_notes = fields[18] # post_words = fields[19] # post_status = fields[20] # post_selected = fields[21] # post_position = fields[22] # post_open_comment = fields[23] # post_open_tb = fields[24] # nb_comment = fields[25] # nb_trackback = fields[26] post_meta = fields[27] # redirect_url = fields[28][:-1] # remove seconds post_creadt = ':'.join(post_creadt.split(':')[0:2]) author = "" categories = [] tags = [] if cat_id: categories = [ category_list[id].strip() for id in cat_id.split(',') ] # Get tags related to a post tag = post_meta.replace('{', '').replace('}', '').replace( 'a:1:s:3:\\"tag\\";a:', '').replace('a:0:', '') if len(tag) > 1: if int(tag[:1]) == 1: newtag = tag.split('"')[1] tags.append( BeautifulSoup(newtag, "xml") # bs4 always outputs UTF-8 .decode('utf-8')) else: i = 1 j = 1 while (i <= int(tag[:1])): newtag = tag.split('"')[j].replace('\\', '') tags.append( BeautifulSoup(newtag, "xml") # bs4 always outputs UTF-8 .decode('utf-8')) i = i + 1 if j < int(tag[:1]) * 2: j = j + 2 """ dotclear2 does not use markdown by default unless you use the markdown plugin Ref: """ if post_format == "markdown": content = post_excerpt + post_content else: content = post_excerpt_xhtml + post_content_xhtml content = content.replace('\\n', '') post_format = "html" kind = 'article' # TODO: Recognise pages yield (post_title, content, slugify(post_title), post_creadt, author, categories, tags, kind, post_format)
def fields2pelican(fields, out_markup, output_path, dircat=False, strip_raw=False, disable_slugs=False): for title, content, filename, date, author, categories, tags, in_markup in fields: slug = not disable_slugs and filename or None if (in_markup == "markdown") or (out_markup == "markdown"): ext = '.md' header = build_markdown_header(title, date, author, categories, tags, slug) else: out_markup = "rst" ext = '.rst' header = build_header(title, date, author, categories, tags, slug) filename = os.path.basename(filename) # option to put files in directories with categories names if dircat and (len(categories) > 0): catname = slugify(categories[0]) out_filename = os.path.join(output_path, catname, filename + ext) if not os.path.isdir(os.path.join(output_path, catname)): os.mkdir(os.path.join(output_path, catname)) else: out_filename = os.path.join(output_path, filename + ext) print(out_filename) if in_markup == "html": html_filename = os.path.join(output_path, filename + '.html') with open(html_filename, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as fp: # Replace newlines with paragraphs wrapped with <p> so # HTML is valid before conversion paragraphs = content.splitlines() paragraphs = ['<p>{0}</p>'.format(p) for p in paragraphs] new_content = ''.join(paragraphs) fp.write(new_content) parse_raw = '--parse-raw' if not strip_raw else '' cmd = ('pandoc --normalize --reference-links {0} --from=html' ' --to={1} -o "{2}" "{3}"').format(parse_raw, out_markup, out_filename, html_filename) try: rc =, shell=True) if rc < 0: error = "Child was terminated by signal %d" % -rc exit(error) elif rc > 0: error = "Please, check your Pandoc installation." exit(error) except OSError as e: error = "Pandoc execution failed: %s" % e exit(error) os.remove(html_filename) with open(out_filename, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as fs: content = if out_markup == "markdown": # In markdown, to insert a <br />, end a line with two or more spaces & then a end-of-line content = content.replace("\\\n ", " \n") content = content.replace("\\\n", " \n") with open(out_filename, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as fs: fs.write(header + content)
def __init__(self, content, metadata=None, settings=None, source_path=None, context=None): if metadata is None: metadata = {} if settings is None: settings = copy.deepcopy(DEFAULT_CONFIG) self.settings = settings self.content = content if context is None: context = {} self._context = context self.translations = [] local_metadata = dict() local_metadata.update(metadata) # set metadata as attributes for key, value in local_metadata.items(): # if key in ('save_as', 'url'): # key = 'override_' + key setattr(self, key.lower(), value) # also keep track of the metadata attributes available self.metadata = local_metadata #default template if it's not defined in page # self.template = self._get_template() # First, read the authors from "authors", if not, fallback to "author" # and if not use the settings defined one, if any. # if not hasattr(self, 'author'): # if hasattr(self, 'authors'): # = self.authors[0] # elif 'AUTHOR' in settings: # = Author(settings['AUTHOR'], settings) # # if not hasattr(self, 'authors') and hasattr(self, 'author'): # self.authors = [] # XXX Split all the following code into pieces, there is too much here. # manage languages # self.in_default_lang = True # if 'DEFAULT_LANG' in settings: # default_lang = settings['DEFAULT_LANG'].lower() # if not hasattr(self, 'lang'): # self.lang = default_lang # # self.in_default_lang = (self.lang == default_lang) # create the slug if not existing, # generate slug according to the filename if not hasattr(self, 'slug'): basename = os.path.basename(os.path.splitext(source_path)[0]) self.slug = slugify(basename, settings.get('SLUG_SUBSTITUTIONS', ())) self.source_path = source_path # manage the date format # if not hasattr(self, 'date_format'): # if hasattr(self, 'lang') and self.lang in settings['DATE_FORMATS']: # self.date_format = settings['DATE_FORMATS'][self.lang] # else: # self.date_format = settings['DEFAULT_DATE_FORMAT'] # # if isinstance(self.date_format, tuple): # locale_string = self.date_format[0] # if sys.version_info < (3, ) and isinstance(locale_string, # six.text_type): # locale_string = locale_string.encode('ascii') # locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, locale_string) # self.date_format = self.date_format[1] # # # manage timezone # default_timezone = settings.get('TIMEZONE', 'UTC') # timezone = getattr(self, 'timezone', default_timezone) # # if hasattr(self, 'date'): # = set_date_tzinfo(, timezone) # self.locale_date = strftime(, self.date_format) # # if hasattr(self, 'modified'): # self.modified = set_date_tzinfo(self.modified, timezone) # self.locale_modified = strftime(self.modified, self.date_format) # # # manage status # if not hasattr(self, 'status'): # self.status = settings['DEFAULT_STATUS'] # if not settings['WITH_FUTURE_DATES'] and hasattr(self, 'date'): # if is None: # now = # else: # now = SafeDatetime.utcnow().replace(tzinfo=pytz.utc) # if > now: # self.status = 'draft' # # # store the summary metadata if it is set # if 'summary' in metadata: # self._summary = metadata['summary'] signals.content_object_init.send(self)
