def derive_stats( sim_path, src, dst, stat_keys=["Rm", "uu", "Ms"], par=[], comm=None, overwrite=False, rank=0, size=1, nghost=3, status="a", chunksize=1000.0, quiet=True, nmin=32, lmask=False, mask_key="hot", ): if comm: overwrite = False if isinstance(par, list): os.chdir(sim_path) par = read.param(quiet=True, conflicts_quiet=True) # get data dimensions nx, ny, nz = ( src["settings"]["nx"][0], src["settings"]["ny"][0], src["settings"]["nz"][0], ) mx, my, mz = ( src["settings"]["mx"][0], src["settings"]["my"][0], src["settings"]["mz"][0], ) # split data into manageable memory chunks dstchunksize = 8 * nx * ny * nz / 1024 * 1024 if dstchunksize > chunksize: nchunks = cpu_optimal( nx, ny, nz, quiet=quiet, mvar=src["settings/mvar"][0], maux=src["settings/maux"][0], MBmin=chunksize, nmin=nmin, size=size, )[1] else: nchunks = [1, 1, 1] print("nchunks {}".format(nchunks)) # for mpi split chunks across processes if size > 1: locindx = np.array_split(np.arange(nx) + nghost, nchunks[0]) locindy = np.array_split(np.arange(ny) + nghost, nchunks[1]) locindz = np.array_split(np.arange(nz) + nghost, nchunks[2]) indx = [ locindx[np.mod( rank + int(rank / nchunks[2]) + int(rank / nchunks[1]), nchunks[0])] ] indy = [locindy[np.mod(rank + int(rank / nchunks[2]), nchunks[1])]] indz = [locindz[np.mod(rank, nchunks[2])]] allchunks = 1 else: locindx = np.array_split(np.arange(nx) + nghost, nchunks[0]) locindy = np.array_split(np.arange(ny) + nghost, nchunks[1]) locindz = np.array_split(np.arange(nz) + nghost, nchunks[2]) indx = np.array_split(np.arange(nx) + nghost, nchunks[0]) indy = np.array_split(np.arange(ny) + nghost, nchunks[1]) indz = np.array_split(np.arange(nz) + nghost, nchunks[2]) allchunks = nchunks[0] * nchunks[1] * nchunks[2] # ensure derived variables are in a list if isinstance(stat_keys, list): stat_keys = stat_keys else: stat_keys = [stat_keys] # initialise group group = group_h5(dst, "stats", status="a", overwrite=overwrite, comm=comm, rank=rank, size=size) for key in stat_keys: mean_stat = list() stdv_stat = list() mean_mask = list() stdv_mask = list() nmask_msk = list() mean_nmsk = list() stdv_nmsk = list() nmask_nmk = list() for ichunk in range(allchunks): for iz in [indz[np.mod(ichunk, nchunks[2])]]: n1, n2 = iz[0], iz[-1] + 1 for iy in [ indy[np.mod(ichunk + int(ichunk / nchunks[2]), nchunks[1])] ]: m1, m2 = iy[0], iy[-1] + 1 for ix in [ indx[np.mod( ichunk + int(ichunk / nchunks[2]) + int(ichunk / nchunks[1]), nchunks[0], )] ]: l1, l2 = ix[0], ix[-1] + 1 if key in src["data"].keys(): var = src["data"][key][n1:n2, m1:m2, l1:l2] elif key == "uu" or key == "aa": tmp = np.array([ src["data"][key[0] + "x"][n1:n2, m1:m2, l1:l2], src["data"][key[0] + "y"][n1:n2, m1:m2, l1:l2], src["data"][key[0] + "z"][n1:n2, m1:m2, l1:l2], ]) var = np.sqrt(dot2(tmp)) else: if key in dst["data"].keys(): if is_vector(key): var = np.sqrt( dot2(dst["data"][key][:, n1:n2, m1:m2, l1:l2])) else: var = dst["data"][key][n1:n2, m1:m2, l1:l2] else: print( "stats: " + key + " does not exist