def aper_phot(self,x,y): """Perform aperture photometry, uses photutils functions Rapert, sum, area and flux are the radius of the aperture in pixels, the total number of counts including sky in the aperture, the area of the aperture in square pixels, and the total number of counts in the aperture excluding sky. Mag and merr are the magnitude and error in the magnitude in the aperture (see below). flux = sum - area * msky mag = zmag - 2.5 * log10 (flux) + 2.5 * log10 (itime) merr = 1.0857 * error / flux error = sqrt (flux / epadu + area * stdev**2 + area**2 * stdev**2 / nsky) """ sigma=0. #no centering amp=0. #no centering if self.aperphot_pars["center"][0]: center=True delta=10 popt=self.gauss_center(x,y,delta) if 5 > popt.count(0) > 1: #an error occurred in centering warnings.warn("Problem fitting center, using original coordinates") else: amp,x,y,sigma,offset=popt radius=int(self.aperphot_pars["radius"][0]) width=int(self.aperphot_pars["width"][0]) inner=int(self.aperphot_pars["skyrad"][0]) subsky=bool(self.aperphot_pars["subsky"][0]) aper_flux=photutils.aperture_photometry(self._data,x,y,apertures=photutils.CircularAperture(radius),subpixels=1,method="center") aperture_area = np.pi * (radius)**2 if subsky: outer=inner + width annulus_sky=photutils.annulus_circular(self._data,x,y,inner,outer) annulus_area = np.pi * (outer**2 - inner**2) total_flux=aper_flux - annulus_sky * (aperture_area / annulus_area) else: total_flux=aper_flux #compute the magnitude of the sky corrected flux magzero=float(self.aperphot_pars["zmag"][0]) mag=magzero-2.5*(np.log10(total_flux)) pheader=("x\ty\tradius\tflux\tmag(zpt={0:0.2f})\tsky".format(magzero)) if center: pheader+=("\tfwhm") pstr="\n{0:.2f}\t{1:0.2f}\t{2:d}\t{3:0.2f}\t{4:0.2f}\t{5:0.2f}\t{6:0.2f}".format(x,y,radius,total_flux,mag,annulus_sky/annulus_area,math_helper.gfwhm(sigma)) else: pstr="\n{0:0.2f}\t{1:0.2f}\t{2:d}\t{3:0.2f}\t{4:0.2f}\t{5:0.2f}".format(x,y,radius,total_flux,mag,annulus_sky/annulus_area,) print(pheader+pstr) + pstr)
def _aperture_phot(self, x, y, radsize=1, sky_inner=5, skywidth=5, method="subpixel", subpixels=4): """Perform sky subtracted aperture photometry, uses photutils functions, photutil must be installed Parameters ---------- radsize: int Size of the radius sky_inner: int Inner radius of the sky annulus skywidth: int Width of the sky annulus method: string Pixel sampling method to use subpixels: int How many subpixels to use Notes ----- background is taken from sky annulus pixels, check into masking bad pixels """ if not photutils_installed: print("Install photutils to enable") else: aper_flux = photutils.aperture_circular(self._data, x, y, radsize, subpixels=subpixels, method=method) aperture_area = np.pi * (radsize)**2 annulus_sky = photutils.annulus_circular(self._data, x, y, sky_inner, sky_inner + skywidth) outer = sky_inner + skywidth inner = sky_inner annulus_area = np.pi * (outer**2 - inner**2) skysub_flux = aper_flux - annulus_sky * (aperture_area / annulus_area) return (aper_flux, annulus_sky, skysub_flux)