def name(self, name): self._name = name self.slug = slugify(name, self.settings.get('SLUG_SUBSTITUTIONS', ()))
def __init__(self, content, metadata=None, settings=None, filename=None): # init parameters if not metadata: metadata = {} if not settings: settings = _DEFAULT_CONFIG self._content = content self.translations = [] self.status = "published" # default value local_metadata = dict(settings.get('DEFAULT_METADATA', ())) local_metadata.update(metadata) # set metadata as attributes for key, value in local_metadata.items(): setattr(self, key.lower(), value) # default author to the one in settings if not defined if not hasattr(self, 'author'): if 'AUTHOR' in settings: = settings['AUTHOR'] # manage languages self.in_default_lang = True if 'DEFAULT_LANG' in settings: default_lang = settings['DEFAULT_LANG'].lower() if not hasattr(self, 'lang'): self.lang = default_lang self.in_default_lang = (self.lang == default_lang) # create the slug if not existing, fro mthe title if not hasattr(self, 'slug') and hasattr(self, 'title'): self.slug = slugify(self.title) # create save_as from the slug (+lang) if not hasattr(self, 'save_as') and hasattr(self, 'slug'): if self.in_default_lang: self.save_as = '%s.html' % self.slug clean_url = '%s/' % self.slug else: self.save_as = '%s-%s.html' % (self.slug, self.lang) clean_url = '%s-%s/' % (self.slug, self.lang) # change the save_as regarding the settings if settings.get('CLEAN_URLS', False): self.url = clean_url elif hasattr(self, 'save_as'): self.url = self.save_as if filename: self.filename = filename # manage the date format if not hasattr(self, 'date_format'): if hasattr(self, 'lang') and self.lang in settings['DATE_FORMATS']: self.date_format = settings['DATE_FORMATS'][self.lang] else: self.date_format = settings['DEFAULT_DATE_FORMAT'] if hasattr(self, 'date'): self.locale_date ='ascii','xmlcharrefreplace')).decode('utf') # manage summary if not hasattr(self, 'summary'): self.summary = property(lambda self: truncate_html_words(self.content, 50)).__get__(self, Page) # manage status if not hasattr(self, 'status'): self.status = settings['DEFAULT_STATUS']
def __init__(self, content, metadata=None, settings=None, source_path=None, context=None): if metadata is None: metadata = {} if settings is None: settings = copy.deepcopy(DEFAULT_CONFIG) self.settings = settings self._content = content if context is None: context = {} self._context = context self.translations = [] local_metadata = dict() local_metadata.update(metadata) # set metadata as attributes for key, value in local_metadata.items(): if key in ('save_as', 'url'): key = 'override_' + key setattr(self, key.lower(), value) # also keep track of the metadata attributes available self.metadata = local_metadata # default template if it's not defined in page self.template = self._get_template() # First, read the authors from "authors", if not, fallback to "author" # and if not use the settings defined one, if any. if not hasattr(self, 'author'): if hasattr(self, 'authors'): = self.authors[0] elif 'AUTHOR' in settings: = Author(settings['AUTHOR'], settings) if not hasattr(self, 'authors') and hasattr(self, 'author'): self.authors = [] # XXX Split all the following code into pieces, there is too much here. # manage languages self.in_default_lang = True if 'DEFAULT_LANG' in settings: default_lang = settings['DEFAULT_LANG'].lower() if not hasattr(self, 'lang'): self.lang = default_lang self.in_default_lang = (self.lang == default_lang) # create the slug if not existing, generate slug according to # setting of SLUG_ATTRIBUTE if not hasattr(self, 'slug'): if (settings['SLUGIFY_SOURCE'] == 'title' and hasattr(self, 'title')): self.slug = slugify(self.title, settings.get('SLUG_SUBSTITUTIONS', ())) elif (settings['SLUGIFY_SOURCE'] == 'basename' and source_path is not None): basename = os.path.basename(os.path.splitext(source_path)[0]) self.slug = slugify(basename, settings.get('SLUG_SUBSTITUTIONS', ())) self.source_path = source_path # manage the date format if not hasattr(self, 'date_format'): if hasattr(self, 'lang') and self.lang in settings['DATE_FORMATS']: self.date_format = settings['DATE_FORMATS'][self.lang] else: self.date_format = settings['DEFAULT_DATE_FORMAT'] if isinstance(self.date_format, tuple): locale_string = self.date_format[0] if sys.version_info < (3, ) and isinstance(locale_string, six.text_type): locale_string = locale_string.encode('ascii') locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, locale_string) self.date_format = self.date_format[1] # manage timezone default_timezone = settings.get('TIMEZONE', 'UTC') timezone = getattr(self, 'timezone', default_timezone) if hasattr(self, 'date'): = set_date_tzinfo(, timezone) self.locale_date = strftime(, self.date_format) if hasattr(self, 'modified'): self.modified = set_date_tzinfo(self.modified, timezone) self.locale_modified = strftime(self.modified, self.date_format) # manage status if not hasattr(self, 'status'): self.status = getattr(self, 'default_status', None) # store the summary metadata if it is set if 'summary' in metadata: self._summary = metadata['summary'] signals.content_object_init.send(self)
