def GetAndReduceViewControl():
    phactori.myDebugPrint('GetAndReduceViewControl entered\n')
    myProcId = phactori.SmartGetLocalProcessId()
    dataList = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
    if (myProcId == 0):
        phactori.myDebugPrint('  I am process 0, reading file\n')
        phactori.myDebugPrint('  I am not process 0, reading file\n')


    xx = dataList[0]
    yy = dataList[1]
    zz = dataList[2]
    zoom = dataList[3]
    fx = dataList[4]
    fy = dataList[5]
    fz = dataList[6]
    showColorKey = dataList[7]
    showAxes = dataList[8]
    showOrientation = dataList[9]
    colorVariableCellOrPoint = dataList[10]
    colorVariableIndex = dataList[11]

    #theSource = GetActiveSource()
    theSource = phactori.GetCurrentSource()

    theArrays = None
    if (colorVariableCellOrPoint == 1):
        theArrays = theSource.CellData
        theArrays = theSource.PointData

      inLookDirection = [xx, yy, zz], \
      inFocalPoint = [fx, fy, fz], \
      inEyePositionFactor = zoom)

    phactori.myDebugPrint("  GetAndReduceViewControl color variable index " + \
      str(colorVariableIndex) + " name: " + \
      theArrays[colorVariableIndex].Name + "\n")
    if showColorKey == 1.0:
    if showAxes == 1.0:
    if showOrientation == 1.0:

    phactori.myDebugPrint('GetAndReduceViewControl returning\n')
def GetViewControlFromTextFile(outDataList):

    global gSavedViewControlDataList
    global gViewControlTriggerTime

    triggerTime = os.path.getmtime("CatalystViewControl_trigger.txt")
    if triggerTime <= gViewControlTriggerTime:
        for ii in range(0, 12):
            outDataList[ii] = gSavedViewControlDataList[ii]

    gViewControlTriggerTime = triggerTime

    ff = open('CatalystViewControl.txt', 'rb')
    fileLines = ff.readlines()
    xx = float(fileLines[1])
    yy = float(fileLines[3])
    zz = float(fileLines[5])
    zoom = float(fileLines[7])
    fx = float(fileLines[9])
    fy = float(fileLines[11])
    fz = float(fileLines[13])
    showColorKey = float(fileLines[15])
    showAxes = float(fileLines[17])
    showOrientation = float(fileLines[19])
    colorVariableCellOrPoint = float(fileLines[21])
    colorVariableName = str(fileLines[23])
    endIndex = len(colorVariableName) - 1
    if colorVariableName[endIndex] == '\n':
        #newEndIndex = len(colorVariableName)-1
        #colorVariableName = colorVariableName[0..newEndIndex]
        newColorVar = ""
        for ii in range(0, endIndex):
            newColorVar = newColorVar + colorVariableName[ii]
        colorVariableName = newColorVar


    #theSource = GetActiveSource()
    theSource = phactori.GetCurrentSource()

    theArrays = None
    if (colorVariableCellOrPoint == 1):
        phactori.myDebugPrint("GetViewControlFromTextFile doing cell array\n")
        theArrays = theSource.CellData
        phactori.myDebugPrint("GetViewControlFromTextFile doing point array\n")
        theArrays = theSource.PointData

    colorVariableIndex = 0
    phactori.myDebugPrint("GetViewControlFromTextFile finding ->" +
                          colorVariableName + "<-\n")
    for ii in range(theArrays.GetNumberOfArrays()):
        phactori.myDebugPrint("GetViewControlFromTextFile trying ->" +
                              theArrays.GetArray(ii).Name + "<-\n")
        if theArrays.GetArray(ii).Name == colorVariableName:
            phactori.myDebugPrint("match! " + str(ii) + "\n")
            colorVariableIndex = ii
            phactori.myDebugPrint("no match\n")

    phactori.myDebugPrint('PhactoriScript.GetViewControlFromTextFile   [' + \
      str(xx) + ', ' + str(yy) + ', ' + str(zz) + '] ' + str(zoom) +
      ' [' + str(fx) + ', ' + str(fy) + ',' + str(fz) +
      ']\nshowColorKey: ' + str(showColorKey) + ' showAxes: ' + str(showAxes) + \
      ' showOrientation: ' + str(showOrientation) + \
      '\ncolorVariableCellOrPoint: ' + str(colorVariableCellOrPoint) + \
      ' colorVariableIndex: ' + str(colorVariableIndex) + '\n')
    outDataList[0] = xx
    outDataList[1] = yy
    outDataList[2] = zz
    outDataList[3] = zoom
    outDataList[4] = fx
    outDataList[5] = fy
    outDataList[6] = fz
    outDataList[7] = showColorKey
    outDataList[8] = showAxes
    outDataList[9] = showOrientation
    outDataList[10] = colorVariableCellOrPoint
    outDataList[11] = colorVariableIndex
    for ii in range(0, 12):
        gSavedViewControlDataList[ii] = outDataList[ii]
def CreatePipeline(datadescription):


