def _decrypt(self, encrypted_str): encrypted = pgpy.PGPMessage().from_blob(encrypted_str) decrypted = self._trader.private_key.decrypt(encrypted) if not self._exchange.public_key.verify(decrypted): raise AssertionError('Verification failed for message: ' + decrypted) return json.loads(decrypted.message)
def on_message(self, message_wrapper_str): try: if message_wrapper_str == 'keepalive': return message_wrapper = json.loads(message_wrapper_str) if message_wrapper['type'] == 'error': # error_code == maintenance accompanies exchange engine going down for maintenance which causes a graceful # disconnect of the WebSocket, handled by MarketStreamListener.on_disconnect if message_wrapper['error_code'] != 'maintenance': self.on_error( Exception('WebSocket error: ' + message_wrapper['error_code'])) return clearsigned_message_str = message_wrapper['data'] clearsigned_message = pgpy.PGPMessage().from_blob( clearsigned_message_str) if not self._quedex_key.verify(clearsigned_message): self.on_error( Exception('Signature verification failed on message: %s' % clearsigned_message_str)) self._parse_message(clearsigned_message.message) except Exception as e: self.on_error(e)
def _decrypt(blob, privateKey): """ :param blob: encrypted binary string :param privateKey: path to private key :return: decrypted text """ if not pgpy: raise RuntimeError("Install `pgpy' to use encryption") key, _ = pgpy.PGPKey.from_file(privateKey) msg = pgpy.PGPMessage() msg.parse(blob) decrypted = key.decrypt(msg) return decrypted.message
def decryption(sec_key, enc_message, passphrase, salt): temp_pgpy = pgpy.PGPKey() temp_pgpy.parse(sec_key) try: message = pgpy.PGPMessage() message.parse(enc_message) if message.is_encrypted: try: with temp_pgpy.unlock(passphrase + salt): decrypted_message = temp_pgpy.decrypt(message) return decrypted_message.message except: print("Wrong passphrase") return False else: return None except: return None
def KBRImport(): # ---init--------- storage_client = storage.Client() scope = ["", "", "", ""] credraw = storage_client.get_bucket('hc_tokens_scripts').blob( 'Tokens/hireclix-googlesheets.json').download_as_string() credjson = json.loads(credraw) cred = ServiceAccountCredentials.from_json_keyfile_dict(credjson, scope) gclient = gspread.authorize(cred) sheet = gclient.open_by_key('1nQDxuJVTjfFRSGDIr_eqeT6rJ2yUkZB9kGQWh0GP7d8').worksheet('Automated ATS by BU') # -----dev tool----- pd.set_option('display.max_rows', 500) pd.set_option('display.max_columns', 500) pd.set_option('display.width', 1000) # -----load STFP server----- data = storage_client.get_bucket('hc_tokens_scripts').blob('Tokens/KBRFTP.json').download_as_string() json_data = json.loads(data) transport = paramiko.Transport(json_data["host"], 22) transport.connect(username=json_data["username"], password=json_data["password"]) sftp = paramiko.SFTPClient.from_transport(transport) x ="HireClix_Data.csv.pgp", 'rb').read() toread = io.BytesIO() # Removes Empty Null Char from String/prep for decryt toread.write(x) # ------pgp decrypt------ if storage_client.get_bucket('hc_tokens_scripts').blob('Tokens/KBR (FD2E83EC) – Secret.asc').exists(): with gcsfs.GCSFileSystem(project="hireclix").open('hc_tokens_scripts/Tokens/KBR (FD2E83EC) – Secret.asc', 'rb') as token: creds = pgpy.PGPKey().from_blob( with creds[0].unlock("hireclix10") as ukey: message = pgpy.PGPMessage().from_blob( decryptedmessage = ukey.decrypt(message).message decryptedmessagestr = decryptedmessage.decode() DMIo = io.StringIO(decryptedmessagestr) dataframe = pd.read_csv(DMIo) else: print("PGP Token not Found, please fix") raise FileNotFoundError # ----transform data---- dataframe.rename(columns={'Application Date': 'Application_Date', 'Job Requisition ID': 'Job_Requisition_ID', 'Job Posting Title': 'Job_Posting_Title', 'Job Requisition Primary Location': 'Job_Requisition_Primary_Location', 'Job Requisition Status': 'Job_Requisition_Status', 'Is Evergreen': 'Is_Evergreen', 'First Name': 'First_Name', 'Last Name': 'Last_Name', 'Candidate ID': 'Candidate_ID', 'Candidate Location': 'Candidate_Location', 'Candidate Stage': 'Candidate_Stage', 'Candidate Step': 'Candidate_Step', 'Source': 'Source', 'Referred by': 'Referred_by', 'Job Code': 'Job_Code', 'Security Sub Region': 'Security_Sub_Region'}, inplace=True) dataframe['Application_Date'] = pd.to_datetime(dataframe['Application_Date'], errors='coerce') # ----pivot table ----- pivot = dataframe.pivot_table(index=['Application_Date', 'Source', 'Security_Sub_Region', 'Job_Posting_Title', 'Job_Requisition_Primary_Location', 'Job_Requisition_ID'], columns=['Candidate_Stage'], values=['Candidate_ID'], aggfunc='count') pivot.reset_index(inplace=True) axes = pivot.axes[1] columnheaders = [] for axis in axes: if axis[1] == "": columnheaders.append(axis[0]) elif axis[0] == "Candidate_ID": columnheaders.append(axis[1]) else: