def find_fixed(self, datadir='data/', destination='fixed_points.hf5', varfile='VAR0', ti=-1, tf=-1, trace_field='bb', h_min=2e-3, h_max=2e4, len_max=500, tol=1e-2, interpolation='trilinear', trace_sub=1, integration='simple', int_q=[''], n_proc=1, tracer_file_name=''): """ Find the fixed points. call signature:: find_fixed(datadir='data/', destination='fixed_points.hf5', varfile='VAR0', ti=-1, tf=-1, trace_field='bb', h_min=2e-3, h_max=2e4, len_max=500, tol=1e-2, interpolation='trilinear', trace_sub=1, integration='simple', int_q=[''], n_proc=1): Finds the fixed points. Returns the fixed points positions. Keyword arguments: *datadir*: Data directory. *destination*: Name of the fixed points file. *varfile*: Varfile to be read. *ti*: Initial VAR file index for tracer time sequences. *tf*: Final VAR file index for tracer time sequences. *trace_field*: Vector field used for the streamline tracing. *h_min*: Minimum step length for and underflow to occur. *h_max*: Parameter for the initial step length. *len_max*: Maximum length of the streamline. Integration will stop if l >= len_max. *tol*: Tolerance for each integration step. Reduces the step length if error >= tol. *interpolation*: Interpolation of the vector field. 'mean': takes the mean of the adjacent grid point. 'trilinear': weights the adjacent grid points according to their distance. *trace_sub*: Number of sub-grid cells for the seeds for the initial mapping. *integration*: Integration method. 'simple': low order method. 'RK6': Runge-Kutta 6th order. *int_q*: Quantities to be integrated along the streamlines. *n_proc*: Number of cores for multi core computation. *tracer_file_name* Name of the tracer file to be read. If equal to '' it will compute the tracers. """ import numpy as np # Return the fixed points for a subset of the domain. def __sub_fixed(queue, ix0, iy0, field, tracers, tidx, var, i_proc): diff = np.zeros((4, 2)) fixed = [] fixed_sign = [] fidx = 0 poincare_array = np.zeros( (tracers.x0[i_proc::self.params.n_proc].shape[0], tracers.x0.shape[1])) for ix in ix0[i_proc::self.params.n_proc]: for iy in iy0: # Compute Poincare index around this cell (!= 0 for potential fixed point). diff[0, :] = np.array([ tracers.x1[ix, iy, tidx] - tracers.x0[ix, iy, tidx], tracers.y1[ix, iy, tidx] - tracers.y0[ix, iy, tidx] ]) diff[1, :] = np.array([ tracers.x1[ix + 1, iy, tidx] - tracers.x0[ix + 1, iy, tidx], tracers.y1[ix + 1, iy, tidx] - tracers.y0[ix + 1, iy, tidx] ]) diff[2, :] = np.array([ tracers.x1[ix + 1, iy + 1, tidx] - tracers.x0[ix + 1, iy + 1, tidx], tracers.y1[ix + 1, iy + 1, tidx] - tracers.y0[ix + 1, iy + 1, tidx] ]) diff[3, :] = np.array([ tracers.x1[ix, iy + 1, tidx] - tracers.x0[ix, iy + 1, tidx], tracers.y1[ix, iy + 1, tidx] - tracers.y0[ix, iy + 1, tidx] ]) if sum(np.sum(diff**2, axis=1) != 0): diff = np.swapaxes( np.swapaxes(diff, 0, 1) / np.sqrt(np.sum(diff**2, axis=1)), 0, 1) poincare = __poincare_index( field, tracers.x0[ix:ix + 2, iy, tidx], tracers.y0[ix, iy:iy + 2, tidx], diff) poincare_array[ix / n_proc, iy] = poincare if abs( poincare ) > 5: # Use 5 instead of 2*pi to account for rounding errors. # Subsample to get starting point for iteration. nt = 4 xmin = tracers.x0[ix, iy, tidx] ymin = tracers.y0[ix, iy, tidx] xmax = tracers.x0[ix + 1, iy, tidx] ymax = tracers.y0[ix, iy + 1, tidx] xx = np.zeros((nt**2, 3)) tracers_part = np.zeros((nt**2, 5)) i1 = 0 for j1 in range(nt): for k1 in range(nt): xx[i1, 0] = xmin + j1 / (nt - 1.) * (xmax - xmin) xx[i1, 1] = ymin + k1 / (nt - 1.) * (ymax - ymin) xx[i1, 2] = self.params.Oz i1 += 1 for it1 in range(nt**2): stream = Stream( field, self.params, h_min=self.params.h_min, h_max=self.params.h_max, len_max=self.params.len_max, tol=self.params.tol, interpolation=self.params.interpolation, integration=self.params.integration, xx=xx[it1, :]) tracers_part[it1, 0:2] = xx[it1, 0:2] tracers_part[it1, 2:] = stream.tracers[ stream.stream_len - 1, :] min2 = 1e6 minx = xmin miny = ymin i1 = 0 for j1 in range(nt): for k1 in range(nt): diff2 = (tracers_part[i1+k1*nt, 2] - \ tracers_part[i1+k1*nt, 0])**2 + \ (tracers_part[i1+k1*nt, 3] - \ tracers_part[i1+k1*nt, 1])**2 if diff2 < min2: min2 = diff2 minx = xmin + j1 / (nt - 1.) * (xmax - xmin) miny = ymin + k1 / (nt - 1.) * (ymax - ymin) it1 += 1 # Get fixed point from this starting position using Newton's method. point = np.array([minx, miny]) fixed_point = __null_point(point, var) # Check if fixed point lies inside the cell. if ((fixed_point[0] < tracers.x0[ix, iy, tidx]) or (fixed_point[0] > tracers.x0[ix + 1, iy, tidx]) or (fixed_point[1] < tracers.y0[ix, iy, tidx]) or (fixed_point[1] > tracers.y0[ix, iy + 1, tidx])): pass else: fixed.append(fixed_point) fixed_sign.append(np.sign(poincare)) fidx += np.sign(poincare) queue.put((i_proc, fixed, fixed_sign, fidx, poincare_array)) # Find the Poincare index of this grid cell. def __poincare_index(field, sx, sy, diff): poincare = 0 poincare += __edge(field, [sx[0], sx[1]], [sy[0], sy[0]], diff[0, :], diff[1, :], 