def main(group_id, location, time_boundary, event_status, pandoc): key_path = os.path.normpath(os.path.expanduser('~/')) if os.path.exists(key_path): with open(key_path) as fh: key = cache = FileCache('.web_cache', forever=True) requests = CacheControl( Session(), cache, cache_etags=False, heuristic=ExpiresAfter(days=1) ) while True: resp = requests.get('', params=dict(key=key)) if resp.status_code == 200: break elif resp.status_code == 401: click.echo('Your key is required. You can get it from\n') if click.confirm('Open in your web browser?'): click.launch('') click.echo('') key = click.prompt('Key', hide_input=True) else:'Failed to get status. Response was {!r}'.format(resp.text)) click.secho('For convenience your key is saved in `{}`.\n'.format(key_path), fg='magenta') with open(key_path, 'w') as fh: fh.write(key) while not location: location = location or get_input('Location: ', completer=WordCompleter(['cluj', 'iasi', 'timisoara'], ignore_case=True)) while True: group_id = group_id or get_input('Group ID: ', completer=WordCompleter(['Cluj-py', 'RoPython-Timisoara'], ignore_case=True)) resp = requests.get('', params=dict( key=key, group_urlname=group_id, time=time_boundary, status=event_status, )) if resp.status_code == 200: json = resp.json() if json['results']: break else: click.secho('Invalid group `{}`. It has no events!'.format(group_id), fg='red') group_id = None if resp.status_code == '400':'Failed to get make correct request. Response was {!r}'.format(resp.text)) else: click.secho('Invalid group `{}`. Response was [{}] {!r}'.format(group_id, resp.status_code, resp.text), fg='red') # click.echo(pformat(dict(resp.headers))) for event in json['results']: dt = datetime.fromtimestamp(event['time']/1000) click.echo("{}: {}".format( dt.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'), event['name'] )) existing_path = glob(os.path.join('content', '*', dt.strftime('%Y-%m-%d*'), 'index.rst')) if existing_path: if len(existing_path) > 1: click.secho('\tERROR: multiple paths matched: {}'.format(existing_path)) else: click.secho('\t`{}` already exists. Not importing.'.format(*existing_path), fg='yellow') else: target_dir = os.path.join('content', location, '{}-{}'.format(dt.strftime('%Y-%m-%d'), slugify(event['name']))) target_path = os.path.join(target_dir, 'index.rst') if not os.path.exists(target_dir): os.makedirs(target_dir) if pandoc: with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False) as fh: fh.write(event['description'].encode('utf-8')) rst = subprocess.check_output(['pandoc', '--from=html', '--to=rst',]).decode('utf-8') print #os.unlink( else: stream = StringIO() html2rest(event['description'].encode('utf-8'), writer=stream) rst = stream.getvalue().decode('utf-8') with, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as fh: fh.write('''{name} ############################################################### :tags: unknown :registration: {event_url} {rst}'''.format(rst=rst, **event)) click.secho('\tWrote `{}`.'.format(target_path), fg='green')
def _generate_mbox_articles(self, mboxPath, mboxCategory): baseReader = BaseReader(self.settings) category = baseReader.process_metadata('category', mboxCategory) # Complain if the mbox path does not exist and is not readable. try: if not os.path.exists(mboxPath): raise RuntimeError mbox = mailbox.mbox(mboxPath) except: logger.error('Could not process mbox file %s', mboxPath) return # Retrieve some fields from the settings. authorString = self.settings.get('MBOX_AUTHOR_STRING') markdownify = self.settings.get('MBOX_MARKDOWNIFY') # Loop over all messages, turn them into article objects. all_articles = [] slugs = [] for message in mbox.itervalues(): # Get author name. author = message['from'] if author is None: author = 'Unknown' else: if '<' and '>' in author: author = author[:author.find(' <')] author = author.replace('"', '').replace("'", '') # As a hack to avoid dealing with the fact that names can collide. if authorString is not None and authorString != '': author += ' ' + authorString authorObject = baseReader.process_metadata('author', author) # Get date object, using python-dateutil as an easy hack. # If there is no date in the message, abort, we shouldn't bother. if message['date'] is None: continue if parser: date = parser.parse(message['date']) else: logger.error('No python-dateutil, we cannot continue as ' + 'date formats cannot be parsed. ') continue monthYear = date.strftime('%B-%Y').lower() # Get title and slug; build year + month into slug. subject = message['subject'] slugSubject = slugify(subject) slug = os.path.join(slugify(mboxCategory), monthYear, slugSubject) # Hack to handle multiple messages with the same subject. if slug in slugs: slug += "_%d" count = 2 testSlug = slug % count while testSlug in slugs: count += 1 testSlug = slug % count slug = testSlug slugs.append(slug) # Code adapted from Stackoverflow for parsing email messages. # # Code is clumsy, should be refactored. if message.is_multipart(): plaintext = None html = None for part in message.get_payload(): payload = part.get_payload(decode=True) if payload is not None: for charset in message.get_charsets(): if charset is not None and charset != 'x-unknown': # These probably shoudldn't be 'ignore'. if sys.version_info.major >= 3 and not isinstance( payload, str): payload = payload.decode(charset, "ignore") elif sys.version_info.major <= 2: payload = unicode(payload, charset, "ignore").encode( "ascii", "replace") if part.get_content_type() == 'text/plain': plaintext = payload if part.get_content_type() == 'text/html': html = payload if plaintext is None and html is None: continue elif plaintext is None: content = html else: if sys.version_info.major >= 3 and isinstance( plaintext, bytes): plaintext = plaintext.decode("utf-8", "ignore") content = plaintext_to_html(plaintext, markdownify) else: payload = message.get_payload(decode=True) for charset in message.get_charsets(): if charset is not None and charset != 'x-unknown': if sys.version_info.major < 3: payload = unicode(payload, charset, "ignore").encode( "ascii", "replace") else: payload = payload.decode(charset) if sys.version_info.major >= 3 and isinstance(payload, bytes): payload = payload.decode("utf-8", "ignore") content = plaintext_to_html(payload, markdownify) # On python 2, it seems that we need to do this final check of content. if sys.version_info.major <= 2: content = unicode(content, "us-ascii", "ignore").encode("ascii", "replace") metadata = { 'title': subject, 'date': date, 'category': category, 'authors': [authorObject], 'slug': slug } article = Article(content=content, metadata=metadata, settings=self.settings, source_path=mboxPath, context=self.context) # This seems like it cannot happen... but it does without fail. = article.authors[0] all_articles.append(article) return all_articles
