def load_petri_net(self): """Load a petri net from a pnml file.""" if self.pn_path.get() != "": self.pn_prev = PetriNet(pnml=self.petri_pnml) self.pn_prev.output_png(self.petri_png_prev) self.message_info("Petri Net loaded") else: self.message_error("Set output path")
def main(argv): log = [] with open(argv[1], 'r') as f: lines = f.readlines() for line in lines: log.append(line.strip().split(' ')) print("Log:\n", log) print("---------------------") lm = footprint.Alpha(log) print(lm) pn = PetriNet() pn.from_alpha(lm, dotfile="{}.dot".format(os.path.basename(argv[1])))
def export_petri_to_valmari(petri_net: PetriNet, filename): file = open(filename, "a") # file.write("samples = []") # file.write("omega = float('inf')") # file.write("def Init():") file.write("%d %d \n" % (petri_net.get_dim(), len(petri_net.get_transitions()))) trun_num = 1 for tran in petri_net.get_transitions(): place_num = 1 for p in (tran.get_incidence() + tran.get_pre()): if p <= 0: place_num += 1 continue file.write("-%d \n" % trun_num) file.write("0 %d \n" % p) file.write("%d \n" % place_num) place_num += 1 place_num = 1 for p in tran.get_pre(): if p <= 0: place_num += 1 continue file.write("%d \n" % place_num) file.write("0 %d \n" % p) file.write("-%d \n" % trun_num) place_num += 1 trun_num += 1 file.write("0 \n") place_num = 1 for p in petri_net.get_mark(): if p <= 0: place_num += 1 continue if p == float("inf"): file.write("-32767 \n") file.write("%d \n" % place_num) else: file.write("-%d \n" % p) file.write("%d \n" % place_num) place_num += 1 file.write("0 \n") file.close()
def petri_net(self): """Create a Petri net from a segmentation analysis. The new net is saved as a png, json, and pnml file. Moreover, a configuration file is created in order to configure the petri net later.""" if self.segmentation is not None: if self.output_path: = PetriNet(s=self.segmentation) utils.generate_configuration(self.configuration_yml, self.message_info("Petri Net created") else: self.message_error("Set output path") else: self.message_error("Missing segmentation")
def run_benchmark(name, petri: petri_net.PetriNet, time_out, init_marking=None, with_acc=True): benchmark = Benchmark(name) print("starting %s" % name + " numb of trans: " + str(len(petri.get_transitions())) + " num of places: " + str(petri.get_dim())) start_time = time.time() if init_marking is None: cov = CovTree(petri, petri.get_mark()) else: cov = CovTree(petri, init_marking) cov.keep_accelerations = with_acc cov.type_of_graph_traversal = "DFS" cov.use_z3_to_guess_accelerations = False cov.check_for_correctness = False cov.verbose = True cov.timeout = time_out benchmark.clover = cov.generate_cov_tree() benchmark.timeout = benchmark.clover is None elapsed_time = time.time() - start_time benchmark.max_vertices = cov.max_size benchmark.max_accelerations = cov.max_size_of_acc benchmark.final_accelerations = len(cov._accelerations) benchmark.final_vertices = len(cov._verSet) benchmark.used_accelerations = cov.use_of_acc benchmark.time = elapsed_time benchmark.places = len(petri.get_places()) benchmark.transitions = len(petri.get_transitions()) benchmark.num_of_comparisons = cov.num_of_comparisons benchmark.num_of_recheck = cov.num_of_rechecks return benchmark, cov
def __init__(self, petri_net: PetriNet, mark: np.array): """ Constructor """ assert (isinstance(petri_net, PetriNet)), "Has to be a Petri Net" self._petriNet = petri_net self._dim = petri_net.get_dim() self._accelerations = np.array([]) self._root = CovNode(mark, self._dim, 0, None) self._vertices = [self._root] # a list of all the vertices self._front = [ self._root ] # a list of the vertices which still weren't processed self._verSet = { tuple(self._root.marking) } # A set of all the marks, used to increase speed(hash) # Options for the run of generate_cov_tree(): self.timeout = float("inf") # The time out for generate_cov_tree() self.keep_accelerations = True # Remember and reuse previous accelerations self.use_z3_to_guess_accelerations = False # Use z3 to try to guess some accelerations before starting for self.z3_timeout = 10 # z3_timeout time self.check_for_correctness = True # in the end of generate_cov_tree() preform a few checks for correctness # setting the graph traversal: self._type_of_graph_traversal = 1 self.pushFront = self.push_into_front_function() self.popFront = self.pop_next_vertex_func() self.deleteFromFront = self.remove_from_front_function() # Variables for performance: self.verbose = False self.max_size = 1 self.max_size_of_acc = 0 self.use_of_acc = 0 self.count = 0 self.max_depth = 0 self.number_of_deleted_nodes = 0 self.number_of_deleted_decedents = 0 self.max_depth_of_acc = 0 self.average_num_of_successors = 0 self.num_of_comparisons = 0 self.average_vertics_size = 1 self.num_of_accelaration_tried = 0 self.num_of_rechecks = 0
def __init__(self, name, action): PetriNet.__init__(self, name) self.action_ = action # Places. queue = PetriNetPlace('queue') started = PetriNetPlace('started') interrupted = PetriNetPlace('interrupted') self.finished_ = PetriNetPlace('finished') # Transitions. self.transitions_.append(RequestRobotTransition(action)) self.transitions_.append( StartTransition('start', action, queue, started)) self.transitions_.append(SeizeRobotTransition('seize_robot', action)) self.transitions_.append( InterruptTransition('interrupt', action, started, interrupted)) self.transitions_.append( FinishTransition('finish', action, started, interrupted, self.finished_)) # Put action token in queue. queue.AddToken(
def test_cov_tree_accelerate(self): petri = PetriNet(4) mark1 = OmegaMarking(np.array([1, 3, 6, float("inf")])) node1 = CovNode(mark1, mark1.get_dim()) mark2 = OmegaMarking(np.array([1, 3, 5, float("inf")])) node2 = CovNode(mark2, mark2.get_dim(), node1._depth, node1) tr = CovTree(petri, mark1) mark0 = OmegaMarking(np.array([0, 2, 5, 0])) node0 = CovNode(mark0, mark0.get_dim(), tr.get_root()) node1.change_parent(node0) tr.add_node(node0) tr.add_node(node1) tr.add_node(node2) tr._accelerate(node2, True) self.assertTrue(len(tr._accelerations) == 1)
def load_petri_net_from_pnml(filename): places_names = [] transitions_names = [] pre_transitions = [] incidence_transitions = [] init_marking = [] tree = ET.parse(filename) root = tree.getroot() net = root.find("{}net").find( "{}page") for place in net.iter( '{}place'): places_names.append(place.attrib["id"]) init = place.find( "{}initialMarking") if init is None: init_marking.append(0) else: i = init.find( "{}text").text init_marking.append(int(i)) dim = len(places_names) for tran in net.iter( '{}transition'): transitions_names.append(tran.attrib["id"]) pre_transitions.append(numpy.zeros(dim)) incidence_transitions.append(numpy.zeros(dim)) for arc in net.iter('{}arc'): source = arc.attrib["source"] target = arc.attrib["target"] if source in places_names: p = places_names.index(source) t = transitions_names.index(target) pre_transitions[t][p] += 1 else: p = places_names.index(target) t = transitions_names.index(source) incidence_transitions[t][p] += 1 petri_net = PetriNet(dim) petri_net.mark_the_petri_net(OmegaMarking(np.array(init_marking))) for i in range(len(transitions_names)): petri_net.add_transition( OmegaTransition(pre_transitions[i], incidence_transitions[i])) return petri_net
def export_petri_to_spec(petri_net: PetriNet, filename, write_initial_marking=False): file = open(filename, "a") place_names = [] for p in petri_net.get_places(): place_names.append("x" + str(p)) file.write("vars\n\t") for place in place_names: file.write(place + " ") file.write("\n\nrules\n") for tran in petri_net.get_transitions(): pre = tran.get_pre() first = True for p in petri_net.get_places(): if pre[p] > 0: if first: file.write("\t") else: file.write(" , ") file.write(place_names[p] + " >= " + str(int(pre[p]))) first = False file.write(" ->\n") first = True incidence = tran.get_incidence() for p in petri_net.get_places(): if incidence[p] != 0: if not first: file.write(",\n") if incidence[p] > 0: file.write("\t\t" + place_names[p] + "' = " + place_names[p] + "+" + str(int(incidence[p]))) else: file.write("\t\t" + place_names[p] + "' = " + place_names[p] + "-" + str(int(incidence[p]) * (-1))) first = False file.write(";\n\n") if not write_initial_marking: file.close() return file.write("init\n\t") first = True init_mark = (petri_net.get_mark()) for p in petri_net.get_places(): if not first: file.write(" , ") if init_mark[p] == float("inf"): file.write(place_names[p] + " >= 1") else: file.write(place_names[p] + " = " + str(int(init_mark[p]))) first = False file.close()