in ", src, "or", dst, ) continue if lmask: mask = dst["masks"][mask_key][0, n1:n2, m1:m2, l1:l2] Nmask = mask[mask == False].size if Nmask > 0: mean_mask.append(var[mask == False].mean() * Nmask) stdv_mask.append(var[mask == False].std() * Nmask) else: mean_mask.append(0) stdv_mask.append(0) nmask_msk.append(Nmask) nmask = mask[mask == True].size if nmask > 0: mean_nmsk.append(var[mask == True].mean() * nmask) stdv_nmsk.append(var[mask == True].std() * nmask) else: mean_nmsk.append(0) stdv_nmsk.append(0) nmask_nmk.append(nmask) mean_stat.append(var.mean()) stdv_stat.append(var.std()) if comm: if lmask: mean_mask = comm.gather(mean_mask, root=0) stdv_mask = comm.gather(stdv_mask, root=0) mean_mask = comm.bcast(mean_mask, root=0) stdv_mask = comm.bcast(stdv_mask, root=0) mean_nmsk = comm.gather(mean_nmsk, root=0) stdv_nmsk = comm.gather(stdv_nmsk, root=0) mean_nmsk = comm.bcast(mean_nmsk, root=0) stdv_nmsk = comm.bcast(stdv_nmsk, root=0) nmask_msk = comm.gather(nmask_msk, root=0) nmask_nmk = comm.gather(nmask_nmk, root=0) nmask_msk = comm.bcast(nmask_msk, root=0) nmask_nmk = comm.bcast(nmask_nmk, root=0) mean_stat = comm.gather(mean_stat, root=0) stdv_stat = comm.gather(stdv_stat, root=0) mean_stat = comm.bcast(mean_stat, root=0) stdv_stat = comm.bcast(stdv_stat, root=0) if lmask: summk = np.sum(nmask_msk) if summk > 0: meanm = np.sum(mean_mask) / summk stdvm = np.sum(stdv_mask) / summk else: meanm = 0 stdvm = 0 sumnk = np.sum(nmask_nmk) if sumnk > 0: meann = np.sum(mean_nmsk) / sumnk stdvn = np.sum(stdv_nmsk) / sumnk else: meann = 0 stdvn = 0 print(mask_key + "-" + key + "-mean = {}, ".format(meanm) + mask_key + "-" + key + "-std = {}".format(stdvm)) print("not-" + mask_key + "-" + key + "-mean = {}, ".format(meann) + "not-" + mask_key + "-" + key + "-std = {}".format(stdvn)) dataset_h5( group, mask_key + "-" + key + "-mean", status=status, data=meanm, comm=comm, size=size, rank=rank, overwrite=True, ) dataset_h5( group, mask_key + "-" + key + "-std", status=status, data=stdvm, comm=comm, size=size, rank=rank, overwrite=True, ) dataset_h5( group, "not-" + mask_key + "-" + key + "-mean", status=status, data=meann, comm=comm, size=size, rank=rank, overwrite=True, ) dataset_h5( group, "not-" + mask_key + "-" + key + "-std", status=status, data=stdvn, comm=comm, size=size, rank=rank, overwrite=True, ) mstat = np.mean(mean_stat) dstat = np.mean(stdv_stat) print(key + "-mean = {}, ".format(mstat) + key + "-std = {}".format(dstat)) dataset_h5( group, key + "-mean", status=status, data=mstat, comm=comm, size=size, rank=rank, overwrite=True, ) dataset_h5( group, key + "-std", status=status, data=dstat, comm=comm, size=size, rank=rank, overwrite=True, )
