class Store: def __init__(self): self.connection = DB(dbname=environ.get('POSTGRESQL_ADDON_DB'), host=environ.get('POSTGRESQL_ADDON_HOST'), port=int(environ.get('POSTGRESQL_ADDON_PORT')), user=environ.get('POSTGRESQL_ADDON_USER'), passwd=environ.get('POSTGRESQL_ADDON_PASSWORD')) try: self.connection.query("SELECT * FROM stats") except ProgrammingError: print "Create Table" self.connection.query("""CREATE TABLE stats (timestamp TIMESTAMP PRIMARY KEY,value NUMERIC(5,2))""") # self.connection.query("truncate stats") def add(self, value): if float(value) > 0.1: self.connection.insert('stats', timestamp=get_current_time(), value=value) def display(self): self.connection.query("SELECT * FROM stats") def get_values(self, value='{}-{}-{}'.format(,, result = self.connection.query( "SELECT extract(DOW FROM timestamp)::INT AS dow, timestamp, value FROM stats WHERE timestamp >= '" + value + "' AND timestamp < ('" + value + "'::DATE + '1 day'::INTERVAL) ORDER BY 2") return result def get_average_values(self, value='{}-{}-{}'.format(,, result = self.connection.query( "SELECT extract(DOW FROM timestamp)::INT AS dow, " "to_timestamp('" + value + " ' || " "LPAD(extract(HOUR FROM timestamp)::TEXT,2,'0') || ':' ||" " LPAD(extract(MINUTE FROM timestamp)::TEXT,2,'0') ||" " ':00', 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS') AS timestamp," " round(avg(value)::NUMERIC,2) AS value FROM stats" " GROUP BY 1,2 ORDER BY 1,2") return result
class PostgresqlAdapter(object): def __init__(self, dbname, user, passwd, host="localhost", port=5432): self._db = DB(dbname=dbname, host=host, port=port, user=user, passwd=passwd) def create(self, inhabitant): record = self._db.insert('inhabitants', data=inhabitant) return _normalize(record) def find_all(self): all_inhabitants = self._db.query( 'select * from inhabitants').dictresult() return [_normalize(x) for x in all_inhabitants] def find_by_id(self, id): inhabitant = self._find_by_id(id) return _normalize(inhabitant) def find_by_name(self, name): all_inhabitants = self._db.query( "SELECT * FROM inhabitants " + "WHERE data ->> 'FirstName' ILIKE '%' || $1 || '%' OR " + " data ->> 'LastName' ILIKE '%' || $1 || '%'", (name, )).dictresult() return [_normalize(x) for x in all_inhabitants] def delete(self, id): try: self._db.delete('inhabitants', id=int(id)) except ValueError: pass def update(self, inhabitant): id = inhabitant["Id"] self._find_by_id(id) del inhabitant["Id"] stored = self._db.update('inhabitants', id=id, data=inhabitant) return _normalize(stored) def _find_by_id(self, id): try: return self._db.get('inhabitants', int(id)) except (ValueError, DatabaseError): raise NoRecordFound() import datetime from pg import DB """ Feb 27 2018 This script should be run to enter some patients into the table called 'patients' in the database called 'patient_db_test' DATE formats: YMD - year-month-day is the most desirable format, considered ISO 8601 standards """ db = DB("test_patients") db.insert('patients', first_name = "NICHOLAS ANDREW", last_name = "MARSDEN", phn = "9067 062 924", dob =, 10, 6)) db.insert('patients', first_name = "JOHNNY ALAN GEORGE", last_name = "LUCK", phn = "9136 527 693", dob =, 5, 12)) db.insert('patients', first_name = "ELIZABETH M", last_name = "CARLEY", phn = "9051 748 373", dob =, 3, 25))
for line in input(fileName): if len(line) < 20: continue if "Session" in line: session = line.split()[2][8:] if sessionOld is -1: sessionOld = session if session not in sessionOld: sessionDatabaseID = sessionDatabaseID + 1 print "sessionDatabaseID: " + str(sessionDatabaseID) sessionOld = session if "NOTIFY: login attempt" in line: sessionStartTime = DB.query(db, "select to_timestamp('" + line[0:22] + "', 'DD-Mon-YYYY (HH24:MI:SS)')").getresult()[0][0] DB.insert(db, 'connections', honeypot=honeypotName, session=sessionDatabaseID, ip=ip, port=port, authenticated='authentication method: SSH_AUTH_METHOD_PASSWORD', start_time=sessionStartTime, finish_time=sessionStartTime) print "login attempt from ip: " + ip if "NOTIFY: client session ended" in line: sessionEndTime = DB.query(db, "select to_timestamp('" + line[0:22] + "', 'DD-Mon-YYYY (HH24:MI:SS)')").getresult()[0][0] DB.insert(db, 'connections', honeypot=honeypotName, session=sessionDatabaseID, authenticated='session ended', start_time=sessionEndTime, finish_time=sessionEndTime) print "session ended" if "NOTIFY: client IP:" in line: ip = line.split()[6] sessionStartTime = DB.query(db, "select to_timestamp('" + line[0:22] + "', 'DD-Mon-YYYY (HH24:MI:SS)')").getresult()[0][0] DB.insert(db, 'connections', honeypot=honeypotName, session=sessionDatabaseID, ip=ip, port=port, authenticated='new client session', start_time=sessionStartTime, finish_time=sessionStartTime) print "session from ip: " + ip print "fileName " + fileName if "NOTIFY: user:" in line:
from pg import DB import numpy as np import datetime db = DB(dbname='Pingtung', host='localhost', port=5432, user='******', passwd='husky') import os for filename in os.listdir('Pingtung/Well'): site = filename[0:8] year = filename[9:13] print(filename) sites = db.query('select site, starttime, endtime from "Well_Stations" where site like \'{site}\''.format(site=site)).getresult() if sites != []: for line in open('Pingtung/Well/{FN}'.format(FN=filename), 'r'): #檢查時間是否相符 data = line.split() if len(data[1]) == 8: if (data[0][0:4] != year) and (data[0][5:10] != '01-01'): print('檔案有誤 日期不對') break else: print('檔案有誤 時間不對') break db.insert('Well', site=site, date='{date} {time}'.format(date=data[0], time=data[1]), value=data[2]) else: print('查無此站')
json_object = json.loads(line) user_id = json_object['user_id'] review_id = json_object['review_id'] business_id = json_object['business_id'] stars = json_object['stars'] date = json_object['date'] text = json_object['text'] useful = json_object['useful'] funny = json_object['funny'] cool = json_object['cool'] db.insert('review', user_id=user_id, review_id=review_id, business_id=business_id, stars=stars, date=date, text=text, useful=useful, funny=funny, cool=cool) i = i + 1 if (i % 10000) == 0: print(str(int(i / 10000) * 10000) + ' lines processed...') line = f.readline() f.close() print('finished processing...') f = open('yelp_academic_dataset_tip.json')
MS = DBManage.DBManage(host="", port="1433", user="******", password="******", database="VIM_VCDB", charset="UTF-8") PG = DB(dbname='VM', host='localhost', port=5432, user='******', passwd='123456') MS.getMSSConnetion() sql1 = "SELECT [ID] ,[STAT_ROLLUP] ,[NAME] ,[GROUP_NAME] ,[TYPE] ,[UNIT] ,[ASSOCIATE_IDS] ,[STATS_LEVEL] ,[FIXED_COLLECTION_INTERVAL] FROM [VIM_VCDB].[dbo].[VPXV_STAT_COUNTERS]" cursor1 = MS.QuerySql(sql1) Tuple = cursor1.fetchone() while Tuple: PG.insert('stat_counters', id=Tuple[0], stat_rollup=Tuple[1], name=Tuple[2], group_name=Tuple[3], type=Tuple[4], unit=Tuple[5], associate_ids=Tuple[6], stats_level=Tuple[7], fixed_collection_interval=Tuple[8]) Tuple = cursor1.fetchone() print("成功!") MS.closeConn() PG.close()