def tumblr2fields(api_key, blogname): """ Imports Tumblr posts (API v2)""" import json import urllib.request as urllib_request def get_tumblr_posts(api_key, blogname, offset=0): url = ("" "posts?api_key=%s&offset=%d&filter=raw") % (blogname, api_key, offset) request = urllib_request.Request(url) handle = urllib_request.urlopen(request) posts = json.loads('utf-8')) return posts.get('response').get('posts') offset = 0 posts = get_tumblr_posts(api_key, blogname, offset) settings = read_settings() subs = settings['SLUG_REGEX_SUBSTITUTIONS'] while len(posts) > 0: for post in posts: title = \ post.get('title') or \ post.get('source_title') or \ post.get('type').capitalize() slug = post.get('slug') or slugify(title, regex_subs=subs) tags = post.get('tags') timestamp = post.get('timestamp') date = SafeDatetime.fromtimestamp( int(timestamp)).strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") slug = SafeDatetime.fromtimestamp( int(timestamp)).strftime("%Y-%m-%d-") + slug format = post.get('format') content = post.get('body') type = post.get('type') if type == 'photo': if format == 'markdown': fmtstr = '![%s](%s)' else: fmtstr = '<img alt="%s" src="%s" />' content = '' for photo in post.get('photos'): content += '\n'.join( fmtstr % (photo.get('caption'), photo.get('original_size').get('url'))) content += '\n\n' + post.get('caption') elif type == 'quote': if format == 'markdown': fmtstr = '\n\n— %s' else: fmtstr = '<p>— %s</p>' content = post.get('text') + fmtstr % post.get('source') elif type == 'link': if format == 'markdown': fmtstr = '[via](%s)\n\n' else: fmtstr = '<p><a href="%s">via</a></p>\n' content = fmtstr % post.get('url') + post.get('description') elif type == 'audio': if format == 'markdown': fmtstr = '[via](%s)\n\n' else: fmtstr = '<p><a href="%s">via</a></p>\n' content = fmtstr % post.get('source_url') + \ post.get('caption') + \ post.get('player') elif type == 'video': if format == 'markdown': fmtstr = '[via](%s)\n\n' else: fmtstr = '<p><a href="%s">via</a></p>\n' source = fmtstr % post.get('source_url') caption = post.get('caption') players = '\n'.join( player.get('embed_code') for player in post.get('player')) content = source + caption + players elif type == 'answer': title = post.get('question') content = ('<p>' '<a href="%s" rel="external nofollow">%s</a>' ': %s' '</p>\n' ' %s' % (post.get('asking_name'), post.get('asking_url'), post.get('question'), post.get('answer'))) content = content.rstrip() + '\n' kind = 'article' status = 'published' # TODO: Find a way for draft posts yield (title, content, slug, date, post.get('blog_name'), [type], tags, status, kind, format) offset += len(posts) posts = get_tumblr_posts(api_key, blogname, offset)
def generate_context(self): """change the context""" # return the list of files to use files = self.get_files(self.path, exclude=[ 'pages', ]) all_articles = [] for f in files: try: content, metadata = read_file(f, settings=self.settings) except Exception, e: warning(u'Could not process %s\n%s' % (f, str(e))) continue # if no category is set, use the name of the path as a category if 'category' not in metadata.keys(): if os.path.dirname(f) == self.path: category = self.settings['DEFAULT_CATEGORY'] else: category = os.path.basename( os.path.dirname(f)).decode('utf-8') if category != '': metadata['category'] = unicode(category) if 'date' not in metadata.keys()\ and self.settings['FALLBACK_ON_FS_DATE']: metadata['date'] = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp( os.stat(f).st_ctime) article = Article(content, metadata, settings=self.settings, filename=f) if not is_valid_content(article, f): continue add_to_url = u'' if 'ARTICLE_PERMALINK_STRUCTURE' in self.settings: article_permalink_structure = self.settings[ 'ARTICLE_PERMALINK_STRUCTURE'] article_permalink_structure = article_permalink_structure.lstrip( '/').replace('%(', "%%(") # try to substitute any python datetime directive add_to_url = # try to substitute any article metadata in rest file add_to_url = add_to_url % article.__dict__ add_to_url = [slugify(i) for i in add_to_url.split('/')] add_to_url = os.path.join(*add_to_url) article.url = urlparse.urljoin(add_to_url, article.url) article.save_as = urlparse.urljoin(add_to_url, article.save_as) if article.status == "published": if hasattr(article, 'tags'): for tag in article.tags: self.tags[tag].append(article) all_articles.append(article) elif article.status == "draft": self.drafts.append(article)
def read(self, filename): with open(filename, 'rt', encoding='UTF-8') as f: json_data = json.loads( data_path = str(pathlib.Path(filename).resolve().relative_to(self._absolute_data_path)) videos = list() iframe_types = ["youtube", "vimeo", "wistia"] html5_types = ["ogg", "mp4", "webm"] if 'videos' in json_data and isinstance(json_data['videos'], list) and len(json_data['videos']) > 0: for v in json_data['videos']: v_data = dict() v_data["type"] = v["type"] v_data['label'] = _convert_to_label(v['type']) v_data['icon'] = _convert_to_icon(v['type']) v_data["source_url"] = _get_and_check_none(v, 'url', '') v_data["media_url"] = _get_media_url(v["url"], media_type=v["type"]) if v["type"] in iframe_types: v_data["tag_type"] = "iframe" elif v["type"] in html5_types: v_data["tag_type"] = "html5" videos.append(v_data) else: # Handle data which doesn't have the videos list v_data = dict() v_data["source_url"] = _get_and_check_none(json_data, 'source_url', '') v_data["media_url"] = _get_media_url(v_data['source_url']) if "youtube" in v_data["media_url"]: v_data["type"] = "youtube" v_data["tag_type"] = "iframe" elif "vimeo" in v_data["media_url"]: v_data["type"] = "vimeo" v_data["tag_type"] = "iframe" elif v_data["media_url"].endswith(".mp4"): v_data["type"] = "mp4" v_data["tag_type"] = "html5" v_data['label'] = _convert_to_label(v_data['type']) v_data['icon'] = _convert_to_icon(v_data['type']) videos.append(v_data) category_data = _get_category_data(filename) category = _get_and_check_none(category_data, 'title') if not category: category = _get_and_check_none( json_data, 'category', self.settings['DEFAULT_CATEGORY'] ) title = _get_and_check_none(json_data, 'title', 'Title') slug = _get_and_check_none(json_data, 'slug') if slug is None: slug = slugify(title) metadata = { 'title': title, 'category': category, 'tags': _get_and_check_none(json_data, 'tags', []), 'date': _get_and_check_none(json_data, 'recorded', '1990-01-01'), 'slug': slug, 'authors': _get_and_check_none(json_data, 'speakers', []), 'videos': videos, 'data_path': data_path, 'media_url': _get_media_url(_get_and_check_none(json_data, 'source_url', '')), 