def test_qasm_from_file(self, tmpdir, recorder):
        """Tests that a QuantumCircuit object is deserialized from a qasm file."""
        qft_qasm = tmpdir.join("qft.qasm")

        with open(qft_qasm, "w") as f:

        quantum_circuit = load_qasm_from_file(qft_qasm)

        with pytest.warns(UserWarning) as record:
            with recorder:

        assert len(recorder.queue) == 6

        assert recorder.queue[0].name == 'PauliX'
        assert recorder.queue[0].params == []
        assert recorder.queue[0].wires == [0]

        assert recorder.queue[1].name == 'PauliX'
        assert recorder.queue[1].params == []
        assert recorder.queue[1].wires == [2]

        assert recorder.queue[2].name == 'Hadamard'
        assert recorder.queue[2].params == []
        assert recorder.queue[2].wires == [0]

        assert recorder.queue[3].name == 'Hadamard'
        assert recorder.queue[3].params == []
        assert recorder.queue[3].wires == [1]

        assert recorder.queue[4].name == 'Hadamard'
        assert recorder.queue[4].params == []
        assert recorder.queue[4].wires == [2]

        assert recorder.queue[5].name == 'Hadamard'
        assert recorder.queue[5].params == []
        assert recorder.queue[5].wires == [3]

        assert len(record) == 11
        # check that the message matches
        assert record[0].message.args[0] == "pennylane_qiskit.converter: The {} instruction is not supported by" \
                                            " PennyLane, and has not been added to the template."\
        assert record[1].message.args[0] == "pennylane_qiskit.converter: The {} instruction is not supported by" \
                                            " PennyLane, and has not been added to the template."\
        assert record[7].message.args[0] == "pennylane_qiskit.converter: The {} instruction is not supported by" \
                                            " PennyLane, and has not been added to the template."\
    def test_qasm_from_file(self, tmpdir, recorder):
        """Tests that a QuantumCircuit object is deserialized from a qasm file."""
        qft_qasm = tmpdir.join("qft.qasm")

        with open(qft_qasm, "w") as f:

        quantum_circuit = load_qasm_from_file(qft_qasm)

        with pytest.warns(UserWarning) as record:
            with recorder:

        assert len(recorder.queue) == 6

        assert recorder.queue[0].name == "PauliX"
        assert recorder.queue[0].parameters == []
        assert recorder.queue[0].wires == Wires([0])

        assert recorder.queue[1].name == "PauliX"
        assert recorder.queue[1].parameters == []
        assert recorder.queue[1].wires == Wires([2])

        assert recorder.queue[2].name == "Hadamard"
        assert recorder.queue[2].parameters == []
        assert recorder.queue[2].wires == Wires([0])

        assert recorder.queue[3].name == "Hadamard"
        assert recorder.queue[3].parameters == []
        assert recorder.queue[3].wires == Wires([1])

        assert recorder.queue[4].name == "Hadamard"
        assert recorder.queue[4].parameters == []
        assert recorder.queue[4].wires == Wires([2])

        assert recorder.queue[5].name == "Hadamard"
        assert recorder.queue[5].parameters == []
        assert recorder.queue[5].wires == Wires([3])
    def test_qasm_file_not_found_error(self):
        """Tests that an error is propagated, when a non-existing file is specified for parsing."""
        qft_qasm = "some_qasm_file.qasm"

        with pytest.raises(FileNotFoundError):