0) poincare += __edge(field, [sx[1], sx[1]], [sy[0], sy[1]], diff[1, :], diff[2, :], 0) poincare += __edge(field, [sx[1], sx[0]], [sy[1], sy[1]], diff[2, :], diff[3, :], 0) poincare += __edge(field, [sx[0], sx[0]], [sy[1], sy[0]], diff[3, :], diff[0, :], 0) return poincare # Compute rotation along one edge. def __edge(field, sx, sy, diff1, diff2, rec): phiMin = np.pi / 8. dtot = m.atan2(diff1[0] * diff2[1] - diff2[0] * diff1[1], diff1[0] * diff2[0] + diff1[1] * diff2[1]) if (abs(dtot) > phiMin) and (rec < 4): xm = 0.5 * (sx[0] + sx[1]) ym = 0.5 * (sy[0] + sy[1]) # Trace the intermediate field line. stream = Stream(field, self.params, h_min=self.params.h_min, h_max=self.params.h_max, len_max=self.params.len_max, tol=self.params.tol, interpolation=self.params.interpolation, integration=self.params.integration, xx=np.array([xm, ym, self.params.Oz])) stream_x0 = stream.tracers[0, 0] stream_y0 = stream.tracers[0, 1] stream_x1 = stream.tracers[stream.stream_len - 1, 0] stream_y1 = stream.tracers[stream.stream_len - 1, 1] stream_z1 = stream.tracers[stream.stream_len - 1, 2] # Discard any streamline which does not converge or hits the boundary. # if ((stream.len >= len_max) or # (stream_z1 < self.params.Oz+self.params.Lz-10* # dtot = 0. if False: pass else: diffm = np.array( [stream_x1 - stream_x0, stream_y1 - stream_y0]) if sum(diffm**2) != 0: diffm = diffm / np.sqrt(sum(diffm**2)) dtot = __edge(field, [sx[0], xm], [sy[0], ym], diff1, diffm, rec+1) + \ __edge(field, [xm, sx[1]], [ym, sy[1]], diffm, diff2, rec+1) return dtot # Finds the null point of the mapping, i.e. fixed point, using Newton's method. def __null_point(point, var): dl = np.min(var.dx, var.dy) / 100. it = 0 # Tracers used to find the fixed point. tracers_null = np.zeros((5, 4)) while True: # Trace field lines at original point and for Jacobian. # (second order seems to be enough) xx = np.zeros((5, 3)) xx[0, :] = np.array([point[0], point[1], self.params.Oz]) xx[1, :] = np.array([point[0] - dl, point[1], self.params.Oz]) xx[2, :] = np.array([point[0] + dl, point[1], self.params.Oz]) xx[3, :] = np.array([point[0], point[1] - dl, self.params.Oz]) xx[4, :] = np.array([point[0], point[1] + dl, self.params.Oz]) for it1 in range(5): stream = Stream(field, self.params, h_min=self.params.h_min, h_max=self.params.h_max, len_max=self.params.len_max, tol=self.params.tol, interpolation=self.params.interpolation, integration=self.params.integration, xx=xx[it1, :]) tracers_null[it1, :2] = xx[it1, :2] tracers_null[it1, 2:] = stream.tracers[stream.stream_len - 1, 0:2] # Check function convergence. ff = np.zeros(2) ff[0] = tracers_null[0, 2] - tracers_null[0, 0] ff[1] = tracers_null[0, 3] - tracers_null[0, 1] if sum(abs(ff)) <= 1e-3 * np.min(self.params.dx, self.params.dy): fixed_point = np.array([point[0], point[1]]) break # Compute the Jacobian. fjac = np.zeros((2, 2)) fjac[0, 0] = ((tracers_null[2, 2] - tracers_null[2, 0]) - (tracers_null[1, 2] - tracers_null[1, 0])) / 2. / dl fjac[0, 1] = ((tracers_null[4, 2] - tracers_null[4, 0]) - (tracers_null[3, 2] - tracers_null[3, 0])) / 2. / dl fjac[1, 0] = ((tracers_null[2, 3] - tracers_null[2, 1]) - (tracers_null[1, 3] - tracers_null[1, 1])) / 2. / dl fjac[1, 1] = ((tracers_null[4, 3] - tracers_null[4, 1]) - (tracers_null[3, 3] - tracers_null[3, 1])) / 2. / dl # Invert the Jacobian. fjin = np.zeros((2, 2)) det = fjac[0, 0] * fjac[1, 1] - fjac[0, 1] * fjac[1, 0] if abs(det) < dl: fixed_point = point break fjin[0, 0] = fjac[1, 1] fjin[1, 1] = fjac[0, 0] fjin[0, 1] = -fjac[0, 1] fjin[1, 0] = -fjac[1, 0] fjin = fjin / det dpoint = np.zeros(2) dpoint[0] = -fjin[0, 0] * ff[0] - fjin[0, 1] * ff[1] dpoint[1] = -fjin[1, 0] * ff[0] - fjin[1, 1] * ff[1] point += dpoint # Check root convergence. if sum(abs(dpoint)) < 1e-3 * np.min(self.params.dx, self.params.dy): fixed_point = point break if it > 20: fixed_point = point break it += 1 return fixed_point # Find the fixed point using Newton's method, starting at previous fixed point. def __sub_fixed_series(queue, t_idx, field, var, i_proc): fixed = [] fixed_sign = [] for i, point in enumerate( self.fixed_points[t_idx - 1][i_proc::self.params.n_proc]): fixed_tentative = __null_point(point, var) # Check if the fixed point lies outside the domain. if fixed_tentative[0] >= self.params.Ox and \ fixed_tentative[1] >= self.params.Oy and \ fixed_tentative[0] <= self.params.Ox+self.params.Lx and \ fixed_tentative[1] <= self.params.Oy+self.params.Ly: fixed.append(fixed_tentative) fixed_sign.append(self.fixed_sign[t_idx - 1][i_proc + i * n_proc]) queue.put((i_proc, fixed, fixed_sign)) # Discard fixed points which are too close to each other. def __discard_close_fixed_points(fixed, fixed_sign, var): fixed_new = [] fixed_sign_new = [] if len(fixed) > 0: fixed_new.append(fixed[0]) fixed_sign_new.append(fixed_sign[0]) dx = fixed[:, 0] - np.reshape(fixed[:, 0], (fixed.shape[0], 1)) dy = fixed[:, 1] - np.reshape(fixed[:, 1], (fixed.shape[0], 1)) mask = (abs(dx) > var.dx / 2) + (abs(dy) > var.dy / 2) for idx in range(1, fixed.shape[0]): if all(mask[idx, :idx]): fixed_new.append(fixed[idx]) fixed_sign_new.append(fixed_sign[idx]) return np.array(fixed_new), np.array(fixed_sign_new) # Convert int_q string into list. if not isinstance(int_q, list): int_q = [int_q] self.params.int_q = int_q if any(np.array(self.params.int_q) == 'curly_A'): self.curly_A = [] if any(np.array(self.params.int_q) == 'ee'): = [] # Multi core setup. if not (np.isscalar(n_proc)) or (n_proc % 1 != 0): print("error: invalid processor number") return -1 queue = mp.Queue() # Write the tracing parameters. self.params = TracersParameterClass() self.params.trace_field = trace_field self.params.h_min = h_min self.params.h_max = h_max self.params.len_max = len_max self.params.tol = tol self.params.interpolation = interpolation self.params.trace_sub = trace_sub self.params.int_q = int_q self.params.varfile = varfile self.params.ti = ti = tf self.params.integration = integration self.params.datadir = datadir self.params.destination = destination self.params.n_proc = n_proc # Make sure to read the var files with the correct magic. magic = [] if trace_field == 'bb': magic.append('bb') if trace_field == 'jj': magic.append('jj') if trace_field == 'vort': magic.append('vort') if any(np.array(int_q) == 'ee'): magic.append('bb') magic.append('jj') dim = pc.read_dim(datadir=datadir) # Check if user wants a tracer time series. if (ti % 1 == 0) and (tf % 1 == 0) and (ti >= 0) and (tf >= ti): series = True varfile = 'VAR' + str(ti) n_times = tf - ti + 1 else: series = False n_times = 1 self.t = np.zeros(n_times) # Read the initial field. var = pc.read_var(varfile=varfile, datadir=datadir, magic=magic, quiet=True, trimall=True) self.t[0] = var.t grid = pc.read_grid(datadir=datadir, quiet=True, trim=True) field = getattr(var, trace_field) param2 = pc.read_param(datadir=datadir, param2=True, quiet=True) if any(np.array(int_q) == 'ee'): ee = var.jj * param2.eta - pc.cross(var.uu, # Get the simulation parameters. self.params.dx = var.dx self.params.dy = var.dy = self.params.Ox = var.x[0] self.params.Oy = var.y[0] self.params.Oz = var.z[0] self.params.Lx = grid.Lx self.params.Ly = grid.Ly self.params.Lz = grid.Lz self.params.nx = dim.nx self.params.ny = dim.ny = tracers = Tracers() # Create the mapping for all times. if not tracer_file_name: tracers.find_tracers(trace_field=trace_field, h_min=h_min, h_max=h_max, len_max=len_max, tol=tol, interpolation=interpolation, trace_sub=trace_sub, varfile=varfile, ti=ti, tf=tf, integration=integration, datadir=datadir, int_q=int_q, n_proc=n_proc) else:, file_name=tracer_file_name) self.tracers = tracers # Set some default values. self.t = np.zeros((tf - ti + 1) * series + (1 - series)) self.fidx = np.zeros((tf - ti + 1) * series + (1 - series)) self.poincare = np.zeros( [int(trace_sub * dim.nx), int(trace_sub * dim.ny), n_times]) ix0 = range(0, int(self.params.nx * trace_sub) - 1) iy0 = range(0, int(self.params.ny * trace_sub) - 1) # Start the parallelized fixed point finding. for tidx in range(n_times): if tidx > 0: var = pc.read_var(varfile='VAR' + str(tidx + ti), datadir=datadir, magic=magic, quiet=True, trimall=True) field = getattr(var, trace_field) self.t[tidx] = var.t proc = [] sub_data = [] fixed = [] fixed_sign = [] for i_proc in range(n_proc): proc.append( mp.Process(target=__sub_fixed, args=(queue, ix0, iy0, field, self.tracers, tidx, var, i_proc))) for i_proc in range(n_proc): proc[i_proc].start() for i_proc in range(n_proc): sub_data.append(queue.get()) for i_proc in range(n_proc): proc[i_proc].join() for i_proc in range(n_proc): # Extract the data from the single cores. Mind the order. sub_proc = sub_data[i_proc][0] fixed.extend(sub_data[i_proc][1]) fixed_sign.extend(sub_data[i_proc][2]) self.fidx[tidx] += sub_data[i_proc][3] self.poincare[sub_proc::n_proc, :, tidx] = sub_data[i_proc][4] for i_proc in range(n_proc): proc[i_proc].terminate() # Discard fixed points which lie too close to each other. fixed, fixed_sign = __discard_close_fixed_points( np.array(fixed), np.array(fixed_sign), var) self.fixed_points.append(np.array(fixed)) self.fixed_sign.append(np.array(fixed_sign)) # Compute the traced quantities along the fixed point streamlines. if any(np.array(self.params.int_q) == 'curly_A') or \ any(np.array(self.params.int_q) == 'ee'): for t_idx in range(0, n_times): if any(np.array(self.params.int_q) == 'curly_A'): self.curly_A.append([]) if any(np.array(self.params.int_q) == 'ee'):[]) for fixed in self.fixed_points[t_idx]: # Trace the stream line. xx = np.array([fixed[0], fixed[1], self.params.Oz]) stream = Stream(field, self.params, h_min=self.params.h_min, h_max=self.params.h_max, len_max=self.params.len_max, tol=self.params.tol, interpolation=self.params.interpolation, integration=self.params.integration, xx=xx) # Do the field line integration. if any(np.array(self.params.int_q) == 'curly_A'): curly_A = 0 for l in range(stream.stream_len - 1): aaInt = vec_int( (stream.tracers[l + 1] + stream.tracers[l]) / 2, var, var.aa, interpolation=self.params.interpolation) curly_A += aaInt, (stream.tracers[l + 1] - stream.tracers[l])) self.curly_A[-1].append(curly_A) if any(np.array(self.params.int_q) == 'ee'): ee_p = 0 for l in range(stream.stream_len - 1): eeInt = vec_int( (stream.tracers[l + 1] + stream.tracers[l]) / 2, var, ee, interpolation=self.params.interpolation) ee_p += eeInt, (stream.tracers[l + 1] - stream.tracers[l]))[-1].append(ee_p) if any(np.array(self.params.int_q) == 'curly_A'): self.curly_A[-1] = np.array(self.curly_A[-1]) if any(np.array(self.params.int_q) == 'ee'):[-1] = np.array([-1])