def rhs_data(sim_path, src, dst, magic=["uxb","etadel2a"], par=[], comm=None, gd=[], grp_overwrite=False, overwrite=False, rank=0, size=1, nghost=3,status="a", chunksize = 1000.0, dtype=np.float64, quiet=True, nmin=32, Reynolds_shock=False, lmix=False ): if comm: overwrite = False if isinstance(par, list): os.chdir(sim_path) par = read.param(quiet=True,conflicts_quiet=True) if isinstance(gd, list): os.chdir(sim_path) gd = read.grid(quiet=True) #get data dimensions nx, ny, nz = src["settings"]["nx"][0],\ src["settings"]["ny"][0],\ src["settings"]["nz"][0] mx, my, mz = src["settings"]["mx"][0],\ src["settings"]["my"][0],\ src["settings"]["mz"][0] #split data into manageable memory chunks dstchunksize = 8*nx*ny*nz/1024*1024 if dstchunksize > chunksize: nchunks = cpu_optimal(nx,ny,nz,quiet=quiet, mvar=src["settings/mvar"][0], maux=src["settings/maux"][0], MBmin=chunksize,nmin=nmin,size=size)[1] else: nchunks = [1,1,1] print("nchunks {}".format(nchunks)) # for mpi split chunks across processes if size > 1: locindx = np.array_split(np.arange(nx)+nghost,nchunks[0]) locindy = np.array_split(np.arange(ny)+nghost,nchunks[1]) locindz = np.array_split(np.arange(nz)+nghost,nchunks[2]) indx = [locindx[np.mod(rank+int(rank/nchunks[2]) +int(rank/nchunks[1]),nchunks[0])]] indy = [locindy[np.mod(rank+int(rank/nchunks[2]),nchunks[1])]] indz = [locindz[np.mod(rank,nchunks[2])]] allchunks = 1 else: locindx = np.array_split(np.arange(nx)+nghost,nchunks[0]) locindy = np.array_split(np.arange(ny)+nghost,nchunks[1]) locindz = np.array_split(np.arange(nz)+nghost,nchunks[2]) indx = np.array_split(np.arange(nx)+nghost,nchunks[0]) indy = np.array_split(np.arange(ny)+nghost,nchunks[1]) indz = np.array_split(np.arange(nz)+nghost,nchunks[2]) allchunks = nchunks[0]*nchunks[1]*nchunks[2] # save time dataset_h5(dst, "time", status=status, data=src["time"][()], comm=comm, size=size, rank=rank, overwrite=overwrite, dtype=dtype) # ensure derived variables are in a list if isinstance(magic, list): magic = magic else: magic = [magic] # confirm exists group group_h5(dst, "data", status="a", overwrite=grp_overwrite, comm=comm, rank=rank, size=size) # initialise group group = group_h5(dst, "calc", status="a", overwrite=grp_overwrite, comm=comm, rank=rank, size=size) for key in magic: if is_vector(key): dataset_h5(group, key, status=status, shape=[3,mz,my,mx], comm=comm, size=size, rank=rank, overwrite=overwrite, dtype=dtype) print("writing "+key+" shape {}".format([3,mz,my,mx])) else: dataset_h5(group, key, status=status, shape=[mz,my,mx], comm=comm, size=size, rank=rank, overwrite=overwrite, dtype=dtype) print("writing "+key+" shape {}".format([mz,my,mx])) for ichunk in range(allchunks): for iz in [indz[np.mod(ichunk,nchunks[2])]]: n1, n2 = iz[ 0]-nghost,\ iz[-1]+nghost+1 n1out = n1+nghost n2out = n2-nghost varn1 = nghost varn2 = -nghost if iz[0] == locindz[0][0]: n1out = 0 varn1 = 0 if iz[-1] == locindz[-1][-1]: n2out = n2 varn2 = n2 for iy in [indy[np.mod(ichunk+ int(ichunk/nchunks[2]),nchunks[1])]]: m1, m2 = iy[ 0]-nghost,\ iy[-1]+nghost+1 m1out = m1+nghost m2out = m2-nghost varm1 = nghost varm2 = -nghost if iy[0] == locindy[0][0]: m1out = 0 varm1 = 0 if iy[-1] == locindy[-1][-1]: m2out = m2 varm2 = m2 for ix in [indx[np.mod(ichunk+int(ichunk/nchunks[2]) +int(ichunk/nchunks[1]),nchunks[0])]]: l1, l2 = ix[ 0]-nghost,\ ix[-1]+nghost+1 l1out = l1+nghost l2out = l2-nghost varl1 = nghost varl2 = -nghost if ix[0] == locindx[0][0]: l1out = 0 varl1 = 0 if ix[-1] == locindx[-1][-1]: l2out = l2 varl2 = l2 if not quiet: print("remeshing "+key+" chunk {}".format( [iz,iy,ix])) var = calc_rhs_data(src, dst, key, par, gd, l1, l2, m1, m2, n1, n2, nghost=nghost, Reynolds_shock=Reynolds_shock, lmix=lmix) if is_vector(key): dst["calc"][key][:,n1out:n2out, m1out:m2out, l1out:l2out] = dtype(var[:, varn1:varn2, varm1:varm2, varl1:varl2]) else: dst["calc"][key][n1out:n2out, m1out:m2out, l1out:l2out] = dtype(var[ varn1:varn2, varm1:varm2, varl1:varl2])
def load_dataset(src, key, lindx, lindy, lindz, nghost): if is_vector(key): var = np.empty([3, lindz.size, lindy.size, lindx.size]) else: var = np.empty([lindz.size, lindy.size, lindx.size]) nz, ny, nx = src[key][()].shape[-3], src[key][()].shape[-2], src[key][( )].shape[-1] if var.shape == src[key][()].shape: var = src[key][()] else: n3, n4, m3, m4, l3, l4 = None, None, None, None, None, None # define array indices in z direction if var.shape[-3] == nz: n1, n2 = lindz[0], lindz[-1] + 1 nn1, nn2 = 0, lindz.size else: if lindz[0] < lindz[-1]: n1, n2 = lindz[0], lindz[-1] + 1 nn1, nn2 = 0, lindz.size else: if lindz[-1] > nz: n1 = lindz[0] n2 = nz - nghost n3 = nghost n4 = lindz[-1] + 1 nn1 = 0 nn2 = n2 - n1 nn3 = n2 - n1 nn4 = lindz.size else: n3 = nghost n4 = lindz[-1] + 1 n1 = lindz[0] n2 = nz - nghost nn1 = 0 nn2 = n2 - n1 nn3 = n2 - n1 nn4 = lindz.size # define array indices in y direction if var.shape[-2] == ny: m1, m2 = lindy[0], lindy[-1] + 1 mm1, mm2 = 0, lindy.size else: if lindy[0] < lindy[-1]: m1, m2 = lindy[0], lindy[-1] + 1 mm1, mm2 = 0, lindy.size else: if lindy[-1] > ny: m1 = lindy[0] m2 = ny - nghost m3 = nghost m4 = lindy[-1] + 1 mm1 = 0 mm2 = m2 - m1 mm3 = m2 - m1 mm4 = lindy.size else: m3 = nghost m4 = lindy[-1] + 1 m1 = lindy[0] m2 = ny - nghost mm1 = 0 mm2 = m2 - m1 mm3 = m2 - m1 mm4 = lindy.size # define array indices in x direction if var.shape[-1] == nx: l1, l2 = lindx[0], lindx[-1] + 1 ll1, ll2 = 0, lindx.size else: if lindx[0] < lindx[-1]: l1, l2 = lindx[0], lindx[-1] + 1 ll1, ll2 = 0, lindx.size else: if lindx[-1] > nx: l1 = lindx[0] l2 = nx - nghost l3 = nghost l4 = lindx[-1] + 1 ll1 = 0 ll2 = l2 - l1 ll3 = l2 - l1 ll4 = lindx.size else: l3 = nghost l4 = lindx[-1] + 1 l1 = lindx[0] l2 = nx - nghost ll1 = 0 ll2 = l2 - l1 ll3 = l2 - l1 ll4 = lindx.size var[:, nn1:nn2, mm1:mm2, ll1:ll2] = src["bb"][:, n1:n2, m1:m2, l1:l2] if l3: var[:, nn1:nn2, mm1:mm2, ll3:ll4] = src["bb"][:, n1:n2, m1:m2, l3:l4] if m3: var[:, nn1:nn2, mm3:mm4, ll3:ll4] = src["bb"][:, n1:n2, m3:m4, l3:l4] var[:, nn1:nn2, mm3:mm4, ll1:ll2] = src["bb"][:, n1:n2, m3:m4, l1:l2] if n3: var[:, nn3:nn4, mm3:mm4, ll3:ll4] = src["bb"][:, n3:n4, m3:m4, l3:l4] var[:, nn3:nn4, mm1:mm2, ll3:ll4] = src["bb"][:, n3:n4, m1:m2, l3:l4] var[:, nn3:nn4, mm3:mm4, ll1:ll2] = src["bb"][:, n3:n4, m3:m4, l1:l2] var[:, nn3:nn4, mm1:mm2, ll1:ll2] = src["bb"][:, n3:n4, m1:m2, l1:l2] elif m3: var[:, nn1:nn2, mm3:mm4, ll1:ll2] = src["bb"][:, n1:n2, m3:m4, l1:l2] if n3: var[:, nn3:nn4, mm3:mm4, ll1:ll2] = src["bb"][:, n3:n4, m3:m4, l1:l2] var[:, nn3:nn4, mm1:mm2, ll1:ll2] = src["bb"][:, n3:n4, m1:m2, l1:l2] else: if n3: var[:, nn3:nn4, mm1:mm2, ll1:ll2] = src["bb"][:, n3:n4, m1:m2, l1:l2] return var
