def view_mood_table(self, view_date: str): """Print a mood table given a date. :param view_date: :return: """ self.query(date=view_date) table = self.make_table(title="Mood Records") if if len(table.rows) >= 20: console.print( f"[bold]{escape('[perry-bot]:')}[/bold] The table has more " f"than 20 rows. Would you like to continue displaying the table?", style="default", ) q = Prompt.ask(choices=["y", "n"]) if q in ["n"]: console.print( f"[bold]{escape('[perry-bot]:')}[/bold] --view-table cancelled.", style="default", ) return console.print(table, style="default") else: console.print( f"[bold]{escape('[perry-bot]:')}[/bold] Sorry, there are no records " f"matching {view_date}. Try another date.", style="default", )
def new_entry(self): """Create a new entry in the database. :return: """ with db: MoodDB.create( rating=self.rating, datetime_stamp=self.datetime_stamp, comment=self.comment, ) console.print( f"[bold]{escape('[perry-bot]:')}[/bold] Mood entry added to database.", style="default", )
def delete_cups(self, date: str, cups: int): """Delete num of cups from today's record. :param date: :param cups: :return: """ self.query(date=date) if if sum(self.cups_drank) - cups < 0: console.print( f"[bold]{escape('[perry-bot]:')}[/bold] Deleting {cups} cups will cause " f"the total cups to be less than zero ({sum(self.cups_drank) - cups})." f"\n[bold]{escape('[perry-bot]:')}[/bold] Reset today's cups drank to 0?", style="default", ) c = Prompt.ask(choices=["y", "n"]) if c in ["y"]: with db: WaterDB.update(cups_drank=0).where( WaterDB.date_stamp.contains(date)).execute() console.print( f"[bold]{escape('[perry-bot]:')}[/bold] Cups drank today reset to 0.", style="default", ) elif c in ["n"]: console.print( f"[bold]{escape('[perry-bot]:')}[/bold] Deleting cups cancelled.", style="default", ) return else: with db: WaterDB.update(cups_drank=WaterDB.cups_drank - cups).where( WaterDB.date_stamp.contains(date)).execute() console.print( f"[bold]{escape('[perry-bot]:')}[/bold] {cups} cups deleted " f"from today's log.", style="default", ) else: console.print( f"[bold]{escape('[perry-bot]:')}[/bold] You haven't recorded any cups drank today yet, " f"there's nothing to delete!", style="default", )
def view_total(self, date: str): """Return total cups in database. :param date: :return: """ self.query(date=date) if console.print( f"[bold]{escape('[perry-bot]:')}[/bold] You've drunk {sum(self.cups_drank)} " f"cups of water on {date}.", style="default", ) else: console.print( f"[bold]{escape('[perry-bot]:')}[/bold] Sorry, there are no records " f"matching {date}. Try another date.", style="default", )
def view_average_mood(self, view_date: str): """View average mood based on the given date. :param view_date: :return: """ self.query(date=view_date) if average = int(sum(self.rating) / len(self.rating)) console.print( f"[bold]{escape('[perry-bot]:')}[/bold] Your average mood " f"on {view_date} is {average}.", style="default", ) else: console.print( f"[bold]{escape('[perry-bot]:')}[/bold] Sorry, there are no " f"records matching {view_date}. Try another date.", style="default", )
def edit_cups(self, edit_date: str): """Edit number of cups drank in database. :param edit_date: :return: """ self.query(date=edit_date) table = Table(title="Edit Water Records") table.add_column("#", justify="center") table.add_column("Date") table.add_column("Cups drank", justify="center") for (number, date, cups) in zip(, self.date_stamp, self.cups_drank): table.add_row(str(number), str(date), str(cups)) table.add_row( str(len( + 1), "[b]Cancel Edit[/b]", "[b]----------[/b]", style="cancel", ) if targets = {"choices": ["cups drank"]} edit_target = edit_existing_entry(self, table, **targets) if edit_target is False: return with db: WaterDB.update(cups_drank=edit_target[1]).where( == edit_target[2]).execute() console.print( f"[bold]{escape('[perry-bot]:')}[/bold] Your number of cups " f"drank has been updated.", style="default", ) else: console.print( f"[bold]{escape('[perry-bot]:')}[/bold] Sorry, there are no records " f"matching {edit_date}. Try another date.", style="default", )
