from phycas.Utilities.PDFTree import PDFTree

# This example plots the trees in compilation.tre all to the same scale, saving
# the result in compilation.pdf (one tree per page)

# The PDFTree class is used for this (note that the word plotter is arbitrary)
plotter = PDFTree()

# Specify the filename of the tree file containing the trees to plot
plotter.pdf_treefile = 'compilation.tre'

# Specify the filename of the PDF file to output
plotter.pdf_filename = 'compilation.pdf'

# Specify the outgroup taxon to use when plotting trees
plotter.pdf_outgroup_taxon = '40 Cyanophora paradoxa'

# Unlink horizontal and vertical dimensions so trees that are not as wide
# as others can nevertheless be just as tall
plotter.keep_xy_proportional = False

# Unlink the size of the tip labels from the size of the tree
# (i.e. trees that are smaller have the same size tip labels 
# as trees that are larger)
plotter.keep_tip_labels_proportional = False

# Create the compilation.pdf file
from phycas import Newick
from phycas.Utilities.PDFTree import PDFTree

pdftree = PDFTree()
pdftree.pdf_newick                = Newick("('P. fimbriata':0.1,('P. articulata':0.09,'P. parksii':0.04)v:0.1,('P. macrophylla':0.14,(('P. gracilis':0.08,('P. ciliata':0.02,'P. basiramia':0.03)x:0.05)y:0.01,'P. polygama':0.09)z:0.06)w:0.07)u", Newick.TAXA_NAMES)
pdftree.pdf_outgroup_taxon        = 'P. macrophylla' # use None to display tree as is
pdftree.pdf_tip_label_font        = 'Times-Italic'   # must be one of the 14 standard font names
pdftree.pdf_tip_label_height      = 24               # in units of points
pdftree.pdf_scalebar_label_font   = 'Times-Roman'    # must be one of the 14 standard font names
pdftree.pdf_scalebar_label_height = 10               # in units of points
pdftree.pdf_ladderize             = 'right'          # valid choices: None, 'left', or 'right'
pdftree.pdf_scalebar_position     = 'bottom'         # value choices: None, 'top', or 'bottom'
pdftree.pdf_page_width            = 8.5              # in units of inches
pdftree.pdf_page_height           = 11.0             # in units of inches
pdftree.pdf_line_width            = 2.0              # in units of points
pdftree.pdf_left_margin           = 1.0              # in units of inches
pdftree.pdf_right_margin          = 1.0              # in units of inches
pdftree.pdf_top_margin            = 1.0              # in units of inches
pdftree.pdf_bottom_margin         = 1.0              # in units of inches
pdftree.pdf_filename              = 'test.pdf'