def main(): ws = obsws(host, port, password) ws.connect() PNFactoryX = perlin.PerlinNoiseFactory(1) PNFactoryY = perlin.PerlinNoiseFactory(1) ret = print("current scene : ", ret.getName()) sources = ret.getSources() print("current sources : ", sources) for source in sources: properties =["name"])) print("properties : ", properties.datain) s1 = PROPERTIES(properties.datain) w = WINDOW_EASER(1280, 720) w.setWindow("f1") w.setKeyFrame("f1", 10 * 2, [-0.05, -0.05, 1.1, 1.1]) w.setKeyFrame("f1", 20 * 2, [-0.05, -0.05, 1.1, 1.1]) w.setKeyFrame("f1", 40 * 2, [-0.2, -0.2, 1.4, 1.4]) w.setKeyFrame("f1", 50 * 2, [-0.2, -0.2, 1.4, 1.4]) w.setKeyFrame("f1", 70 * 2, [-0.05, -0.05, 1.1, 1.1]) w.setKeyFrame("f1", 80 * 2, [-0.05, -0.05, 1.1, 1.1]) w.setupKeyFrame() while 1: for i in range(80 * 2): #print "=====================",i ret = w.update() #frame = w.draw() for source in sources: scale = s1.getScale(ret["f1"][3]) data = requests.SetSceneItemTransform(source["name"], scale, scale, 0).data() data["message-id"] = 100 data = requests.SetSceneItemPosition( source["name"], ret["f1"][0] + PNFactoryX(i / 30.0) * 20 - 20, ret["f1"][1] + PNFactoryY(i / 30.0) * 20 - 20).data() data["message-id"] = 100 time.sleep(0.02) #cv2.imshow("window",frame) #cv2.waitKey(1) w.initKeyFrame() ws.disconnect()
def generate_forest(self, threshold=0.25, tree_chance=0.2): noise = [] for i in range(self.width): noise.append([]) for j in range(self.height): noise[i].append(0) PNFactory_forest = perlin.PerlinNoiseFactory(2, octaves=3, tile=(), unbias=False) for i in range(self.width): for j in range(self.height): noise[i][j] = PNFactory_forest(i / self.width, j / self.height) noise1D = [] for i in range(self.width): for j in range(self.height): noise1D.append(noise[i][j]) _min = np.min(noise1D) _max = np.max(noise1D) for i in range(self.width): for j in range(self.height): v = utils.normalise(noise[i][j], _min, _max) if v < threshold and self.grid[i][j].get_type( ) in life.Tree.get_good_tiles(): if self.grid[i][j].food == None and not self.grid[i][ j].is_river and np.random.random() < tree_chance: self.grid[i][j].set_tree( life.Tree(self.simu, self.grid[i][j], randomness=True))
def generate_elevation(self, start_tile=None): noise = [] for i in range(self.width): noise.append([]) for j in range(self.height): noise[i].append(0) PNFactory = perlin.PerlinNoiseFactory(2, octaves=4, tile=(), unbias=True) for i in range(self.width): for j in range(self.height): noise[i][j] = PNFactory(i / self.width, j / self.height) noise1D = [] for i in range(self.width): for j in range(self.height): noise1D.append(noise[i][j]) _min = np.min(noise1D) _max = np.max(noise1D) for i in range(self.width): for j in range(self.height): self.grid[i][j].elevation_raw = utils.normalise( noise[i][j], _min, _max) self.grid[i][j].elevation = -3 + ( self.grid[i][j].elevation_raw * 11) self.grid[i][j].set_type_from_elevation() if self.grid[i][j] == "SHALLOW_WATER": self.shallow_water_tiles.append(self.grid[i][j])
def generate_perlin(screen, random_int_from_fav_thing, random_int_from_name): # perlin noise for squiggles perlin.random.seed( random_int_from_fav_thing(2, 5) + random_int_from_name(3, 7)) x_noise = perlin.PerlinNoiseFactory(1, octaves=5) y_noise = perlin.PerlinNoiseFactory(1, octaves=5) lines = [ [], ] drawer_vel = pygame.Vector2() drawer_pos = pygame.Vector2() drawer_pos.x, drawer_pos.y = 200, 200 current_line = 0 # out of bounds flag oob = False # generate the random squigglies for i in range(0, 1000, 1): drawer_vel.x = x_noise(i / 500) drawer_vel.y = y_noise(i / 500) if drawer_vel.x != 0 or drawer_vel.y != 0: drawer_vel.normalize_ip() drawer_vel *= 5 drawer_pos += drawer_vel if drawer_pos.x < 0: drawer_pos.x = screen.get_width() oob = True elif drawer_pos.x > screen.get_width(): drawer_pos.x = 0 oob = True elif drawer_pos.y < 0: drawer_pos.y = screen.get_height() oob = True elif drawer_pos.y > screen.get_height(): drawer_pos.y = 0 oob = True if oob: lines.append(list()) current_line += 1 oob = False lines[current_line].append((int(drawer_pos.x), int(drawer_pos.y))) return lines