#!/usr/bin/env python import sys import yaml import json from pg import DB bosh_manifest_path = sys.argv[1] with open(bosh_manifest_path, 'r') as f: bosh_manifest = yaml.load( settings_path = sys.argv[2] with open(settings_path, 'r') as f: cf_ip = json.loads(['cf-ip'] postgres_properties = bosh_manifest['jobs'][0]['properties']['postgres'] dbname = postgres_properties.get('database') host = postgres_properties.get('host') port = postgres_properties.get('port', 5432) user = postgres_properties.get('user') passwd = postgres_properties.get('password') db = DB(dbname=dbname, host=host, port=port, user=user, passwd=passwd) domain_id = db.insert('domains', name='', type='NATIVE')['id'] db.insert('records', domain_id=domain_id, name='{0}'.format(cf_ip), content='localhost [email protected] 1', type='SOA', ttl=86400, prio=None) db.insert('records', domain_id=domain_id, name='{0}'.format(cf_ip), content='', type='NS', ttl=86400, prio=None) db.insert('records', domain_id=domain_id, name='*.{0}'.format(cf_ip), content=cf_ip, type='A', ttl=120, prio=None) db.close()
class BotDB: def __init__(self, db_url): urlparse.uses_netloc.append("postgres") self.__db_url = db_url url = urlparse.urlparse(db_url) self.__db = DB( dbname=url.path[1:], user=url.username, passwd=url.password, host=url.hostname, port=url.port ) def insertThesis(self, init_id, chat_id, user_id, body): ts = time.time() timestamp = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(ts).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') print("inserting thesis") print(init_id, chat_id, user_id, body, timestamp) self.__db.insert("theses", row={"init_id": init_id, "chat_id": chat_id, "user_id": user_id, "body": body}) print("done") self.__db.commit() def getThesisByIds(self, init_id, chat_id): query = self.__db.query("SELECT * FROM theses WHERE init_id = %d AND chat_id = %d;" % (init_id, chat_id)) dict_res = query.dictresult() if len(dict_res) == 0: return False else: return dict_res[0] def getThesisByBody(self, body): query = self.__db.query("SELECT * FROM theses WHERE body = '%s';" % body) dict_res = query.dictresult() if len(dict_res) == 0: return False else: return dict_res[0] def getLastThesesByTime(self, chat_id, interval): query = self.__db.query("SELECT * FROM theses WHERE chat_id = %s AND creation_time > current_timestamp - interval '%s';" % (chat_id, interval)) dict_res = query.dictresult() if len(dict_res) == 0: return False else: return dict_res def getTodayTheses(self, chat_id): query = self.__db.query("SELECT * FROM theses WHERE chat_id = %s AND creation_time > current_date;" % chat_id) dict_res = query.dictresult() if len(dict_res) == 0: return False else: return dict_res def insertUser(self, user_id, username, first_name, last_name): # ts = time.time() row = {"user_id":user_id} if username: row["username"] = username if first_name: row["first_name"] = first_name if last_name: row["last_name"] = last_name self.__db.insert('users', row=row) self.__db.commit() def getUserById(self, user_id): query = self.__db.query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE user_id = %d;" % user_id) dict_res = query.dictresult() if len(dict_res) == 0: return False else: return dict_res[0] def insertBotMessage(self, chat_id, message_id, owner_id): row = {"chat_id": chat_id, "message_id": message_id, "owner_id": owner_id} self.__db.insert('bot_messages', row=row) self.__db.commit() def getBotMessage(self, chat_id, message_id): query = self.__db.query("SELECT * FROM bot_messages WHERE chat_id = %d AND message_id = %d;" % (chat_id, message_id)) dict_res = query.dictresult() if len(dict_res) == 0: return False else: return dict_res[0] def close(self): self.__db.close()
bosh_manifest = yaml.load( settings_path = sys.argv[2] with open(settings_path, 'r') as f: cf_ip = json.loads(['cf-ip'] postgres_properties = bosh_manifest['jobs'][0]['properties']['postgres'] dbname = postgres_properties.get('database') host = postgres_properties.get('host') port = postgres_properties.get('port', 5432) user = postgres_properties.get('user') passwd = postgres_properties.get('password') db = DB(dbname=dbname, host=host, port=port, user=user, passwd=passwd) domain_id = db.insert('domains', name='', type='NATIVE')['id'] db.insert('records', domain_id=domain_id, name='{0}'.format(cf_ip), content='localhost [email protected] 1', type='SOA', ttl=86400, prio=None) db.insert('records', domain_id=domain_id, name='{0}'.format(cf_ip), content='', type='NS', ttl=86400, prio=None) db.insert('records',
class PGSQL_DB(DB_Abstract): conn = None def __init__(self, dbname, dbhost, dbport, dbuser, dbpass): try: self.conn = DB(dbname=dbname, host=dbhost, port=dbport, user=dbuser, passwd=dbpass) except Exception as ex: print(ex) self.conn = None if (None != self.conn): tables = self.conn.get_tables() if (not ("public.users" in tables)): try: self.conn.query( "CREATE TABLE users(uid bigint primary key, name text, bio text)" ) except Exception as ex: print(ex) self.conn = None if (not ("public.tweets" in tables)): try: self.conn.query( "CREATE TABLE tweets(tid bigint primary key, author_id bigint, parent_id bigint, timestamp bigint, text text)" ) except Exception as ex: print(ex) self.conn = None def insert_user(self, user): if (not (type(user) is User)): print("type isn't user") return 400 if ("" == user.user_id or "" == print("empty user") return 400 if (None == self.conn): print("no connection") return 400 try: self.conn.insert('users', { 'uid': user.user_id, 'name':, 'bio': }) except Exception as ex: print(ex) return 400 return 200 def insert_tweet(self, tweet): if (not (type(tweet) is Tweet)): print("type isn't Tweet") return 400 if ("" == tweet.tweet_id or "" == tweet.author_id or "" == tweet.parent_id or "" == tweet.timestamp or "" == tweet.text): print("empty tweet") return 400 if (None == self.conn): print("no connection") return 400 try: self.conn.insert( 'tweets', { 'tid': tweet.tweet_id, 'author_id': tweet.author_id, 'parent_id': tweet.parent_id, 'timestamp': tweet.timestamp, 'text': tweet.text }) except Exception as ex: print(ex) return 400 return 200 def get_user_by_id(self, user_id): if ("" == user_id): print("empty user_id") return None if (None == self.conn): print("no connection") return None try: u = self.conn.get('users', {'uid': user_id}) except Exception as ex: print(ex) return None user = User() user.user_id = u['uid'] = u['name'] = u['bio'] return user def get_user_tweets(self, uid): if ("" == uid): print("empty uid") return None if (None == self.conn): print("no connection") return None try: t = self.conn.get_as_list('tweets', where="author_id = {0}".format(uid)) except Exception as ex: print(ex) return None tweets = [] for tweet in t: new_tweet = Tweet() new_tweet.tweet_id = tweet[0] new_tweet.author_id = tweet[1] new_tweet.parent_id = tweet[2] new_tweet.timestamp = tweet[3] new_tweet.text = tweet[4] tweets.append(new_tweet) if (0 == len(tweets)): return None return tweets def get_tweet_by_id(self, tweet_id): if (None == self.conn): print("no connection") return None try: t = self.conn.get('tweets', {'tid': tweet_id}) except Exception as ex: print(ex) return None tweet = Tweet() tweet.tweet_id = t['tid'] tweet.author_id = t['author_id'] tweet.parent_id = t['parent_id'] tweet.timestamp = t['timestamp'] tweet.text = t['text'] return tweet def get_replies_by_id(self, tweet_id): if (None == self.conn): print("no connection") return None try: t = self.conn.get_as_list('tweets', where="parent_id = " + tweet_id) except Exception as ex: print(ex) return None tweets = [] for tweet in t: if (tweet[0] != tweet[2]): new_tweet = Tweet() new_tweet.tweet_id = tweet[0] new_tweet.author_id = tweet[1] new_tweet.parent_id = tweet[2] new_tweet.timestamp = tweet[3] new_tweet.text = tweet[4] tweets.append(new_tweet) if (0 == len(tweets)): return None return tweets
