 def get_CD_CL(self, filepath, bodypath):
     """Load the forces from file and return the force coefficients."""
     t, fx, fy = petibmpy.read_forces(filepath)
     # Non-dimensionalize time by the period.
     t_nodim = self.f * t
     # Reverse sign of force in x-direction when the body moving
     # in the positive x-direction.
     U0, _ = self.translational_velocity(t)
     fx *= -U0 / numpy.abs(U0)
     # Normalize the forces by the maximum quasi-steady force on the wing.
     D, L = [], []
     x0 = petibmpy.read_body(bodypath, skiprows=1, usecols=0)
     y0 = numpy.zeros_like(x0)
     for ti in t:
         alpha = self.orientation_angle(ti)
         x, y = petibmpy.rotate2d(x0,
                                  center=(0.0, 0.0),
         Di, Li = self.quasi_steady_forces(ti, x, y, 0.0, 0.0, rho=1.0)
     D, L = numpy.array(D), numpy.array(L)
     cd, cl = fx / numpy.max(D), fy / numpy.max(L)
     return {'CD': (t_nodim, cd), 'CL': (t_nodim, cl)}
def load_force_coefficients(filepath, config):
    """Load forces from file and return force coefficients."""
    # Load forces from file.
    t, fx, fy, fz = petibmpy.read_forces(filepath)
    fx *= -1.0  # drag to thrust
    # Convert forces to force coefficients.
    rho, U_inf, A_plan = (getattr(config, name)
                          for name in ('rho', 'U_inf', 'A_plan'))
    coeff = 1 / (0.5 * rho * U_inf**2 * A_plan)
    # Non-dimensionalize time values by period.
    t /= config.T
    ct, cl, cz = petibmpy.get_force_coefficients(fx, fy, fz, coeff=coeff)
    return Solution(t=t, ct=ct, cl=cl, cz=cz)
 def test_read_forces(self):
     """Test function `read_forces`."""
     # Tests for files containing forces for single and multiple bodies.
     for n, name in enumerate(['single', 'multiple']):
         dim = [2, 3]  # test 2D and 3D
         for d in dim:
             filepaths = []
             for i in range(2):  # test read from single and multiple files
                 filepath = self.datadir / f'forces{d}d-{name}-{i * 5}.txt'
                 res = petibmpy.read_forces(*filepaths)
                 self.assertTrue(len(res) == d * (n + 1) + 1)
                 num = res[0].size
                 self.assertTrue(all(r.size == num for r in res))
 def test_get_time_averaged_values(self):
     """Test function `get_time_averaged_values`."""
     dim = 3
     # Load forces from file.
     filepath1 = self.datadir / f'forces{dim}d-single-0.txt'
     filepath2 = self.datadir / f'forces{dim}d-single-5.txt'
     t, fx, fy, fz = petibmpy.read_forces(filepath1, filepath2)
     # Compute time-averaged value in one direction.
     fx1, = petibmpy.get_time_averaged_values(t, fx)
     self.assertAlmostEqual(fx1, numpy.mean(fx), places=7)
     # Compute time-averaged value for each direction.
     fx1, fy1, fz1 = petibmpy.get_time_averaged_values(t, fx, fy, fz)
     self.assertAlmostEqual(fx1, numpy.mean(fx), places=7)
     self.assertAlmostEqual(fy1, numpy.mean(fy), places=7)
     self.assertAlmostEqual(fz1, numpy.mean(fz), places=7)
     # Compute averaged values providing larger time interval.
     time_limits = (-1.0, 100.0)
     fx1, fy1, fz1 = petibmpy.get_time_averaged_values(t,
     self.assertAlmostEqual(fx1, numpy.mean(fx), places=7)
     self.assertAlmostEqual(fy1, numpy.mean(fy), places=7)
     self.assertAlmostEqual(fz1, numpy.mean(fz), places=7)
     # Compute averaged values providing restricted time interval.
     time_limits = (5.0, 6.0)
     fx1, fy1, fz1 = petibmpy.get_time_averaged_values(t,
     self.assertAlmostEqual(fx1, 0.55)
     self.assertAlmostEqual(fy1, 1.55)
     self.assertAlmostEqual(fz1, 2.55)
     # Check if runtime error is raised when wrong time limits are set.
     time_limits = (5.5, 5.5)  # 5.5 is not a saved time value
     with self.assertRaises(RuntimeError):
         fx1, = petibmpy.get_time_averaged_values(t, fx, limits=time_limits)
 def test_get_force_coefficients(self):
     """Test function `get_force_coefficients`."""
     dim = 3
     # Load forces from file.
     filepath = self.datadir / f'forces{dim}d-single-0.txt'
     _, fx, fy, fz = petibmpy.read_forces(filepath)
     # Convert one direction with unit coefficient.
     cd, = petibmpy.get_force_coefficients(fx)
     self.assertTrue(numpy.allclose(cd, fx))
     # Convert two directions with unit coefficient.
     cd, cl = petibmpy.get_force_coefficients(fx, fy)
     self.assertTrue(numpy.allclose(cd, fx))
     self.assertTrue(numpy.allclose(cl, fy))
     # Convert three directions with unit coefficient.
     cd, cl, cz = petibmpy.get_force_coefficients(fx, fy, fz)
     self.assertTrue(numpy.allclose(cd, fx))
     self.assertTrue(numpy.allclose(cl, fy))
     self.assertTrue(numpy.allclose(cz, fz))
     # Convert three directions with random coefficient.
     coeff = random.uniform(0.1, 5.0)
     cd, cl, cz = petibmpy.get_force_coefficients(fx, fy, fz, coeff=coeff)
     self.assertTrue(numpy.allclose(cd / coeff, fx))
     self.assertTrue(numpy.allclose(cl / coeff, fy))
     self.assertTrue(numpy.allclose(cz / coeff, fz))
"""Generate a figure of the force coefficients over time.

