def main(options, args): plotfunc.SetupStyle() for i in options.histformat.keys(): print '\'%s\':' % (i), options.histformat[i] anaplot.LoadRootCore() files_b, trees_b, keys_b, cf_b = anaplot.GetTreesFromFiles(options.bkgs) files_s, trees_s, keys_s, cf_s = anaplot.GetTreesFromFiles(options.susy) file_d, tree_d, key_d, cf_d = anaplot.GetTreesFromFiles( options.fb, lumi_scale_factor = helpers.GetTTreeLumiScaleFactor( files_b + files_s, options.fb) dweight = '' weight = 'TotalWeightNoSF' if ''.join(options.cuts): weight = weight + '*(%s)' % (' && '.join(options.cuts)) dweight = '(' + ' && '.join(options.cuts) + ')' if hasattr(options.usermodule, 'weight'): weight += '*(%s)' % (options.usermodule.weight) if hasattr(options.usermodule, 'dataweight'): dweight += '*(%s)' % (options.usermodule.dataweight) cans = [] # get the histograms from the files for v in options.variables.split(','): n, low, high = options.histformat[v][:3] xlabel = options.histformat[v][3] bkg_hists = [] sig_hists = [] data_hist = None rebin = [] if hasattr(options.usermodule, 'rebin') and v in options.usermodule.rebin.keys(): rebin = options.usermodule.rebin[v] if options.bkgs: bkg_hists = anaplot.GetVariableHistsFromTrees( trees_b, keys_b, v, weight, n, low, high, normalize=options.normalize, rebin=rebin, scale=lumi_scale_factor) anaplot.PrepareBkgHistosForStack(bkg_hists) if options.susy: sig_hists = anaplot.GetVariableHistsFromTrees( trees_s, keys_s, v, weight, n, low, high, normalize=options.normalize, rebin=rebin, scale=lumi_scale_factor) if data_hist = anaplot.GetVariableHistsFromTrees( tree_d, key_d, v, dweight, n, low, high, normalize=options.normalize, rebin=rebin, scale=lumi_scale_factor)[0] data_hist.SetLineWidth(2) data_hist.SetLineColor(1) data_hist.SetMarkerColor(1) nsignal = 0 for si, s in enumerate(keys_s): mass_map = GetMassesMap() for i in mass_map.keys(): if str(i) in sig_hists[si].GetName(): title = '%s,%s' % (mass_map[i]['mc1'], mass_map[i]['mn1']) sig_hists[si].SetTitle(title) sig_hists[si].SetLineWidth(2) sig_hists[si].SetLineColor(signal_colors[nsignal]) sig_hists[si].SetMarkerColor(signal_colors[nsignal]) nsignal += 1 cans.append( anaplot.DrawHistos(v, v, xlabel, bkg_hists, sig_hists, data_hist, dostack=options.stack, log=options.log, ratio=options.ratio, fb=options.fb)) if not options.batch: raw_input('Press enter to exit') if for can in cans: can.Print(can.GetName() + '.pdf') print 'done.' return
def main(options, args): plotfunc.SetupStyle() for i in options.histformat.keys(): print '\'%s\':' % (i), options.histformat[i] anaplot.LoadRootCore() files_mc1, trees_mc1, keys_mc1, cf_mc1 = anaplot.GetTreesFromFiles( options.mc1) files_mc2, trees_mc2, keys_mc2, cf_mc2 = anaplot.GetTreesFromFiles( options.mc2) weight = 'TotalWeightNoSF' if ''.join(options.cuts): weight = weight + '*(%s)' % (' && '.join(options.cuts)) if hasattr(options.usermodule, 'weight'): weight += '*(%s)' % (options.usermodule.weight) cans = [] # get the histograms from the files for v in options.variables.split(','): n, low, high = options.histformat[v][:3] xlabel = options.histformat[v][3] mc_hists = [] rebin = [] if hasattr(options.usermodule, 'rebin') and v in options.usermodule.rebin.keys(): rebin = options.usermodule.rebin[v] if options.mc1: mc_hists.append( anaplot.GetVariableHistsFromTrees(trees_mc1, keys_mc1, v, weight, n, low, high, normalize=options.normalize, rebin=rebin)[0]) mc_hists[-1].SetTitle(options.label1) mc_hists[-1].SetLineWidth(2) mc_hists[-1].SetLineColor(1) mc_hists[-1].SetMarkerColor(1) if options.mc2: mc_hists.append( anaplot.GetVariableHistsFromTrees(trees_mc2, keys_mc2, v, weight, n, low, high, normalize=options.normalize, rebin=rebin)[0]) mc_hists[-1].SetTitle(options.label2) mc_hists[-1].SetLineWidth(ROOT.kRed + 1) mc_hists[-1].SetLineColor(ROOT.kRed + 1) mc_hists[-1].SetMarkerColor(ROOT.kRed + 1) cans.append( anaplot.DrawHistos(v, v, xlabel, mc_hists, dostack=False, log=options.log, ratio=options.ratio, fb=options.fb)) if not options.batch: raw_input('Press enter to exit') if for can in cans: can.Print(can.GetName() + '.pdf') print 'done.' return