def myFunc(preBD, postBD):
    gazeCoeff = np.zeros((1,3))
    ballCoeff = np.zeros((1,3))
    blankSampleNumber = 38
    error_gazeX = np.zeros((blankSampleNumber))
    error_gazeY = np.zeros((blankSampleNumber))
    error_ballX = np.zeros((blankSampleNumber))
    error_ballY = np.zeros((blankSampleNumber))
    eyeToScreenDistance = 0.0725
    #myWindow = 35
    numberOfRows = len(fileTimeList)*15
    myDataFrame = pd.DataFrame(data = [],#np.array([['dummy', 0.6, 0.4, -1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1]]),
                               index = np.arange(0, numberOfRows),
                               columns = ['subjectID','PreBD', 'PostBD', 'gaze_1', 'gaze_2', 'gaze_3', 'gaze_4','ball_1', 'ball_2', 'ball_3', 'ball_4'])
    mainCounter = 0
    #print('df:', myDataFrame)
    img = np.zeros((4,4))
    for fileTime in fileTimeList: 
        print('.... File Time : ', fileTime)
        expCfgName = "gd_pilot.cfg"
        sysCfgName = "PERFORMVR.cfg"
        filePath = "../Data/" + fileTime + "/"
        fileName = "exp_data-" + fileTime
        sessionDict = pF.loadSessionDict(filePath,fileName,expCfgName,sysCfgName,startFresh=False)
        rawDataFrame = sessionDict['raw']
        processedDataFrame = sessionDict['processed']
        calibDataFrame = sessionDict['calibration']
        trialInfoDataFrame = sessionDict['trialInfo']

        gb = trialInfoDataFrame.groupby([trialInfoDataFrame.preBlankDur, trialInfoDataFrame.postBlankDur])
        #gb = trialInfoDataFrame.groupby(trialInfoDataFrame.postBlankDur)
        preBDList = [0.6, 0.8, 1.0]
        postBDList = [0.3, 0.4, 0.5]
        #preBD = 0.6
        #postBD = 0.3
        fileName = 'PostBD = '+str(postBD)
        #slicedDF = gb.get_group(postBD)
        slicedDF = gb.get_group((preBD, postBD))
        #slicedDF = trialInfoDataFrame
        #gb = trialInfoDataFrame.groupby([trialInfoDataFrame.postBlankDur])
        #slicedDF = gb.get_group((0.3))
        crIndex = slicedDF.ballCrossingIndex.values
        stIndex = slicedDF.trialStartIdx.values
        ballOnIndex = slicedDF.ballOnIdx.values
        ballOffIndex = slicedDF.ballOffIdx.values

        for trialID in range(15):
        #trialID = 0
            myDataFrame.PreBD.loc[mainCounter]= preBD
            myDataFrame.PostBD.loc[mainCounter]= postBD
            myDataFrame.subjectID.loc[mainCounter]= fileTime
            x = processedDataFrame.gazePoint.X.values
            x = np.array(x, dtype = float)
            gazeX = (180/np.pi)*np.arctan(x/eyeToScreenDistance)
            y = processedDataFrame.gazePoint.Y.values
            y = np.array(y, dtype = float)
            gazeY = (180/np.pi)*np.arctan(y/eyeToScreenDistance)
            x = processedDataFrame.ballOnScreen.X.values
            x = np.array(x, dtype = float)
            ballX = (180/np.pi)*np.arctan(x/eyeToScreenDistance)
            #y = processedDataFrame.rotatedBallOnScreen.Y.values[stIndex[trialID]:crIndex[trialID]]
            y = processedDataFrame.ballOnScreen.Y.values
            y = np.array(y, dtype = float)
            ballY = (180/np.pi)*np.arctan(y/eyeToScreenDistance)
            #print('Success?', slicedDF.ballCaughtQ.values[trialID])
            pr2g = 0
            pr2b = 0
            degG = 1
            degB = 1
            #fig = plt.figure(figsize=(5,5))
            #ax = fig.add_subplot(1,1,1)

