def outputInfo(self, info): interop.refresh() Utils.p4Logger().debug("INFO: %s" % (info)) if self.shouldCancel: return OutputHandler.REPORT | OutputHandler.CANCEL else: return OutputHandler.HANDLED
def outputMessage(self, msg): interop.refresh() Utils.p4Logger().debug("Msg: %s" % (msg)) if self.shouldCancel: return OutputHandler.REPORT | OutputHandler.CANCEL else: return OutputHandler.HANDLED
def submitChange(self, *args): try: self.submitUI.deleteLater() except: pass self.submitUI = SubmitChangeWindow.SubmitChangeUi() # Delete the UI if errors occur to avoid causing winEvent # and event errors (in Maya 2014) try: files = self.p4.run_opened("-u", self.p4.user, "-C", self.p4.client, "...") interop.refresh() entries = [] for file in files: filePath = file['clientFile'] entry = { 'File': filePath, 'Folder': os.path.split(filePath)[0], 'Type': file['type'], 'Pending_Action': file['action'], } entries.append(entry) print "Submit Files : ", files self.submitUI.create(self.p4, entries) except: self.submitUI.deleteLater() Utils.p4Logger().error(traceback.format_exc())
def done(self, fail): interop.refresh() Utils.p4Logger().debug("Failed: %s" % (fail)) = fail
def update(self, position): interop.refresh() Utils.p4Logger().debug("Update: %s" % (position)) self.ui.setValue(position) self.position = position
def setTotal(self, total): interop.refresh() Utils.p4Logger().debug("Total: %s" % (total)) self.ui.setMaximum(total) pass
def setDescription(self, description, unit): interop.refresh() Utils.p4Logger().debug("Desc: %s, %s" % (description, unit)) pass
def init(self, type): interop.refresh() Utils.p4Logger().debug("Begin: %s" % (type)) self.type = type self.ui.incrementCurrent()