def find_tracers(self, trace_field='bb', h_min=2e-3, h_max=2e4, len_max=500, tol=1e-2, iter_max=1e3, interpolation='trilinear', trace_sub=1, int_q=[''], varfile='VAR0', ti=-1, tf=-1, integration='simple', data_dir='./data', n_proc=1): """ Trace streamlines from the VAR files and integrate quantity 'int_q' along them. call signature:: find_tracers(self, trace_field='bb', h_min=2e-3, h_max=2e4, len_max=500, tol=1e-2, iter_max=1e3, interpolation='trilinear', trace_sub=1, int_q=[''], varfile='VAR0', ti=-1, tf=-1, integration='simple', data_dir='data/', n_proc=1) Trace streamlines of the vectofield 'field' from z = z0 to z = z1 and integrate quantities 'int_q' along the lines. Creates a 2d mapping as in 'streamlines.f90'. Keyword arguments: *trace_field*: Vector field used for the streamline tracing. *h_min*: Minimum step length for and underflow to occur. *h_max*: Parameter for the initial step length. *len_max*: Maximum length of the streamline. Integration will stop if len >= len_max. *tol*: Tolerance for each integration step. Reduces the step length if error >= tol. *iter_max*: Maximum number of iterations. *interpolation*: Interpolation of the vector field. 'mean': takes the mean of the adjacent grid point. 'trilinear': weights the adjacent grid points according to their distance. *trace_sub*: Number of sub-grid cells for the seeds. *int_q*: Quantities to be integrated along the streamlines. *varfile*: Varfile to be read. *integration*: Integration method. 'simple': low order method. 'RK6': Runge-Kutta 6th order. *ti*: Initial VAR file index for tracer time sequences. Overrides 'varfile'. *tf*: Final VAR file index for tracer time sequences. Overrides 'varfile'. *data_dir*: Directory where the data is stored. *n_proc*: Number of cores for multi core computation. """ # Return the tracers for the specified starting locations. def __sub_tracers(queue, var, field, t_idx, i_proc, n_proc): xx = np.zeros([(self.x0.shape[0]+n_proc-1-i_proc)/n_proc, self.x0.shape[1], 3]) xx[:, :, 0] = self.x0[i_proc:self.x0.shape[0]:n_proc, :, t_idx].copy() xx[:, :, 1] = self.y0[i_proc:self.x0.shape[0]:n_proc, :, t_idx].copy() xx[:, :, 2] = self.z1[i_proc:self.x0.shape[0]:n_proc, :, t_idx].copy() # Initialize the local arrays for this core. sub_x1 = np.zeros(xx[:, :, 0].shape) sub_y1 = np.zeros(xx[:, :, 0].shape) sub_z1 = np.zeros(xx[:, :, 0].shape) sub_l = np.zeros(xx[:, :, 0].shape) sub_curly_A = np.zeros(xx[:, :, 0].shape) sub_ee = np.zeros(xx[:, :, 0].shape) sub_mapping = np.zeros([xx[:, :, 0].shape[0], xx[:, :, 0].shape[1], 3]) for ix in range(i_proc, self.x0.shape[0], n_proc): for iy in range(self.x0.shape[1]): stream = Stream(field, self.params, interpolation=interpolation, h_min=h_min, h_max=h_max, len_max=len_max, tol=tol, iter_max=iter_max, xx=xx[int(ix/n_proc), iy, :]) sub_x1[int(ix/n_proc), iy] = stream.tracers[stream.stream_len-1, 0] sub_y1[int(ix/n_proc), iy] = stream.tracers[stream.stream_len-1, 1] sub_z1[int(ix/n_proc), iy] = stream.tracers[stream.stream_len-1, 2] sub_l[int(ix/n_proc), iy] = stream.len if any(np.array(self.params.int_q) == 'curly_A'): for l in range(stream.stream_len-1): aaInt = vec_int((stream.tracers[l+1] + stream.tracers[l])/2, var, aa, interpolation=self.params.interpolation) sub_curly_A[int(ix/n_proc), iy] += \, (stream.tracers[l+1] - stream.tracers[l])) if any(np.array(self.params.int_q) == 'ee'): for l in range(stream.stream_len-1): eeInt = vec_int((stream.tracers[l+1] + stream.tracers[l])/2, var, ee, interpolation=self.params.interpolation) sub_ee[int(ix/n_proc), iy] += \, (stream.tracers[l+1] - stream.tracers[l])) # Create the color mapping. if (sub_z1[int(ix/n_proc), iy] >*4): if (self.x0[ix, iy, t_idx] - sub_x1[int(ix/n_proc), iy]) > 0: if (self.y0[ix, iy, t_idx] - sub_y1[int(ix/n_proc), iy]) > 0: sub_mapping[int(ix/n_proc), iy, :] = [0, 1, 0] else: sub_mapping[int(ix/n_proc), iy, :] = [1, 1, 0] else: if (self.y0[ix, iy, t_idx] - sub_y1[int(ix/n_proc), iy]) > 0: sub_mapping[int(ix/n_proc), iy, :] = [0, 0, 1] else: sub_mapping[int(ix/n_proc), iy, :] = [1, 0, 0] else: sub_mapping[int(ix/n_proc), iy, :] = [1, 1, 1] queue.put((i_proc, sub_x1, sub_y1, sub_z1, sub_l, sub_mapping, sub_curly_A, sub_ee)) # Write the tracing parameters. self.params.trace_field = trace_field self.params.h_min = h_min self.params.h_max = h_max self.params.len_max = len_max self.params.tol = tol