    def load_raw_data(self):
        # TODO: account for these temporary hardcoded params
        n_channels = self.num_channels
        dtype = np.int16
        sample_rate = self.params.fs

        raw_data = get_ephys_reader(self.data_path, sample_rate=sample_rate, dtype=dtype, n_channels=n_channels)
        self.raw_data = raw_data
def create_trace_gui(obj, **kwargs):
    """Create the Trace GUI.


    obj : str or Path
        Path to the raw data file.
    sample_rate : float
        The data sampling rate, in Hz.
    n_channels_dat : int
        The number of columns in the raw data file.
    dtype : str
        The NumPy data type of the raw binary file.
    offset : int
        The header offset in bytes.


    gui_name = 'TraceGUI'

    # Support passing a params.py file.
    if str(obj).endswith('.py'):
        params = get_template_params(str(obj))
        return create_trace_gui(next(iter(params.pop('dat_path'))), **params)

    kwargs = {
        k: v
        for k, v in kwargs.items()
        if k in ('sample_rate', 'n_channels_dat', 'dtype', 'offset')
    traces = get_ephys_reader(obj, **kwargs)

    gui = GUI(name=gui_name, subtitle=obj.resolve(), enable_threading=False)

    def _get_traces(interval):
        return Bunch(data=select_traces(
            traces, interval, sample_rate=traces.sample_rate))

    # TODO: load channel information

    view = TraceView(

    return gui
def run(dat_path: str = None,
        dir_path: Path = None,
        output_dir: Path = None,
    """Launch KiloSort 2.

    probe has the following attributes:
    - xc
    - yc
    - kcoords
    - Nchan


    # Get or create the probe object.
    if isinstance(probe, (str, Path)):
        probe = load_probe(probe)

    raw_data = get_ephys_reader(dat_path, **kwargs)
    assert raw_data.ndim == 2

    # Now, the initial raw data must be in C order, it will be converted to Fortran order
    # in the proc file step, so as to use the existing CUDA kernels from MATLAB.
    assert raw_data.shape[0] > raw_data.shape[1]  # nsamples > nchannels
    n_samples, n_channels = raw_data.shape
    logger.info("Loaded raw data with %d channels, %d samples.", n_channels,

    # TODO: design - let's pass in all of the config already parsed and ready into this function
    #              - run should do 1 thing only - run the steps of the algorithm.
    # Get probe.
    probe = probe or default_probe(raw_data)
    assert probe

    # Get params.
    if not isinstance(params, BaseModel):
        params = KilosortParams(**params or {})
    assert params

    # dir path
    dir_path = dir_path or Path(dat_path).parent
    assert dir_path, "Please provide a dir_path"
    dir_path.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True)
    assert dir_path.exists()

    # Create the context.
    ctx_path = dir_path / ".kilosort" / raw_data.name
    if clear_context:
        logger.info(f"Clearing context at {ctx_path} ...")
        shutil.rmtree(ctx_path, ignore_errors=True)

    ctx = Context(ctx_path)
    ctx.params = params
    ctx.probe = probe
    ctx.raw_data = raw_data

    # Load the intermediate results to avoid recomputing things.
    # TODO: unclear - what if we have changed something e.g. a parameter? Shouldn't
    #               - we make the path depdendent on at least the hash of the params?
    #               - We should also be able to turn this off for easy testing / experimentation.
    ir = ctx.intermediate

    ir.Nbatch = get_Nbatch(raw_data, params)

    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Find good channels.
    # NOTE: now we use C order from loading up to the creation of the proc file, which is
    # in Fortran order.
    if params.minfr_goodchannels > 0:  # discard channels that have very few spikes
        if "igood" not in ir:
            # determine bad channels
            with ctx.time("good_channels"):
                ir.igood = get_good_channels(raw_data=raw_data,
            # Cache the result.
        if stop_after == "good_channels":
            return ctx

        # it's enough to remove bad channels from the channel map, which treats them
        # as if they are dead
        ir.igood = ir.igood.ravel()
        probe.chanMap = probe.chanMap[ir.igood]
        probe.xc = probe.xc[ir.igood]  # removes coordinates of bad channels
        probe.yc = probe.yc[ir.igood]
        probe.kcoords = probe.kcoords[ir.igood]
    probe.Nchan = len(
        probe.chanMap)  # total number of good channels that we will spike sort
    assert probe.Nchan > 0

    # upper bound on the number of templates we can have
    params.Nfilt = params.nfilt_factor * probe.Nchan

    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Find the whitening matrix.
    if "Wrot" not in ir:
        # outputs a rotation matrix (Nchan by Nchan) which whitens the zero-timelag covariance
        # of the data
        with ctx.time("whitening_matrix"):
            ir.Wrot = get_whitening_matrix(raw_data=raw_data,
        # Cache the result.
    if stop_after == "whitening_matrix":
        return ctx