    #phactori.ApplyClipPlane([0.0, 1.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "clip1")
    #phactori.ThresholdFilter('STATUS', 'CELLS', [0.7, 100.0], 'DeathStatusFilter')

    #phactori.SetPlotView2StartXYZMinMax(4.0, 131.0, -600000.0, 600000.0, 0.0, 0.0)
    #phactori.SetPlotView2StartXYZMinMax(0.0, 1000.0, -1000.0, 1000.0, 0.0, 0.0)
    #phactori.SetPlotView2StartXYZMinMax(0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.01, 0.0, 1.0)

    theSource = phactori.GetCurrentSource()

    theCellArrays = None
    theCellArrays = theSource.CellData
    thePointArrays = None
    thePointArrays = theSource.PointData

    theViewMapC = {
        'camera blocks': {
            'overviewcamera8': {
                'camera type': 'multicamera8',
                'zoom factor': 1.0,
                'look at point relative to data size': [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
            'zoom5camera8': {
                'camera type': 'multicamera8',
                'zoom factor': 0.2,
                'look at point': [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
            'node234camera8': {
                'camera type': 'multicamera8',
                'zoom factor': 1.0,
                'look at node': 234
            'element222camera8': {
                'camera type': 'multicamera8',
                'zoom factor': 1.0,
                'look at element': 222
            'thresh1camera8': {
                'camera type': 'multicamera8',
                'zoom factor': 2.0,
                'look at point': [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
        'representation blocks': {
            'rep1': {
                'color by variable': 'VON_MISES',
                #'variable type': 'element',
                'show element': 'surfaces and edges'
            'rep2': {
                'color by variable': 'VON_MISES',
                #'variable type': 'element',
                'show element': 'surfaces'
            'rep3dvecmag': {
                'color by variable 3d vector magnitude': 'DISPL',
                #'variable type': 'node',
                'show element': 'surfaces and edges'
            'rep3dveccompz': {
                'color by variable 3d vector component': 'DISPL_z',
                #'variable type': 'node',
                'show element': 'surfaces and edges'
            'rep3dveccompy': {
                'color by variable 3d vector component': 'DISPL_y',
                #'variable type': 'node',
                'show element': 'surfaces and edges',
                'color map value range': [-0.03, 0.03]
            'rep6dtencompyy': {
                'color by variable 6d tensor component': 'STRESS_yy',
                #'variable type': 'element',
                'show element': 'surfaces and edges'
        #phactori.ThresholdFilter('STATUS', 'CELLS', [0.7, 100.0], 'DeathStatusFilter')
        'operation blocks': {
            'death_status_filter_1': {
                'type': 'threshold',
                'variable': 'STATUS',
                'range': [0.7, 100.0],
                'keep inside range': True,
                'variable type': 'element'
            'clip_plane_1': {
                'type': 'clip',
                'point on plane': [0.0, 0.0, 0.0],
                'plane normal': [1.0, 1.0, 0.0],
                'crinkle cut': True
            'clip_plane_2': {
                'type': 'clip',
                'point on plane': [0.0, 0.0, 0.0],
                'plane normal': [1.0, 1.0, 0.0],
                'crinkle cut': True,
                'input operation': 'death_status_filter_1'
            #'vonmises_threshold_1': {
            #  'type': 'threshold',
            #  'variable': 'VON_MISES',
            #  'range': [50000.0, 5000000.0],
            #  #'range': [-1.0, 50000.0],
            #  'keep inside range': True,
            #  'variable type': 'element'
        'imageset blocks': {
            #'defaultimageset': {
            #'defaultimageset2': {
            #  'look at point': [0.0, 0.0, 0.0],
            #  'color by variable': 'VON_MISES',
            #  #'variable type': 'element',
            #  'zoom factor': 0.2,
            #'defaultimageset3': {
            #  'look at point': [0.0, 0.0, 0.0],
            #  'color by variable': 'DISPL_',
            #  #'variable type': 'element',
            #  'zoom factor': 0.2,
            #'defaultzoom5': {
            #  'zoom factor': 0.2,
            #  'look at point': [0.0, 0.0, 0.0],
            #  'image basename': 'default_zoom5_',
            #  'representation': 'rep2',
            #'overviewimageset': {
            #  'representation': 'rep2',
            #  'camera': 'overviewcamera8',
            #  'image basename': 'overview_'
            #'zoom5imageset': {
            #  'representation': 'rep1',
            #  'camera': 'zoom5camera8',
            #  'image basename': 'zoom5_'
            #'zoom5imageset2': {
            #  'representation': 'rep1',
            #  'camera': 'zoom5camera8',
            #  'image basename': 'zoom5_nodeath_',
            #  'operation': 'death_status_filter_1'
            #'clip_no_thresh_overview': {
            #  'representation': 'rep1',
            #  'camera': 'overviewcamera8',
            #  'image basename': 'clip_no_thresh_overview_',
            #  'operation': 'clip_plane_1'
            #'clip_no_thresh': {
            #  'representation': 'rep1',
            #  'camera': 'zoom5camera8',
            #  'image basename': 'clip_no_thresh_zoom5_',
            #  'operation': 'clip_plane_1'
            #'clip_with_thresh': {
            #  'representation': 'rep1',
            #  'camera': 'zoom5camera8',
            #  'image basename': 'clip_with_thresh_zoom5_',
            #  'operation': 'clip_plane_2'
            #'zoom5vecmag': {
            #  'representation': 'rep3dvecmag',
            #  'camera': 'zoom5camera8',
            #  'image basename': 'zoom5vecmag_'
            #'zoom5veccompz': {
            #  'representation': 'rep3dveccompz',
            #  'camera': 'zoom5camera8',
            #  'image basename': 'zoom5veccompz_'
            'zoom5veccompy': {
                'representation': 'rep3dveccompy',
                'camera': 'zoom5camera8',
                'image basename': 'zoom5veccompy_'
            #'zoom5tenyy': {
            #  'representation': 'rep6dtencompyy',
            #  'camera': 'zoom5camera8',
            #  'image basename': 'zoom5tenyy_'
            #'node234': {
            #  'representation': 'rep1',
            #  'camera': 'node234camera8',
            #  'image basename': 'node234_'
            #'element222': {
            #  'representation': 'rep1',
            #  'camera': 'element222camera8',
            #  'image basename': 'element222_'
            #'thresh1set': {
            #  'representation': 'rep1',
            #  'camera': 'thresh1camera8',
            #  'image basename': 'thresh1_',
            #  'operation': 'vonmises_threshold_1'
        'scatter plot blocks': {
            'VonMisesVsElementId': {
                'x axis variable': 'GlobalElementId',
                'y axis variable': 'VON_MISES',
                'image basename': 'vm_vs_id_',
                'variable type': 'element'
            'displacementVsNodeId': {
                'x axis variable': 'GlobalNodeId',
                'y axis variable': 'DISPL_',
                'image basename': 'displ_vs_id_',
                'variable type': 'node'
        'plot over time blocks': {
            'VonMisesVsTime': {
                'y axis variable': 'VON_MISES',
                'image basename': 'vm_over_time_',
                'variable type': 'element'
            'DisplacementVsTime': {
                'y axis variable': 'DISPL_',
                'image basename': 'displacement_over_time_',
                'variable type': 'node'