def kernel_smooth( sim_path, src, dst, magic=["meanuu"], par=[], comm=None, gd=[], grp_overwrite=False, overwrite=False, rank=0, size=1, nghost=3, kernel=1., status="a", chunksize=1000.0, dtype=np.float64, quiet=True, nmin=32, typ='piecewise', mode=list(), ): if comm: overwrite = False if isinstance(par, list): os.chdir(sim_path) par = read.param(quiet=True, conflicts_quiet=True) if isinstance(gd, list): os.chdir(sim_path) gd = read.grid(quiet=True) # get data dimensions nx, ny, nz = ( src["settings"]["nx"][0], src["settings"]["ny"][0], src["settings"]["nz"][0], ) mx, my, mz = ( src["settings"]["mx"][0], src["settings"]["my"][0], src["settings"]["mz"][0], ) # extend gost zones to include up to 1.5 * kernel length) dx = max(src['grid/dx'][()], src['grid/dy'][()], src['grid/dz'][()]) nkernel = * kernel / dx) sigma = kernel / dx print('sigma {:.2f}, kernel {:.2f}, dx {:.2f}'.format(sigma, kernel, dx)) # split data into manageable memory chunks dstchunksize = 8 * nx * ny * nz / 1024 * 1024 if dstchunksize > chunksize: nchunks = cpu_optimal( nx, ny, nz, quiet=quiet, mvar=src["settings/mvar"][0], maux=src["settings/maux"][0], MBmin=chunksize, nmin=nmin, size=size, )[1] else: nchunks = [1, 1, 1] print("nchunks {}".format(nchunks)) # for mpi split chunks across processes if size > 1: locindx = np.array_split(np.arange(nx) + nghost, nchunks[0]) locindy = np.array_split(np.arange(ny) + nghost, nchunks[1]) locindz = np.array_split(np.arange(nz) + nghost, nchunks[2]) indx = [ locindx[np.mod( rank + int(rank / nchunks[2]) + int(rank / nchunks[1]), nchunks[0])] ] indy = [locindy[np.mod(rank + int(rank / nchunks[2]), nchunks[1])]] indz = [locindz[np.mod(rank, nchunks[2])]] allchunks = 1 else: locindx = np.array_split(np.arange(nx) + nghost, nchunks[0]) locindy = np.array_split(np.arange(ny) + nghost, nchunks[1]) locindz = np.array_split(np.arange(nz) + nghost, nchunks[2]) indx = np.array_split(np.arange(nx) + nghost, nchunks[0]) indy = np.array_split(np.arange(ny) + nghost, nchunks[1]) indz = np.array_split(np.arange(nz) + nghost, nchunks[2]) allchunks = nchunks[0] * nchunks[1] * nchunks[2] if 1 in nchunks: mode = ["reflect", "reflect", "reflect"] for ich in range(3): if nchunks[ich] == 1: mode[2 - ich] = "wrap" if mode[2 - ich] == "reflect": typ = "piecewise" else: typ = "all" print('mode:', mode, 'typ:', typ) # save time dataset_h5( dst, "time", status=status, data=src["time"][()], comm=comm, size=size, rank=rank, overwrite=overwrite, dtype=dtype, ) # ensure derived variables are in a list if isinstance(magic, list): magic = magic else: magic = [magic] # initialise group group = group_h5( dst, "data", status="a", overwrite=grp_overwrite, comm=comm, rank=rank, size=size, ) for