self.params.interpolation = interpolation self.params.trace_sub = trace_sub self.params.int_q = int_q self.params.varfile = varfile self.params.ti = ti = tf self.params.integration = integration self.params.data_dir = data_dir self.params.n_proc = n_proc # Multi core setup. if not(np.isscalar(n_proc)) or (n_proc%1 != 0): print "error: invalid processor number" return -1 queue = mp.Queue() # Convert int_q string into list. if not isinstance(int_q, list): int_q = [int_q] # Read the data. magic = [] if trace_field == 'bb': magic.append('bb') if trace_field == 'jj': magic.append('jj') if trace_field == 'vort': magic.append('vort') if any(np.array(int_q) == 'ee'): magic.append('bb') magic.append('jj') dim = pc.read_dim(datadir=data_dir) # Check if user wants a tracer time series. if (ti%1 == 0) and (tf%1 == 0) and (ti >= 0) and (tf >= ti): series = True nTimes = tf-ti+1 else: series = False nTimes = 1 # Initialize the arrays. self.x0 = np.zeros([int(trace_sub*dim.nx), int(trace_sub*dim.ny), nTimes]) self.y0 = np.zeros([int(trace_sub*dim.nx), int(trace_sub*dim.ny), nTimes]) self.x1 = np.zeros([int(trace_sub*dim.nx), int(trace_sub*dim.ny), nTimes]) self.y1 = np.zeros([int(trace_sub*dim.nx), int(trace_sub*dim.ny), nTimes]) self.z1 = np.zeros([int(trace_sub*dim.nx), int(trace_sub*dim.ny), nTimes]) self.l = np.zeros([int(trace_sub*dim.nx), int(trace_sub*dim.ny), nTimes]) if any(np.array(int_q) == 'curly_A'): self.curly_A = np.zeros([int(trace_sub*dim.nx), int(trace_sub*dim.ny), nTimes]) if any(np.array(int_q) == 'ee'): = np.zeros([int(trace_sub*dim.nx), int(trace_sub*dim.ny), nTimes]) self.mapping = np.zeros([int(trace_sub*dim.nx), int(trace_sub*dim.ny), nTimes, 3]) self.t = np.zeros(nTimes) for t_idx in range(ti, tf+1): if series: varfile = 'VAR' + str(t_idx) # Read the data. var = pc.read_var(varfile=varfile, datadir=data_dir, magic=magic, quiet=True, trimall=True) grid = pc.read_grid(datadir=data_dir, quiet=True, trim=True) param2 = pc.read_param(datadir=data_dir, param2=True, quiet=True) self.t[t_idx] = var.t # Extract the requested vector trace_field. field = getattr(var, trace_field) if any(np.array(int_q) == 'curly_A'): aa = var.aa if any(np.array(int_q) == 'ee'): ee = var.jj*param2.eta - pc.cross(var.uu, # Get the simulation parameters. self.params.dx = var.dx self.params.dy = var.dy = self.params.Ox = var.x[0] self.params.Oy = var.y[0] self.params.Oz = var.z[0] self.params.Lx = grid.Lx self.params.Ly = grid.Ly self.params.Lz = grid.Lz self.params.nx = dim.nx self.params.ny = dim.ny = # Initialize the tracers. for ix in range(int(trace_sub*dim.nx)): for iy in range(int(trace_sub*dim.ny)): self.x0[ix, iy, t_idx] = grid.x[0] + grid.dx/trace_sub*ix self.x1[ix, iy, t_idx] = self.x0[ix, iy, t_idx].copy() self.y0[ix, iy, t_idx] = grid.y[0] + grid.dy/trace_sub*iy self.y1[ix, iy, t_idx] = self.y0[ix, iy, t_idx].copy() self.z1[ix, iy, t_idx] = grid.z[0] proc = [] sub_data = [] for i_proc in range(n_proc): proc.append(mp.Process(target=__sub_tracers, args=(queue, var, field, t_idx, i_proc, n_proc))) for i_proc in range(n_proc): proc[i_proc].start() for i_proc in range(n_proc): sub_data.append(queue.get()) for i_proc in range(n_proc): proc[i_proc].join() for i_proc in range(n_proc): # Extract the data from the single cores. Mind the order. sub_proc = sub_data[i_proc][0] self.x1[sub_proc::n_proc, :, t_idx] = sub_data[i_proc][1] self.y1[sub_proc::n_proc, :, t_idx] = sub_data[i_proc][2] self.z1[sub_proc::n_proc, :, t_idx] = sub_data[i_proc][3] self.l[sub_proc::n_proc, :, t_idx] = sub_data[i_proc][4] self.mapping[sub_proc::n_proc, :, t_idx, :] = sub_data[i_proc][5] if any(np.array(int_q) == 'curly_A'): self.curly_A[sub_proc::n_proc, :, t_idx] = sub_data[i_proc][6] if any(np.array(int_q) == 'ee'):[sub_proc::n_proc, :, t_idx] = sub_data[i_proc][7] for i_proc in range(n_proc): proc[i_proc].terminate()
def find_fixed(self, data_dir='data/', destination='fixed_points.hf5', varfile='VAR0', ti=-1, tf=-1, trace_field='bb', h_min=2e-3, h_max=2e4, len_max=500, tol=1e-2, interpolation='trilinear', trace_sub=1, integration='simple', int_q=[''], n_proc=1): """ Find the fixed points. call signature:: find_fixed(data_dir='data/', destination='fixed_points.hf5', varfile='VAR0', ti=-1, tf=-1, trace_field='bb', h_min=2e-3, h_max=2e4, len_max=500, tol=1e-2, interpolation='trilinear', trace_sub=1, integration='simple', int_q=[''], n_proc=1): Finds the fixed points. Returns the fixed points positions. Keyword arguments: *data_dir*: Data directory. *destination*: Name of the fixed points file. *varfile*: Varfile to be read. *ti*: Initial VAR file index for tracer time sequences. *tf*: Final VAR file index for tracer time sequences. *trace_field*: Vector field used for the streamline tracing. *h_min*: Minimum step length for and underflow to occur. *h_max*: Parameter for the initial step length. *len_max*: Maximum length of the streamline. Integration will stop if l >= len_max. *tol*: Tolerance for each integration step. Reduces the step length if error >= tol. *interpolation*: Interpolation of the vector field. 