    def interrupt(self, callback, pin, interrupt_trigger=None, timeout=0):
        """Init interrupt callback function for pin.

            callback (function): function to call on interrupt
            pin (int): the pin to monitor for interrupts

        with self._gpio_lock:
            gpio_pin = GPIO(pin, "preserve")
            if gpio_pin.supports_interrupts:
                gpio_pin.direction = "in"
                gpio_pin.edge = interrupt_trigger
                if gpio_pin.poll(timeout):
                    # Enter callback function
                gpio_pin.edge = "none"  #need to set to none inorder to reuse pin for anything else
                    "GPIO pin {} does not support interrupts".format(pin))

                "Set interrupt callback of GPIO pin {}".format(pin))
#!/usr/bin/env python3
#Author:    Giovanni Rasera Per Cynexo
#Date:      2021 03 22
from periphery import GPIO
import sys
import wave
import getopt
import signal
import alsaaudio
gpio_CynexoFrontButton = GPIO("/dev/gpiochip4", 12, "in")
gpio_CynexoFrontButton.edge = "rising"

def play(device, f):
	periodsize = f.getframerate() // 8
	device = alsaaudio.PCM()	
	#Aspetta per farlo partire
	data = f.readframes(periodsize)		#Prebuffering

	#Leggi e suona
	while data:
		data = f.readframes(periodsize)

def usage():
	print('usage: playwav.py [-d <device>] <file>', file=sys.stderr)
def main():
    pool = ThreadPool(processes=1)
    #Time operator have to push button after product is detected
    IMG_SAVE_DELAY = 500
    #This is used to signal that if operator dont push button then save image to approved folder
    flagPhotoSensor = False
    #Resolution on image
    resolution = (1280, 720)
    #Paths to put images
    path_approved = '/media/storage/good/'
    path_not_approved = '/media/storage/bad/'
    #Create camera object that takes images and store in approved or not approved folder
    camera = Camera(resolution, 'png', path_approved, path_not_approved)
    #GPIO stuff
    on_off = GPIO(7, 'in')
    disallowed_img = GPIO(138, 'in')
    disallowed_img.edge = 'rising'
    photoSensor = GPIO(140, 'in')
    photoSensor.edge = 'rising'
    #Create Display object
    display = Display()
    #Variable to handle debounce on input from photosensor
    lastPhotoSensorValue = False
    #Variable to handle debounce on input from operator button
    lastOperatorBtnValue = False
    #Get time in ms
    currentTime_ms = lambda: int(round(time.time() * 1000))
    #Calculate new time - old time to get time difference between two events
    deltaTime_ms = lambda oldTime_ms: int(round(time.time() * 1000)
                                          ) - oldTime_ms
    #Store time to calculate time difference
    oldTime_ms = currentTime_ms()
    print("initialization done")

    #Run forever
    while True:
        #If system is turned on by switch, run program
        if on_off.read() or True:
            print("System started")
            #Make sure no old values are stored
            flagPhotoSensor = False
            #Stay in loop as long as system is turned on
            while on_off.read() or True:

                #If there is a product in front of camera, take a picture and record the time
                if photoSensor.read(
                ) and not lastPhotoSensorValue and not flagPhotoSensor:

                    #img = camera.camera.get_image()
                    async_img = pool.apply_async(camera.take_image)
                    oldTime_ms = currentTime_ms()
                    #Save that photo sensor has been high
                    flagPhotoSensor = True

                #If operator push button before IMG_SAVE_DELAY time, save image to not approved folder
                #and blink red light once to inform operator
                while deltaTime_ms(oldTime_ms) <= IMG_SAVE_DELAY:
                    if disallowed_img.read() and not lastOperatorBtnValue:
                        img = async_img.get()
                                         args=(img, False)).start()
                        camera.save_img(img, False)
                        flagPhotoSensor = False

                lastOperatorBtnValue = disallowed_img.read()

                #if operator dont push button before IMG_SAVE_DELAY time run out, save
                #image to approved folder and blink green light.
                if (deltaTime_ms(oldTime_ms) >
                        IMG_SAVE_DELAY) and flagPhotoSensor:
                    img = async_img.get()
                                     args=(img, True)).start()
                    camera.save_img(img, True)
                    flagPhotoSensor = False

            lastPhotoSensorValue = photoSensor.read()