from pg import DB PG=DB(dbname='VM', host='' ,port=5432,user='******',passwd='123456') sql="select A.sample_time,A.stat_name,B.stat_rollup,B.unit,A.stat_group,A.entity,A.stat_value from hist_stat_daily A ,stat_counters B where " q=PG.query(sql) rows=q.getresult() for row in rows: PG.insert("vm_state",time=row[0],stat_name=row[1],stat_rollup_type=row[2],unit=row[3],stat_group=row[4],entity=row[5],stat_value=row[6]) print("成功") PG.close()
''' import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET from pg import DB if __name__ == '__main__': file = open("ruwiki.xml", encoding="utf-8") tree = ET.iterparse(file) db = DB(host="localhost", user="******", passwd="1234", dbname="wiki") db.query("TRUNCATE TABLE wiki") for i, line in enumerate(tree): event, element = line if element.tag == "page": pageid = element.find("id").text title = element.find("title").text timestamp = element.find("revision").find("timestamp").text.replace("T", " ") username = element.find("revision").find("contributor").find("username") if not username is None: author = username.text else: author = element.find("revision").find("contributor").find("ip").text text = element.find("revision").find("text").text db.insert("wiki", id=pageid, title=title, timestamp=timestamp, author=author, text=text) if i % 10**4 == 0: print(round(i/10**6 / 14.8 * 100, 2), "%", pageid, title, timestamp, author) print(db.query("SELECT id, title, timestamp, author FROM wiki"))
print ("Table City - multiple rows at once") cities = 'Seattle Spokane Tacoma Vancouver'.split() data = list(enumerate(cities, start=1)) db.inserttable('city', data) print ("Table Feature - multiple rows at once") features = 'Library Park Museum Theatre'.split() data = list(enumerate(features, start=1)) db.inserttable('feature', data) print ("Table cityfeature - single row at once") db.insert('cityfeatures',featureid=1, cityid=1) db.insert('cityfeatures',featureid=2, cityid=1) db.insert('cityfeatures',featureid=3, cityid=1) db.insert('cityfeatures',featureid=4, cityid=1) db.insert('cityfeatures',featureid=3, cityid=2) db.insert('cityfeatures',featureid=2, cityid=3) db.insert('cityfeatures',featureid=4, cityid=4) print ("Table location - single row at once") db.insert('location', locationid =1, featureid =1, cityid=1 , commonname='Dorothy Stimson Bullitt Library', address='100 University St', website ='', lng=47.6057, lat=-122.3371 ) db.insert('location', locationid =2, featureid =1, cityid=1 , commonname='Region 10 Library', address='1200 6th Ave #900', website ='', lng=47.6090, lat=-122.3320 )
db = DB(host="localhost", user="******", passwd="1234", dbname="wiki") db.query("TRUNCATE TABLE wiki") for i, line in enumerate(tree): event, element = line if element.tag == "page": pageid = element.find("id").text title = element.find("title").text timestamp = element.find("revision").find( "timestamp").text.replace("T", " ") username = element.find("revision").find("contributor").find( "username") if not username is None: author = username.text else: author = element.find("revision").find("contributor").find( "ip").text text = element.find("revision").find("text").text db.insert("wiki", id=pageid, title=title, timestamp=timestamp, author=author, text=text) if i % 10**4 == 0: print(round(i / 10**6 / 14.8 * 100, 2), "%", pageid, title, timestamp, author) print(db.query("SELECT id, title, timestamp, author FROM wiki"))
#获取计算资源数据 from pg import DB import DBManage MS=DBManage.DBManage(host="",port="1433",user="******",password="******",database="VIM_VCDB",charset="UTF-8") PG = DB(dbname='VM', host='',port=5432,user='******',passwd='123456') MS.getMSSConnetion() #sql1="SELECT [SAMPLE_TIME] ,[STAT_ID] ,[STAT_NAME] ,[STAT_GROUP] ,[STAT_ROLLUP_TYPE] ,[COUNTER_ID] ,[ENTITY] ,[DEVICE_NAME] ,[DEVICE_TYPE_NAME] ,[STAT_VALUE] FROM [VIM_VCDB].[dbo].[VPXV_HIST_STAT_DAILY]" sql="select A.[SAMPLE_TIME],A.[STAT_NAME],B.[STAT_ROLLUP],B.[UNIT],A.[STAT_GROUP],A.[ENTITY],A.[STAT_VALUE] from [VIM_VCDB].[dbo].[VPXV_HIST_STAT_DAILY] A ,[VIM_VCDB].[dbo].[VPXV_STAT_COUNTERS] B where A.[STAT_ID]=B.[ID] " cursor1=MS.QuerySql(sql) Tuple=cursor1.fetchone() while Tuple: PG.insert("vm_state", time=Tuple[0], stat_name=Tuple[1], stat_rollup_type=Tuple[2], unit=Tuple[3], stat_group=Tuple[4],entity=Tuple[5], stat_value=Tuple[6]) #PG.insert('hist_stat_daily',sample_time=Tuple[0],stat_id=Tuple[1],stat_name=Tuple[2],stat_group=Tuple[3],stat_rollup_type=Tuple[4],counter_id=Tuple[5],entity=Tuple[6],device_name=Tuple[7],device_type_name=Tuple[8],stat_value=Tuple[9]) Tuple=cursor1.fetchone() print("成功!") MS.closeConn() PG.close()
from pg import DB import DBManage MS=DBManage.DBManage(host="",port="1433",user="******",password="******",database="VIM_VCDB",charset="UTF-8") PG = DB(dbname='VM', host='localhost' ,port=5432,user='******',passwd='123456') MS.getMSSConnetion() sql1="SELECT [ID] ,[STAT_ROLLUP] ,[NAME] ,[GROUP_NAME] ,[TYPE] ,[UNIT] ,[ASSOCIATE_IDS] ,[STATS_LEVEL] ,[FIXED_COLLECTION_INTERVAL] FROM [VIM_VCDB].[dbo].[VPXV_STAT_COUNTERS]" cursor1=MS.QuerySql(sql1) Tuple=cursor1.fetchone() while Tuple: PG.insert('stat_counters',id=Tuple[0],stat_rollup=Tuple[1],name=Tuple[2],group_name=Tuple[3],type=Tuple[4],unit=Tuple[5],associate_ids=Tuple[6],stats_level=Tuple[7],fixed_collection_interval=Tuple[8]) Tuple=cursor1.fetchone() print("成功!") MS.closeConn() PG.close()
