async def apply_tile(applier, target, afr, serial, theme, overrides): from photons_tile_paint.orientation import Orientation as O, reorient from photons_tile_paint.animation import orientations_from chain = [] orientations = {} async for pkt, _, _ in target.script( TileMessages.GetDeviceChain()).run_with(serial, afr): if pkt | TileMessages.StateDeviceChain: for tile in tiles_from(pkt): chain.append(tile) orientations = orientations_from(pkt) if chain is None: log.warning("Couldn't work out how many tiles the light had", serial=serial)) return coords_and_sizes = [((t.user_x, t.user_y), (t.width, t.height)) for t in chain] messages = [] for i, (hsbks, coords_and_size) in enumerate( zip( applier.from_user_coords(coords_and_sizes).apply_theme(theme), coords_and_sizes)): colors = [{ "hue": overrides.get("hue", hsbk.hue), "saturation": overrides.get("saturation", hsbk.saturation), "brightness": overrides.get("brightness", hsbk.brightness), "kelvin": overrides.get("kelvin", hsbk.kelvin) } for hsbk in hsbks] colors = reorient(colors, orientations.get(i, O.RightSideUp)) messages.append( TileMessages.SetState64(tile_index=i, length=1, x=0, y=0, width=coords_and_size[1][0], duration=overrides.get("duration", 1), colors=colors, res_required=False, ack_required=True)) set_power = LightMessages.SetLightPower(level=65535, duration=overrides.get( "duration", 1)) pipeline = Pipeline(*messages, spread=0.005) await target.script([set_power, pipeline]).run_with_all(serial, afr)
def __init__(self): self.targets_cache = LRU(1000) self.source_bits_cache = LRU(10) self.duration_bits_cache = LRU(10) self.cache = ProtocolColor.Meta.cache msg = TileMessages.SetState64( source = 0 , sequence = 0 , target = None , res_required = False , ack_required = True , tile_index = 0 , length = 1 , x = 0 , y = 0 , width = 8 , duration = 0 , colors = [{"hue": 0, "saturation": 0, "brightness": 0, "kelvin": 3500}] ) self.frame_header_start = msg.frame_header.pack()[:-32] self.frame_address_with_acks_middle = msg.frame_address.pack()[64:-8] msg.ack_required = False self.frame_address_without_acks_middle = msg.frame_address.pack()[64:-8] self.protocol_header_packd = msg.protocol_header.pack() # tile_index, width, duration and colors are variable self.payload_middle = msg.payload.pack()[8:-8 -32 - (64 * 64)] self.uint8_bits = {val: self.bits(T.Uint8, val) for val in range(256)} self.width_bits = self.uint8_bits self.sequence_bits = self.uint8_bits self.tile_index_bits = self.uint8_bits