            ''' Uncomment this part for plotting one trial data'''
            fig = plt.figure()
            ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1)
            plt.gca().set_aspect('equal', 'box')#'datalim')            
            # Major ticks every 20, minor ticks every 5
            major_ticks = np.arange(-60, 60, 2)
            minor_ticks = np.arange(-60, 60, 1 )
            ax.set_xticks(minor_ticks, minor=True)
            ax.set_yticks(minor_ticks, minor=True)
            # And a corresponding grid
            # Or if you want different settings for the grids:
            ax.grid(which='minor', alpha=0.1)
            ax.grid(which='major', alpha=0.5)

            #myMarker = ['-sb','-Dg','-vr', '-pm']
            myMarker = ['--b','--g','--r', '--m']            
            myLegend = ['$K_{gaze}=1$', '$K_{gaze}=2$', '$K_{gaze}=3$', '$K_{gaze}=4$']
            myLineWidth = 3
            # Pick the data during the blank to use for extrapolation
            idx = np.arange(slicedDF.ballOffIdx.values[trialID], slicedDF.ballOnIdx.values[trialID])    
            gDataX = gazeX[idx]
            gDataY = gazeY[idx]
            bDataX = ballX[idx]
            bDataY = ballY[idx]
            #for i in range(len(gDataX)):
            #    plt.plot([gDataX[i], bDataX[i]] , [gDataY[i], bDataY[i]], 'tab:gray', linewidth = 0.3)
            ''' Uncomment this part for plotting one trial data'''
            dataX = gazeX[idx]
            dataY = gazeY[idx]
            plt.plot(dataX, dataY, 'y', label = 'gaze', markersize = 3, linewidth = myLineWidth)

            dataX = ballX[idx]
            dataY = ballY[idx]
            plt.plot(dataX, dataY, 'c', alpha = 0.8, label = 'ball', markersize = 3, linewidth = myLineWidth)

            for degree in [2]:# [1,2,3,4]:

                dataX = gazeX[idx]
                dataY = gazeY[idx]
                coeffs = np.polyfit(dataX, dataY, degree)
                gazeCoeff = np.vstack((gazeCoeff,[coeffs]))

                # r-squared
                pX = np.poly1d(coeffs)
                # fit values, and mean
                yhat = pX(dataX)
                if (degree == 1):
                    diff = yhat[0] - dataY[0]
                    yhat = yhat - diff*0.8
                ''' Uncomment this part for plotting one trial data'''
                plt.plot(dataX, yhat, myMarker[degree-1], label = myLegend[degree-1], alpha = 0.7, markersize = 1, linewidth = myLineWidth-1)
                errorY = np.abs(yhat - dataY)
                ybar = np.sum(dataY)/len(dataY)          # or sum(y)/len(y)
                ssreg = np.sum((yhat-ybar)**2)   # or sum([ (yihat - ybar)**2 for yihat in yhat])
                sstot = np.sum((dataY - ybar)**2)    # or sum([ (yi - ybar)**2 for yi in y])
                r2g = ssreg / sstot                

                if degree == 1:
                    scale = 1.0
                elif degree == 2:
                    scale = 1.05
                elif degree == 3:
                    scale = 1.8
                    scale = 3.5

                #adj_r2g = 1-((1-r2g)*(len(dataX)-1))/(len(dataX) - degree - 32)
                adj_r2g = 1-(1-r2g)*scale
                r2g = r2g * 100
                adj_r2g = adj_r2g * 100

                #print('%d) Gaze R^2 = %2.3f  Adj_R^2 = %2.3f' %(degree, r2g, adj_r2g))
                #r2g = adj_r2g                
                if (r2g - pr2g) > 0:
                    degG = degree
                    pr2g = r2g
#                if (np.max(errorY)<25):
#                    error_gazeY = np.vstack((error_gazeY, errorY))
#                else:
#                    print('Exception Gaze', np.max(errorY))
                # Pick the data during the blank to use for extrapolation
                dataX = ballX[idx]
                dataY = ballY[idx]
                coeffs = np.polyfit(dataX, dataY, degree)
                ballCoeff = np.vstack((ballCoeff,[coeffs]))
                # r-squared
                pX = np.poly1d(coeffs)
                # fit values, and mean
                yhat = pX(dataX)
                errorY = np.abs(yhat - dataY)
                ybar = np.sum(dataY)/len(dataY)          # or sum(y)/len(y)
                ssreg = np.sum((yhat-ybar)**2)   # or sum([ (yihat - ybar)**2 for yihat in yhat])
                sstot = np.sum((dataY - ybar)**2)    # or sum([ (yi - ybar)**2 for yi in y])
                r2b = ssreg/ sstot                
                if degree == 1:
                    scale = 1.0
                elif degree == 2:
                    scale = 1.1
                elif degree == 3:
                    scale = 100.0
                    scale = 1000
                    #scale = 0.001