key in magic: if is_vector(key): dataset_h5( group, key + str(nkernel), status=status, shape=[3, mz, my, mx], comm=comm, size=size, rank=rank, overwrite=overwrite, dtype=dtype, ) print("writing " + key + " shape {}".format([3, mz, my, mx])) else: dataset_h5( group, key + str(nkernel), status=status, shape=[mz, my, mx], comm=comm, size=size, rank=rank, overwrite=overwrite, dtype=dtype, ) print("writing " + key + " shape {}".format([mz, my, mx])) for ichunk in range(allchunks): for iz in [indz[np.mod(ichunk, nchunks[2])]]: if nchunks[2] == 1: zextra = nghost else: zextra = nkernel + nghost n1, n2 = iz[0] - zextra, iz[-1] + zextra + 1 lindz = np.arange(n1, n2) n1out = n1 + zextra n2out = n2 - zextra varn1 = zextra varn2 = -zextra if iz[0] == locindz[0][0]: n1out = 0 varn1 = zextra - nghost if iz[-1] == locindz[-1][-1]: n2out = n2 - zextra + nghost varn2 = n2 - n1 - zextra + nghost if n1 < 0: lindz[np.where(lindz < nghost)[0]] += nz if n2 > mz - 1: lindz[np.where(lindz > mz - 1 - nghost)[0]] -= nz print('n1out {},n2out {},varn1 {},varn2 {},zextra {}'.format( n1out, n2out, varn1, varn2, zextra)) for iy in [ indy[np.mod(ichunk + int(ichunk / nchunks[2]), nchunks[1])] ]: if nchunks[1] == 1: yextra = nghost else: yextra = nkernel + nghost m1, m2 = iy[0] - yextra, iy[-1] + yextra + 1 lindy = np.arange(m1, m2) m1out = m1 + yextra m2out = m2 + 1 - yextra varm1 = yextra varm2 = -yextra if iy[0] == locindy[0][0]: m1out = 0 varm1 = yextra - nghost if iy[-1] == locindy[-1][-1]: m2out = m2 - yextra + nghost varm2 = m2 - m1 - yextra + nghost if m1 < 0: lindy[np.where(lindy < 0)[0]] += ny if m2 > my - 1: lindy[np.where(lindy > my - 1)[0]] -= ny print( 'm1out {},m2out {},varm1 {},varm2 {},yextra {}'.format( m1out, m2out, varm1, varm2, yextra)) for iy in [ indy[np.mod(ichunk + int(ichunk / nchunks[2]), nchunks[1])] ]: for ix in [ indx[np.mod( ichunk + int(ichunk / nchunks[2]) + int(ichunk / nchunks[1]), nchunks[0], )] ]: if nchunks[1] == 1: xextra = nghost else: xextra = nkernel + nghost l1, l2 = ix[0] - xextra, ix[-1] + xextra + 1 lindx = np.arange(l1, l2) l1out = l1 + xextra l2out = l2 + 1 - xextra varl1 = xextra varl2 = -xextra if ix[0] == locindx[0][0]: l1out = 0 varl1 = xextra - nghost if ix[-1] == locindx[-1][-1]: l2out = l2 - xextra + nghost varl2 = l2 - l1 - xextra + nghost if l1 < 0: lindx[np.where(lindx < 0)[0]] += nx if l2 > mx - 1: lindx[np.where(lindx > mx - 1)[0]] -= nx print('l1out {},l2out {},varl1 {},varl2 {},xextra {}'. format(l1out, l2out, varl1, varl2, xextra)) if not quiet: print("remeshing " + key + " chunk {}".format([iz, iy, ix])) print('sending ichunk {} with index ranges {}'.format( ichunk, [n1, n2, m1, m2, l1, l2])) var = smoothed_data(src["data"], dst["data"], key, par, gd, lindx, lindy, lindz, nghost, sigma, typ, mode) print( 'ichunk {}, var min {:.1e}, var max {:.1e}'.format( ichunk, var.min(), var.max())) # print('var shape {}'.format(var.shape)) # if not quiet: # print('writing '+key+ # ' shape {} chunk {}'.format( # var.shape, [iz,iy,ix])) print('ichunk: out indices {}'.format( [n1out, n2out, m1out, m2out, l1out, l2out])) if is_vector(key): dst["data"][key + str(nkernel)][:, n1out:n2out, m1out:m2out, l1out:l2out] = dtype( var[:, varn1:varn2, varm1:varm2, varl1:varl2]) else: dst["data"][key + str(nkernel)][n1out:n2out, m1out:m2out, l1out:l2out] = dtype( var[varn1:varn2, varm1:varm2, varl1:varl2])