def get_or_create_cups(self, date: str, cups: int): """Get existing record or create a new record of cups drank. :param date: :param cups: :return: """ self.query(date=date) if with db: WaterDB.update(cups_drank=WaterDB.cups_drank + cups).where( WaterDB.date_stamp.contains(date)).execute() else: with db: WaterDB.insert(cups_drank=cups, date_stamp=date).execute() self.query(date=date) console.print( f"[bold]{escape('[perry-bot]:')}[/bold] Water log added to database.\n" f"[bold]{escape('[perry-bot]:')}[/bold] You've drunk " f"{self.cups_drank[-1]} cups of water today, " f"keep up the good work!", style="default", )
def edit_mood(self, edit_date: str): """Edit a specific mood rating. Based on a date by inputting the number of the rating. :param edit_date: :return: """ self.query(date=edit_date) table = self.make_table(title="Edit a Mood Rating") table.add_row( str(len( + 1), "[b]----------[/b]", "[b]Cancel Edit[/b]", "[b]----------[/b]", style="cancel", ) if targets = {"choices": ["rating", "comment"]} edit_target = edit_existing_entry(self, table, **targets) if edit_target is False: return if edit_target[0] in ["rating"]: with db: MoodDB.update(rating=edit_target[1]).where( == edit_target[2]).execute() console.print( f"[bold]{escape('[perry-bot]:')}[/bold] Your rating has been updated.", style="default", ) elif edit_target[0] in ["comment"]: with db: MoodDB.update(comment=edit_target[1]).where( == edit_target[2]).execute() console.print( f"[bold]{escape('[perry-bot]:')}[/bold] Your comment has been updated.", style="default", ) else: console.print( f"[bold]{escape('[perry-bot]:')}[/bold] Sorry, there are no records " f"matching {edit_date}. Try another date.", style="default", )
def edit_existing_entry(self, table, **kwargs): """Edit an existing entry. :param self: :param table: :param kwargs: :return: """ choices = kwargs["choices"] if len(table.rows) >= 20: console.print( f"[bold]{escape('[perry-bot]:')}[/bold] The table has more " f"than 20 rows. Would you like to continue editing your " f"records on this date?", style="default", ) q = Prompt.ask(choices=["y", "n"]) if q in ["n"]: console.print( f"[bold]{escape('[perry-bot]:')}[/bold] --edit cancelled.", style="default", ) return console.print(table, style="default") console.print( f"[bold]{escape('[perry-bot]:')}[/bold] Enter the number of " f"the entry you want to edit", style="default", ) num = IntPrompt.ask() while num not in if num == len( + 1: console.print( f"[bold]{escape('[perry-bot]:')}[/bold] Editing cancelled!", style="default", ) return False console.print( f"[bold]{escape('[perry-bot]:')}[/bold] Please enter " f"a valid number from the table", style="default", ) num_again = IntPrompt.ask() if num_again == len( + 1: console.print( f"[bold]{escape('[perry-bot]:')}[/bold] Editing cancelled!", style="default", ) return False if num_again in num = num_again break console.print( f"[bold]{escape('[perry-bot]:')}[/bold] Which category would " f"you like to edit?", style="default", ) edit_target = Prompt.ask(choices=choices, default=choices[0]) console.print(f"[bold]{escape('[perry-bot]:')}[/bold] Enter the new value", style="default") edit_input = "" if len(choices) == 2 and edit_target in choices[1]: edit_input = Prompt.ask() elif len(choices) == 2 and edit_target in choices[0] or len(choices) == 1: edit_input = IntPrompt.ask() console.print( f"[bold]{escape('[perry-bot]:')}[/bold] You would like to " f"change the {edit_target} for entry #{num} to '{edit_input}'. Correct?", style="default", ) check = Prompt.ask(choices=["y", "n"]) while check.lower() in ["n"]: console.print( f"[bold]{escape('[perry-bot]:')}[/bold] Which category would " f"you like to edit?", style="default", ) edit_target = Prompt.ask(choices=choices, default=choices[0]) console.print( f"[bold]{escape('[perry-bot]:')}[/bold] Enter the new value", style="default", ) edit_input = "" if len(choices) == 2 and edit_target in choices[1]: edit_input = Prompt.ask() elif len(choices) == 2 and edit_target in choices[0] or len( choices) == 1: edit_input = IntPrompt.ask() console.print( f"[bold]{escape('[perry-bot]:')}[/bold] You would like to " f"change the {edit_target} for entry #{num} to '{edit_input}'. Correct?", style="default", ) check = Prompt.ask(choices=["y", "n"]) if check.lower() in ["y"]: break return edit_target, edit_input, num