'mean': takes the mean of the adjacent grid point. 'trilinear': weights the adjacent grid points according to their distance. *trace_sub*: Number of sub-grid cells for the seeds for the initial mapping. *integration*: Integration method. 'simple': low order method. 'RK6': Runge-Kutta 6th order. *int_q*: Quantities to be integrated along the streamlines. *n_proc*: Number of cores for multi core computation. """ # Return the fixed points for a subset of the domain for the initial # fixed points. def __sub_fixed_init(queue, ix0, iy0, field, tracers, var, i_proc): diff = np.zeros((4, 2)) fixed = [] fixed_sign = [] fidx = 0 poincare_array = np.zeros((tracers.x0[i_proc::self.params.n_proc].shape[0], tracers.x0.shape[1])) for ix in ix0[i_proc::self.params.n_proc]: for iy in iy0: # Compute Poincare index around this cell (!= 0 for potential fixed point). diff[0, :] = np.array([tracers.x1[ix, iy, 0] - tracers.x0[ix, iy, 0], tracers.y1[ix, iy, 0] - tracers.y0[ix, iy, 0]]) diff[1, :] = np.array([tracers.x1[ix+1, iy, 0] - tracers.x0[ix+1, iy, 0], tracers.y1[ix+1, iy, 0] - tracers.y0[ix+1, iy, 0]]) diff[2, :] = np.array([tracers.x1[ix+1, iy+1, 0] - tracers.x0[ix+1, iy+1, 0], tracers.y1[ix+1, iy+1, 0] - tracers.y0[ix+1, iy+1, 0]]) diff[3, :] = np.array([tracers.x1[ix, iy+1, 0] - tracers.x0[ix, iy+1, 0], tracers.y1[ix, iy+1, 0] - tracers.y0[ix, iy+1, 0]]) if sum(np.sum(diff**2, axis=1) != 0): diff = np.swapaxes(np.swapaxes(diff, 0, 1) / np.sqrt(np.sum(diff**2, axis=1)), 0, 1) poincare = __poincare_index(field, tracers.x0[ix:ix+2, iy, 0], tracers.y0[ix, iy:iy+2, 0], diff) poincare_array[ix/n_proc, iy] = poincare if abs(poincare) > 5: # Use 5 instead of 2*pi to account for rounding errors. # Subsample to get starting point for iteration. nt = 4 xmin = tracers.x0[ix, iy, 0] ymin = tracers.y0[ix, iy, 0] xmax = tracers.x0[ix+1, iy, 0] ymax = tracers.y0[ix, iy+1, 0] xx = np.zeros((nt**2, 3)) tracers_part = np.zeros((nt**2, 5)) i1 = 0 for j1 in range(nt): for k1 in range(nt): xx[i1, 0] = xmin + j1/(nt-1.)*(xmax-xmin) xx[i1, 1] = ymin + k1/(nt-1.)*(ymax-ymin) xx[i1, 2] = self.params.Oz i1 += 1 for it1 in range(nt**2): stream = Stream(field, self.params, h_min=self.params.h_min, h_max=self.params.h_max, len_max=self.params.len_max, tol=self.params.tol, interpolation=self.params.interpolation, integration=self.params.integration, xx=xx[it1, :]) tracers_part[it1, 0:2] = xx[it1, 0:2] tracers_part[it1, 2:] = stream.tracers[stream.stream_len-1, :] min2 = 1e6 minx = xmin miny = ymin i1 = 0 for j1 in range(nt): for k1 in range(nt): diff2 = (tracers_part[i1+k1*nt, 2] - \ tracers_part[i1+k1*nt, 0])**2 + \ (tracers_part[i1+k1*nt, 3] - \ tracers_part[i1+k1*nt, 1])**2 if diff2 < min2: min2 = diff2 minx = xmin + j1/(nt-1.)*(xmax - xmin) miny = ymin + k1/(nt-1.)*(ymax - ymin) it1 += 1 # Get fixed point from this starting position using Newton's method. point = np.array([minx, miny]) fixed_point = __null_point(point, var) # Check if fixed point lies inside the cell. if ((fixed_point[0] < tracers.x0[ix, iy, 0]) or (fixed_point[0] > tracers.x0[ix+1, iy, 0]) or (fixed_point[1] < tracers.y0[ix, iy, 0]) or (fixed_point[1] > tracers.y0[ix, iy+1, 0])): print "warning: fixed point lies outside the cell" else: fixed.append(fixed_point) fixed_sign.append(np.sign(poincare)) fidx += np.sign(poincare) queue.put((i_proc, fixed, fixed_sign, fidx, poincare_array)) # Finds the Poincare index of this grid cell. def __poincare_index(field, sx, sy, diff): poincare = 0 poincare += __edge(field, [sx[0], sx[1]], [sy[0], sy[0]], diff[0, :], diff[1, :], 0) poincare += __edge(field, [sx[1], sx[1]], [sy[0], sy[1]], diff[1, :], diff[2, :], 0) poincare += __edge(field, [sx[1], sx[0]], [sy[1], sy[1]], diff[2, :], diff[3, :], 0) poincare += __edge(field, [sx[0], sx[0]], [sy[1], sy[0]], diff[3, :], diff[0, :], 0) return poincare # Compute rotation along one edge. def __edge(field, sx, sy, diff1, diff2, rec): phiMin = np.pi/8. dtot = m.atan2(diff1[0]*diff2[1] - diff2[0]*diff1[1], diff1[0]*diff2[0] + diff1[1]*diff2[1]) if (abs(dtot) > phiMin) and (rec < 4): xm = 0.5*(sx[0]+sx[1]) ym = 0.5*(sy[0]+sy[1]) # Trace the intermediate field line. stream = Stream(field, self.params, h_min=self.params.h_min, h_max=self.params.h_max, len_max=self.params.len_max, tol=self.params.tol, interpolation=self.params.interpolation, integration=self.params.integration, xx=np.array([xm, ym, self.params.Oz])) stream_x0 = stream.tracers[0, 0] stream_y0 = stream.tracers[0, 1] stream_x1 = stream.tracers[stream.stream_len-1, 0] stream_y1 = stream.tracers[stream.stream_len-1, 1] stream_z1 = stream.tracers[stream.stream_len-1, 2] # Discard any streamline which does not converge or hits the boundary. if ((stream.len >= len_max) or (stream_z1 < dtot = 0. else: diffm = np.array([stream_x1 - stream_x0, stream_y1 - stream_y0]) if sum(diffm**2) != 0: diffm = diffm/np.sqrt(sum(diffm**2)) dtot = __edge(field, [sx[0], xm], [sy[0], ym], diff1, diffm, rec+1) + \ __edge(field, [xm, sx[1]], [ym, sy[1]], diffm, diff2, rec+1) return dtot # Finds the null point of the mapping, i.e. fixed point, using Newton's method. def __null_point(point, var): dl = np.min(var.dx, var.dy)/100. it = 0 # Tracers used to find the fixed point. tracers_null = np.zeros((5, 4)) while True: # Trace field lines at original point and for Jacobian. # (second order seems to be enough) xx = np.zeros((5, 3)) xx[0, :] = np.array([point[0], point[1], self.params.Oz]) xx[1, :] = np.array([point[0]-dl, point[1], self.params.Oz]) xx[2, :] = np.array([point[0]+dl, point[1], self.params.Oz]) xx[3, :] = np.array([point[0], point[1]-dl, self.params.Oz]) xx[4, :] = np.array([point[0], point[1]+dl, self.params.Oz]) for it1 in range(5): stream = Stream(field, self.params, h_min=self.params.h_min, h_max=self.params.h_max, len_max=self.params.len_max, tol=self.params.tol, interpolation=self.params.interpolation, integration=self.params.integration, xx=xx[it1, :]) tracers_null[it1, :2] = xx[it1, :2] tracers_null[it1, 2:] = stream.tracers[stream.stream_len-1, 0:2] # Check function convergence. ff = np.zeros(2) ff[0] = tracers_null[0, 2] - tracers_null[0, 0] ff[1] = tracers_null[0, 3] - tracers_null[0, 1] if sum(abs(ff)) <= 1e-3*np.min(self.params.dx, self.params.dy): fixed_point = np.array([point[0], point[1]]) break # Compute the Jacobian. fjac = np.zeros((2, 2)) fjac[0, 0] = ((tracers_null[2, 2] - tracers_null[2, 0]) - (tracers_null[1, 2] - tracers_null[1, 0]))/2./dl fjac[0, 1] = ((tracers_null[4, 2] - tracers_null[4, 0]) - (tracers_null[3, 2] - tracers_null[3, 0]))/2./dl fjac[1, 0] = ((tracers_null[2, 3] - tracers_null[2, 1]) - (tracers_null[1, 3] - tracers_null[1, 1]))/2./dl fjac[1, 1] = ((tracers_null[4, 3] - tracers_null[4, 1]) - (tracers_null[3, 3] - tracers_null[3, 1]))/2./dl # Invert the Jacobian. fjin = np.zeros((2, 2)) det = fjac[0, 0]*fjac[1, 1] - fjac[0, 1]*fjac[1, 0] if abs(det) < dl: fixed_point = point break fjin[0, 0] = fjac[1, 1] fjin[1, 1] = fjac[0, 0] fjin[0, 1] = -fjac[0, 1] fjin[1, 0] = -fjac[1, 0] fjin = fjin/det dpoint = np.zeros(2) dpoint[0] = -fjin[0, 0]*ff[0] - fjin[0, 1]*ff[1] dpoint[1] = -fjin[1, 0]*ff[0] - fjin[1, 1]*ff[1] point += dpoint # Check root convergence. if sum(abs(dpoint)) < 1e-3*np.min(self.params.dx, self.params.dy): fixed_point = point break if it > 20: fixed_point = point print "warning: Newton did not converged" break it += 1 return fixed_point # Find the fixed point using Newton's method, starting at previous fixed point. def __sub_fixed_series(queue, t_idx, field, var, i_proc): fixed = [] fixed_sign = [] for i, point in enumerate(self.fixed_points[t_idx-1][i_proc::self.params.n_proc]): fixed_tentative = __null_point(point, var) # Check if the fixed point lies outside the domain. if fixed_tentative[0] >= self.params.Ox and \ fixed_tentative[1] >= self.params.Oy and \ fixed_tentative[0] <= self.params.Ox+self.params.Lx and \ fixed_tentative[1] <= self.params.Oy+self.params.Ly: fixed.append(fixed_tentative) fixed_sign.append(self.fixed_sign[t_idx-1][i_proc+i*n_proc]) queue.put((i_proc, fixed, fixed_sign)) # Discard fixed points which are too close to each other. def __discard_close_fixed_points(fixed, fixed_sign, var): fixed_new = [] fixed_new.append(fixed[0]) fixed_sign_new = [] fixed_sign_new.append(fixed_sign[0]) dx = fixed[:, 0] - np.reshape(fixed[:, 0], (fixed.shape[0], 1)) dy = fixed[:, 1] - np.reshape(fixed[:, 1], (fixed.shape[0], 1)) mask = (abs(dx) > var.dx/2) + (abs(dy) > var.dy/2) for idx in range(1, fixed.shape[0]): if all(mask[idx, :idx]): fixed_new.append(fixed[idx]) fixed_sign_new.append(fixed_sign[idx]) return np.array(fixed_new), np.array(fixed_sign_new) # Convert int_q string into list. if not isinstance(int_q, list): int_q = [int_q] self.params.int_q = int_q if any(np.array(self.params.int_q) == 'curly_A'): self.curly_A = [] if any(np.array(self.params.int_q) == 'ee'): = [] # Multi core setup. if not(np.isscalar(n_proc)) or (n_proc%1 != 0): print "error: invalid processor number" return -1 queue = mp.Queue() # Write the tracing parameters. self.params = TracersParameterClass() self.params.trace_field = trace_field self.params.h_min = h_min self.params.h_max = h_max self.params.len_max = len_max self.params.tol = tol self.params.interpolation = interpolation self.params.trace_sub = trace_sub self.params.int_q = int_q self.params.varfile = varfile self.params.ti = ti = tf self.params.integration = integration self.params.data_dir = data_dir self.params.destination = destination self.params.n_proc = n_proc # Multi core setup. if not(np.isscalar(n_proc)) or (n_proc%1 != 0): print "error: invalid processor number" return -1 # Make sure to read the var files with the correct magic. magic = [] if trace_field == 'bb': magic.append('bb') if trace_field == 'jj': magic.append('jj') if trace_field == 'vort': magic.append('vort') if any(np.array(int_q) == 'ee'): magic.append('bb') magic.append('jj') dim = pc.read_dim(datadir=data_dir) # Check if