    myLookAtPoint = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
    theViewMapC = {
        'camera blocks': {},
        'representation blocks': {},
        'operation blocks': {
            #'element_to_node': {
            #  'type': 'element data to node data',
            #'contour1': {
            #  'type': 'contour',
            #  #'input operation': 'element_to_node',
            #  'variable': 'VON_MISES',
            #  'contour value': 50000.0,
            #  'variable type': 'node',
        'imageset blocks': {
            'zoom1': {
                'color by scalar': 'VON_MISES',
                'image digit count': 5,
                'look at point absolute': [0.0, 0.0, 0.0],
                'zoom factor': 1.0,
                'image basename': 'zoom_vm_'
                #'operation': 'element_to_node'
            'zoom2': {
                'color by vector component': 'VEL_Y',
                'image digit count': 5,
                'look at point absolute': [0.0, 0.0, 0.0],
                'zoom factor': 1.0,
                'image basename': 'zoom_vel_y_'
                #'operation': 'element_to_node'
            #'zcontour_imageset': {
            #  'color by variable': 'VON_MISES',
            #  'operation': 'contour1',
            #  'image basename': 'contour_',
        'scatter plot blocks': {
            'VonMisesPointVsNodeId': {
                'x axis variable scalar': 'GlobalElementId',
                'y axis variable scalar': 'VON_MISES',
                'variable type': 'element',
                #'image basename': 'vm_vs_id_',
                #'variable type': 'node',
                #'operation': 'element_to_node'
            #'SurfVonMisesPointVsNodeId': {
            #  'x axis variable': 'GlobalNodeId',
            #  'y axis variable': 'VON_MISES',
            #  'image basename': 'surf_vm_vs_id_',
            #  'variable type': 'node',
            #  #'operation': 'element_to_node'
            #  'operation': 'contour1'
        'plot over time blocks': {}

    global gRunTestsA
    if gRunTestsA:
        theViewMapC = GetViewMapCFromTestSuite()

    global gGetJsonViewMapCFromUserData
    if gGetJsonViewMapCFromUserData == True:
        theViewMapC = GetViewMapCFromUserData(datadescription)


    global gMyViewMapB
    if gMyViewMapB != None:

    #view_setup_2 = { 'color_variable': {'name': 'VON_MISES' } }
    #  inBackgroundColor = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0],
    #  inEdgeColor = [1.0, 1.0, 1.0])

    phactori.SetPlotView2StartColors(inBackgroundColor=[1.0, 1.0, 1.0],
                                     inEdgeColor=[0.0, 0.0, 0.5],
                                     inCubeAxesColor=[0.2, 0.2, 0.2],
                                     inDiffuseColor=[0.2, 0.2, 0.2],
                                     inAmbientColor=[0.2, 0.2, 0.2],
                                     inSelectionColor=[0.2, 0.2, 0.2],
                                     inBackfaceDiffuseColor=[0.2, 0.2, 0.2])