'thumbnail_url': _get_and_check_none(json_data, 'thumbnail_url', '/images/default_thumbnail_url.png'), 'language': _get_and_check_none(json_data, 'language', ''), 'related_urls': map_related_urls(_get_and_check_none(json_data, 'related_urls', [])), } alias = _get_and_check_none(json_data, 'alias') if alias: if not alias.endswith('/'): alias += '/' metadata['alias'] = alias # Send metadata through pelican parser to check pelican required formats metadata = {key: self.process_metadata(key, value) for key, value in metadata.items()} content = [] for part in ['summary', 'description']: json_part = json_data.get(part) if json_part: content.append('<h3>{}</h3>'.format(part.title())) try: publisher = self._get_publisher(json_part, filename) content.append('body')) except SystemExit: log.warn( "Invalid ReST markup in %s['%s']. Rendering as plain text.", filename.replace(self.settings.get('PATH'), "").strip("/"), part ) content.append('<pre>{}</pre>'.format(json_part)) return "".join(content), metadata
def fields2pelican(fields, out_markup, output_path, dircat=False, strip_raw=False, disable_slugs=False, dirpage=False, filename_template=None, filter_author=None): for (title, content, filename, date, author, categories, tags, kind, in_markup) in fields: if filter_author and filter_author != author: continue slug = not disable_slugs and filename or None if (in_markup == "markdown") or (out_markup == "markdown"): ext = '.md' header = build_markdown_header(title, date, author, categories, tags, slug) else: out_markup = "rst" ext = '.rst' header = build_header(title, date, author, categories, tags, slug) filename = os.path.basename(filename) # Enforce filename restrictions for various filesystems at once; see # # we do not need to filter words because an extension will be appended filename = re.sub(r'[<>:"/\\|?*^% ]', '-', filename) # invalid chars filename = filename.lstrip('.') # should not start with a dot if not filename: filename = '_' filename = filename[:249] # allow for 5 extra characters # option to put page posts in pages/ subdirectory if dirpage and kind == 'page': pages_dir = os.path.join(output_path, 'pages') if not os.path.isdir(pages_dir): os.mkdir(pages_dir) out_filename = os.path.join(pages_dir, filename + ext) # option to put files in directories with categories names elif dircat and (len(categories) > 0): catname = slugify(categories[0]) out_filename = os.path.join(output_path, catname, filename + ext) if not os.path.isdir(os.path.join(output_path, catname)): os.mkdir(os.path.join(output_path, catname)) else: out_filename = os.path.join(output_path, filename + ext) print(out_filename) if in_markup in ("html", "wp-html"): html_filename = os.path.join(output_path, filename + '.html') with open(html_filename, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as fp: # Replace newlines with paragraphs wrapped with <p> so # HTML is valid before conversion if in_markup == "wp-html": new_content = decode_wp_content(content) else: paragraphs = content.splitlines() paragraphs = ['<p>{0}</p>'.format(p) for p in paragraphs] new_content = ''.join(paragraphs) fp.write(new_content) parse_raw = '--parse-raw' if not strip_raw else '' cmd = ('pandoc --normalize --reference-links {0} --from=html' ' --to={1} -o "{2}" "{3}"').format(parse_raw, out_markup, out_filename, html_filename) try: rc =, shell=True) if rc < 0: error = "Child was terminated by signal %d" % -rc exit(error) elif rc > 0: error = "Please, check your Pandoc installation." exit(error) except OSError as e: error = "Pandoc execution failed: %s" % e exit(error) os.remove(html_filename) with open(out_filename, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as fs: content = if out_markup == "markdown": # In markdown, to insert a <br />, end a line with two or more spaces & then a end-of-line content = content.replace("\\\n ", " \n") content = content.replace("\\\n", " \n") with open(out_filename, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as fs: fs.write(header + content)
def slug(self): if self._slug is None: self._slug = slugify(, regex_subs=self.settings.get( 'SLUG_REGEX_SUBSTITUTIONS', [])) return self._slug
def main(): print('''Welcome to pelican-post v{v}. This script will help you create a new pelican post. Please answer the following questions so this script can generate the post. '''.format(v=__version__)) CONF = {} # where to save post cwd = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) dirpath = os.path.join(cwd, 'content', 'posts') rel = os.path.relpath(dirpath, cwd) # print(f'{cwd} \n {dirpath} \n {rel}') CONF['basedir'] = os.path.abspath( os.path.expanduser( ask('Where do you want to save the markdown file?', answer=str, default=rel))) CONF['title'] = ask('What will be the title of this post?', answer=str, default='NEW TITLE') default_slug = slugify(CONF['title'], DEFAULT_CONFIG['SLUG_REGEX_SUBSTITUTIONS']) CONF['slug'] = ask('What will be the slug of this post?', answer=str, default=default_slug) extension = '.md' dest_file = os.path.join(CONF['basedir'], CONF['slug'] + extension) if os.path.exists(dest_file): random_chars = uuid.uuid4().hex.upper()[0:6] print( f'{CONF["slug"]} file already exists, \ add a random string {random_chars} to slug' ) CONF['slug'] = CONF['slug'] + random_chars dest_file = os.path.join(CONF['basedir'], CONF['slug'] + extension) time_format = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M" time_string = CONF['date'] = ask('What will be the date/time of the post?', answer=str, default=time_string) CONF['modified'] = CONF['date'] # try reading tags, wrap in try block # need markdown package in order to read markdown ### settings = read_settings('', override={}) pelican = Pelican(settings) context = settings.copy() context['generated_content'] = {} context['static_links'] = set() context['static_content'] = {} context['localsiteurl'] = settings['SITEURL'] generators = [ cls( context=context, settings=pelican.settings, path=pelican.path, theme=pelican.theme, output_path=pelican.output_path, ) for cls in pelican.get_generator_classes() ] for p in generators: if hasattr(p, 'generate_context'): p.generate_context() tags = context['tags'] tag_names = [ for t, _ in tags] tag_names = sorted(tag_names) print('> Tags already used in other posts (choose one or more): ') for no, tag in