columnheaders.append("unknown") pivotval = pivot.values atslst = [columnheaders + ["Month-Year", "Month", "Year", "Applies", "Quality Applies"]] ind = 1 # -----transform pivot for Google sheets----- for x in pivotval: ind += 1 month = str(x[0].strftime("%B")) year = str(x[0].strftime("%Y")) dates = month[0:3] + "-" + year ap = '=SUM(INDIRECT("G' + str(ind) + ':P' + str(ind) + '"))' # insert Applications formula qap = '=SUM(INDIRECT("I' + str(ind) + ':M' + str(ind) + '"))' # insert Quality Applications formula templst = [] for ex in range(0, len(x)): templst.append(str(x[ex])) # format a temp list in the correct manner templst.extend([dates, month, year, ap, qap]) atslst.append(templst) for i in range(1, len(atslst)): for val in range(5, len(atslst[i])): if atslst[i][val] == 'nan': atslst[i][val] = '' elif re.match('[0-9]+\.[0-9+]', atslst[i][val]): atslst[i][val] = int(re.sub("\.[0-9]", "", atslst[i][val])) sheet.clear() sheet.append_rows(atslst, "USER_ENTERED") today = dataframe.to_csv('gs://hc_kbr_ats/File_Completed/' + "kbr_data_ " + str(today.month) + "." + str( + "." + str(today.year) + ".csv", index=False, header=True) header = ["Application_Date", "Source", "Security_Sub_Region", "Job_Posting_Title", "Job_Requisition_Primary_Location", "Job_Requisition_ID", "Background Check", "Declined by Candidate", "Hire", "Interview", "Offer", "Offer/Employment Agreement", "Pre-Employment Checklist", "Rejected", "Review", "Screen", "Month-Year", "Month", "Year", "Applies", "Quality Applies"] mod = 0 sheetaxis = sheet.get("A1:W1") for x in range(0, len(sheetaxis[0])): # modify header locations post insert for i in range(0, len(header)): if (i - mod) == x: if sheetaxis[0][x] != header[i]: sheet.insert_col([""], i + 1) mod += 1 sheet.insert_row(header) sheet.delete_rows(2, 2)
def KBRImport(): storage_client = storage.Client() pd.set_option('display.max_rows', 500) pd.set_option('display.max_columns', 500) pd.set_option('display.width', 1000) data = storage_client.get_bucket('hc_tokens_scripts').blob( 'Tokens/KBRFTP.json').download_as_string() json_data = json.loads(data) transport = paramiko.Transport(json_data["host"], 22) transport.connect(username=json_data["username"], password=json_data["password"]) sftp = paramiko.SFTPClient.from_transport(transport) # Removes Empty Null Char from String/prep for decryt x ="HireClix_Data.csv.pgp", 'rb').read() toread = io.BytesIO() toread.write(x) if storage_client.get_bucket('hc_tokens_scripts').blob( 'Tokens/KBR (FD2E83EC) – Secret.asc').exists(): with gcsfs.GCSFileSystem(project="hireclix").open( 'hc_tokens_scripts/Tokens/KBR (FD2E83EC) – Secret.asc', 'rb') as token: creds = pgpy.PGPKey().from_blob( with creds[0].unlock("hireclix10") as ukey: message = pgpy.PGPMessage().from_blob( decryptedmessage = ukey.decrypt(message).message decryptedmessagestr = decryptedmessage.decode() DMIo = io.StringIO(decryptedmessagestr) dataframe = pd.read_csv(DMIo) else: print("PGP Token not Found, please fix") raise FileNotFoundError dataframe.rename(columns={ 'Application Date': 'Application_Date', 'Job Requisition ID': 'Job_Requisition_ID', 'Job Posting Title': 'Job_Posting_Title', 'Job Requisition Primary Location': 'Job_Requisition_Primary_Location', 'Job Requisition Status': 'Job_Requisition_Status', 'Is Evergreen': 'Is_Evergreen', 'First Name': 'First_Name', 'Last Name': 'Last_Name', 'Candidate ID': 'Candidate_ID', 'Candidate Location': 'Candidate_Location', 'Candidate Stage': 'Candidate_Stage', 'Candidate Step': 'Candidate_Step', 'Source': 'Source', 'Referred by': 'Referred_by', 'Job Code': 'Job_Code', 'Security Sub Region': 'Security_Sub_Region' }, inplace=True) dataframe['Application_Date'] = pd.to_datetime( dataframe['Application_Date'], errors='coerce') pandas_gbq.to_gbq(dataframe, 'kbr_ats.kbr_atspip_master', project_id='hireclix', if_exists='replace', table_schema=[{ 'name': 'Application_Date', 'type': 'DATE' }, { 'name': 'Job_Requisition_ID', 'type': 'STRING' }, { 'name': 'Job_Posting_Title', 'type': 'STRING' }, { 'name': 'Job_Requisition_Primary_Location', 'type': 'STRING' }, { 'name': 'Job_Requisition_Status', 'type': 'STRING' }, { 'name': 'Is_Evergreen', 'type': 'STRING' }, { 'name': 'First_Name', 'type': 'STRING' }, { 'name': 'Last_Name', 'type': 'STRING' }, { 'name': 'Candidate_ID', 'type': 'STRING' }, { 'name': 'Candidate_Location', 'type': 'STRING' }, { 'name': 'Candidate_Stage', 'type': 'STRING' }, { 'name': 'Candidate_Step', 'type': 'STRING' }, { 'name': 'Source', 'type': 'STRING' }, { 'name': 'Referred_by', 'type': 'STRING' }, { 'name': 'Job_Code', 'type': 'STRING' }, { 'name': 'Security_Sub_Region', 'type': 'STRING' }]) today = dataframe.to_csv('gs://hc_kbr_ats/File_Completed/' + "kbr_data_ " + str(today.month) + "." + str( + "." + str(today.year) + ".csv", index=False, header=True)