    def test_findTemplateTargetsFor(self):
        cwd = os.getcwd()
        templates = findTemplateTargetsFor(cwd+'/resource','MyService', 'm1')
        self.assertEquals(len(templates), 3)
        targets = [i[0] for i in templates]
        self.assertTrue('xml' in targets)
        self.assertTrue('html' in targets)
        self.assertTrue('rss' in targets)

        templates = findTemplateTargetsFor(cwd+'/resource', 'MyService', 'm2')
        targets = [i[0] for i in templates]
        self.assertEquals(len(templates), 2)
        self.assertTrue('xml' in targets)
        self.assertTrue('html' in targets)
    def loadConfig(self, servicePath, runconfig=None):
        """ Load service configuration file and then augment with details
of all the methods in this service classed as 'public'. 

In doing this the attributes assigned by any decorators on the public methods
are checked out, especially the transform chain. Defaults are assigned
to, for example, HTML and XML output keys if none has been specified. Standard
templates are sought out on the filesystem and attached where found and
the @template keyword is substituted for in the transform chain.

runconfig is the name of a run-time configuration file specified at the time of launching
(either relative to the service config dir or an absolute path). This can specify
many things including, for example, the name under which to publish this service
and the location of the resource folder.

Developers should not use the logger here: loadConfig should be useable prior
to initSupportServices having been called."""
        servicePath, self.settings = locateService(self.name, servicePath, runconfig=runconfig)
        if self.settings.has_key('profile'):
            self.profile = self.settings.profile
            self.profile = PelotonSettings()
        self.profile['_sysRunConfig'] = runconfig
        if not self.profile.has_key('publishedName'):
            self.profile['publishedName'] = self.name

        publicMethods = [m for m in dir(self) if m.startswith('public_') and callable(getattr(self, m))]
        if not self.profile.has_key('methods'):
            self.profile['methods'] = PelotonSettings()

        methods = self.profile['methods']
        for nme in publicMethods:
            mthd = getattr(self, nme)
            shortname = nme[7:]

            templateTargets = findTemplateTargetsFor(self.profile['resourceRoot'], self.name, shortname)
            if hasattr(mthd, "_PELOTON_METHOD_PROPS"):
                properties = mthd._PELOTON_METHOD_PROPS
                properties = PelotonSettings()

            # step one, find all template files and insert
            # into transforms
            for target, templateFile in templateTargets:
                key = "transform.%s" % target
                if properties.has_key(key):
                    # look for @template and substitute
                    if "@template" in properties[key]:
                        properties[key][properties[key].index("@template")] \
                            = "template('%s')" % templateFile
                    # insert an entry
                    properties['transform.%s'%target] = \
                        ["template('%s')" % templateFile]
            # step two insert defaults for any empty transforms that
            # need a little something
            defaultTransforms = {'xml' : 'defaultXMLTransform',
                                 'html' : 'defaultHTMLTransform',
                                 'json' : 'jsonTransform'
            for target in ['xml', 'html', 'json']:
                key = "transform.%s" % target
                if not properties.has_key(key) \
                    or properties[key] == []:
            # step three, look for all transforms which still have
            # @transform in the chain and replace with defaults
            for k, v in properties.items():
                if not k.startswith('transform.'):
                target = k[10:]
                if "@template" in v:
                        v[v.index('@template')] = defaultTransforms[target]
                        v[v.index('@template')] = ''

            if not methods.has_key(shortname):
                methods[shortname] = PelotonSettings()
            record = methods[shortname]
            record['doc'] = mthd.__doc__
            record['properties'] = str(properties)
        self.version = self.profile['version']