enumerate(tag_names, start=1): print(f' {no} -> {tag}') rv_tags = ask( 'Choose one or more tags (e.g. 1, 4)' ' 0 to enter new tag(s)', answer=str, default='0') input_tags = False if rv_tags == '0': tags_str = ask('Enter new tag(s), (e.g. pelican, python)', answer=str, default='') tags_str = tags_str.lower() input_tags = True else: index_tags = rv_tags.split(',') index_tags = [int(i) - 1 for i in index_tags] tags_value = [tag_names[ind] for ind in index_tags] tags_str = ', '.join(tags_value) CONF['tags'] = tags_str CONF['hasrp'] = ask('Do you want to add related posts?', answer=bool, default=False) if CONF['hasrp']: if input_tags: print('Tags are new input, enter related posts in text editor...') CONF['related_posts'] = ' ' else: all_articles = [] for tag_name in tags_value: for t, articles in tags: if == tag_name: all_articles = all_articles + articles all_articles = list(dict.fromkeys(all_articles)) print('> Posts with same tags (choose one or more) ') for no, art in enumerate(all_articles, start=1): print(f' {no} -> {art.title}') rv_art = ask( 'Choose one or more articles (e.g. 1, 3)' ' 0 to cancel', answer=str, default='0') if rv_art == '0': CONF['hasrp'] = False else: index_art = rv_art.split(',') index_art = [int(i) - 1 for i in index_art] related = [all_articles[ind].slug for ind in index_art] CONF['related_posts'] = ', '.join(related) top_no = 0 for art in context['articles']: try: if int( > top_no: top_no = int( except AttributeError as e: # print('Warning: {0}'.format(e)) pass top_no = top_no + 1 CONF['no'] = ask('Add a number for the post (start from 1)', answer=int, default=top_no) CONF['note'] = ask('Add a short note to yourself for this post?', answer=str, default='note to be added') CONF['first_sentence'] = ask('Write the first sentence of the article', answer=str, default='This is the first sentence ...') try: with open(dest_file, 'w') as fd: _template = Environment( loader=BaseLoader).from_string(markdown_temp) fd.write(_template.render(**CONF)) except OSError as e: print('Error: {0}'.format(e)) print('Done. Your new post is available at %s' % rel) # import pprint # pprint.pprint(CONF) # pprint.pprint(tags_str) # pprint.pprint(context) return
def _normalize_key(self, key): subs = self.settings.get('SLUG_REGEX_SUBSTITUTIONS', []) return six.text_type(slugify(key, regex_subs=subs))
def __init__(self, content, metadata=None, settings=None, source_path=None, context=None): if metadata is None: metadata = {} if settings is None: settings = copy.deepcopy(DEFAULT_CONFIG) self.settings = settings self._content = content if context is None: context = {} self._context = context self.translations = [] local_metadata = dict(settings['DEFAULT_METADATA']) local_metadata.update(metadata) # set metadata as attributes for key, value in local_metadata.items(): if key in ('save_as', 'url'): key = 'override_' + key setattr(self, key.lower(), value) # also keep track of the metadata attributes available self.metadata = local_metadata #default template if it's not defined in page self.template = self._get_template() # default author to the one in settings if not defined if not hasattr(self, 'author'): if 'AUTHOR' in settings: = Author(settings['AUTHOR'], settings) # XXX Split all the following code into pieces, there is too much here. # manage languages self.in_default_lang = True if 'DEFAULT_LANG' in settings: default_lang = settings['DEFAULT_LANG'].lower() if not hasattr(self, 'lang'): self.lang = default_lang self.in_default_lang = (self.lang == default_lang) # create the slug if not existing, from the title if not hasattr(self, 'slug') and hasattr(self, 'title'): self.slug = slugify(self.title, settings.get('SLUG_SUBSTITUTIONS', ())) self.source_path = source_path # manage the date format if not hasattr(self, 'date_format'): if hasattr(self, 'lang') and self.lang in settings['DATE_FORMATS']: self.date_format = settings['DATE_FORMATS'][self.lang] else: self.date_format = settings['DEFAULT_DATE_FORMAT'] if isinstance(self.date_format, tuple): locale_string = self.date_format[0] if sys.version_info < (3, ) and isinstance(locale_string, six.text_type): locale_string = locale_string.encode('ascii') locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, locale_string) self.date_format = self.date_format[1] if hasattr(self, 'date'): self.locale_date = strftime(, self.date_format) # manage status if not hasattr(self, 'status'): self.status = settings['DEFAULT_STATUS'] if not settings['WITH_FUTURE_DATES']: if hasattr(self, 'date') and > self.status = 'draft' # store the summary metadata if it is set if 'summary' in metadata: self._summary = metadata['summary'] signals.content_object_init.send(self)
def __init__(self, content, metadata=None, settings=None, filename=None): # init parameters if not metadata: metadata = {} if not settings: settings = _DEFAULT_CONFIG self._content = content self.translations = [] local_metadata = dict(settings.get('DEFAULT_METADATA', ())) local_metadata.update(metadata) # set metadata as attributes for key, value in local_metadata.items(): setattr(self, key.lower(), value) # default author to the one in settings if not defined if not hasattr(self, 'author'): if 'AUTHOR' in settings: = settings['AUTHOR'] else: = getenv('USER', 'John Doe') warning(u"Author of `{0}' unknow, assuming that his name is `{1}'".format(filename or self.title, # manage languages self.in_default_lang = True if 'DEFAULT_LANG' in settings: default_lang = settings['DEFAULT_LANG'].lower() if not hasattr(self, 'lang'): self.lang = default_lang self.in_default_lang = (self.lang == default_lang) # create the slug if not existing, fro mthe title if not hasattr(self, 'slug') and hasattr(self, 'title'): self.slug = slugify(self.title) # create save_as from the slug (+lang) if not hasattr(self, 'save_as') and hasattr(self, 'slug'): if self.in_default_lang: if settings.get('CLEAN_URLS', False): self.save_as = '%s/index.html' % self.slug else: self.save_as = '%s.html' % self.slug clean_url = '%s/' % self.slug else: if settings.get('CLEAN_URLS', False): self.save_as = '%s-%s/index.html' % (self.slug, self.lang) else: self.save_as = '%s-%s.html' % (self.slug, self.lang) clean_url = '%s-%s/' % (self.slug, self.lang) # change the save_as regarding the settings if settings.get('CLEAN_URLS', False): self.url = clean_url elif hasattr(self, 'save_as'): self.url = self.save_as if filename: self.filename = filename # manage the date format if not hasattr(self, 'date_format'): if hasattr(self, 'lang') and self.lang in settings['DATE_FORMATS']: self.date_format = settings['DATE_FORMATS'][self.lang] else: self.date_format = settings['DEFAULT_DATE_FORMAT'] if hasattr(self, 'date'): if platform == 'win32': self.locale_date ='ascii','xmlcharrefreplace')).decode(stdin.encoding) else: self.locale_date ='ascii','xmlcharrefreplace')).decode('utf') # manage status if not hasattr(self, 'status'): self.status = settings['DEFAULT_STATUS'] if not settings['WITH_FUTURE_DATES']: if hasattr(self, 'date') and > self.status = 'draft' # set summary if not hasattr(self, 'summary'): self.summary = truncate_html_words(self.content, 50)