def generate_perlin_layers(param, nl): fudge_factor = 1.5 # empirically observed lcor = param['corr_length'] lstr = param['strength'] lyrs = list() for il in range(nl): noisegen = pe.PerlinNoiseFactory(2, seed=seed) lyr = fudge_factor * lstr * np.asarray([noisegen(iy, ix) for ix in np.linspace(-lcor, lcor, n) for iy in np.linspace(-lcor, lcor, m)]).reshape(m, n) lyrs.append(lyr) lyrs = np.asarray(lyrs) return lyrs
def __init__(self, width, height): self.objects = [] self.width = width self.height = height r = random.randint(0, 999) self.terrain = np.zeros((width, height)) noise = perlin.PerlinNoiseFactory(3, 24) print("starting terrain generation") for x in range(width): for y in range(height): self.terrain[x][y] = 0.5 + noise(x / width, y / height, r) p = x / width if (p * 100) % 10.0 < 0.3: print(int(p * 100), "% complete") print("generated world") self.age = 0 self.curr_year = 0
def generate_data(tmin=15, tmax=22, imin=0, imax=24, d=1440): """ Generates data points with values from [tmin, tmax] and in the time interval [imin, imax] Returns: A numpy array of dimension (imax - imin)*d x 1 """ pnf = perlin.PerlinNoiseFactory(1, 5) noise = np.linspace(imin, imax, d, endpoint=False) / imax i = 0 for p in noise: noise[i] = pnf(p) i = i + 1 noise = np.abs((noise + 1) * tmax) #np.clip(noise, tmin, tmax, out=noise) return noise
class perlinWalker: t = None screen = None perlinGenerator = perlin.PerlinNoiseFactory( 1) #1 dimension argument passed def setupBoard(self, width=500, height=500): self.t = turtle.Turtle() self.screen = turtle.Screen() self.screen.colormode(255) self.t.fillcolor((100, 1, 1)) self.screen.setup(width, height) self.screen.tracer(0) def map_range(self, value, start1, stop1, start2, stop2): return (value - start1) / (stop1 - start1) * (stop2 - start2) + start2 def perlinGenerate(self, x): num = self.perlinGenerator(x) #print(num) return num def drawCircle(self): tX = random.randrange(800) tY = random.randrange(800) while True: self.t.clear() xPosition = self.map_range(self.perlinGenerate(tX), 0, 1, 0, 800) yPosition = self.map_range(self.perlinGenerate(tY), 0, 1, 0, 800) print("xPosition: " + str(xPosition) + " yPosition: " + str(yPosition)) #xPosition = 300 #yPosition = 400 self.t.goto(xPosition, yPosition) self.screen.update() tX += 0.0001 tY += 0.0001
password = "******" import perlin if __name__ == "__main__": ws = obsws(host, port, password) ws.connect() ret = print("current scene : ", ret.getName()) sources = ret.getSources() print("current sources : ", sources) for source in sources: properties =["name"])) print("properties : ", properties.datain) PNFactoryX = perlin.PerlinNoiseFactory(1) PNFactoryY = perlin.PerlinNoiseFactory(1) for i in range(1200): for source in sources: data = requests.SetSceneItemPosition( source["name"], PNFactoryX(i / 30.0) * 20 - 20, PNFactoryY(i / 30.0) * 20 - 20).data() data["message-id"] = 100 time.sleep(0.03) t2 = time.time() ws.disconnect()