def aper_phot(self, x, y): """Perform aperture photometry, uses photutils functions, photutils must be available """ if not photutils_installed: print("Install photutil to enable") else: sigma = 0. # no centering amp = 0. # no centering if self.aperphot_pars["center"][0]: center = True delta = 10 popt = self.gauss_center(x, y, delta) if 5 > popt.count(0) > 1: # an error occurred in centering warnings.warn("Problem fitting center, using original coordinates") else: amp, x, y, sigma, offset = popt radius = int(self.aperphot_pars["radius"][0]) width = int(self.aperphot_pars["width"][0]) inner = int(self.aperphot_pars["skyrad"][0]) subsky = bool(self.aperphot_pars["subsky"][0]) aper_flux = photutils.aperture_photometry( self._data, x, y, apertures=photutils.CircularAperture(radius), subpixels=1, method="center") aperture_area = np.pi * (radius) ** 2 if subsky: outer = inner + width annulus_sky = photutils.annulus_circular(self._data, x, y, inner, outer) annulus_area = np.pi * (outer ** 2 - inner ** 2) total_flux = aper_flux - annulus_sky * (aperture_area / annulus_area) else: total_flux = aper_flux # compute the magnitude of the sky corrected flux magzero = float(self.aperphot_pars["zmag"][0]) mag = magzero - 2.5 * (np.log10(total_flux)) pheader = ( "x\ty\tradius\tflux\tmag(zpt={0:0.2f})\tsky\t".format(magzero)).expandtabs(15) if center: pheader += ("fwhm") pstr = "\n{0:.2f}\t{1:0.2f}\t{2:d}\t{3:0.2f}\t{4:0.2f}\t{5:0.2f}\t{6:0.2f}".format( x + 1, y + 1, radius, total_flux, mag, annulus_sky / annulus_area, math_helper.gfwhm(sigma)).expandtabs(15) else: pstr = "\n{0:0.2f}\t{1:0.2f}\t{2:d}\t{3:0.2f}\t{4:0.2f}\t{5:0.2f}".format( x + 1, y + 1, radius, total_flux, mag, annulus_sky / annulus_area,).expandtabs(15) print(pheader + pstr) + pstr)
def _aperture_phot(self,x,y,radsize=1,sky_inner=5,skywidth=5,method="subpixel",subpixels=4): """Perform sky subtracted aperture photometry, uses photutils functions background is taken from sky annulus pixels, check into masking """ aper_flux=photutils.aperture_circular(self._data,x,y,radsize,subpixels=subpixels,method=method) aperture_area = np.pi * (radsize)**2 annulus_sky=photutils.annulus_circular(self._data,x,y,sky_inner,sky_inner+skywidth) outer=sky_inner+skywidth inner=sky_inner annulus_area = np.pi * (outer**2 - inner**2) skysub_flux=aper_flux - annulus_sky * (aperture_area / annulus_area) return (aper_flux,annulus_sky,skysub_flux)
def _aperture_phot(self, x, y, radsize=1, sky_inner=5, skywidth=5, method="subpixel", subpixels=4): """Perform sky subtracted aperture photometry, uses photutils functions, photutil must be installed Parameters ---------- radsize: int Size of the radius sky_inner: int Inner radius of the sky annulus skywidth: int Width of the sky annulus method: string Pixel sampling method to use subpixels: int How many subpixels to use Notes ----- background is taken from sky annulus pixels, check into masking bad pixels """ if not photutils_installed: print("Install photutils to enable") else: aper_flux = photutils.aperture_circular( self._data, x, y, radsize, subpixels=subpixels, method=method) aperture_area = np.pi * (radsize) ** 2 annulus_sky = photutils.annulus_circular( self._data, x, y, sky_inner, sky_inner + skywidth) outer = sky_inner + skywidth inner = sky_inner annulus_area = np.pi * (outer ** 2 - inner ** 2) skysub_flux = aper_flux - annulus_sky * (aperture_area / annulus_area) return (aper_flux, annulus_sky, skysub_flux)