    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Preprocess data to create proc.dat
    ir.proc_path = ctx.path("proc", ".dat")
    if not ir.proc_path.exists():
        # Do not preprocess again if the proc.dat file already exists.
        with ctx.time("preprocess"):
    if stop_after == "preprocess":
        return ctx

    # Open the proc file.
    # NOTE: now we are always in Fortran order.
    assert ir.proc_path.exists()
    ir.proc = np.memmap(ir.proc_path,

    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Time-reordering as a function of drift.
    # This function saves:
    #       iorig, ccb0, ccbsort
    if "iorig" not in ir:
        with ctx.time("reorder"):
            out = clusterSingleBatches(ctx)
    if stop_after == "reorder":
        return ctx

    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    #  Main tracking and template matching algorithm.
    # This function uses:
    #         procfile
    #         iorig
    # This function saves:
    #         wPCA, wTEMP
    #         st3, simScore,
    #         cProj, cProjPC,
    #         iNeigh, iNeighPC,
    #         WA, UA, W, U, dWU, mu,
    #         W_a, W_b, U_a, U_b
    if "st3" not in ir:
        with ctx.time("learn"):
            out = learnAndSolve8b(ctx)
        logger.info("%d spikes.", ir.st3.shape[0])
    if stop_after == "learn":
        return ctx
    # Special care for cProj and cProjPC which are memmapped .dat files.
    ir.cProj = memmap_large_array(ctx.path("fW", ext=".dat")).T
    ir.cProjPC = memmap_large_array(ctx.path("fWpc",
                                             ext=".dat")).T  # transpose

    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Final merges.
    # This function uses:
    #       st3, simScore
    # This function saves:
    #         st3_m,
    #         R_CCG, Q_CCG, K_CCG [optional]
    if "st3_m" not in ir:
        with ctx.time("merge"):
            out = find_merges(ctx, True)
    if stop_after == "merge":
        return ctx

    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Final splits.
    # This function uses:
    #       st3_m
    #       W, dWU, cProjPC,
    #       iNeigh, simScore
    #       wPCA
    # This function saves:
    #       st3_s
    #       W_s, U_s, mu_s, simScore_s
    #       iNeigh_s, iNeighPC_s,
    #       Wphy, iList, isplit
    if "st3_s1" not in ir:
        # final splits by SVD
        with ctx.time("split_1"):
            out = splitAllClusters(ctx, True)
        # Use a different name for both splitting steps.
        out["st3_s1"] = out.pop("st3_s")
    if stop_after == "split_1":
        return ctx

    if "st3_s0" not in ir:
        # final splits by amplitudes
        with ctx.time("split_2"):
            out = splitAllClusters(ctx, False)
        out["st3_s0"] = out.pop("st3_s")
    if stop_after == "split_2":
        return ctx

    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Decide on cutoff.
    # This function uses:
    #       st3_s
    #       dWU, cProj, cProjPC
    #       wPCA
    # This function saves:
    #       st3_c, spikes_to_remove,
    #       est_contam_rate, Ths, good
    if "st3_c" not in ir:
        with ctx.time("cutoff"):
            out = set_cutoff(ctx)
    if stop_after == "cutoff":
        return ctx

    logger.info("%d spikes after cutoff.", ir.st3_c.shape[0])
    logger.info("Found %d good units.", np.sum(ir.good > 0))

    # write to Phy
    logger.info("Saving results to phy.")
    output_dir = output_dir or f"{dir_path}/output"
    with ctx.time("output"):
        rezToPhy(ctx, dat_path=dat_path, output_dir=output_dir)

    # Show timing information.

    return ctx
文件: main.py 项目: mswallac/phytools
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from hyb_clu import hyb_clu
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import split
import time
import os
import importlib
import sys

# Load raw traces for calculation of SNR
trace_args = ['sample_rate', 'n_channels_dat', 'dtype', 'offset']
trace_vals = [[25000], [64], [np.int16], [0]]
kwargs = {trace_args[x]: trace_vals[x][0] for x in range(len(trace_args))}
data_dir = os.getcwd() + r'\ConcatenatedData_Probe1.GT.bin'
traces = get_ephys_reader(data_dir, **kwargs)
pbounds = slice(traces.part_bounds[0], traces.part_bounds[1])
traces = traces._get_part(pbounds, 0)

# Noise estimate for spikesorting data
noise_est = lambda data: np.median((np.abs(data)) / 0.6745)

# Replace stdout with text file.
timestr = time.strftime("splitter_%Y%m%d-%H%M%S")
orig_stdout = sys.stdout
sys.stdout = open(timestr + '.txt', 'w')

# For development pipeline convenience

# First, data directories, ground truth (GT) clusters, artificially added clusters,