def put(self, invoice_id): """ User pays an invoice """ parser = reqparse.RequestParser() parser.add_argument('ccId', type=str, required=True, location='args') args = parser.parse_args() invoice = get_invoice_by_id_or_abort(invoice_id) if invoice.paid: raise InvoiceAlreadyPaid card = balanced.Card.fetch('/cards/%s' % args.ccId) debit = card.debit( appears_on_statement_as=app.config['STATEMENT_MSG'], amount=int(invoice.amount*100), description="Invoice for invoice #%s" % (, meta={ 'invoice_id':, 'bid_id':, 'auction_id':, 'payer':, 'payee': } ) invoice.provider = "balanced" invoice.provider_details = invoice.paid = True return marshal(invoice, invoice_fields), 200
def put(self, user_id): """ Update a user """ parser = reqparse.RequestParser() parser.add_argument('email', type=str) parser.add_argument('display_name', type=str) args = parser.parse_args() user = get_user_by_id_or_abort(user_id) if user != g.user: abort(403, message="Not authorized to update user") = user.display_name = args.display_name ret_fields = { 'id': fields.Integer, 'email': fields.String, 'display_name': fields.String } return marshal(user, ret_fields), 200
def put(self, auction_id): """ Update an auction """ session = db.session auction = session.query(Auction_model).get(auction_id) if auction.creator != g.user: abort(403, message="Not authorized to update auction") parser = reqparse.RequestParser() parser.add_argument('title', type=str) parser.add_argument('description', type=str) parser.add_argument('reserve', type=Decimal) parser.add_argument('start_time', type=int) # Must be a UNIX timestamp parser.add_argument('end_time', type=int) # Must be a UNIX timestamp parser.add_argument('start_price', type=Decimal) args = parser.parse_args() if not args.start_time: start_time = auction.start_time else: start_time = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(args.start_time) if not args.end_time: end_time = auction.end_time else: end_time = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(args.end_time) if args.title is None: args.title = auction.title if args.description is None: args.description = auction.description if args.reserve is None: args.reserve = auction.reserve if args.start_price is None: args.start_price = auction.start_price if not end_time > start_time: abort(400, message="End time cannot before the start time") if args.start_price is None: args.start_price = 0 if args.reserve is None: args.reserve = 0 if args.reserve < 0: abort(400, message="Reserve price must be positive") if args.start_price < 0: abort(400, message="Start price must be positive") # Auction has started if datetime.utcnow() >= auction.start_time: if args.reserve > auction.reserve: abort(400, message="Reserve cannot be increased once the auction has started") if args.start_price != auction.start_price: abort(400, message="Starting price cannot be changed once the auction has started") if start_time != auction.start_time: abort(400, message="Start time cannot be changed once the auction has started") if end_time != auction.end_time: abort(400, message="End time cannot be changed once the auction has started") else: if not start_time >= datetime.utcnow()-timedelta(seconds=30): abort(400, message="Start time cannot be in the past") auction.title = args.title auction.description = args.description auction.start_time = start_time auction.end_time = end_time auction.reserve = args.reserve auction.start_price = args.start_price return marshal(auction, auction_fields), 200