def aper_phot(self, x, y): """Perform aperture photometry, uses photutils functions, photutils must be available """ if not photutils_installed: print("Install photutil to enable") else: sigma = 0. # no centering amp = 0. # no centering if self.aperphot_pars["center"][0]: center = True delta = 10 popt = self.gauss_center(x, y, delta) if 5 > popt.count(0) > 1: # an error occurred in centering warnings.warn( "Problem fitting center, using original coordinates") else: amp, x, y, sigma, offset = popt radius = int(self.aperphot_pars["radius"][0]) width = int(self.aperphot_pars["width"][0]) inner = int(self.aperphot_pars["skyrad"][0]) subsky = bool(self.aperphot_pars["subsky"][0]) aper_flux = photutils.aperture_photometry( self._data, x, y, apertures=photutils.CircularAperture(radius), subpixels=1, method="center") aperture_area = np.pi * (radius)**2 if subsky: outer = inner + width annulus_sky = photutils.annulus_circular( self._data, x, y, inner, outer) annulus_area = np.pi * (outer**2 - inner**2) total_flux = aper_flux - annulus_sky * (aperture_area / annulus_area) else: total_flux = aper_flux # compute the magnitude of the sky corrected flux magzero = float(self.aperphot_pars["zmag"][0]) mag = magzero - 2.5 * (np.log10(total_flux)) pheader = ("x\ty\tradius\tflux\tmag(zpt={0:0.2f})\tsky\t".format( magzero)).expandtabs(15) if center: pheader += ("fwhm") pstr = "\n{0:.2f}\t{1:0.2f}\t{2:d}\t{3:0.2f}\t{4:0.2f}\t{5:0.2f}\t{6:0.2f}".format( x + 1, y + 1, radius, total_flux, mag, annulus_sky / annulus_area, math_helper.gfwhm(sigma)).expandtabs(15) else: pstr = "\n{0:0.2f}\t{1:0.2f}\t{2:d}\t{3:0.2f}\t{4:0.2f}\t{5:0.2f}".format( x + 1, y + 1, radius, total_flux, mag, annulus_sky / annulus_area, ).expandtabs(15) print(pheader + pstr) + pstr)
def aperture(image, hdr): global iap, pguess_old, nstars, svec dnorm = 500. rann1 = 18. dann = 2. rann2 = rann1 + dann app_min = 1. app_max = 19. dapp = 1. app_sizes = np.arange(app_min, app_max, dapp) # If first time through, read in "guesses" for locations of stars if iap == 0: var = np.loadtxt('phot_coords') xvec = var[:, 0] yvec = var[:, 1] nstars = len(xvec) #print app_sizes,'\n' else: xvec = svec[:, 0] yvec = svec[:, 1] # Find locations of stars dxx0 = 10. for i in range(nstars): xx0 = [xvec[i], yvec[i]] xbounds = (xx0[0] - dxx0, xx0[0] + dxx0) ybounds = (xx0[1] - dxx0, xx0[1] + dxx0) #res = sco.minimize(center, xx0, method='BFGS', jac=der_center) #res = sco.fmin_tnc(center, xx0, bounds=(xbounds,ybounds)) #res = sco.minimize(center, xx0, method='tnc', bounds=(xbounds,ybounds)) res = sco.minimize(center, xx0, method='L-BFGS-B', bounds=(xbounds, ybounds), jac=der_center) xx0 = res.x xvec[i] = xx0[0] yvec[i] = xx0[1] # Calculate sky around stars sky = photutils.annulus_circular(image, xvec, yvec, rann1, rann2, method='exact', subpixels=10) # Do psf fits to stars. Results are stored in arrays fwhm, pflux, psky, psf_x, and psf_y fwhm = np.zeros(nstars) # Make stacked array of star positions from aperture photometry svec = np.dstack((xvec, yvec))[0] #print svec # Make stacked array of star positions from PSF fitting # pvec = np.dstack((psf_x,psf_y))[0] pvec = svec iap = iap + 1 starr = [] apvec = [] app = -1.0 # Get time of observation from the header #date = hdr['DATE-OBS'] # for Argos files #utc = hdr['UTC'] # for Argos files date = hdr['UTC-DATE'] # for Pro-EM files utc = hdr['UTC-BEG'] # for Pro-EM files times = date + " " + utc t = Time(times, format='iso', scale='utc') # Calculate Julian Date of observation jd = t.jd for app in app_sizes: flux = photutils.aperture_circular(image, xvec, yvec, app, method='exact', subpixels=10) skyc = sky * app**2 / (rann2**2 - rann1**2) fluxc = flux - skyc starr.append([fluxc, skyc, fwhm]) apvec.append(app) starr = np.array(starr) apvec = np.array(apvec) #print starr return jd, svec, pvec, apvec, starr