                #adj_r2b = 1-((1-r2b)*(len(dataX)))/(len(dataX) - 5*degree - 30)
                #adj_r2b = 1-((1-r2b)*(38))/scale
                adj_r2b = 1-(1-r2b)*scale
                r2b = r2b * 100
                adj_r2b = adj_r2b * 100
                #if abs(adj_r2b) > 100:
                #    adj_r2b = 99.99
                #print('%d %d) Ball R^2 = %2.3f  Adj_R^2 = %2.3f' %(scale,degree, r2b, adj_r2b))
                #r2b = adj_r2b
                #print(pX, '\n')
                if (r2b - pr2b) > 0:
                    degB = degree
                    pr2b = r2b
#                if (np.max(errorY)<25):
#                    error_ballY = np.vstack((error_ballY, errorY))
#                else:
#                    print('Exception Ball', np.max(errorY))
                #print('degB : ', degB)
                gCol = 'gaze_'+str(degree)
                bCol = 'ball_'+str(degree)
                #myDataFrame[bCol].loc[mainCounter] = abs(adj_r2b)
                #myDataFrame[gCol].loc[mainCounter] = abs(adj_r2g)
                myDataFrame[bCol].loc[mainCounter] = abs(r2b)
                myDataFrame[gCol].loc[mainCounter] = abs(r2g)
            mainCounter = mainCounter + 1
            #print('Gaze:', degG, ' Ball:', degB)
            img[degB-1,degG-1] = img[degB-1,degG-1] + 1
            ''' New Plots
            m1 = min(dataX)
            m2 = min(dataY)
            myMin = int(min(m1,m2)) - 4
            m1 = max(dataX)
            m2 = max(dataY)            
            myMax = int(max(m1,m2)) + 4
            print(myMin, myMax)
            major_ticks_x = np.arange(int(min(dataX)) - 4, int(max(dataX)) + 4, 2)
            major_ticks_y = np.arange(int(min(dataY)) - 4, int(max(dataY)) + 4, 2)
            # Or if you want different settings for the grids:
            ax.grid(which='major', alpha=0.8)
            #ax.grid(xdata=np.arange(int(min(dataX))-8, int(max(dataX))+8, 2.0), ydata=np.arange(int(min(dataY))-8, int(max(dataY))+8, 2.0))
            ''' Uncomment this part for plotting one trial data'''
            plt.xlabel('azimuth (degree)', fontsize = 13.5)
            plt.ylabel('elevation (degree)', fontsize = 13.5)
            plt.xticks( fontsize = 12)
            plt.yticks( fontsize = 12)
            #leg = plt.legend(loc = [0.2, 0.1], fontsize = 12)
            currentFile = os.getcwd()
                #print('Outlier Data Skipped for:\nTrial ID: ', trialID, '\n Subject ID: ', fileTime)
    #print('df:', myDataFrame)
    #print('TrialID', trialID)
    #print('IMG = \n', img)
    fig = plt.figure(1)
    ax = fig.add_subplot(1,1,1)
    plt.imshow(img, interpolation='nearest', extent=[1,4,4,1])
    #plt.grid(xdata = [1,2,3], ydata = [1,2,3]) 
    plt.xticks([1,2,3,4], fontsize = 10)
    plt.yticks([1,2,3,4], fontsize = 10)
    plt.xlabel('Gaze Degree', fontsize = 16)
    plt.ylabel('Ball Degree', fontsize = 16)
    ax.set_xticks([1.75,2.5, 3.25], minor = True)
    ax.set_yticks([1.75,2.5, 3.25], minor = True)
    ax.grid(which='both', linewidth=4, color = 'k')
    ax.grid(which = 'major', alpha = 0.0)

    currentFile = os.getcwd()