class data_utils(object): """docstring for db_utils""" def __init__(self, arg): #super(db_utils, self).__init__() self.arg = arg self.db = DB(dbname='structnet_complete', user='******', passwd='structnet', host='localhost') #self.identity = ''.join(random.choice(string.ascii_lowercase) for _ in range(8)) #print self.identity print "Conncted!" self.start_time = time.time() def load_pmids(self): f = open(self.arg['corpus_map'], 'rb') self.pmid_dict = marshal.load(f) f.close() print "PMID loaded!" def insert_prediction(self): cnt = 0 # 527.8M lines with open(self.arg['data_file'], 'r') as IN: for line in IN: #try: if cnt % 50000 == 0: print self.arg['data_file'], "process ", cnt, " lines" cnt += 1 tmp = json.loads(line) self.db.insert(self.arg['prediction_table'], entity_a=tmp['em1Text'], entity_b=tmp['em2Text'], relation_type=tmp['label'], score=tmp['score']) def insert_query(self): with open(self.arg['data_file']) as IN: line_num = 0 for line in IN: print line_num tmp = line.split('\t') target_type = ast.literal_eval(tmp[0])[0] if '[' in tmp[3]: output_types = ast.literal_eval(tmp[3]) else: output_types = [tmp[3]] relation_type = tmp[2] self.db.insert(self.arg['query_table'], target_type=target_type, output_types=output_types, index=line_num, relation_type=relation_type) line_num += 1 def insert_caseolap(self, index_number): with open(self.arg['data_file'] + str(index_number) + '_c.txt') as IN: for line in IN: tmp = line.split('\t') score_list = tmp[1].strip().lstrip('[').rstrip(']').split(',') for ele in score_list: temp = ele.strip().split('|') if len(temp) != 2: continue self.db.insert(self.arg['caseolap_table'], doc_id=index_number, sub_type=tmp[0], entity=temp[0], score=float(temp[1])) def query_prediction(self, name_a, name_b, relation_type): self.db.query("set statement_timeout TO 0") query_string = "SELECT score FROM "+self.arg['prediction_table']+" WHERE entity_a=\'" + name_a +"\' AND entity_b=\'" + \ name_b + "\' AND relation_type=\'" + relation_type + "\'" #query_em_a = "SELECT sent_id FROM"+self.arg['entity_table']+" WHERE entity_name=\'"+name_a+"\' GROUP BY article_id" q = self.db.query(query_string) if len(q.dictresult()) == 0: return 0 else: return q.dictresult()[0]['score'] def query_prediction_v2(self, name_a, name_b, relation_type): query_string = "SELECT score FROM "+self.arg['prediction_table']+" WHERE entity_a=\'" + name_a +"\' AND entity_b=\'" + \ name_b + "\' AND relation_type=\'" + relation_type + "\'" query_ems = "SELECT L.article_title, L.pmid, L.sent FROM entity_table as L INNER JOIN (select sent_id FROM entity_table where entity_name=\'"+name_a+\ "\') AS R ON L.sent_id=R.sent_id where entity_name=\'"+name_b+"\' LIMIT 1" #set_a = set(map(lambda x:x['sent_id'], self.db.query(query_em_a).dictresult())) ##query_em_b = "SELECT distinct sent_id FROM entity_table WHERE entity_name=\'"+name_b+"\'" #set_b = set(map(lambda x:x['sent_id'], self.db.query(query_em_b).dictresult())) #print set_a.intersection(set_b) self.db.query("set statement_timeout TO 100") try: result = self.db.query(query_ems).dictresult()[0] except: result = {} q = self.db.query(query_string) if len(q.dictresult()) == 0: result['score'] = 0 else: result['score'] = q.dictresult()[0]['score'] return result #print query_string def query_distinctive(self, target_type, output_types, relation_type, sub_types, num_records=8): self.db.query("set statement_timeout TO 0") sub_types = ast.literal_eval(sub_types) result = [] query_string = "SELECT index FROM query_table WHERE target_type @@ \'" + target_type + "\' AND output_types@>\'" +\ output_types+"\' and relation_type=\'" + relation_type +"\'" #print query_string idx = self.db.query(query_string).dictresult()[0]['index'] for sub_type in sub_types: query_string = "SELECT entity,score FROM " + self.arg['caseolap_table'] + " WHERE doc_id=" + str(idx) + \ " AND sub_type @@ \'" + sub_type + "\' ORDER BY score LIMIT " + str(num_records) q = self.db.query(query_string) result.append(q.dictresult()) return result def query_distinctive_v2(self, target_type, output_types, relation_type, sub_types, num_records=8): self.db.query("set statement_timeout TO 0") sub_types = ast.literal_eval(sub_types) result = [] pmid_result = [] query_string = "SELECT index FROM query_table WHERE target_type @@ \'" + target_type + "\' AND output_types@>\'" +\ output_types+"\' and relation_type=\'" + relation_type +"\'" #print query_string if 'MeSH' in target_type: type_b_name = 'type_b_mesh' else: type_b_name = 'type_b_umls' if 'MeSH' in output_types: type_a_name = 'type_a_mesh' else: type_a_name = 'type_a_umls' idx = self.db.query(query_string).dictresult()[0]['index'] for sub_type in sub_types: query_string = "SELECT entity,score FROM " + self.arg['caseolap_table'] + " WHERE doc_id=" + str(idx) + \ " AND sub_type @@ \'" + sub_type + "\' ORDER BY score LIMIT " + str(num_records) q = self.db.query(query_string) type_target = sub_type.split('::')[0] #print type_target #entity_list = q.dictresult() pmids = [] for em in q.dictresult(): qq = "select pmid from entity_table where sent_id = (select sent_id FROM relation_table WHERE entity_a=\'" +em['entity'] +\ "\' AND relation_type = '"+relation_type+"' LIMIT 1) LIMIT 1" #"\' AND relation_type = '"+relation_type+"' AND "+type_b_name+"@>'{"+type_target+"}' LIMIT 1" em_result = self.db.query(qq).dictresult() if len(em_result) > 0: em_result[0]['entity'] = em['entity'] pmids.append(em_result[0]) result.append(q.dictresult()) pmid_result.append(pmids) return result, pmid_result def insert_record(self): cnt = 0 # 527.8M lines with open(self.arg['data_file'], 'r') as IN: for line in IN: #try: if cnt % 5000 == 0: print self.arg['data_file'], "process ", cnt, " lines" cnt += 1 tmp = json.loads(line) type_dict = {} for e in tmp['entityMentions']: aid = str(tmp['articleId']) mesh = [] umls = [] go = [] sub_type = defaultdict(list) for l in e['label']: if 'MeSH' in l: mesh.append(l.replace('MeSH:::', '')) elif 'GO' in l: go.append(l.replace('GO:::', '')) else: umls.append(l) if len(go) > 0: sub_type['go'] = True else: sub_type['go'] = False if len(mesh) > 0: sub_type['mesh'] = mesh[0].split('::') sub_type['umls'] = umls type_dict[e['start']] = sub_type assert (len(self.pmid_dict[aid]) < 9) self.db.insert(self.arg['entity_table'], entity_name=e['text'], sent_id=tmp['sentId'], article_id=tmp['articleId'], pmid=self.pmid_dict[aid][0], article_title=self.pmid_dict[aid][1], sent=tmp['sentText']) for r in tmp['relationMentions']: self.db.insert( self.arg['relation_table'], entity_a=r['em1Text'], entity_b=r['em2Text'], relation_type=r['label'], a_is_gene=type_dict[r['em1Start']]['go'], b_is_gene=type_dict[r['em2Start']]['go'], type_a_umls=type_dict[r['em1Start']]['umls'], type_b_umls=type_dict[r['em2Start']]['umls'], type_a_mesh=type_dict[r['em1Start']]['mesh'], type_b_mesh=type_dict[r['em2Start']]['mesh'], sent_id=tmp['sentId'], article_id=tmp['articleId']) #except: #print cnt def generate_random_walks(self, edge_pairs, num_walks=3, num_steps=3): print len(edge_pairs) outgoing_edges = defaultdict(list) ingoing_edges = defaultdict(list) map(lambda x: outgoing_edges[x['entity_a']].append(x['entity_b']), edge_pairs) map(lambda x: ingoing_edges[x['entity_b']].append(x['entity_a']), edge_pairs) for k, v in outgoing_edges.iteritems(): if len(v) > 0: v.append(k) #print outgoing_edges #print ingoing_edges #print outgoing_edges temp = max(outgoing_edges.values(), key=len) origin = temp[-1] walk_nodes = [origin] total_nodes = set([origin]) edges = set() for i in xrange(num_steps): #print "++++++++++++++++++++",i next_step = [] while len(walk_nodes) > 0: node = walk_nodes.pop() if i % 2 == 0: node_list = outgoing_edges[node][:-1] assert (len(node_list) > 0) else: node_list = ingoing_edges[node] assert (len(node_list) > 0) #print node if len(node_list) <= num_walks: next_step.extend(node_list) edges = edges.union( list(map(lambda x: (node, x), node_list))) else: #print "random_sample",node_list random_nodes = random.sample(node_list, num_walks) next_step.extend(random_nodes) edges = edges.union( list(map(lambda x: (node, x), random_nodes))) assert (len(walk_nodes) == 0) walk_nodes = list(set(next_step)) total_nodes = total_nodes.union(set(next_step)) #print total_nodes print len(edges) return edges #print edges def query_links_with_walk(self, type_a, type_b, relation_type, num_edges=5, num_pps=1): try: type_a = ast.literal_eval(type_a) type_b = ast.literal_eval(type_b) except: pass #print num_edges #query_string = "SELECT * FROM (SELECT DISTINCT ON(entity_a,entity_b) entity_a,entity_b,sent_id "+"FROM "+self.arg['relation_table']+" WHERE type_a_"+type_a['name']+"@>'"\ #+type_a['type']+"' AND type_b_"+type_b['name']+"@>'"+ type_b['type']+"' AND relation_type='"+relation_type + "') x ORDER BY RANDOM() LIMIT 500" query_string = "SELECT * FROM (SELECT entity_a,entity_b,(array_agg('[' || article_id || ',' || sent_id || ']'))[1:" + str(num_pps) + "] "+"FROM "+self.arg['relation_table']+" WHERE type_a_"+type_a['name']+"@>'"\ +type_a['type']+"' AND type_b_"+type_b['name']+"@>'"+ type_b['type']+"' AND relation_type='"+relation_type + "' GROUP BY entity_a,entity_b) x ORDER BY RANDOM() LIMIT " +str(num_edges) q = self.db.query(query_string) result = {'node_a': {}, 'node_b': {}, 'edges': []} for p in list(self.generate_random_walks(q.dictresult())): result['node_a'][p[0]] = [] result['node_b'][p[1]] = [] result['edges'].append({'source': p[0], 'target': p[1]}) #print result return result def get_category_entities(self): outputfile = open("category_entities.json", 'w') category_entity = dict() with open("mesh_type_hierarchy-2016.txt") as fp: for line in fp: mesh_id = line.split('\t', 1)[0] if len(mesh_id.split('.')) == 2: mesh = line.split('\t', 1)[1] query_string = "SELECT entity_name from entity_table_slim where entity_mesh @> '{" + mesh.replace( "'", "''") + "}'" # print query_string entities = self.db.query(query_string) entities = entities.dictresult() if len(entities) == 0: continue category_entity[mesh[:-1]] = [] for entity in entities: category_entity[mesh[:-1]].append( entity['entity_name']) category_json = json.dumps(category_entity) outputfile.write(str(category_json)) outputfile.close() def get_relations(self, type_a, type_b, entities_left=[], entities_right=[]): try: entities_left = ast.literal_eval(entities_left) entities_right = ast.literal_eval(entities_right) except: pass query_string = "SELECT distinct relation_type, entity_a, entity_b FROM relation_table_slim WHERE type_a_mesh @> '{" + type_a.replace( "'", "''") + "}' AND type_b_mesh @> '{\ " + type_b.replace("'", "''") + "}'" q = self.db.query(query_string) relations = q.dictresult() result = set() for relation in relations: if (not entities_left or (relation['entity_a'] in entities_left)) and ( (not entities_right) or (relation['entity_b'] in entities_right)): result.add(relation['relation_type']) return {'relations': list(result)} def query_links_by_two_sides_entities(self, entities_left, entities_right, relation_type, num_edges=5, num_pps=1): query_a = [] query_b = [] query_edges = [] for entity_left in entities_left: for entity_right in entities_right: query_string = "SELECT (array_agg('[' || article_id || ',' || sent_id || ']'))[1:" + str( num_pps + 2) + "] as sents FROM relation_table WHERE \ entity_a='" + entity_left + "' and entity_b='" + entity_right + "' and relation_type='" + relation_type + "'" q = self.db.query(query_string) result = q.dictresult() article = dict() if result[0]['sents'] != None: for x in result[0]['sents']: x = ast.literal_eval(x) article[x[0]] = str(x[1]) print "article: ", article query_a.append(entity_left) query_b.append(entity_right) query_edges.append({ 'source': entity_left, 'target': entity_right, 'sids': article.values(), 'sents': [] }) red_node = dict() for v in query_a: tmp = self.db.query( "SELECT article_titles, pmids, sents FROM entity_table_compressed WHERE entity_name= '" + v + "' LIMIT " + str(1)) dictresult = tmp.dictresult()[0] red_node[v] = [] random_nums = random.sample( range(0, len(dictresult['article_titles'])), min(len(dictresult['article_titles']), num_pps)) for i in range(0, len(random_nums)): red_node[v].append( (dictresult['article_titles'][random_nums[i]], dictresult['sents'][random_nums[i]], dictresult['pmids'][random_nums[i]])) blue_node = dict() for v in query_b: tmp = self.db.query( "SELECT article_titles, pmids, sents FROM entity_table_compressed WHERE entity_name= '" + v + "' LIMIT " + str(1)) dictresult = tmp.dictresult()[0] blue_node[v] = [] random_nums = random.sample( range(0, len(dictresult['article_titles'])), min(len(dictresult['article_titles']), num_pps)) for i in range(0, len(random_nums)): blue_node[v].append( (dictresult['article_titles'][random_nums[i]], dictresult['sents'][random_nums[i]], dictresult['pmids'][random_nums[i]])) for edge in query_edges: for s_id in edge['sids'][:num_pps]: tmp = self.db.query( "SELECT article_title, pmid, sent FROM entity_table WHERE sent_id = '" + s_id + "' LIMIT 1") edge['sents'].append(tmp.dictresult()[0]) return {'node_a': red_node, 'node_b': blue_node, 'edge': query_edges} def query_links_by_left_entities(self, entities_left, type_b, relation_type, num_edges, num_pps): self.db.query("set statement_timeout TO 0") query_string = "SELECT * FROM (SELECT entity_a,entity_b,(array_agg('[' || article_id || ',' || sent_id || ']'))[1:" + str( num_pps + 2 ) + "] as sents FROM " + self.arg[ 'relation_table'] + " WHERE type_b_" + type_b[ 'name'] + "@>'" + type_b[ 'type'] + "' AND relation_type='" + relation_type + "' GROUP BY entity_a,entity_b) x" q = self.db.query(query_string) result = q.dictresult() query_a = [] query_b = [] query_edges = [] count = 0 for r in result: if r['entity_a'] in entities_left: if count < int(num_edges): count = count + 1 else: break query_a.append(r['entity_a']) query_b.append(r['entity_b']) article = dict() for x in r['sents']: x = ast.literal_eval(x) article[x[0]] = str(x[1]) query_edges.append({ 'source': r['entity_a'], 'target': r['entity_b'], 'sids': article.values(), 'sents': [] }) red_node = dict() for v in query_a: tmp = self.db.query( "SELECT article_titles, pmids, sents FROM entity_table_compressed WHERE entity_name= '" + v + "' LIMIT " + str(1)) dictresult = tmp.dictresult()[0] red_node[v] = [] random_nums = random.sample( range(0, len(dictresult['article_titles'])), min(len(dictresult['article_titles']), num_pps)) for i in range(0, len(random_nums)): red_node[v].append( (dictresult['article_titles'][random_nums[i]], dictresult['sents'][random_nums[i]], dictresult['pmids'][random_nums[i]])) blue_node = dict() for v in query_b: tmp = self.db.query( "SELECT article_titles, pmids, sents FROM entity_table_compressed WHERE entity_name= '" + v + "' LIMIT " + str(1)) dictresult = tmp.dictresult()[0] blue_node[v] = [] random_nums = random.sample( range(0, len(dictresult['article_titles'])), min(len(dictresult['article_titles']), num_pps)) for i in range(0, len(random_nums)): blue_node[v].append( (dictresult['article_titles'][random_nums[i]], dictresult['sents'][random_nums[i]], dictresult['pmids'][random_nums[i]])) for