def slug(self): slug_override = self.get('slug') if slug_override: return slug_override return slugify(self.get('title', 'missing-title'))
def read(self, filename): metadata = { "category": "Gwent_Deck", "date": "2020-04-13", "template": "gwent_deck", } deck_data = [] description = [] leader = None stratagem = None with open(filename, "r", encoding="utf-8") as fin: for line in fin: if line.startswith("//"): tag, value = parse_meta(line) metadata[tag.lower()] = value elif line.startswith("---"): # This is the description, read until end of file for dl in fin: description.append(dl.strip()) elif line.strip() != "": card_count, card_name = parse_card_line(line) card_version = metadata["gwent_version"] self.add_card_data(card_name, card_version) card_data = { "name": card_name, "count": card_count, "data": self.cached_data[card_version][card_name], } if (self.cached_data[card_version][card_name]["category"] == "Leader"): leader = card_data elif (self.cached_data[card_version][card_name]["type"] == "stratagem"): stratagem = card_data else: deck_data.append(card_data) self.write_cache() metadata["title"] = metadata["name"] metadata["slug"] = slugify( metadata["title"] + "_" + metadata["gwent_version"], regex_subs=self.settings.get("SLUG_REGEX_SUBSTITUTIONS", []), ) metadata["description"] = "\n".join(description) metadata[ "url"] = f"gwent/{metadata['gwent_version']}/{metadata['slug']}/" metadata["save_as"] = f"{metadata['url']}index.html" parsed = { "provisions": 0, "units": 0, "scraps": 0, "cards": sum([c["count"] for c in deck_data]), } for card in deck_data + [stratagem]: parsed["provisions"] += card["data"]["provision"] * card["count"] if card["data"]["type"] == "unit": parsed["units"] += card["count"] if card["data"]["rarity"] == "legendary": parsed["scraps"] += 800 * card["count"] elif card["data"]["rarity"] == "epic": parsed["scraps"] += 200 * card["count"] elif card["data"]["rarity"] == "rare": parsed["scraps"] += 80 * card["count"] else: parsed["scraps"] += 30 * card["count"] for key, value in metadata.items(): parsed[key] = self.process_metadata(key, value) parsed["deck"] = deck_data parsed["leader"] = leader parsed["stratagem"] = stratagem parsed["stats"] = { "provisions": [], "cumulative_provisions": [], "card_colors": [], "labels": [], } for card in sorted(deck_data, key=lambda x: x["data"]["provision"]): for _ in range(card["count"]): parsed["stats"]["provisions"].append( int(card["data"]["provision"])) parsed["stats"]["card_colors"].append(card["data"]["color"]) parsed["stats"]["labels"].append(card["data"]["name"]) parsed["stats"]["cumulative_provisions"] = list( accumulate(parsed["stats"]["provisions"])) return "", parsed
def __init__(self, name, settings): = name self.slug = slugify( self.settings = settings
def __init__(self, content, metadata=None, settings=None, filename=None): # init parameters if not metadata: metadata = {} if not settings: settings = copy.deepcopy(_DEFAULT_CONFIG) self.settings = settings self._content = content self.translations = [] local_metadata = dict(settings.get('DEFAULT_METADATA', ())) local_metadata.update(metadata) # set metadata as attributes for key, value in local_metadata.items(): setattr(self, key.lower(), value) # also keep track of the metadata attributes available self.metadata = local_metadata #default template if it's not defined in page self.template = self._get_template() # default author to the one in settings if not defined if not hasattr(self, 'author'): if 'AUTHOR' in settings: = Author(settings['AUTHOR'], settings) else: title = filename.decode('utf-8') if filename else self.title = Author(getenv('USER', 'John Doe'), settings) logger.warning( u"Author of `{0}' unknown, assuming that his name is " "`{1}'".format(title, # manage languages self.in_default_lang = True if 'DEFAULT_LANG' in settings: default_lang = settings['DEFAULT_LANG'].lower() if not hasattr(self, 'lang'): self.lang = default_lang self.in_default_lang = (self.lang == default_lang) # create the slug if not existing, from the title if not hasattr(self, 'slug') and hasattr(self, 'title'): self.slug = slugify(self.title) if filename: self.filename = filename # manage the date format if not hasattr(self, 'date_format'): if hasattr(self, 'lang') and self.lang in settings['DATE_FORMATS']: self.date_format = settings['DATE_FORMATS'][self.lang] else: self.date_format = settings['DEFAULT_DATE_FORMAT'] if isinstance(self.date_format, tuple): locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, self.date_format[0]) self.date_format = self.date_format[1] if hasattr(self, 'date'): encoded_date = self.date_format.encode('ascii', 'xmlcharrefreplace')) if platform == 'win32': self.locale_date = encoded_date.decode(stdin.encoding) else: self.locale_date = encoded_date.decode('utf') # manage status if not hasattr(self, 'status'): self.status = settings['DEFAULT_STATUS'] if not settings['WITH_FUTURE_DATES']: if hasattr(self, 'date') and > self.status = 'draft' # store the summary metadata if it is set if 'summary' in metadata: self._summary = metadata['summary']
def _normalize_key(self, key): subs = self.settings.get('SLUG_SUBSTITUTIONS', ()) return six.text_type(slugify(key, subs))