Save the figure in the sub-folder `figures` of the simulation directory.

import pathlib
from matplotlib import pyplot

import petibmpy

simudir = pathlib.Path(__file__).absolute().parents[1]

filepath = simudir / 'output' / 'forces-0.txt'
t, fx, fy, fz = petibmpy.read_forces(filepath)
rho, u_inf = 1.0, 1.0  # density and freestream speed
dyn_pressure = 0.5 * rho * u_inf**2  # dynamic pressure
c = 1.0  # chord length
Lz = 3.2 * c  # spanwise length
coeff = 1 / (dyn_pressure * c * Lz)  # scaling factor for force coefficients
cd, cl, cz = petibmpy.get_force_coefficients(fx, fy, fz, coeff=coeff)

pyplot.rc('font', family='serif', size=16)
fig, ax = pyplot.subplots(figsize=(8.0, 4.0))
ax.set_xlabel('Non-dimensional time')
ax.set_ylabel('Force coefficients')
ax.plot(t, cd, label='$C_D$')
ax.plot(t, cl, label='$C_L$')
ax.plot(t, cz, label='$C_z$')
ax.set_xlim(t[0], t[-1])
    v1 = (p1 - p2) / numpy.linalg.norm(p1 - p2)
    v2 = (p3 - p1) / numpy.linalg.norm(p3 - p1)
    v3 = numpy.cross(v1, v2)
    return v3 / numpy.linalg.norm(v3)

# Set simulation directory and data directory.
simudir = pathlib.Path(__file__).absolute().parents[1]
datadir = simudir / 'output'

# Create the wing kinematics.
wing = rodney.WingKinematics(Re=200.0, St=0.6, psi=110.0, nt_period=2000)

# Compute the cycle-averaged thrust.
filepath = datadir / 'forces-0.txt'
t, fx, _, _ = petibmpy.read_forces(filepath)
thrust = -fx  # switch from drag to thrust
time_limits = (4 * wing.T, 5 * wing.T)  # interval to consider for average
thrust_avg, = petibmpy.get_time_averaged_values(t, thrust, limits=time_limits)

# Compute the cycle-averaged thrust coefficient.
rho, U_inf, A_plan = (getattr(wing, name)
                      for name in ('rho', 'U_inf', 'A_plan'))
scale = 1 / (0.5 * rho * U_inf**2 * A_plan)
ct, = petibmpy.get_force_coefficients(thrust, coeff=scale)
ct_avg, = petibmpy.get_time_averaged_values(t, ct, limits=time_limits)

# Load original boundary coordinates from file.
filepath = simudir / 'wing.body'
wing.load_body(filepath, skiprows=1)
from matplotlib import pyplot
import numpy
import pathlib

import petibmpy

# Set directories and parameters.
simudir = pathlib.Path(__file__).absolute().parents[1]
rootdir = simudir.parents[2]
datadir = rootdir / 'data'
show_figure = True  # display the Matplotlib figure
save_figure = True  # save the Matplotlib figure as PNG

# Load drag force from file and compute drag coefficient.
filepath = simudir / 'output' / 'forces-0.txt'
t, fx, _ = petibmpy.read_forces(filepath)
cd = 2 * fx

# Load drag coefficient from Koumoutsakos & Leonard (1995).
filename = 'koumoutsakos_leonard_1995_cylinder_dragCoefficientRe3000.dat'
filepath = datadir / filename
t2, cd2 = petibmpy.read_forces(filepath)
t2 *= 0.5

# Plot the history of the drag coefficient.
pyplot.rc('font', family='serif', size=14)
fig, ax = pyplot.subplots(figsize=(6.0, 4.0))
ax.set_xlabel('Non-dimensional time')
ax.set_ylabel('Drag coefficient')
ax.plot(t, cd, label='PetIBM')