edge in query_edges: for s_id in edge['sids'][:num_pps]: tmp = self.db.query( "SELECT article_title, pmid, sent FROM entity_table WHERE sent_id = '" + s_id + "' LIMIT 1") edge['sents'].append(tmp.dictresult()[0]) return {'node_a': red_node, 'node_b': blue_node, 'edge': query_edges} def query_links_by_right_entities(self, type_a, entities_right, relation_type, num_edges, num_pps): self.db.query("set statement_timeout TO 0") query_string = "SELECT * FROM (SELECT entity_a,entity_b,(array_agg('[' || article_id || ',' || sent_id || ']'))[1:" + str( num_pps + 2 ) + "] as sents FROM " + self.arg[ 'relation_table'] + " WHERE type_a_" + type_a[ 'name'] + "@>'" + type_a[ 'type'] + "' AND relation_type='" + relation_type + "' GROUP BY entity_a,entity_b) x" q = self.db.query(query_string) print "right entities" result = q.dictresult() query_a = [] query_b = [] query_edges = [] count = 0 for r in result: if r['entity_b'] in entities_right: if count < int(num_edges): count = count + 1 else: break print 'entity_a: ', r['entity_a'] print 'entity_b: ', r['entity_b'] query_a.append(r['entity_a']) query_b.append(r['entity_b']) article = dict() for x in r['sents']: x = ast.literal_eval(x) article[x[0]] = str(x[1]) query_edges.append({ 'source': r['entity_a'], 'target': r['entity_b'], 'sids': article.values(), 'sents': [] }) print 'query_a: ', query_a print 'query_b: ', query_b print 'query_edges: ', query_edges red_node = dict() for v in query_a: tmp = self.db.query( "SELECT article_titles, pmids, sents FROM entity_table_compressed WHERE entity_name= '" + v + "' LIMIT " + str(1)) dictresult = tmp.dictresult()[0] red_node[v] = [] random_nums = random.sample( range(0, len(dictresult['article_titles'])), min(len(dictresult['article_titles']), num_pps)) for i in range(0, len(random_nums)): red_node[v].append( (dictresult['article_titles'][random_nums[i]], dictresult['sents'][random_nums[i]], dictresult['pmids'][random_nums[i]])) blue_node = dict() for v in query_b: tmp = self.db.query( "SELECT article_titles, pmids, sents FROM entity_table_compressed WHERE entity_name= '" + v + "' LIMIT " + str(1)) dictresult = tmp.dictresult()[0] blue_node[v] = [] random_nums = random.sample( range(0, len(dictresult['article_titles'])), min(len(dictresult['article_titles']), num_pps)) for i in range(0, len(random_nums)): blue_node[v].append( (dictresult['article_titles'][random_nums[i]], dictresult['sents'][random_nums[i]], dictresult['pmids'][random_nums[i]])) for edge in query_edges: for s_id in edge['sids'][:num_pps]: tmp = self.db.query( "SELECT article_title, pmid, sent FROM entity_table WHERE sent_id = '" + s_id + "' LIMIT 1") edge['sents'].append(tmp.dictresult()[0]) return {'node_a': red_node, 'node_b': blue_node, 'edge': query_edges} def query_links_by_categories(self, type_a, type_b, relation_type, num_edges, num_pps): self.db.query("set statement_timeout TO 0") query_string_v2 = "SELECT * FROM (SELECT entity_a,entity_b,(array_agg('[' || article_id || ',' || sent_id || ']'))[1:" + str(num_pps+2) + "] as sents "+"FROM "+self.arg['relation_table']+" WHERE type_a_"+type_a['name']+"@>'"\ +type_a['type']+"' AND type_b_"+type_b['name']+"@>'"+ type_b['type']+"' AND relation_type='"+relation_type + "' GROUP BY entity_a,entity_b) x ORDER BY RANDOM() LIMIT " +str(num_edges) print query_string_v2 q = self.db.query(query_string_v2) temp_time = time.time() - self.start_time self.start_time = time.time() print "------query time cost = ", temp_time result = q.dictresult() query_a = [] query_b = [] query_edges = [] for r in result: print 'entity_a: ', r['entity_a'] print 'entity_b: ', r['entity_b'] query_a.append(r['entity_a']) query_b.append(r['entity_b']) article = dict() for x in r['sents']: x = ast.literal_eval(x) article[x[0]] = str(x[1]) query_edges.append({ 'source': r['entity_a'], 'target': r['entity_b'], 'sids': article.values(), 'sents': [] }) print "query_a: ", query_a print "query_b: ", query_b red_node = dict() for v in query_a: # tmp=self.db.query("select article_title, pmid, sent from entity_table where entity_name= '" + v + "' LIMIT "+str(num_pps)) tmp = self.db.query( "SELECT article_titles, pmids, sents FROM entity_table_compressed WHERE entity_name= '" + v + "' LIMIT " + str(1)) dictresult = tmp.dictresult()[0] red_node[v] = [] random_nums = random.sample( range(0, len(dictresult['article_titles'])), min(len(dictresult['article_titles']), num_pps)) for i in range(0, len(random_nums)): red_node[v].append( (dictresult['article_titles'][random_nums[i]], dictresult['sents'][random_nums[i]], dictresult['pmids'][random_nums[i]])) # red_node[v] = map(lambda x:(x['article_titles'],x['sents'],x['pmids']),tmp.dictresult()) blue_node = dict() for v in query_b: tmp = self.db.query( "SELECT article_titles, pmids, sents FROM entity_table_compressed WHERE entity_name= '" + v + "' LIMIT " + str(1)) dictresult = tmp.dictresult()[0] blue_node[v] = [] random_nums = random.sample( range(0, len(dictresult['article_titles'])), min(len(dictresult['article_titles']), num_pps)) for i in range(0, len(random_nums)): blue_node[v].append( (dictresult['article_titles'][random_nums[i]], dictresult['sents'][random_nums[i]], dictresult['pmids'][random_nums[i]])) temp_time = time.time() - self.start_time self.start_time = time.time() print "------query entity_a and entity_b time cost = ", temp_time for edge in query_edges: for s_id in edge['sids'][:num_pps]: tmp = self.db.query( "select article_title, pmid, sent from entity_table where sent_id= '" + s_id + "' LIMIT 1") edge['sents'].append(tmp.dictresult()[0]) temp_time = time.time() - self.start_time self.start_time = time.time() print "red_node nubmer = ", len(red_node), " blue_node number = ", len( blue_node), " edges number = ", len(query_edges) print "------query edges time cost = ", temp_time return {'node_a': red_node, 'node_b': blue_node, 'edge': query_edges} def query_links_v2(self, type_a, type_b, relation_type, entities_left=[], entities_right=[], num_edges=5, num_pps=1): try: type_a = ast.literal_eval(type_a) type_b = ast.literal_eval(type_b) entities_left = ast.literal_eval(entities_left) entities_right = ast.literal_eval(entities_right) except: pass if len(entities_left) > 0 and len(entities_right) > 0: print "two sides" result = self.query_links_by_two_sides_entities( entities_left, entities_right, relation_type, num_edges, num_pps) elif len(entities_left) == 0 and len(entities_right) == 0: print "categories" result = self.query_links_by_categories(type_a, type_b, relation_type, num_edges, num_pps) elif len(entities_left) == 0: print "right" result = self.query_links_by_right_entities( type_a, entities_right, relation_type, num_edges, num_pps) elif len(entities_right) == 0: print "left" result = self.query_links_by_left_entities(entities_left, type_b, relation_type, num_edges, num_pps) nodes = [] if 'node_a' in result: for node_name in result['node_a']: node = dict() node['name'] = node_name node['sents'] = [] for article in