def test_phi_table(pheno_phi): phi_table_file = table.NONMEMTableFile(pheno_phi) phi_table = phi_table_file.table assert phi_table.problem == 1 assert phi_table.subproblem == 0 assert phi_table.iteration2 == 0 assert phi_table.method == "First Order Conditional Estimation with Interaction" assert phi_table.goal_function is None
def test_cov_table(pheno_cov): cov_table_file = table.NONMEMTableFile(pheno_cov) cov_table = cov_table_file.table df = cov_table.data_frame paramnames = ['THETA(1)', 'THETA(2)', 'THETA(3)', 'OMEGA(1,1)', 'OMEGA(2,2)', 'SIGMA(1,1)'] assert list(df.columns) == paramnames assert list(df.index) == paramnames assert df.values[0][0] == 4.41151e-8 assert df.values[0][3] == -1.09343e-6
def test_nonmem_table(pheno_ext): ext_table_file = table.NONMEMTableFile(pheno_ext) assert list(ext_table_file.table.data_frame.columns) == [ 'ITERATION', 'THETA(1)', 'THETA(2)', 'THETA(3)', 'OMEGA(1,1)', 'OMEGA(2,1)', 'OMEGA(2,2)', 'SIGMA(1,1)', 'OBJ', ]
def test_ext_table(pheno_ext): ext_table_file = table.NONMEMTableFile(pheno_ext) ext_table = ext_table_file.table assert ext_table.problem == 1 assert ext_table.subproblem == 0 assert ext_table.iteration2 == 0 assert ext_table.method == "First Order Conditional Estimation with Interaction" assert ext_table.goal_function == "MINIMUM VALUE OF OBJECTIVE FUNCTION" assert ext_table.final_parameter_estimates['THETA(1)'] == 0.00469555 assert list( ext_table.fixed) == [False, False, False, False, True, False, False] assert ext_table.final_ofv == 586.27605628188053 assert ext_table.initial_ofv == 587.36644134661617
def test_create_phi_table(fs): df = pd.DataFrame({'ETA(1)': [1, 2], 'ETA(2)': [5, 6]}, index=[1, 2]) = 'ID' phi = table.PhiTable(df=df) phi.create_content() correct = ''' SUBJECT_NO ID ETA(1) ETA(2) 1 1 1.00000E+00 5.00000E+00 2 2 2.00000E+00 6.00000E+00 ''' # noqa W291 assert phi.content == correct table_file = table.NONMEMTableFile(tables=[phi]) table_file.write('my.phi') with open('my.phi', 'r') as fp: cont = correct = 'TABLE NO. 1\n' + correct assert cont == correct
def test_ofv_table_gap(testdata): p = Path(testdata / 'nonmem' / 'modelfit_results' / 'multPROB' / 'multEST' / 'withSIM') rfile = rf.NONMEMResultsFile(p / 'multprobmix_nm730.lst') assert rfile.estimation_status(2) == { 'minimization_successful': False, 'estimate_near_boundary': False, 'rounding_errors': False, 'maxevals_exceeded': True, 'significant_digits': nan, 'function_evaluations': 16, 'warning': False, } table_numbers = (1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13) ext_table_file = table.NONMEMTableFile(p / 'multprobmix_nm730.ext') for n in table_numbers: assert rfile.ofv(n) == pytest.approx( ext_table_file.table_no(n).final_ofv)