def gas_alpha(sim=False, t_range=[0, -1], OVERWRITE=False): """ This calculates the global alpha-value from ts object via alphah=(2./3.)*(ts3.uxuym)/(ts3.rhom*ts3.csm**2) for the lastNentries of the time series. Input: t_range use this time range of the timeseries OVERWRITE overwrite alpha file in sim.pc_datadir/alpha_<lastNentries> return: alpha dictionary """ from pencil import get_sim from pencil.sim import sim from pencil import io from os.path import exists, join import numpy as np def empirical_std_deviation(x): """ (Geschaetzte) Streuung der Messwerte x um den (unbekannten) wahren Wert (estimated) stray of the measurments x around the (unknown) true value s(x) = SQRT( 1./(M-1) * SUM( (x-<x>)**2 ) )""" import numpy as np x = np.array(x) M = np.size(x) xm = np.mean(x) #return np.sqrt(1./(M-1.)*np.sum((x-xm)**2)) return np.sqrt(M / (M - 1.) * ((1. / M * np.sum(x**2)) - xm**2)) def std_deviation_of_mean_value(x): """ Messunsicherheit des Mittelwertes <x> Empirical standarddeviation of the arithmetical mean value s(<x>) = s(x)/SQRT( M ) = SQRT( 1./(M-1) * SUM( (x-<x>)**2 ) ) / SQRT( M )""" import numpy as np x = np.array(x) M = np.size(x) if M == 1: return 0 return empirical_std_deviation(x) / np.sqrt(M) if type(sim) == sim.__Simulation__: SIM = sim else: SIM = get_sim() filename = 'alpha_' + str(t_range[0]) + '_' + str(t_range[1]) ## skip if nothing is new if not OVERWRITE and io.exists(name=filename, sim=SIM): print('~ Alpha for "' + + '" already exists. Loading file...') return io.load(name=filename, sim=SIM) print('~ Calculating alpha for "' + + '" in "' + SIM.path + '"') ## import time series object try: print('~ reading time series..') ts = SIM.get_ts() except: print('! ERROR: Couldnt read time series!') return False ## correct if csm quantity is not correctly exported try: csm = ts.csm if csm[0] == 0: csm = 1. except: print( '? WARNING: Couldnt find >csm< in time series, set it to csm = 1. This may be incorrect!' ) csm = 1. if t_range[1] == -1: t_range[1] = ts.t[-1] id_min = np.argmin(np.abs(ts.t - t_range[0])) id_max = np.argmin(np.abs(ts.t - t_range[1])) alpha_dict = {} ## calculate alpha print('~ calculating alpha, its mean value and standard deviation for ' + str(t_range)) alpha_dict['alpha'] = -(2. / 3.) * (ts.uxuym) / (ts.rhom * csm**2) alpha_dict['alpha_mean'] = np.mean(alpha_dict['alpha'][id_min:id_max]) alpha_dict['alpha_stddev'] = std_deviation_of_mean_value( alpha_dict['alpha'][id_min:id_max]) print('~ alpha_mean = ' + str(alpha_dict['alpha_mean']) + ' and alpha_stddev = ' + str(alpha_dict['alpha_stddev'])) ## calculate alpha minus mean_flux print( '~ calculating alpha minus mean_flux (alpha_mmf), its mean value and standard deviation' ) alpha_dict['alpha_mmf'] = -(2. / 3.) * (ts.uxuym - ts.uxm * ts.uym) / ( ts.rhom * csm**2) alpha_dict['alpha_mmf_mean'] = np.mean( alpha_dict['alpha_mmf'][id_min:id_max]) alpha_dict['alpha_mmf_stddev'] = std_deviation_of_mean_value( alpha_dict['alpha_mmf'][id_min:id_max]) print('~ alpha_mmf_mean = ' + str(alpha_dict['alpha_mmf_mean']) + ' and alpha_mmf_stddev = ' + str(alpha_dict['alpha_mmf_stddev'])) import math for v in alpha_dict.values(): if type(v) == type(1.1) and math.isnan(v): io.debug_breakpoint() ## save alpha in plk print('~ saving alpha values in ' + SIM.pc_datadir + '/' + filename), filename, folder=SIM.pc_datadir) return alpha_dict