def derive_stats(sim_path, src, dst, stat_keys=['Rm', 'uu', 'Ms'], par=[], comm=None, overwrite=False, rank=0, size=1, nghost=3, status='a', chunksize=1000.0, quiet=True, nmin=32, lmask=False, mask_key='hot'): if comm: overwrite = False if isinstance(par, list): os.chdir(sim_path) par = read.param(quiet=True, conflicts_quiet=True) #get data dimensions nx, ny, nz = src['settings']['nx'][0],\ src['settings']['ny'][0],\ src['settings']['nz'][0] mx, my, mz = src['settings']['mx'][0],\ src['settings']['my'][0],\ src['settings']['mz'][0] #split data into manageable memory chunks dstchunksize = 8 * nx * ny * nz / 1024 * 1024 if dstchunksize > chunksize: nchunks = cpu_optimal(nx, ny, nz, quiet=quiet, mvar=src['settings/mvar'][0], maux=src['settings/maux'][0], MBmin=chunksize, nmin=nmin, size=size)[1] else: nchunks = [1, 1, 1] print('nchunks {}'.format(nchunks)) # for mpi split chunks across processes if size > 1: locindx = np.array_split(np.arange(nx) + nghost, nchunks[0]) locindy = np.array_split(np.arange(ny) + nghost, nchunks[1]) locindz = np.array_split(np.arange(nz) + nghost, nchunks[2]) indx = [ locindx[np.mod( rank + int(rank / nchunks[2]) + int(rank / nchunks[1]), nchunks[0])] ] indy = [locindy[np.mod(rank + int(rank / nchunks[2]), nchunks[1])]] indz = [locindz[np.mod(rank, nchunks[2])]] allchunks = 1 else: locindx = np.array_split(np.arange(nx) + nghost, nchunks[0]) locindy = np.array_split(np.arange(ny) + nghost, nchunks[1]) locindz = np.array_split(np.arange(nz) + nghost, nchunks[2]) indx = np.array_split(np.arange(nx) + nghost, nchunks[0]) indy = np.array_split(np.arange(ny) + nghost, nchunks[1]) indz = np.array_split(np.arange(nz) + nghost, nchunks[2]) allchunks = nchunks[0] * nchunks[1] * nchunks[2] # ensure derived variables are in a list if isinstance(stat_keys, list): stat_keys = stat_keys else: stat_keys = [stat_keys] # initialise group group = group_h5(dst, 'stats', status='a', overwrite=overwrite, comm=comm, rank=rank, size=size) for key in stat_keys: mean_stat = list() stdv_stat = list() mean_mask = list() stdv_mask = list() nmask_msk = list() mean_nmsk = list() stdv_nmsk = list() nmask_nmk = list() for ichunk in range(allchunks): for iz in [indz[np.mod(ichunk, nchunks[2])]]: n1, n2 = iz[ 0],\ iz[-1]+1 for iy in [ indy[np.mod(ichunk + int(ichunk / nchunks[2]), nchunks[1])] ]: m1, m2 = iy[ 0],\ iy[-1]+1 for ix in [ indx[np.mod( ichunk + int(ichunk / nchunks[2]) + int(ichunk / nchunks[1]), nchunks[0])] ]: l1, l2 = ix[ 0],\ ix[-1]+1 if key in src['data'].keys(): var = src['data'][key][n1:n2, m1:m2, l1:l2] elif key == 'uu' or key == 'aa': tmp = np.array([ src['data'][key[0] + 