result['node_a'][node_name]: temp = dict() temp['artitle_title'] = article[0] temp['sent'] = article[1] temp['pmid'] = article[2] node['sents'].append(temp) node['group'] = 1 nodes.append(node) if 'node_b' in result: for node_name in result['node_b']: node = dict() node['name'] = node_name node['sents'] = [] for article in result['node_b'][node_name]: temp = dict() temp['artitle_title'] = article[0] temp['sent'] = article[1] temp['pmid'] = article[2] node['sents'].append(temp) node['group'] = 2 nodes.append(node) # print json.dumps({'edges': result['edge'], 'nodes': nodes}) return {'edges': result['edge'], 'nodes': nodes} def query_links(self, type_a, type_b, relation_type, num_edges=5, num_pps=1): #type_a={'mesh':0, 'name':"Chemicals_and_Drugs"} try: type_a = ast.literal_eval(type_a) type_b = ast.literal_eval(type_b) except: pass print "type_a = ", type_a print "type_b = ", type_b print "relation_type = ", relation_type self.db.query("set statement_timeout TO 0") #query_string = "SELECT * INTO " +self.identity+ " FROM (SELECT DISTINCT ON(entity_a,entity_b) entity_a,entity_b,sent_id "+"FROM "+self.arg['relation_table']+" WHERE type_a_"+type_a['name']+"@>'"\ #+type_a['type']+"' AND type_b_"+type_b['name']+"@>'"+ type_b['type']+"' AND relation_type='"+relation_type + "') x ORDER BY RANDOM() LIMIT " +str(num_edges) query_string_v2 = "SELECT * FROM (SELECT entity_a,entity_b,(array_agg('[' || article_id || ',' || sent_id || ']'))[1:" + str(num_pps+2) + "] as sents "+"FROM "+self.arg['relation_table']+" WHERE type_a_"+type_a['name']+"@>'"\ +type_a['type']+"' AND type_b_"+type_b['name']+"@>'"+ type_b['type']+"' AND relation_type='"+relation_type + "' GROUP BY entity_a,entity_b) x ORDER BY RANDOM() LIMIT " +str(num_edges) print query_string_v2 q = self.db.query(query_string_v2) temp_time = time.time() - self.start_time self.start_time = time.time() # print "------query time cost = ", temp_time result = q.dictresult() # print "result length = ", len(result) query_a = [] query_b = [] query_edges = [] for r in result: query_a.append(r['entity_a']) query_b.append(r['entity_b']) article = dict() for x in r['sents']: x = ast.literal_eval(x) article[x[0]] = str(x[1]) query_edges.append({ 'source': r['entity_a'], 'target': r['entity_b'], 'sids': article.values(), 'sents': [] }) red_node = dict() # print "len query_a = ", len(query_a), "; len query_b = ", len(query_b), "; len query_edges", len(query_edges) for v in query_a: #print "select distinct on (article_id) article_title, pmid, sent from entity_table where entity_name= '" + v['entity_a'] + "' LIMIT "+str(num_pps) #print "select distinct on (article_id) article_title, pmid, sent from entity_table where entity_name= '" + v['entity_a'] + "' LIMIT 2" tmp = self.db.query( "select article_title, pmid, sent from entity_table where entity_name= '" + v + "' LIMIT " + str(num_pps)) #tmp=self.db.query("select distinct on (article_id) article_title, pmid, sent from entity_table where entity_name= '" + v['entity_a'] + "' LIMIT "+str(num_pps)) red_node[v] = map( lambda x: (x['article_title'], x['sent'], x['pmid']), tmp.dictresult()) #query_b=self.db.query("select entity_b from "+self.identity) blue_node = dict() for v in query_b: #pass #print "select distinct on (article_id) article_title, pmid, sent from entity_table where entity_name= '" + v['entity_b'] + "' LIMIT "+str(num_pps) tmp = self.db.query( "select article_title, pmid, sent from entity_table where entity_name= '" + v + "' LIMIT " + str(num_pps)) #tmp=self.db.query("select distinct on (article_id) article_title, pmid, sent from entity_table where entity_name= '" + v['entity_b'] + "' LIMIT "+str(num_pps)) blue_node[v] = map( lambda x: (x['article_title'], x['sent'], x['pmid']), tmp.dictresult()) temp_time = time.time() - self.start_time self.start_time = time.time() # print "------query entity_a and entity_b time cost = ", temp_time #print red_node,blue_node for edge in query_edges: for s_id in edge['sids'][:num_pps]: tmp = self.db.query( "select article_title, pmid, sent from entity_table where sent_id= '" + s_id + "' LIMIT 1") edge['sents'].append(tmp.dictresult()[0]) temp_time = time.time() - self.start_time self.start_time = time.time() # print "red_node nubmer = ", len(red_node), " blue_node number = ", len(blue_node), " edges number = ", len(query_edges) # print "------query edges time cost = ", temp_time #query_edge = "SELECT DISTINCT T.entity_a as source, T.entity_b as target, E.pmid, E.article_title,E.sent FROM " + self.arg['entity_table'] + " AS E INNER JOIN "+\ #self.identity+" T ON E.sent_id = T.sent_id"; #query_edges = "SELECT distinct on (R.article_id) R.article_id, R.sent_id from " + self.arg['relation_table']+ " AS R inner join " + self.identity+ \ #" T on R.entity_a = T.entity_a and R.entity_b = T.entity_b and R.relation_type = \'" + relation_type +"' LIMIT " +str(num_pps) #"distinct on (article_id) inner join on entity_a, entity_b, relation_type" #q = self.db.query(query_edge) #self.db.query("drop table "+self.identity) return {'node_a': red_node, 'node_b': blue_node, 'edge': query_edges}
from pg import DB PG = DB(dbname='VM', host='', port=5432, user='******', passwd='123456') sql = "select A.sample_time,A.stat_name,B.stat_rollup,B.unit,A.stat_group,A.entity,A.stat_value from hist_stat_daily A ,stat_counters B where " q = PG.query(sql) rows = q.getresult() for row in rows: PG.insert("vm_state", time=row[0], stat_name=row[1], stat_rollup_type=row[2], unit=row[3], stat_group=row[4], entity=row[5], stat_value=row[6]) print("成功") PG.close()
class PostGreDBConnector: """PostGreDBConnector opens a PostGre DB connection. Different functions allow you to add, delete or update documents in PostGre DB.""" def __init__(self): """Connecting to localhost (default host and port [localhost, 4532]) PostGre DB and initializing needed data base and tables.""" try: print("Connecting to PostGre DB...") self.__db = DB(dbname='testdb', host='localhost', port=5432, user='******', passwd='superuser') print("PostGre DB connection successfully built.") except ConnectionError: print("PostGre DB connection could not be built.") self.delete_all_data() self.drop_all_tables() def close_connection(self): self.__db.close() def create_schema(self, schema_name): self.__db.query("CREATE SCHEMA " + schema_name) self.__create_tables(schema_name) self.