def __init__(self, dimensions, heightmod, heightboost, genBeach=True, printh=False, waterheight=0): ###GENERATE### pn = perlin.PerlinNoiseFactory(2, octaves=2) termap = {} terimg ="RGB", (dimensions, dimensions)) terpx = terimg.load() for x in range(dimensions): termap[x] = {} for y in range(dimensions): value = pn(x / (dimensions / 2), y / (dimensions / 2)) * heightmod + heightboost #print(value) i = "" p = (255, 255, 255) if value <= waterheight: i = "r" else: i = "g" p = (0, 0, 0) termap[x][y] = i terpx[x, y] = p #pseudocode #only blank and not blank #then replace edges with # #Idea: if more water than land, flip the water and land if genBeach: for x in range(dimensions - 1): for y in range(dimensions - 1): if x > 0 and y > 0: if termap[x][y] == "g" and termap[x + 1][y] == "r": termap[x][y] = "#" terpx[x, y] = (135, 135, 135) elif termap[x][y] == "g" and termap[x - 1][y] == "r": termap[x][y] = "#" terpx[x, y] = (135, 135, 135) elif termap[x][y] == "g" and termap[x][y + 1] == "r": termap[x][y] = "#" terpx[x, y] = (135, 135, 135) elif termap[x][y] == "g" and termap[x][y - 1] == "r": termap[x][y] = "#" terpx[x, y] = (135, 135, 135) #New apprach: scan around pixel, if next over is not equal to this ine, set to beach ###PRINT### if printh: for key, value in termap.items(): out = "" for k, v in value.items(): out = out + str(v) print(out) = termap self.img = terimg self.d = dimensions
class bouncingBall: loc_Vector = None velocity_Vector = None screen = None accelerationVector = None perlinGenerator = perlin.PerlinNoiseFactory(1) tX = 0 tY = 0 def setupBoard(self, width=500, height=500): self.t = turtle.Turtle() self.screen = turtle.Screen() self.screen.colormode(255) self.t.fillcolor((100, 1, 1)) self.screen.setup(width, height) self.screen.tracer(0) self.t.speed(0) self.screen.setworldcoordinates(0, 0, width, height) self.loc_Vector = np.array( [float(random.randrange(width)), float(random.randrange(height))]) self.velocity_Vector = np.array([0.55, 0.13]) self.accelerationVector = np.array([0.00, 0.00]) def bounce(self): if self.loc_Vector[0] > self.screen.screensize( )[0] or self.loc_Vector[0] < 0: print("width " + str(self.screen.screensize()[0])) self.velocity_Vector[0] *= -1 self.accelerationVector[0] *= -1 self.tX += 0.00001 * -1 if self.loc_Vector[1] > self.screen.screensize( )[1] or self.loc_Vector[1] < 0: print("height " + str(self.screen.screensize()[0])) self.velocity_Vector[1] *= -1 self.accelerationVector[1] *= -1 self.tY += 0.00001 * -1 def drawCircle(self): self.t.clear() self.loc_Vector += self.velocity_Vector self.bounce() #print("xPosition: " + str(self.loc_Vector[0]) + " yPosition" + str(self.loc_Vector[1])) self.t.goto(self.loc_Vector[0], self.loc_Vector[1]) self.screen.update() def perlinGenerate(self, x): num = self.perlinGenerator(x) #print(num) return num def animate(self): while True: self.drawCircle() self.tX += 0.00001 self.tY += 0.00001 self.accelerationVector = np.array( [self.perlinGenerate(self.tX), self.perlinGenerate(self.tY)]) self.velocity_Vector += self.accelerationVector
import perlin from graphics import * import emojis as emj noise_factory = perlin.PerlinNoiseFactory(2, octaves=3) noise = [[0 for x in range(100)] for y in range(100)] map = '' for i in range(100): for j in range(100): noise[i][j] = noise_factory(i / 10, j / 10) if noise[i][j] < 0.0: map += emj.wave_emoji elif noise[i][j] < 0.15: map += emj.beach_emoji elif noise[i][j] < 0.5: map += emj.forest_emoji elif noise[i][j] < 1: map += emj.mountain_emoji else: map += '1' map += '\n' print(noise) print(map) print('\N{grinning face with smiling eyes}')
def run(self, source_paths, seed=0, exclude_paths=[], exclude_files=[], max_output_length=-1, big_chunk_interval=[1, 10, 5], big_chunk_length=[500, 5000], noise_rate_1=1, noise_rate_2=1, noise_rate_3=1, chunk_duration_range=[5, 300], chunk_overlap_range=[0.4, 0.95], chunk_skip_range=[300, 5000], remove_duplicates=True, split_interval=5 * 60, file_start_index=0, output_mels=False, correct_mod_dates=True, remove_silence=False, max_num_files=-1, time_scale=1): random.seed(seed) noise_offset = random.uniform(0, 10000000) noise = perlin.PerlinNoiseFactory(1, octaves=3, unbias=True) audio_files = [] for