    #pickle.dump( img, open(currentFile + "/Outputs/gazeBallMaching/PreBD_"+str(preBD)+"_PostBD_"+str(postBD)+".p", "wb" ) )
    #results = pickle.load(( open(currentFile + "/Outputs/gazeBallMaching/PreBD_"+str(preBD)+"_PostBD_"+str(postBD)+".p", "rb" ) ))
    #print('Saved Pickle:\n',results)
    error_ballY = np.delete(error_ballY, 0,0)
    error_gazeY = np.delete(error_gazeY, 0,0)
    print('Final Size', error_ballY.shape)
    ballCoeff = np.delete(ballCoeff, 0, 0)
    gazeCoeff = np.delete(gazeCoeff, 0, 0)
    return error_gazeY, error_ballY, ballCoeff, gazeCoeff
# sys.path.append(cwd + "/../")

import pandas as pd

import numpy as np
from scipy import signal as sig

import performFun as pF
import catchE1Funs as expFun
import recalibration as rc

from plottingFuns import *
from analysisParameters import loadParameters


fileTime = '2017-4-14-18-36'

analysisParameters = loadParameters(fileTime)
startFresh = True
loadProcessed = False

# loadSessionDict
# We can just tell members of the audience that any way they can get the
# data into a dataframe is OK
sessionDict = pF.loadSessionDict(analysisParameters,
#fileTime = '2016-5-6-11-2'
#fileTime = '2016-5-6-13-4'
expCfgName = "gd_pilot.cfg"
sysCfgName = "PERFORMVR.cfg"

saveSubjectPickle = False
startFromScratch = False

if startFromScratch == True:
    for fileTime in fileTimeList:

        print 'extracting data for:', fileTime
        filePath = "../Data/exp/" + fileTime + "/"
        fileName = "exp_data-" + fileTime

        sessionDict = pF.loadSessionDict(filePath,fileName,expCfgName,sysCfgName,startFresh=False)
        sessionDict['processed'], sessionDict['trialInfo'] = pF.calculateCrossingFrame(sessionDict['raw'], sessionDict['processed'], sessionDict['trialInfo'])
        rawDataFrame = rawDataFrame.append(sessionDict['raw'], ignore_index=True)
        processedDataFrame = processedDataFrame.append(sessionDict['processed'], ignore_index=True)
        calibDataFrame = calibDataFrame.append(sessionDict['calibration'], ignore_index=True)
        trialInfoDataFrame = trialInfoDataFrame.append(sessionDict['trialInfo'], ignore_index=True)
    print 'Reading the All Subject Pickle File'
    df = pd.read_pickle('AllSubjects_2.pickle')
    rawDataFrame = df['raw']
    processedDataFrame = df['processed']
    calibDataFrame = df['calibration']
    trialInfoDataFrame = df['trialInfo']

if saveSubjectPickle == True:
def myFunc(preBD, postBD):
    gazeCoeff = np.zeros((1,3))
    ballCoeff = np.zeros((1,3))
    blankSampleNumber = 38
    error_gazeX = np.zeros((blankSampleNumber))
    error_gazeY = np.zeros((blankSampleNumber))
    error_ballX = np.zeros((blankSampleNumber))
    error_ballY = np.zeros((blankSampleNumber))
    eyeToScreenDistance = 0.0725
    #myWindow = 35
    numberOfRows = len(fileTimeList)*15
    myDataFrame = pd.DataFrame(data = [],#np.array([['dummy', 0.6, 0.4, -1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1]]),
                               index = np.arange(0, numberOfRows),
                               columns = ['subjectID','PreBD', 'PostBD', 'gaze_1', 'gaze_2', 'gaze_3', 'gaze_4','ball_1', 'ball_2', 'ball_3', 'ball_4'])
    mainCounter = 0
    #print('df:', myDataFrame)
    img = np.zeros((4,4))
    for fileTime in fileTimeList: 
        print('.... File Time : ', fileTime)
        expCfgName = "gd_pilot.cfg"
        sysCfgName = "PERFORMVR.cfg"
        filePath = "../Data/" + fileTime + "/"
        fileName = "exp_data-" + fileTime
        sessionDict = pF.loadSessionDict(filePath,fileName,expCfgName,sysCfgName,startFresh=False)
        rawDataFrame = sessionDict['raw']
        processedDataFrame = sessionDict['processed']
        calibDataFrame = sessionDict['calibration']
        trialInfoDataFrame = sessionDict['trialInfo']

