def build_rowgroup_index(dataset_url,
    Build index for given list of fields to use for fast rowgroup selection
    :param dataset_url: (str) the url for the dataset (or a path if you would like to use the default hdfs config)
    :param spark_context: (SparkContext)
    :param indexers: list of objects to build row groups indexes. Should support RowGroupIndexerBase interface
    :param hdfs_driver: A string denoting the hdfs driver to use (if using a dataset on hdfs). Current choices are
    libhdfs (java through JNI) or libhdfs3 (C++)
    :return: None, upon successful completion the rowgroup predicates will be saved to _metadata file

    if dataset_url and dataset_url[-1] == '/':
        dataset_url = dataset_url[:-1]

    # Create pyarrow file system
    resolver = FilesystemResolver(dataset_url,
    dataset = pq.ParquetDataset(resolver.get_dataset_path(),

    split_pieces = dataset_metadata.load_row_groups(dataset)
    schema = dataset_metadata.get_schema(dataset)

    # We need direct reference on partitions object
    partitions = dataset.partitions
    pieces_num = len(split_pieces)
    piece_info_list = []
    for piece_index in range(pieces_num):
        #  indexes relies on the ordering of the split dataset pieces.
        # This relies on how the dataset pieces are split and sorted which although should not change,
        # still might and we should make sure not to forget that could break this.
        piece = split_pieces[piece_index]
            PieceInfo(piece_index, piece.path, piece.row_group,

    start_time = time.time()
    piece_info_rdd = spark_context.parallelize(
        piece_info_list, min(len(piece_info_list), PARALLEL_SLICE_NUM))
    indexer_rdd =
        lambda piece_info: _index_columns(piece_info,
    indexer_list = indexer_rdd.reduce(_combine_indexers)

    indexer_dict = {indexer.index_name: indexer for indexer in indexer_list}
    serialized_indexers = pickle.dumps(indexer_dict, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)
    utils.add_to_dataset_metadata(dataset, ROWGROUPS_INDEX_KEY,
                                  serialized_indexers)"Elapsed time of index creation: %f s",
                (time.time() - start_time))
def _generate_num_row_groups_per_file(dataset, spark_context, filesystem_factory):
    Generates the metadata file containing the number of row groups in each file
    for the parquet dataset located at the dataset_url. It does this in spark by
    opening all parquet files in the dataset on the executors and collecting the
    number of row groups in each file back on the driver.
    :param dataset: :class:`pyarrow.parquet.ParquetDataset`
    :param spark_context: spark context to use for retrieving the number of row groups
    in each parquet file in parallel
    :return: None, upon successful completion the metadata file will exist.
    if not isinstance(dataset.paths, str):
        raise ValueError('Expected dataset.paths to be a single path, not a list of paths')

    # Get the common prefix of all the base path in order to retrieve a relative path
    paths = [piece.path for piece in dataset.pieces]

    # Needed pieces from the dataset must be extracted for spark because the dataset object is not serializable
    base_path = dataset.paths

    def get_row_group_info(path):
        fs = filesystem_factory()
        relative_path = os.path.relpath(path, base_path)
        pq_file =
        num_row_groups = pq.read_metadata(pq_file).num_row_groups
        return relative_path, num_row_groups

    row_groups = spark_context.parallelize(paths, len(paths)) \
        .map(get_row_group_info) \
    num_row_groups_str = json.dumps(dict(row_groups))
    # Add the dict for the number of row groups in each file to the parquet file metadata footer
    utils.add_to_dataset_metadata(dataset, ROW_GROUPS_PER_FILE_KEY, num_row_groups_str)
def generate_petastorm_metadata(spark, dataset_url, unischema_class=None, use_summary_metadata=False):
    Generates metadata necessary to read a petastorm dataset to an existing dataset.