path in source_paths: audio_files += glob.glob(path + "/**/*", recursive=True) if max_num_files > 0: audio_files = audio_files[:max_num_files] filtered_files = [] for file in audio_files: if file.endswith(".mp3") or file.endswith(".wav"): valid = True for exclude_path in exclude_paths: if exclude_path in file: valid = False for exclude_file in exclude_files: if file.endswith(exclude_file): valid = False if valid: filtered_files.append(file) audio_files = filtered_files # get corrected modified dates from other file if correct_mod_dates: corrected_modified_dates = dict() for file in audio_files: files_with_same_name = glob.glob( os.path.splitext(file)[0] + ".*") if len(files_with_same_name) > 1: files_with_same_name.sort( key=lambda f: os.path.getmtime(f)) corrected_modified_dates[file] = os.path.getmtime( files_with_same_name[0]) # sort by date modified def get_date_modified(file): return corrected_modified_dates[ file] if file in corrected_modified_dates else os.path.getmtime( file) # correct the timestamps of this folder fs = list( filter( lambda f: "/Volumes/Shared/Projects/Music/Image-Line/Data/Projects/Oldies" in f, audio_files)) for file in fs: date = datetime.fromtimestamp(get_date_modified(file)) if == 21 and date.month == 10 and date.year == 2008: date = date.replace(year=2004) corrected_modified_dates[file] = date.timestamp() audio_files.sort(key=get_date_modified) # remove duplicates if remove_duplicates: deduped_list = [] filenames = [] for file in audio_files: name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(file))[0] if name not in filenames: filenames.append(name) deduped_list.append(file) audio_files = deduped_list def file_interestingness(index): if index >= len(audio_files) or index == 0: return 1 else: filename = get_filename_no_ext_no_numbers(audio_files[index]) prev_filename = get_filename_no_ext_no_numbers( audio_files[index - 1]) return 1 - SequenceMatcher(None, prev_filename, filename).ratio() part_number = 1 timestamp = int(time.time()) output_metadata_files_path = "output/{0}-{1}.files.txt".format( seed, timestamp) output_metadata_times_path = "output/{0}-{1}.times.txt".format( seed, timestamp) metadata_files_file = open(output_metadata_files_path, "w") metadata_times_file = open(output_metadata_times_path, "w") num_files_scanned = 1 fingerprint = AudioSegment.empty() total_duration = 0 all_mels = None prev_filename = None low_interestingness_time = 0 for i in range(file_start_index, len(audio_files)): file = audio_files[i] filename = os.path.basename(file) filename_no_extension = os.path.splitext(filename)[0] try: # open the audio files audio_file = AudioSegment.from_file(file) # remove silence if remove_silence: non_silent_parts = silence.split_on_silence( audio_file, 1000, silence_thresh=-40) non_silent = AudioSegment.empty() for part in non_silent_parts: non_silent += part audio_file = non_silent file_duration = audio_file.duration_seconds * 1000 # skip super short files if file_duration < 10: continue # calculate interestingness interestingness = file_interestingness(i) if interestingness == 0: low_interestingness_time += 1 if low_interestingness_time > 10: interestingness = 1 low_interestingness_time = 0 if file_interestingness(i + 1) > 0: interestingness = 1 # save metadata metadata_files_file.write("{0}~{1}\n".format( get_date_modified(file), filename.replace("~", " "))) metadata_times_file.write("{0}\n".format( round(total_duration, 2))) chunk_start_time = None chunk_skip_rate = random.uniform( chunk_skip_range[0], chunk_skip_range[1]) * time_scale chunk_start_time = 0 file_mels = None num_big_chunks = 0 if file_duration > 30000 and file_duration < 240000: num_big_chunks = 1 else: num_big_chunks = math.floor(file_duration / 120000) if