        gb = trialInfoDataFrame.groupby([trialInfoDataFrame.preBlankDur, trialInfoDataFrame.postBlankDur])
        #gb = trialInfoDataFrame.groupby(trialInfoDataFrame.postBlankDur)
        preBDList = [0.6, 0.8, 1.0]
        postBDList = [0.3, 0.4, 0.5]
        #preBD = 0.6
        #postBD = 0.3
        fileName = 'PostBD = '+str(postBD)
        #slicedDF = gb.get_group(postBD)
        slicedDF = gb.get_group((preBD, postBD))
        #slicedDF = trialInfoDataFrame
        #gb = trialInfoDataFrame.groupby([trialInfoDataFrame.postBlankDur])
        #slicedDF = gb.get_group((0.3))
        #crIndex = slicedDF.ballCrossingIndex.values
        #stIndex = slicedDF.trialStartIdx.values
        ballOnIndex = slicedDF.ballOnIdx.values
        ballOffIndex = slicedDF.ballOffIdx.values

        for trialID in range(15):
        #trialID = 0
            myDataFrame.PreBD.loc[mainCounter]= preBD
            myDataFrame.PostBD.loc[mainCounter]= postBD
            myDataFrame.subjectID.loc[mainCounter]= fileTime
            x = processedDataFrame.gazePoint.X.values
            x = np.array(x, dtype = float)
            gazeX = (180/np.pi)*np.arctan(x/eyeToScreenDistance)
            y = processedDataFrame.gazePoint.Y.values
            y = np.array(y, dtype = float)
            gazeY = (180/np.pi)*np.arctan(y/eyeToScreenDistance)
            x = processedDataFrame.ballOnScreen.X.values
            x = np.array(x, dtype = float)
            ballX = (180/np.pi)*np.arctan(x/eyeToScreenDistance)
            #y = processedDataFrame.rotatedBallOnScreen.Y.values[stIndex[trialID]:crIndex[trialID]]
            y = processedDataFrame.ballOnScreen.Y.values
            y = np.array(y, dtype = float)
            ballY = (180/np.pi)*np.arctan(y/eyeToScreenDistance)
            #print('Success?', slicedDF.ballCaughtQ.values[trialID])

            # Pick the data during the blank to use for extrapolation
            idx = np.arange(slicedDF.ballOffIdx.values[trialID], slicedDF.ballOnIdx.values[trialID])    

            for degree in [2]:# [1,2,3,4]:

                dataX = gazeX[idx]
                dataY = gazeY[idx]
                coeffs = np.polyfit(dataX, dataY, degree)

                # r-squared
                pX = np.poly1d(coeffs)
                # fit values, and mean
                yhat = pX(dataX)
                errorY = np.abs(yhat - dataY)
                if (np.max(errorY)<2):
                    gazeCoeff = np.vstack((gazeCoeff,[coeffs]))
                    #error_gazeY = np.vstack((error_gazeY, errorY))
                    print('Exception Gaze', np.max(errorY))
                # Pick the data during the blank to use for extrapolation
                dataX = ballX[idx]
                dataY = ballY[idx]
                coeffs = np.polyfit(dataX, dataY, degree)            
                # r-squared
                pX = np.poly1d(coeffs)
                # fit values, and mean
                yhat = pX(dataX)
                errorY = np.abs(yhat - dataY)
                if (np.max(errorY)<2):
                    ballCoeff = np.vstack((ballCoeff,[coeffs]))
                    #error_ballY = np.vstack((error_ballY, errorY))
                    print('Exception Ball', np.max(errorY))
            mainCounter = mainCounter + 1
            #print('Gaze:', degG, ' Ball:', degB)
    ballCoeff = np.delete(ballCoeff, 0, 0)
    gazeCoeff = np.delete(gazeCoeff, 0, 0)
    return error_gazeY, error_ballY, ballCoeff, gazeCoeff