    :param spark: spark session
    :param dataset_url: url of existing dataset
    :param unischema_class: (optional) fully qualified dataset unischema class. If not specified will attempt
        to find one already in the dataset. (e.g.
    sc = spark.sparkContext

    resolver = FilesystemResolver(dataset_url, sc._jsc.hadoopConfiguration())
    dataset = pq.ParquetDataset(

    if unischema_class:
        schema = locate(unischema_class)
        if not isinstance(schema, Unischema):
            raise ValueError('The specified class %s is not an instance of a petastorm.Unischema object.',

            schema = get_schema(dataset)
        except ValueError:
            raise ValueError('Unischema class could not be located in existing dataset,'
                             ' please specify it')

    # In order to be backwards compatible, we retrieve the common metadata from the dataset before
    # overwriting the metadata to keep row group indexes and the old row group per file index
    arrow_metadata = dataset.common_metadata or None

    with materialize_dataset(spark, dataset_url, schema, use_summary_metadata=use_summary_metadata):
        if use_summary_metadata:
            # Inside the materialize dataset context we just need to write the metadata file as the schema will
            # be written by the context manager.
            # We use the java ParquetOutputCommitter to write the metadata file for the existing dataset
            # which will read all the footers of the dataset in parallel and merge them.
            hadoop_config = sc._jsc.hadoopConfiguration()
            Path =
            parquet_output_committer =
            parquet_output_committer.writeMetaDataFile(hadoop_config, Path(dataset_url))


    if use_summary_metadata and arrow_metadata:
        # When calling writeMetaDataFile it will overwrite the _common_metadata file which could have schema information
        # or row group indexers. Therefore we want to retain this information and will add it to the new
        # _common_metadata file. If we were using the old legacy metadata method this file wont be deleted
        base_schema = arrow_metadata.schema.to_arrow_schema()
        metadata_dict = base_schema.metadata
        if ROW_GROUPS_PER_FILE_KEY in metadata_dict:
            add_to_dataset_metadata(dataset, ROW_GROUPS_PER_FILE_KEY, metadata_dict[ROW_GROUPS_PER_FILE_KEY])
        if ROWGROUPS_INDEX_KEY in metadata_dict:
            add_to_dataset_metadata(dataset, ROWGROUPS_INDEX_KEY, metadata_dict[ROWGROUPS_INDEX_KEY])
def _generate_unischema_metadata(dataset, schema):
    Generates the serialized unischema and adds it to the dataset parquet metadata to be used upon reading.
    :param dataset: (ParquetDataset) Dataset to attach schema
    :param schema:  (Unischema) Schema to attach to dataset
    :return: None
    # TODO(robbieg): Simply pickling unischema will break if the UnischemaField class is changed,
    #  or the codec classes are changed. We likely need something more robust.
    serialized_schema = pickle.dumps(schema)
    utils.add_to_dataset_metadata(dataset, UNISCHEMA_KEY, serialized_schema)
def generate_petastorm_metadata(spark, dataset_url, unischema_class=None):
    Generate metadata necessary to read a petastorm dataset to an existing dataset.
    :param spark: spark session
    :param dataset_url: url of existing dataset
    :param unischema_class: (optional) fully qualified dataset unischema class. If not specified will attempt
        to find one already in the dataset. (e.g. examples.hello_world.hello_world_dataset.HelloWorldSchema)
    sc = spark.sparkContext

    resolver = FilesystemResolver(dataset_url, sc._jsc.hadoopConfiguration())
    dataset = pq.ParquetDataset(resolver.parsed_dataset_url().path,

    if unischema_class:
        schema = locate(unischema_class)

            schema = get_schema(dataset)
        except ValueError:
            raise ValueError(
                'Unischema class could not be located in existing dataset,'
                ' please specify it')

    # In order to be backwards compatible, we retrieve the common metadata from the dataset before
    # overwriting the metadata to keep row group indexes and the old row group per file index
    arrow_metadata = dataset.common_metadata or None

    with materialize_dataset(spark, dataset_url, schema):
        # Inside the materialize dataset context we just need to write the metadata file as the schema will
        # be written by the context manager.
        # We use the java ParquetOutputCommitter to write the metadata file for the existing dataset
        # which will read all the footers of the dataset in parallel and merge them.
        hadoop_config = sc._jsc.hadoopConfiguration()
        Path =
        parquet_output_committer =

    if arrow_metadata:
        # If there was the old row groups per file key or the row groups index key, add them to the new dataset metadata
        base_schema = arrow_metadata.schema.to_arrow_schema()
        metadata_dict = base_schema.metadata
        if ROW_GROUPS_PER_FILE_KEY in metadata_dict:
            add_to_dataset_metadata(dataset, ROW_GROUPS_PER_FILE_KEY,
        if ROWGROUPS_INDEX_KEY in metadata_dict:
            add_to_dataset_metadata(dataset, ROWGROUPS_INDEX_KEY,