'x'][n1:n2, m1:m2, l1:l2], src['data'][key[0] + 'y'][n1:n2, m1:m2, l1:l2], src['data'][key[0] + 'z'][n1:n2, m1:m2, l1:l2] ]) var = np.sqrt(dot2(tmp)) else: if key in dst['data'].keys(): if is_vector(key): var = np.sqrt( dot2(dst['data'][key][:, n1:n2, m1:m2, l1:l2])) else: var = dst['data'][key][n1:n2, m1:m2, l1:l2] else: print('stats: ' + key + ' does not exist in ', src, 'or', dst) continue if lmask: mask = dst['masks'][mask_key][0, n1:n2, m1:m2, l1:l2] Nmask = mask[mask == False].size if Nmask > 0: mean_mask.append(var[mask == False].mean() * Nmask) stdv_mask.append(var[mask == False].std() * Nmask) else: mean_mask.append(0) stdv_mask.append(0) nmask_msk.append(Nmask) nmask = mask[mask == True].size if nmask > 0: mean_nmsk.append(var[mask == True].mean() * nmask) stdv_nmsk.append(var[mask == True].std() * nmask) else: mean_nmsk.append(0) stdv_nmsk.append(0) nmask_nmk.append(nmask) mean_stat.append(var.mean()) stdv_stat.append(var.std()) if comm: if lmask: mean_mask = comm.gather(mean_mask, root=0) stdv_mask = comm.gather(stdv_mask, root=0) mean_mask = comm.bcast(mean_mask, root=0) stdv_mask = comm.bcast(stdv_mask, root=0) mean_nmsk = comm.gather(mean_nmsk, root=0) stdv_nmsk = comm.gather(stdv_nmsk, root=0) mean_nmsk = comm.bcast(mean_nmsk, root=0) stdv_nmsk = comm.bcast(stdv_nmsk, root=0) nmask_msk = comm.gather(nmask_msk, root=0) nmask_nmk = comm.gather(nmask_nmk, root=0) nmask_msk = comm.bcast(nmask_msk, root=0) nmask_nmk = comm.bcast(nmask_nmk, root=0) mean_stat = comm.gather(mean_stat, root=0) stdv_stat = comm.gather(stdv_stat, root=0) mean_stat = comm.bcast(mean_stat, root=0) stdv_stat = comm.bcast(stdv_stat, root=0) if lmask: summk = np.sum(nmask_msk) if summk > 0: meanm = np.sum(mean_mask) / summk stdvm = np.sum(stdv_mask) / summk else: meanm = 0 stdvm = 0 sumnk = np.sum(nmask_nmk) if sumnk > 0: meann = np.sum(mean_nmsk) / sumnk stdvn = np.sum(stdv_nmsk) / sumnk else: meann = 0 stdvn = 0 print(mask_key + '-' + key + '-mean = {}, '.format(meanm) + mask_key + '-' + key + '-std = {}'.format(stdvm)) print('not-' + mask_key + '-' + key + '-mean = {}, '.format(meann) + 'not-' + mask_key + '-' + key + '-std = {}'.format(stdvn)) dataset_h5(group, mask_key + '-' + key + '-mean', status=status, data=meanm, comm=comm, size=size, rank=rank, overwrite=True) dataset_h5(group, mask_key + '-' + key + '-std', status=status, data=stdvm, comm=comm, size=size, rank=rank, overwrite=True) dataset_h5(group, 'not-' + mask_key + '-' + key + '-mean', status=status, data=meann, comm=comm, size=size, rank=rank, overwrite=True) dataset_h5(group, 'not-' + mask_key + '-' + key + '-std', status=status, data=stdvn, comm=comm, size=size, rank=rank, overwrite=True) mstat = np.mean(mean_stat) dstat = np.mean(stdv_stat) print(key + '-mean = {}, '.format(mstat) + key + '-std = {}'.format(dstat)) dataset_h5(group, key + '-mean', status=status, data=mstat, comm=comm, size=size, rank=rank, overwrite=True) dataset_h5(group, key + '-std', status=status, data=dstat, comm=comm, size=size, rank=rank, overwrite=True)