def test_cov_tree_create_insert_delete(self): petri = PetriNet(4) mark1 = OmegaMarking(np.array([1, 3, 6, float("inf")])) node1 = CovNode(mark1, mark1.get_dim()) mark2 = OmegaMarking(np.array([1, 3, 5, float("inf")])) node2 = CovNode(mark2, mark2.get_dim(), node1._depth, node1) tr = CovTree(petri, mark1) mark0 = OmegaMarking(np.array([0, 2, 5, 0])) node0 = CovNode(mark0, mark0.get_dim(), tr.get_root()) node1.change_parent(node0) tr.add_node(node0) tr.add_node(node1) tr.add_node(node2) # print(node2.GetMark()._marking) self.assertEqual(len(tr.get_vertices()), 4) tr.delete_node(node2) self.assertEqual(len(tr.get_vertices()), 3) tr.delete_node(node0) self.assertEqual(len(tr.get_vertices()), 1)
def load_petri_net_from_apt(filename): MODES = ['.places', 'rules', 'init', 'target', 'invariants'] num_places = 0 places = [] with open(filename) as input_file: places = 0 for row in input_file: if row.strip() == MODES[0]: data = (next(input_file)).strip() num_places = len(data.split(' ')) break petri = PetriNet(num_places) with open(filename) as input_file: mode = 'none' rules_acc = '' acc = '' taracc = '' init_mark = numpy.zeros(num_places) target = numpy.zeros(num_places) for row in input_file: data = row.strip() # Ignore empty/commented lines if len(data) == 0 or data[0] == '#': continue if data in MODES: mode = data if mode == MODES[1]: places_indices = { value: key for key, value in enumerate(places) } else: # Places if mode == MODES[0]: places.extend(data.split(' ')) # Rules elif mode == MODES[1]: rules_acc += data pos = rules_acc.find(';') if pos >= 0: add_transition(petri, places, rules_acc[:pos]) rules_acc = rules_acc[pos + 1:] # Initial values elif mode == MODES[2]: acc = add_initial_mark(acc + data, places_indices, init_mark) # print(init_mark) # Target values elif mode == MODES[3]: taracc = add_initial_target(taracc + data, places_indices, target) # print("") # currently don't care about the target petri.mark_the_petri_net(init_mark) if withTarget: return petri, target else: return petri
class GraphicalInterface(Tkinter.Tk): def init_ui(self): """Initialization of the graphical interface""" # variables self.segmentation = None = None self.pn_prev = None self.petri_png_prev = "/tmp/pn-preview.png" # widgets nb = ttk.Notebook(self.parent, name='notebook') nb.pack(fill=Tkinter.BOTH, expand=Tkinter.Y) self._create_segmentation_tab(nb) self._create_petri_tab(nb) # options self.resizable(False, False) def _create_segmentation_tab(self, nb): """Add the frame and the widgets for the segmentation tab to a notebook. Args: nb (Notebook): Notebook to be updated. Returns: None """ frame = Tkinter.Frame(nb) # widgets for load audio file self.audio_path = Tkinter.StringVar() audio_path_entry = Tkinter.Entry(frame, textvariable=self.audio_path) audio_path_entry.grid(column=0, row=0, sticky='EW', columnspan=3) audio_btn = Tkinter.Button(frame, text='Load', command=self.show_dialog) audio_btn.grid(column=3, row=0, sticky='EW') self.output_path = Tkinter.StringVar() output_path_entry = Tkinter.Entry(frame, textvariable=self.output_path) output_path_entry.grid(column=0, row=1, sticky='EW', columnspan=3) output_btn = Tkinter.Button(frame, text='Output', command=lambda: self.show_dialog_folder(1)) output_btn.grid(column=3, row=1, sticky='EW') # buttons for actions seg_btn = Tkinter.Button(frame, text='Segmentation', command=self.create_segmentation) seg_btn.grid(column=0, row=2) draw_seg_btn = Tkinter.Button(frame, text='View Segmentation', command=self.visualize_segmentation) draw_seg_btn.grid(column=1, row=2) pn_btn = Tkinter.Button(frame, text='Generate PN', command=self.petri_net) pn_btn.grid(column=2, row=2) draw_pn_btn = Tkinter.Button(frame, text='View PN', command=self.visualize_petri_net) draw_pn_btn.grid(column=3, row=2) # add to notebook nb.add(frame, text='Segmentation') def _create_petri_tab(self, nb): """Add the frame and the widgets for the petri net tab to a notebook. Args: nb (Notebook): Notebook to be updated. Returns: None """ frame = Tkinter.Frame(nb) for i in range(4): Tkinter.Grid.columnconfigure(frame, i, weight=1) # widget for looking for the petri net path self.pn_path = Tkinter.StringVar() pn_path_entry = Tkinter.Entry(frame, textvariable=self.pn_path) pn_path_entry.grid(column=0, row=0, sticky='EW', columnspan=3) pn_path_btn = Tkinter.Button( frame, text='Search', command=lambda: self.show_dialog_folder(2)) pn_path_btn.grid(column=3, row=0, sticky='EW') # button to load the petri net load_pn_btn = Tkinter.Button(frame, text='Load', command=self.load_petri_net) load_pn_btn.grid(column=0, row=1, sticky='EW') # button to update the petri net update_pn_btn = Tkinter.Button(frame, text='Update', command=self.update_petri_net) update_pn_btn.grid(column=1, row=1, sticky='EW') # show petri net show_pn_btn = Tkinter.Button(frame, text='Show', command=self.preview_petri_net) show_pn_btn.grid(column=2, row=1, sticky='EW') # save to update the petri net save_pn_btn = Tkinter.Button(frame, text='Save', command=self.save_petri_net) save_pn_btn.grid(column=3, row=1, sticky='EW') # add to notebook nb.add(frame, text='Configuration') def __init__(self, parent): Tkinter.Tk.__init__(self, parent) self.parent = parent self.init_ui() def show_dialog(self): """Show window to choose the audio path""" audio_path = tkFileDialog.askopenfilename(title="Open file") if audio_path: self.audio_path.set(audio_path) def show_dialog_folder(self, option): """Show a window to choose the output folder for the segmentation, the oracle, the petri net, and the configuration. Args: option (int): If 1, set the output folder to save the segmentation and the oracle. Otherwise, set the output folder only for the petri net and the configuration. Returns: None """ folder_path = tkFileDialog.askdirectory(title="Output folder") if folder_path: if option == 1: self.output_path.set(folder_path) self.segmentation_png = folder_path + "/segmentation.png" self.oracle_path = folder_path + "/audio-oracle" elif option == 2: self.pn_path.set(folder_path) self.petri_png = folder_path + "/petri-net.png" self.petri_json = folder_path + "/petri-net.json" self.configuration_yml = folder_path + "/configuration.yml" self.petri_pnml = folder_path + "/petri-net" @staticmethod def message_error(error_msg): """Show an error message. Args: error_msg (str): Message to be displayed. Returns: None """ tkMessageBox.showerror('Message', error_msg) @staticmethod def message_info(msg): """Show a warning message Args: msg (str): Message to be displayed Returns: None """ tkMessageBox.showinfo('Message', msg) def petri_net(self): """Create a Petri net from a segmentation analysis. The new net is saved as a png, json, and pnml file. Moreover, a configuration file is created in order to configure the petri net later.""" if self.segmentation is not None: if self.output_path: = PetriNet(s=self.segmentation) utils.generate_configuration(self.configuration_yml, self.message_info("Petri Net created") else: self.message_error("Set output path") else: self.message_error("Missing segmentation") def visualize_petri_net(self): """Visualize the png image of the petri net.""" if is not None and self.output_path: self.viewer(self.petri_png) else: self.message_error("Missing Petri Net") def load_petri_net(self): """Load a petri net from a pnml file.""" if self.pn_path.get() != "": self.pn_prev = PetriNet(pnml=self.petri_pnml) self.pn_prev.output_png(self.petri_png_prev) self.message_info("Petri Net loaded") else: self.message_error("Set output path") def update_petri_net(self): """Update the petri net from the configuration file.""" if self.pn_prev is not None and self.pn_path.get() != "": self.pn_prev.update_from_config(self.configuration_yml) self.pn_prev.output_png(self.petri_png_prev) self.message_info("Petri Net updated") else: self.message_error("Missing Petri Net") def preview_petri_net(self): """Show an updated petri net.""" if self.pn_prev is not None: self.viewer(self.petri_png_prev) else: self.message_error("Missing Petri Net") def save_petri_net(self): """Save the petri net as a json, pnml, and png file.""" if self.pn_prev is not None and self.pn_path.get() != "": self.pn_prev.to_json(self.petri_json) self.pn_prev.to_pnml(self.petri_pnml) self.pn_prev.output_png(self.petri_png) self.message_info("Petri Net saved") else: self.message_error("Missing Petri Net") def visualize_segmentation(self): """Visualize the png image of the segmentation.""" if self.segmentation is not None and self.output_path: self.viewer(self.segmentation_png) else: self.message_error("Missing Segmentation") def create_segmentation(self): """Generate the segmentation analysis from the audio file. The new analysis is saved as a png file and also it is saved the oracle created by vmo.""" if self.audio_path.get(): if self.output_path.get(): self.segmentation = Segmentation(self.audio_path.get()) self.segmentation.output_png(self.segmentation_png) self.segmentation.save_oracle(self.oracle_path) self.message_info("Segmentation done") else: self.message_error("Set output path") else: self.message_error("Set the audio file path") @staticmethod def viewer(path): """Visualize a png file. Args: path (str): Path of the image to be visualized Returns: None """ load =
def test_petri_net(self): """ Testting basic properties of petri net """ with self.assertRaises(Exception): PetriNet(0.5) with self.assertRaises(Exception): PetriNet(0) mark1 = OmegaMarking(np.array([1, 2, 3, float("inf")])) mark2 = OmegaMarking(np.array([1, 2, 3, float("inf"), 5])) tran1 = OmegaTransition(np.array([1, 2, 3, 5]), np.array([1, 4, 3, -5])) tran2 = OmegaTransition(np.array([1, float("inf"), 3, 5]), np.array([2, 3, 3, -5])) tran3 = OmegaTransition(np.array([1, float("inf"), 2, 5]), np.array([5, 5, float("inf"), -5])) petri = PetriNet(4) with self.assertRaises(Exception): petri.mark_the_petri_net(mark2) petri.mark_the_petri_net(mark1) petri.add_transition(tran1) petri.add_transition(tran2) petri.add_transition(tran3) self.assertEqual(len(petri.get_transitions()), 3)
def export_petri_to_MP(petri_net: PetriNet, filename, name): file = open(filename, "a") # file.write("samples = []") # file.write("omega = float('inf')") # file.write("def Init():") file.write("#======================================\n") file.write("#======== %s ==============\n" % name) file.write("#======================================\n") file.write("tplus = []\n") file.write("tmin = []\n") i = 0 for tran in petri_net.get_transitions(): file.write("#t%d\n" % i) i += 1 file.write("tplus += [[") is_first = True for p2 in (tran.get_incidence() + tran.get_pre()): if p2 < 0: p2 = 0 # p2 = int(p2*(-1)) if is_first: is_first = False file.write("%d" % p2) continue file.write(", %d" % p2) file.write("]]\n") file.write("tmin += [[") is_first = True for p in tran.get_pre(): if p < 0: p = 0 if is_first: is_first = False file.write("%d" % p) continue file.write(", %d" % p) file.write("]]\n") file.write("t0 = [") is_first = True for p in petri_net.get_mark().get_marking(): if not is_first: file.write(", ") else: is_first = False if p == float("inf"): file.write("omega") else: file.write("%d" % p) file.write("]\n") file.write("samples.append(Sample(\"%s\", tplus, tmin, t0, None)) \n" % name) file.write("#======================================\n") file.write("#================END===================\n") file.write("#======================================\n") file.close()