user wants a tracer time series. if (ti%1 == 0) and (tf%1 == 0) and (ti >= 0) and (tf >= ti): series = True varfile = 'VAR' + str(ti) n_times = tf-ti+1 else: series = False n_times = 1 self.t = np.zeros(n_times) # Read the initial field. var = pc.read_var(varfile=varfile, datadir=data_dir, magic=magic, quiet=True, trimall=True) self.t[0] = var.t grid = pc.read_grid(datadir=data_dir, quiet=True, trim=True) field = getattr(var, trace_field) param2 = pc.read_param(datadir=data_dir, param2=True, quiet=True) if any(np.array(int_q) == 'ee'): ee = var.jj*param2.eta - pc.cross(var.uu, # Get the simulation parameters. self.params.dx = var.dx self.params.dy = var.dy = self.params.Ox = var.x[0] self.params.Oy = var.y[0] self.params.Oz = var.z[0] self.params.Lx = grid.Lx self.params.Ly = grid.Ly self.params.Lz = grid.Lz self.params.nx = dim.nx self.params.ny = dim.ny = # Create the initial mapping. tracers = Tracers() tracers.find_tracers(trace_field='bb', h_min=h_min, h_max=h_max, len_max=len_max, tol=tol, interpolation=interpolation, trace_sub=trace_sub, varfile=varfile, integration=integration, data_dir=data_dir, int_q=int_q, n_proc=n_proc) self.tracers = tracers # Set some default values. self.t = np.zeros((tf-ti+1)*series + (1-series)) self.fidx = np.zeros((tf-ti+1)*series + (1-series)) self.poincare = np.zeros([int(trace_sub*dim.nx), int(trace_sub*dim.ny)]) ix0 = range(0, int(self.params.nx*trace_sub)-1) iy0 = range(0, int(self.params.ny*trace_sub)-1) # Start the parallelized fixed point finding for the initial time. proc = [] sub_data = [] fixed = [] fixed_sign = [] for i_proc in range(n_proc): proc.append(mp.Process(target=__sub_fixed_init, args=(queue, ix0, iy0, field, tracers, var, i_proc))) for i_proc in range(n_proc): proc[i_proc].start() for i_proc in range(n_proc): sub_data.append(queue.get()) for i_proc in range(n_proc): proc[i_proc].join() for i_proc in range(n_proc): # Extract the data from the single cores. Mind the order. sub_proc = sub_data[i_proc][0] fixed.extend(sub_data[i_proc][1]) fixed_sign.extend(sub_data[i_proc][2]) self.fidx[0] += sub_data[i_proc][3] self.poincare[sub_proc::n_proc, :] = sub_data[i_proc][4] for i_proc in range(n_proc): proc[i_proc].terminate() # Discard fixed points which lie too close to each other. fixed, fixed_sign = __discard_close_fixed_points(np.array(fixed), np.array(fixed_sign), var) self.fixed_points.append(np.array(fixed)) self.fixed_sign.append(np.array(fixed_sign)) # Find the fixed points for the remaining times. for t_idx in range(1, n_times): # Read the data. varfile = 'VAR' + str(t_idx+ti) var = pc.read_var(varfile=varfile, datadir=data_dir, magic=magic, quiet=True, trimall=True) field = getattr(var, trace_field) self.t[t_idx] = var.t # Find the new fixed points. proc = [] sub_data = [] fixed = [] fixed_sign = [] for i_proc in range(n_proc): proc.append(mp.Process(target=__sub_fixed_series, args=(queue, t_idx, field, var, i_proc))) for i_proc in range(n_proc): proc[i_proc].start() for i_proc in range(n_proc): sub_data.append(queue.get()) for i_proc in range(n_proc): proc[i_proc].join() for i_proc in range(n_proc): # Extract the data from the single cores. Mind the order. sub_proc = sub_data[i_proc][0] fixed.extend(sub_data[i_proc][1]) fixed_sign.extend(sub_data[i_proc][2]) for i_proc in range(n_proc): proc[i_proc].terminate() # Discard fixed points which lie too close to each other. fixed, fixed_sign = __discard_close_fixed_points(np.array(fixed), np.array(fixed_sign), var) self.fixed_points.append(np.array(fixed)) self.fixed_sign.append(np.array(fixed_sign)) self.fidx[t_idx] = np.sum(fixed_sign) # Compute the traced quantities. if any(np.array(self.params.int_q) == 'curly_A') or \ any(np.array(self.params.int_q) == 'ee'): for t_idx in range(0, n_times): if any(np.array(self.params.int_q) == 'curly_A'): self.curly_A.append([]) if any(np.array(self.params.int_q) == 'ee'):[]) for fixed in self.fixed_points[t_idx]: # Trace the stream line. xx = np.array([fixed[0], fixed[1], self.params.Oz]) stream = Stream(field, self.params, h_min=self.params.h_min, h_max=self.params.h_max, len_max=self.params.len_max, tol=self.params.tol, interpolation=self.params.interpolation, integration=self.params.integration, xx=xx) # Do the field line integration. if any(np.array(self.params.int_q) == 'curly_A'): curly_A = 0 for l in range(stream.stream_len-1): aaInt = vec_int((stream.tracers[l+1] + stream.tracers[l])/2, var, var.aa, interpolation=self.params.interpolation) curly_A +=, (stream.tracers[l+1] - stream.tracers[l])) self.curly_A[-1].append(curly_A) if any(np.array(self.params.int_q) == 'ee'): ee_p = 0 for l in range(stream.stream_len-1): eeInt = vec_int((stream.tracers[l+1] + stream.tracers[l])/2, var, ee, interpolation=self.params.interpolation) ee_p +=, (stream.tracers[l+1] - stream.tracers[l]))[-1].append(ee_p) if any(np.array(self.params.int_q) == 'curly_A'): self.curly_A[-1] = np.array(self.curly_A[-1]) if any(np.array(self.params.int_q) == 'ee'):[-1] = np.array([-1])