# potentially, there are binFiles with different prefixes, like stim1a.bin, stim1b.bin, stim2a.bin, stim3a.bin
# just make a list of unique prefixes (after removing the 'letter'+'.bin', 5 chars)
prefixes = set([name[:-5] for name in binFiles])

# opne a file to write output
file_obj = open('startT.txt', 'w')

# Write a header in the file
# The first char is '#' and then it says {token# : length}
s = '#{0:9}\t{1:10}\t{2:10}\t{3:10}\t{4:10}\n'.format('binFile'.center(9),'startT'.center(10), 'endT'.center(10), 'period'.center(10), 'nameOut'.center(10))

# loop through all those prefixes and for each prefix, analyse the PD for all associated binFiles
for prefix in prefixes:
	# Execute photodiode.analysePD
	startT, endT, period = photodiode.analysePD(prefix+'?.bin')

	# for each element in startT, endT, period, print them
	for i in range(len(startT)):

		s = '{0:10}\t{1:10.5f}\t{2:10.5f}\t{3:10.5f}\t\n'.format(prefix, startT[i], endT[i], period[i])


subprocess.call(['vim', 'startT.txt'])