def setup(): config = {} print("Where should the next tournament be?") config["location"] = input() print("When should the next tournament be? (ex. {year})".format( config["date"] = input() while True: sound = autoconf_sound() sound_options = ["(e)nter manually"] keys = "e" try: which_say = sound["say"] sound_options.append("(s)ay ({})".format(sound["say"])) keys += "s" except KeyError: pass try: which_say = sound["flite"] sound_options.append("(f)flite ({})".format(sound["flite"])) keys += "f" except KeyError: pass sound_options.append("(n)o sound") keys += "n" sound_options.append("(r)etry search") keys += "r" res = input_choice("Enable sound?", sound_options, keys) if res == "n": config["speak"] = False break elif res == "e": print("Please enter the location of the sound-giving binary:") sound_path = input() elif res == "s": sound_path = libpelita.shlex_unsplit(sound["say"]) elif res == "f": sound_path = libpelita.shlex_unsplit(sound["flite"]) else: continue print("Now trying to speak:") config["speak"] = True config["speaker"] = sound_path # must set a few dummy variables config["teams"] = [] config["bonusmatch"] = [] Config(config).say("Hello my master.") success = input_choice("Did you hear any sound? (y/n)", [], "yn") if success == "y": del config["teams"] del config["bonusmatch"] break print("Specify the folder where we should look for teams (or none)") folder = input().strip() if folder: try: subfolders = [ x.as_posix() for x in pathlib.Path(folder).iterdir() if x.is_dir() and not".") and not"_") ] config["teams"] = [{"spec": folder, "members": []} for folder in subfolders] except FileNotFoundError: print("Invalid path: {}".format(folder)) res = input_choice("Should a bonus match be played? (y/n/i)", [], "yni") if res == "y": config["bonusmatch"] = True elif res == "n": config["bonusmatch"] = False def escape(str): return "-" + re.sub(r"[\W]", "_", str) if str else "" file_name = "tournament{location}{year}.yaml".format( location=escape(config["location"]), year=escape(config["date"]) ) print("Writing to: {file_name}".format(file_name=file_name)) with open(file_name, "x") as f: yaml.dump(config, f, default_flow_style=False)
def run_match(config, teams): team1, team2 = teams ctx = zmq.Context() reply_addr = "ipc://tournament-reply#{pid}".format(pid=os.getpid()) reply_sock = ctx.socket(zmq.PAIR) reply_sock.bind(reply_addr) rounds = ['--rounds', str(config.rounds)] if config.rounds else [] filter = ['--filter', config.filter] if config.filter else [] viewer = ['--' + config.viewer] if config.viewer else [] if config.tournament_log_folder: dumpfile = os.path.join(config.tournament_log_folder, "dump-{time}".format(time=time.strftime('%Y%m%d-%H%M%S'))) dump = ['--dump', dumpfile] else: dump = [] cmd = [libpelita.get_python_process()] + ["./pelitagame"] + [config.team_spec(team1), config.team_spec(team2), '--reply-to', reply_addr, '--seed', str(random.randint(0, sys.maxsize)), *dump, *filter, *rounds, *viewer] _logger.debug("Executing: {}".format(libpelita.shlex_unsplit(cmd))) # We use the environment variable PYTHONUNBUFFERED here to retrieve stdout without buffering proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=True, env=dict(os.environ, PYTHONUNBUFFERED='x')) #if ARGS.dry_run: # print("Would run: {cmd}".format(cmd=cmd)) # print("Choosing winner at random.") # return random.choice([0, 1, 2]) poll = zmq.Poller() poll.register(reply_sock, zmq.POLLIN) poll.register(proc.stdout.fileno(), zmq.POLLIN) poll.register(proc.stderr.fileno(), zmq.POLLIN) with io.StringIO() as stdout_buf, io.StringIO() as stderr_buf: final_game_state = None while True: evts = dict(poll.poll(1000)) if not evts and proc.poll() is not None: # no more events and proc has finished. # we give up break stdout_ready = (not proc.stdout.closed) and evts.get(proc.stdout.fileno(), False) if stdout_ready: line = proc.stdout.readline() if line: print(line, end='', file=stdout_buf) else: poll.unregister(proc.stdout.fileno()) proc.stdout.close() stderr_ready = (not proc.stderr.closed) and evts.get(proc.stderr.fileno(), False) if stderr_ready: line = proc.stderr.readline() if line: print(line, end='', file=stderr_buf) else: poll.unregister(proc.stderr.fileno()) proc.stderr.close() socket_ready = evts.get(reply_sock, False) if socket_ready: try: pelita_status = json.loads(reply_sock.recv_string()) game_state = pelita_status['__data__']['game_state'] finished = game_state.get("finished", None) team_wins = game_state.get("team_wins", None) game_draw = game_state.get("game_draw", None) if finished: final_game_state = game_state break except json.JSONDecodeError: pass except KeyError: pass return (final_game_state, stdout_buf.getvalue(), stderr_buf.getvalue())
def setup(): config = {} print("Where should the next tournament be?") config['location'] = input() print("When should the next tournament be? (ex. {year})".format( config['date'] = input() while True: sound = autoconf_sound() sound_options = [ "(e)nter manually", ] keys = "e" try: which_say = sound["say"] sound_options.append("(s)ay ({})".format(sound["say"])) keys += "s" except KeyError: pass try: which_say = sound["flite"] sound_options.append("(f)flite ({})".format(sound["flite"])) keys += "f" except KeyError: pass sound_options.append("(n)o sound") keys += "n" sound_options.append("(r)etry search") keys += "r" res = input_choice("Enable sound?", sound_options, keys) if res == "n": config["speak"] = False break elif res == "e": print("Please enter the location of the sound-giving binary:") sound_path = input() elif res == "s": sound_path = libpelita.shlex_unsplit(sound["say"]) elif res == "f": sound_path = libpelita.shlex_unsplit(sound["flite"]) else: continue print("Now trying to speak:") config["speak"] = True config['speaker'] = sound_path # must set a few dummy variables config['teams'] = [] config['bonusmatch'] = [] Config(config).say("Hello my master.") success = input_choice("Did you hear any sound? (y/n)", [], "yn") if success == "y": del config["teams"] del config["bonusmatch"] break print("Specify the folder where we should look for teams (or none)") folder = input().strip() if folder: try: subfolders = [x.as_posix() for x in pathlib.Path(folder).iterdir() if x.is_dir() and not'.') and not'_')] config["teams"] = [{ 'spec': folder, 'members': []} for folder in subfolders] except FileNotFoundError: print("Invalid path: {}".format(folder)) res = input_choice("Should a bonus match be played? (y/n/i)", [], "yni") if res == "y": config['bonusmatch'] = True elif res == "n": config['bonusmatch'] = False def escape(str): return "-" + re.sub(r'[\W]', '_', str) if str else "" file_name = "tournament{location}{year}.yaml".format(location=escape(config["location"]), year=escape(config["date"])) print("Writing to: {file_name}".format(file_name=file_name)) with open(file_name, "x") as f: yaml.dump(config, f, default_flow_style=False)