def test_banana_land(self): petri = PetriNet(6) # Adding transitions: petri.add_transition( OmegaTransition(np.array([1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]), np.array([-1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0]))) petri.add_transition( OmegaTransition(np.array([1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]), np.array([-1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0]))) petri.add_transition( OmegaTransition(np.array([1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]), np.array([-1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0]))) petri.add_transition( OmegaTransition(np.array([0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0]), np.array([0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0]))) petri.add_transition( OmegaTransition(np.array([0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0]), np.array([0, 0, 0, -1, 0, 1]))) petri.add_transition( OmegaTransition(np.array([0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0]), np.array([0, 0, 0, 0, -1, 1]))) # Marking the net: petri.mark_the_petri_net(OmegaMarking(np.array([1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]))) # Initializing the tree: cov_tree = CovTree(petri, petri.get_mark()) anti_chain = cov_tree.generate_cov_tree(True) self.assertEqual(len(anti_chain), 4) markings = [] for node in anti_chain: markings.append(node.get_mark()) self.assertTrue(OmegaMarking(np.array([1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0])) in markings) self.assertTrue( OmegaMarking(np.array([0, 1, 1, 0, float("inf"), float("inf")])) in markings) self.assertTrue( OmegaMarking(np.array([0, 1, 0, 1, float("inf"), 0])) in markings) self.assertTrue(OmegaMarking(np.array([0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0])) in markings) self.assertTrue(len(cov_tree._accelerations) == 2)
def test_Alain_2005(self): petri = PetriNet(7) # Adding transitoins: petri.add_transition( OmegaTransition(np.array([1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]), np.array([-1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]))) petri.add_transition( OmegaTransition(np.array([1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]), np.array([-1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1]))) petri.add_transition( OmegaTransition(np.array([1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]), np.array([-1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0]))) petri.add_transition( OmegaTransition(np.array([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0]), np.array([0, 0, 0, 1, 2, -1, 0]))) petri.add_transition( OmegaTransition(np.array([0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]), np.array([0, -1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0]))) petri.add_transition( OmegaTransition(np.array([0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0]), np.array([0, 0, -1, 1, 0, 0, 0]))) petri.add_transition( OmegaTransition(np.array([0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0]), np.array([0, 0, 1, -1, 1, 0, 0]))) petri.add_transition( OmegaTransition(np.array([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1]), np.array([0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, -1]))) # Marking the net: petri.mark_the_petri_net(OmegaMarking(np.array([1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]))) # Initializing the tree: cov_tree = CovTree(petri, petri.get_mark()) anti_chain = cov_tree.generate_cov_tree() self.assertEqual(len(anti_chain), 6)
def test_petri_net_enabled_transitions(): t1 = Transition([0], []) t2 = Transition([1], [2]) p = PetriNet([t1,t2]) assert p.enabled_transitions(State([1, 0, 0])) == [t1]
def main(argv): log = read(argv[1]) lm = Alpha(log) pn = PetriNet() pn.from_alpha(lm, dotfile="{}.dot".format(os.path.basename(argv[1])))
def test_net(): t1 = Transition([0], [1]) t2 = Transition([1], [0]) p = PetriNet([t1, t2]) state = State([0, 1], p) p.enabled_transitions(state) == [t2]