def dispersion_and_drift(sim=False, OVERWRITE=False, GLOBAL=True, LOCAL=True, use_IDL=False, recalculate_gas_velo_at_particle_pos=False): """This calculates the dispersion (sigma) and drift (zeta) locally and globally by using the gas_velo_at_particle_pos script and dataset for all particles. With sigma = sqrt( 1/N_par * sum_i^N_par( (v_par(i) - <v_par>)^2 ) ) and zeta = sqrt( 1/N_par * sum_i^N_par( (v_par(i) - u(xp_i))^2 ) ) Arg: OVERWRITE: set to True to overwrite already calculated results GLOBAL: Calculate drift and dispersion globally, i.e. whole simulation domain LOCAL: Calculate drift and dispersion locally, i.e. grid cell wise recalculate_gas_velo_at_particle_pos: if the dataset shall be recalcualted use_IDL: use backup solution of IDL script and sav files returns True if successfull """ from pencil import get_sim from pencil import io from pencil import read from pencil.diag.particle import gas_velo_at_particle_pos from import readsav from os import listdir from os.path import exists, join, dirname import numpy as np if sim == False: sim = get_sim() if sim == False: print('! ERROR: Specify simulation object!') return False SIM = sim ## calculate gas speed at particle position dataset gas_velo_at_particle_pos(OVERWRITE=recalculate_gas_velo_at_particle_pos, use_IDL=use_IDL, sim=sim) print( '\n##################### Starting the whole calculation process of DISPERSON and DRIFT for ' + + ' #####################') ## default and setup GASVELO_DESTINATION = 'gas_velo_at_particle_pos' GASVELO_DIR = join(SIM.pc_datadir, GASVELO_DESTINATION) ## get list of available files if use_IDL: file_filetype = '.sav' else: file_filetype = '.pkl' files = [] if exists(GASVELO_DIR): files = [ i for i in listdir(GASVELO_DIR) if i.startswith(GASVELO_DESTINATION) and i.endswith(file_filetype) ] if files == []: print( '!! ERROR: No calc_gas_speed_at_particle_position-files found for ' + + '! Use idl script to produce them first!') if use_IDL: USE_PKL_FILES = False files = [i.split('_')[-1].split(file_filetype)[0] for i in files] scheme = '' else: USE_PKL_FILES = True files = [i.split('_')[-1].split(file_filetype)[0] for i in files] scheme = '_tsc' ## calculate global dispersion for all snapshot for which gas_velo_at_particle_pos files are found for file_no in files: print( '## Starting the calculation for DISPERSON and DRIFT for ### VAR' + str(file_no) + ' ###') # check if files already exist if (not OVERWRITE) and io.exists( 'sigma_' + file_no, folder=SIM.pc_datadir) and io.exists( 'zeta_' + file_no, folder=SIM.pc_datadir) and io.exists( 'sigma_l_' + file_no, folder=join(SIM.pc_datadir, 'sigma_l')) and io.exists( 'zeta_l_' + file_no, folder=join(SIM.pc_datadir, 'zeta_l')): print('## Skipping calculations') continue ## read sav and var file print('## reading gas_velo_at_particle_pos file and VAR') if USE_PKL_FILES: sav_file = io.load( join(GASVELO_DIR, GASVELO_DESTINATION + scheme + '_' + file_no + '.pkl'))[GASVELO_DESTINATION] else: sav_file = readsav( join(GASVELO_DIR, GASVELO_DESTINATION + scheme + '_' + file_no + '.sav'))[GASVELO_DESTINATION] var_file = read.var(varfile='VAR' + file_no, quiet=True, trimall=True, datadir=SIM.datadir) ## get everything ready dim = SIM.dim pdim = read.pdim(sim=SIM) npar = pdim.npar npar1 = 1. / npar ## get first quantities and setup the DATA_SET if use_IDL: time = sav_file['time'][0] DATA_SET = np.core.records.fromarrays( [ range(0, npar), sav_file['par_idx'][0][0].astype('int'), sav_file['par_idx'][0][1].astype('int'), sav_file['par_idx'][0][2].astype('int'), sav_file['par_pos'][0][0], sav_file['par_pos'][0][1], sav_file['par_pos'][0][2], sav_file['par_velo'][0][0], sav_file['par_velo'][0][1], sav_file['par_velo'][0][2], sav_file['npar'][0], sav_file['gas_velo'][0][0], sav_file['gas_velo'][0][1], sav_file['gas_velo'][0][2], var_file.rho[sav_file['par_idx'][0][2].astype('int'), sav_file['par_idx'][0][1].astype('int'), sav_file['par_idx'][0][0].astype('int')], var_file.rhop[sav_file['par_idx'][0][2].astype('int'), sav_file['par_idx'][0][1].astype('int'), sav_file['par_idx'][0][0].astype('int')] ], names= 'parid, idx, idy, idz, posx, posy, posz, vx, vy, vz, npar, gasv_x, gasv_y, gasv_z, rho, rhop', formats= 'int, int,int,int, float,float,float, float,float,float, int, float,float,float, float, float' ) else: time = sav_file['time'] DATA_SET = np.core.records.fromarrays( [ range(0, npar), sav_file['par_idx'][0].astype('int'), sav_file['par_idx'][1].astype('int'), sav_file['par_idx'][2].astype('int'), sav_file['par_pos'][0], sav_file['par_pos'][1], sav_file['par_pos'][2], sav_file['par_velo'][0], sav_file['par_velo'][1], sav_file['par_velo'][2], sav_file['npar'], sav_file['gas_velo'][0], sav_file['gas_velo'][1], sav_file['gas_velo'][2], var_file.rho[sav_file['par_idx'][2].astype('int'), sav_file['par_idx'][1].astype('int'), sav_file['par_idx'][0].astype('int')], var_file.rhop[sav_file['par_idx'][2].astype('int'), sav_file['par_idx'][1].astype('int'), sav_file['par_idx'][0].astype('int')] ], names= 'parid, idx, idy, idz, posx, posy, posz, vx, vy, vz, npar, gasv_x, gasv_y, gasv_z, rho, rhop', formats= 'int, int,int,int, float,float,float, float,float,float, int, float,float,float, float, float' ) DATA_SET = np.sort(DATA_SET, order=['idx', 'idy', 'idz']) # calculate GLOBAL DISPERSION in x, y and z direction, also the absolute magnitude if GLOBAL: print( '## Calculating GLOBAL DISPERSION values in x,y,z direction and abs value' ) mean_vx = np.mean(DATA_SET['vx']) mean_vy = np.mean(DATA_SET['vy']) mean_vz = np.mean(DATA_SET['vz']) SIGMA = { 'SIGMA_o_x': np.sqrt(npar1 * np.sum((DATA_SET['vx'] - mean_vx)**2)), 'SIGMA_o_y': np.sqrt(npar1 * np.sum((DATA_SET['vy'] - mean_vy)**2)), 'SIGMA_o_z': np.sqrt(npar1 * np.sum((DATA_SET['vz'] - mean_vz)**2)), 'SIGMA_o': np.sqrt(npar1 * np.sum((DATA_SET['vx'] - mean_vx)**2 + (DATA_SET['vy'] - mean_vy)**2 + (DATA_SET['vz'] - mean_vz)**2)) } # calculate GLOBAL DRIFT in x, y and z direction, also the absolute magnitude print( '## Calculating GLOBAL DRIFT values in x,y,z direction and abs value' ) ZETA = { 'ZETA_o_x': np.sqrt(npar1 * np.sum( (DATA_SET['vx'] - DATA_SET['gasv_x'])**2)), 'ZETA_o_y': np.sqrt(npar1 * np.sum( (DATA_SET['vy'] - DATA_SET['gasv_y'])**2)), 'ZETA_o_z': np.sqrt(npar1 * np.sum( (DATA_SET['vz'] - DATA_SET['gasv_z'])**2)), 'ZETA_o': np.sqrt(npar1 * np.sum((DATA_SET['vx'] - DATA_SET['gasv_x'])**2 + (DATA_SET['vy'] - DATA_SET['gasv_y'])**2 + (DATA_SET['vz'] - DATA_SET['gasv_z'])**2)) } print('## saving calculated GLOBAL DISPERSION and DRIFT'), 'sigma_' + file_no, folder=SIM.pc_datadir), 'zeta_' + file_no, folder=SIM.pc_datadir) # calculate LOCAL DISPERSION and DRIFT if LOCAL: print('## Calculating LOCAL DISPERSION and DRIFT values') tmp_id = [ DATA_SET[0]['idx'], DATA_SET[0]['idy'], DATA_SET[0]['idz'] ] sigma_l = np.zeros((dim.nx, dim.ny, zeta_l = np.zeros((dim.nx, dim.ny, particles_l = [] for particle in DATA_SET: if [particle['idx'], particle['idy'], particle['idz']] == tmp_id: particles_l.append(particle) else: np_l = np.size(particles_l) if np_l != 0: np1_l = 1. / np_l mean_vx_l = 0 mean_vy_l = 0 mean_vz_l = 0 sum_s_l = 0 sum_z_l = 0 for entry in particles_l: mean_vx_l = mean_vx_l + np1_l * entry['vx'] mean_vy_l = mean_vy_l + np1_l * entry['vy'] mean_vz_l = mean_vz_l + np1_l * entry['vz'] for entry in particles_l: sum_s_l = sum_s_l + (entry['vx'] - mean_vx_l)**2 + ( entry['vy'] - mean_vy_l)**2 + (entry['vz'] - mean_vz_l)**2 sum_z_l = sum_z_l + ( entry['vx'] - entry['gasv_x'])**2 + ( entry['vy'] - entry['gasv_y'])**2 + ( entry['vz'] - entry['gasv_z'])**2 sigma_l[tmp_id[0]][tmp_id[1]][tmp_id[2]] = np.sqrt(np1_l * sum_s_l) zeta_l[tmp_id[0]][tmp_id[1]][tmp_id[2]] = np.sqrt(np1_l * sum_z_l) # reset all local variables and lists to the new state (ie towards the newst particle) tmp_id = [ particle['idx'], particle['idy'], particle['idz'] ] particles_l = [] particles_l.append(particle) # do this local calculations a last time for the last grid cell np_l = np.size(particles_l) np1_l = 1. / np_l mean_vx_l = 0 mean_vy_l = 0 mean_vz_l = 0 sum_s_l = 0 sum_z_l = 0 for entry in particles_l: mean_vx_l = mean_vx_l + np1_l * entry['vx'] mean_vy_l = mean_vy_l + np1_l * entry['vy'] mean_vz_l = mean_vz_l + np1_l * entry['vz'] for entry in particles_l: sum_s_l = sum_s_l + (entry['vx'] - mean_vx_l)**2 + ( entry['vy'] - mean_vy_l)**2 + (entry['vz'] - mean_vz_l)**2 sum_z_l = sum_z_l + (entry['vx'] - entry['gasv_x'])**2 + ( entry['vy'] - entry['gasv_y'])**2 + (entry['vz'] - entry['gasv_z'])**2 sigma_l[tmp_id[0]][tmp_id[1]][tmp_id[2]] = np.sqrt(np1_l * sum_s_l) zeta_l[tmp_id[0]][tmp_id[1]][tmp_id[2]] = np.sqrt(np1_l * sum_z_l) # save sigma, zeta locally and globally to SIM.pc_datadir print('## saving calculated LOCAL DISPERSION and DRIFT'), 'sigma_l_' + file_no, folder=join(SIM.pc_datadir, 'sigma_l')), 'zeta_l_' + file_no, folder=join(SIM.pc_datadir, 'zeta_l')) ## Please keep this lines as a reminder on how to add columns to an record array! # add colums to DATA_SET fror local zeta and sigma for the individuel particle #DATA_SET = add_column_to_record_array(DATA_SET, 'zeta_l', zeta_l[DATA_SET['idx'],DATA_SET['idy'],DATA_SET['idz']], dtypes='float', usemask=False, asrecarray=True) #DATA_SET = add_column_to_record_array(DATA_SET, 'sigma_l', sigma_l[DATA_SET['idx'],DATA_SET['idy'],DATA_SET['idz']], dtypes='float', usemask=False, asrecarray=True) return True
def __init__(self, direction='x', trange=[0, -1], sim='.', OVERWRITE=False, quiet=True, jump_distance=0.5, use_existing_pstalk_sav=False): from os.path import join from os.path import exists as path_exists import numpy as np from scipy.stats import linregress from import load, save, exists from import pstalk as read_pstalk from pencil.math.derivatives import simple_centered as derivatives_centered from pencil.backpack import printProgressBar # .. no pstalk file is found if not path_exists(join(sim.datadir, 'proc0', 'particles_stalker.dat')): print( '?? WARNING: No particles_stalker.dat found for simulation ' + + '!! Skipping this run!') return False # check if already existing. if, then load it out_path = join(sim.pc_datadir, 'particle', 'diffusion') out_name = direction + '_' + str(trange[0]) + '_' + str(trange[1]) # skip if diffusion already exists if not OVERWRITE and exists(name=out_name, folder=out_path): self_tmp = load(out_name, folder=out_path) for key in [a for a in dir(self_tmp) if not a.startswith('__')]: setattr(self, key, getattr(self_tmp, key)) else: #### start calculations #### print('##') print('## Calculating particle diffusion for "' + + '" in "' + sim.path + '"') print('## reading particle stalker file..') pstalk = read_pstalk( sim=sim, use_existing_pstalk_sav=use_existing_pstalk_sav, tmin=trange[0], tmax=trange[1]) grid = sim.grid dim = sim.dim # get time range as index for pstalk dataset argmin = np.abs(pstalk.t - trange[0]).argmin() if trange[1] < 0.: argmax = pstalk.t.argmax() else: argmax = np.abs(pstalk.t - trange[1]).argmin() time_range = pstalk.t[argmin:argmax + 1] # modify time range with time_range[0] == 0 by substracting first time entry from time list #time_offset = pstalk.t[argmin:argmax][0] #time_range = pstalk.t[argmin:argmax]-time_offset print('\n## doing the calculation for ' + direction) L = getattr(grid, 'L' + direction) # domain size in direction N = getattr(dim, 'n' + direction) # number grid cells in direction pos_series = getattr(pstalk, direction + 'p').T[ argmin:argmax + 1] # get position timeseries series for direction for all particles N_dt = pos_series.shape[0] # get number of time steps available N_par = pos_series.shape[1] # get number of stalked particles travel_distance = 0. * pos_series # prepare 'travel distance' array for all particles mean_travel_dist = np.array(0) # prepare mean, var and sigma arrays variance = np.array(0) sigma = np.array(0) ## calulate travel distances for each particle with corrections for jumps at the boundary pbar = False Nt = np.size(pos_series) for i_t, pos in enumerate(pos_series): if i_t == 0: continue # skip first time_step pbar = printProgressBar(i_t, Nt, pbar=pbar) # calculate the distance dx made in dt for all particles at once dx = pos - pos_series[i_t - 1] travel_distance[i_t] = travel_distance[i_t - 1] + dx # correct for negative jumps jumps = np.where(dx > jump_distance * L) travel_distance[i_t][jumps] = travel_distance[i_t][jumps] - L # correct for positive jumps jumps = np.where(dx < -jump_distance * L) travel_distance[i_t][jumps] = travel_distance[i_t][jumps] + L # calculate mean, variance and sigma for at 'time' i mean_travel_dist = np.mean(travel_distance, axis=1) # 1. estimate variance as time series variance = np.var(travel_distance, axis=1) sigma = np.sqrt(variance) # 2. estimate diffusion by using centered derivatives method !!! diff_dvar = 0.5 * derivatives_centered(time_range, variance) diffusion_mean = np.mean(diff_dvar) diffusion_std = np.std(diff_dvar) # create diffusion object self.diffusion = diffusion_mean self.diffusion_error = diffusion_std self.travel_distance = travel_distance self.mean_travel_distance = mean_travel_dist self.timerange = time_range self.variance = variance self.sigma = sigma self.direction = direction print('~ diffusion = ' + str(self.diffusion)) print('~ diffusion std = ' + str(self.diffusion_error)) print('~ direction = ' + str(self.direction)) try: print('## saving results in' + join(out_path, out_name)) save(obj=self, name=out_name, folder=out_path) except: print("!! Unexpected error:", sys.exc_info()[0]) print("!! Check if you have writing rights.") raise