def main(group_id, location, time_boundary, event_status, pandoc, force): key_path = os.path.normpath(os.path.expanduser('~/')) if os.path.exists(key_path): with, encoding='utf8') as fh: key = else: key = None cache = FileCache('.web_cache', forever=True) requests = CacheControl(Session(), cache, cache_etags=False, heuristic=ExpiresAfter(days=1)) while True: resp = requests.get('', params=dict(key=key)) if resp.status_code == 200 and resp.json().get('status') == 'ok': break elif resp.status_code == 200 and any( 'auth_fail' == e.code for e in resp.json().get('errors', [])): click.echo( 'Your key is required. You can get it from\n' ) if click.confirm( 'Open in your web browser?' ): click.launch('') click.echo('') key = click.prompt('Key', hide_input=True) else: raise click.ClickException( 'Failed to get status. Response was {!r} {!r}'. format(resp.status_code, resp.text)) click.secho( 'For convenience your key is saved in `{}`.\n'.format(key_path), fg='magenta') with open(key_path, 'w') as fh: fh.write(key) while not location: location = location or get_input( u'Location: ', completer=WordCompleter( [u'cluj', u'iasi', u'timisoara', u'bucuresti'], ignore_case=True)) while True: group_id = group_id or get_input( u'Group ID: ', completer=WordCompleter([ u'RoPython-Bucuresti', u'RoPython-Cluj', u'RoPython_Iasi', u'RoPython-Timisoara' ], ignore_case=True)) resp = requests.get('', params=dict( key=key, group_urlname=group_id, time=time_boundary, status=event_status, )) if resp.status_code == 200: json = resp.json() if json['results']: break else: click.secho( 'Invalid group `{}`. It has no events!'.format(group_id), fg='red') group_id = None if resp.status_code == '400': 'Failed to get make correct request. Response was {!r}'.format( resp.text)) else: click.secho('Invalid group `{}`. Response was [{}] {!r}'.format( group_id, resp.status_code, resp.text), fg='red') # click.echo(pformat(dict(resp.headers))) for event in json['results']: dt = datetime.fromtimestamp(event['time'] / 1000) event['duration'] = format_duration( event.get('duration', 3600000) / 1000) event['time'] = dt.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M') if 'how_to_find_us' in event: address = event['how_to_find_us'], else: address = () if 'venue' in event: address_1 = event['venue'].get('address_1') if address_1: address += address_1, event['venue']['address_1'] = ', '.join(address) else: event['venue'] = {'address_1': address} click.echo("{time}: {name}".format(**event)) click.echo("\t{}".format(pformat(event))) existing_path = glob( os.path.join('content', '*', dt.strftime('%Y-%m-%d*'), 'index.rst')) if existing_path and not force: if len(existing_path) > 1: click.secho('\tERROR: multiple paths matched: {}'.format( existing_path)) else: click.secho('\t`{}` already exists. Not importing.'.format( *existing_path), fg='yellow') else: target_dir = os.path.join( 'content', location, '{}-{}'.format(dt.strftime('%Y-%m-%d'), slugify(event['name']))) target_path = os.path.join(target_dir, 'index.rst') if not os.path.exists(target_dir): os.makedirs(target_dir) if pandoc: with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False) as fh: fh.write(event['description'].encode('utf-8')) rst = subprocess.check_output( ['pandoc', '--from=html', '--to=rst',]).decode('utf-8') os.unlink( else: rst = html2rest(event['description']) doc = u'''{name} ############################################################### :tags: prezentari :registration: {event_url} :start: {time} :duration: {duration} :location: {venue[address_1]}, {venue[city]}, {venue[localized_country_name]} {rst}'''.format(rst=rst, **event) with, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as fh: fh.write(doc) click.secho('\tWrote `{}`.'.format(target_path), fg='green')
def slug(self): if self._slug is None: self._slug = slugify(, self.settings.get('SLUG_SUBSTITUTIONS', ())) return self._slug
def name(self, name): self._name = name self.slug = slugify(name)
def _normalize_key(self, key): return six.text_type(slugify(key))
def __init__(self, name, settings): = unicode(name) self.slug = slugify( self.settings = settings
def read(self, filename): metadata = { "category": "MTG_Deck", "date": "2020-04-13", "template": "mtg_deck", } deck_data = {"main": [], "sideboard": [], "colors": []} description = [] cmc_per_color = defaultdict(list) with open(filename, "r") as fin: for line in fin: if line.startswith("//"): tag, value = parse_meta(line) metadata[tag.lower()] = value elif line.startswith("---"): # This is the description, read until end of file for dl in fin: description.append(dl.strip()) elif line.strip() != "": sideboard, card_set, card_count, card_name = parse_card_line( line) self.add_card_data(card_set, card_name) card_data = { "name": card_name, "count": card_count, "data": self.cached_data[card_set][card_name], "card_type": parse_card_type(self.cached_data[card_set][card_name] ["type_line"]), } for color in self.cached_data[card_set][card_name][ "colors"]: if color not in deck_data["colors"]: deck_data["colors"].append(color) if sideboard: deck_data["sideboard"].append(card_data) else: deck_data["main"].append(card_data) if card_data["card_type"] != "land": card_colors = self.cached_data[card_set][ card_name]["colors"] num_colors = len(card_colors) card_cmc = min( 11, int(self.cached_data[card_set][card_name] ["cmc"])) if num_colors == 1: cmc_per_color[card_colors[0]].extend( [card_cmc] * card_count) elif num_colors == 0: # Artifact and devoid cards cmc_per_color["A"].extend([card_cmc] * card_count) else: # Multicolor and hybrid cards cmc_per_color["M"].extend([card_cmc] * card_count) cmc_distribution = { k: dict(Counter(v)) for k, v in cmc_per_color.items() } for k in cmc_distribution.keys(): for i in range(0, 12): if i not in cmc_distribution[k].keys(): cmc_distribution[k][i] = 0 deck_data["colors_string"] = "".join( ["{" + str(c).upper() + "}" for c in sorted(deck_data["colors"])]) deck_data["cmc_distribution"] = { k: [a[1] for a in sorted(v.items())] for k, v in cmc_distribution.items() } deck_data["cmc_distribution_colors"] = cmc_distribution_colors self.write_cache() metadata["title"] = metadata["name"] metadata["slug"] = slugify( metadata["title"], regex_subs=self.settings.get("SLUG_REGEX_SUBSTITUTIONS", []), ) metadata["description"] = "\n".join(description) metadata["url"] = f"mtg/{metadata['format']}/{metadata['slug']}/" metadata["save_as"] = f"{metadata['url']}index.html" parsed = {} for key, value in metadata.items(): parsed[key] = self.process_metadata(key, value) parsed["deck"] = deck_data return "", parsed
def my_slugify(text): return slugify(text, SLUG_REGEX_SUBSTITUTIONS)