num_big_chunks > 5: num_big_chunks = 5 if interestingness == 0: num_big_chunks = 0 big_chunk_interval = file_duration / (num_big_chunks + 1) next_bigchunk = big_chunk_interval + random.uniform( -10000, 10000) while True: noise_env_1 = noise(total_duration * noise_rate_1 + noise_offset) * 0.5 + 0.5 noise_env_2 = noise(total_duration * noise_rate_2 + 1000 + noise_offset) * 0.5 + 0.5 noise_env_3 = noise(total_duration * noise_rate_3 + 2000 + noise_offset) * 0.5 + 0.5 chunk_duration = (noise_env_1 * (chunk_duration_range[1] - chunk_duration_range[0]) + \ chunk_duration_range[0]) * time_scale chunk_overlap_ratio = (noise_env_2 * (chunk_overlap_range[1] - chunk_overlap_range[0]) + \ chunk_overlap_range[0]) big_chunk = False # big chunks are longer snippets taken from the track if file_duration > 10000 and chunk_start_time > next_bigchunk and num_big_chunks > 0: chunk_duration = random.uniform( big_chunk_length[0], big_chunk_length[1]) * time_scale next_bigchunk += big_chunk_interval + random.uniform( -10000, 10000) num_big_chunks -= 1 big_chunk = True print("Big chunk!") else: big_chunk = False chunk_duration = min(file_duration, chunk_duration) * time_scale chunk_duration_half = int(chunk_duration / 2) chunk_end_time = chunk_start_time + chunk_duration # if it's reached the end go to the next file if chunk_end_time > file_duration: break chunk = audio_file[chunk_start_time:chunk_end_time] chunk_start_time += chunk_skip_rate # if the chunk is silent skip it if chunk.dBFS == -float("infinity"): print("Silent chunk skipped.") break # analyse if output_mels: data = np.array(list(chunk.get_array_of_samples())) mels = librosa.feature.melspectrogram(y=data, sr=44100, n_mels=100, power=1) mels = np.mean(mels, axis=1) if not file_mels: file_mels = np.reshape(mels, (100, 1)) else: file_mels = np.vstack([file_mels, mels]) # fade the ends of the chunk fade_time = chunk_duration_half if big_chunk: fade_time = min(chunk_duration_half, 400) chunk_overlap_ratio = 0.2 chunk = chunk.fade_in(fade_time).fade_out(fade_time) # attenuate chunk chunk = chunk.apply_gain(-12 if not big_chunk else -6) prev_len = fingerprint.duration_seconds if fingerprint.duration_seconds == 0: fingerprint = chunk else: # add the silence to the end of the fingerprint to make room for the new chunk fingerprint = fingerprint + AudioSegment.silent( duration=chunk_duration * (1 - chunk_overlap_ratio)) curr_position = fingerprint.duration_seconds * 1000 - chunk_duration # overlap the chunk with the fingerprint fingerprint = fingerprint.overlay( chunk, position=curr_position) total_duration += fingerprint.duration_seconds - prev_len print(file, ":", i + 1, "of", len(audio_files)) print("Length: {0:.3f} mins".format(total_duration / 60)) # split and clear at regular intervals if fingerprint.duration_seconds > split_interval + 10: source_paths = "output/{0}-{1}-P{2}.wav".format( seed, timestamp, part_number) part_file = fingerprint[:split_interval * 1000] part_file.export(open(source_paths, "wb"), format="wav") fingerprint = fingerprint[split_interval * 1000:] part_number += 1 # export and quit if max length reached if max_output_length > 0 and total_duration > max_output_length: break except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit): raise except: print("Failed:", file) if output_mels and file_mels is not None: if file_mels.shape[1] > 1: file_mels = np.mean(file_mels, axis=1) if all_mels is None: all_mels = file_mels else: all_mels = np.hstack([all_mels, file_mels]) num_files_scanned += 1 source_paths = "output/{0}-{1}-P{2}.wav".format( seed, timestamp, part_number) fingerprint.export(open(source_paths, "wb"), format="wav") # join all the parts print("Joining parts...") self.join_parts(seed, timestamp) print("FINISHED")