__create_functions(schema_name) def __create_tables(self, schema): """Create needed tables for RDF parsing.""" schema += "." self._add_table("CREATE TABLE " + schema + "texts (id serial primary key, title text)") self._add_table( "CREATE TABLE " + schema + "bscale (id serial primary key, bscale text, nominal bool, ordinal bool, interval bool)") self._add_table("CREATE TABLE " + schema + "bsort (id serial primary key, bsort text)") self._add_table("CREATE TABLE " + schema + "pattern (id serial primary key, pattern text)") self._add_table("CREATE TABLE " + schema + "single_pattern (id serial primary key, single_pattern text)") self._add_table("CREATE TABLE " + schema + "snippets (id serial primary key, snippet text)") # relations self._add_table("CREATE TABLE " + schema + "has_attribute (bsort_id int, bscale_id integer[], aggregation int)") self._add_table("CREATE TABLE " + schema + "has_object (bscale_id int, pattern_id integer[], aggregation int)") self._add_table( "CREATE TABLE " + schema + "pattern_single_pattern (pattern_id int, single_pattern_id integer[], aggregation int)") self._add_table("CREATE TABLE " + schema + "texts_snippets (text_id int primary key, snippet_id integer[], aggregation int)") self._add_table( "CREATE TABLE " + schema + "snippet_offsets (id serial primary key," " single_pattern_id int, snippet_id int, offsets integer[][], aggregation int)") # adjective and verb extractions self._add_table("CREATE TABLE " + schema + "subject_occ (id serial primary key, subject text, count int)") self._add_table("CREATE TABLE " + schema + "adjective_occ (id serial primary key, adjective text, count int)") self._add_table("CREATE TABLE " + schema + "verb_occ (id serial primary key, verb text, count int)") self._add_table("CREATE TABLE " + schema + "object_occ (id serial primary key, object text, count int)") self._add_table("CREATE TABLE " + schema + "subject_adjective_occ (id serial primary key, subject int, adjective int, count int, pmi float)") self._add_table("CREATE TABLE " + schema + "subject_object_occ (id serial primary key, subject int, object int, count int, pmi float)") self._add_table("CREATE TABLE " + schema + "object_verb_occ (id serial primary key, object int, verb int, count int, pmi float)") self._add_table("CREATE TABLE " + schema + "subject_verb_occ (id serial primary key, subject int, verb int, count int, pmi float)") # correlating pattern self._add_table("CREATE TABLE " + schema + "bscale_single_pattern (id serial primary key, bscale_id int, single_pattern_id int, single_pattern text, count int)") self._add_table( "CREATE TABLE " + schema + "correlating_pattern (id serial primary key, pattern_a int, pattern_b int, count int, pmi float)") def __create_functions(self, schema): """Create all necessary functions to aggregate the results saved in the database.""" schema += "." self.add_function(schema + "aggregate_texts_snippets", "SELECT text_id, array_length(snippet_id, 1) FROM " + schema + "texts_snippets") self.add_function(schema + "aggregate_snippet_offsets", "SELECT id, array_length(offsets, 1) FROM " + schema + "snippet_offsets") def add_function(self, name, function): """Create a new function in the db.""" create_function = "CREATE FUNCTION " returns = "() RETURNS SETOF RECORD AS " lang = " LANGUAGE SQL" query = create_function + name + returns + add_quotes(function) + lang self.__db.query(query) def _add_table(self, query): """Create a new table with a query.""" self.__db.query(query) def add_table(self, schema, name, rows): """Create a new table with a name and rows given in query form.""" create_table = "CREATE TABLE " query = create_table + schema + "." + name + rows self.__db.query(query) def insert(self, schema, table, row): """Insert a new row element into a specified table.""" return self.__db.insert(schema + "." + table, row) def is_in_table(self, schema, table, where_clause): """Returns whether a row already exists in a table or not.""" select = "SELECT * FROM " where = " WHERE " q = select + schema + "." + table + where + where_clause result = self.__db.query(q).dictresult() if len(result) > 0: return True else: return False def update(self, schema, table, values, where_clause): """Update an entry in a specified table.""" UPDATE = "UPDATE " SET = " SET " WHERE = " WHERE " query = UPDATE + schema + "." + table + SET + values + WHERE + where_clause self.query(query) def get(self, schema, table, where_clause, key): """Return the key of a specific item in a table.""" select = "SELECT " _from = " FROM " where = " WHERE " q = select + key + _from + schema + "." + table + where + where_clause result = self.__db.query(q).dictresult() if len(result) > 0: return result[0][key] else: return None def get_data_from_table(self, schema, table): """Gets all data available in a specific table.""" return self.__db.query("SELECT * FROM " + schema + "." + table).dictresult() def get_id(self, schema, table, where_clause): """Return the id of an item in a table. If found return id number of found item, else None.""" select = "SELECT id FROM " where = " WHERE " q = select + schema + "." + table + where + where_clause result = self.__db.query(q).dictresult() if len(result) > 0: return result[0]['id'] else: return None def delete_from_table(self, schema, table, row): """Delete a row element form a specific table.""" return self.__db.delete(schema + "." + table, row) def delete_data_in_table(self, schema, table): """Delete all data in a specific table.""" self.__db.truncate(schema + "." + table, restart=True, cascade=True, only=False) def delete_all_data(self): """Deletes all data from all existing tables.""" tables = self.get_tables() for table in tables: table_name = str(table) self.__db.truncate(table_name, restart=True, cascade=True, only=False) def get_tables(self): """Get all available tables in the database.""" return self.__db.get_tables() def get_attributes(self, schema, table): """Get all attributes of a specified table.""" return self.__db.get_attnames(schema + "." + table) def drop_table(self, schema, table): """Drops a specified table.""" query = "DROP TABLE " self.__db.query(query + schema + "." + table) def drop_all_tables(self): """Drops all existing tables.""" tables = self.get_tables() table_names = "" if len(tables) > 0 : for ind, table in enumerate(tables): if ind == 0: table_names = str(table) else: table_names = table_names + ", " + str(table) self.__db.query("DROP TABLE " + table_names) else: print("Nothing to delete.") def get_all(self, schema, table, attribute): """Gets one or more attributes of all entries from a specified table.""" select = "SELECT " _from = " FROM " query = select + attribute + _from + schema + "." + table return self.__db.query(query).dictresult() def query(self, query): """Sends a query to the database.""" result = self.__db.query(query) if result is not None: if not isinstance(result, str): return result.dictresult() else: return result
if exist == []: #insert curId = curId + 1 venue["id"] = curId venue["venue_name"] = row["venue_name"] venue["venue_add_comp"] = row["venue_add_comp"] if row["venue_add_comp"] is not None: (add, lat, lon) = geocode(FormatAddress(row["venue_add_comp"])) else: add = None lat = None lon = None venue["venue_address"] = add venue["lat"] = lat venue["lon"] = lon db.insert('city.venues', venue) print('INSERT VENUE', row["venue_name"]) row["venue_id"] = curId elif None in exist[0][0:4]: #update venue["id"] = exist[0][2] row["venue_id"] = exist[0][2] venue["venue_name"] = row["venue_name"] venue["venue_add_comp"] = row["venue_add_comp"] if row["venue_add_comp"] is not None: (add, lat, lon) = geocode(FormatAddress(row["venue_add_comp"])) else: add = None lat = None lon = None venue["venue_address"] = add