def loadECfiles(path, fname, suffix='jpg', nobottom=False): """Helper for loading environment cube faces. TODO nobottom will redraw the top on the bottom of cube. It really should substitute a blank (black) texture instead! Arguments: *path* to the image files relative to the top directory. *fname* The stem of the file name without the _top, _bottom, _right etc. Keyword arguments: *suffix* String to add after the '_top','_bottom' has been added to the stem. *nobottom* If True then only load five parts into array the bottom will be drawn with the previous image i.e. top. """ if nobottom: parts = [p for p in CUBE_PARTS if p != 'bottom'] else: parts = CUBE_PARTS files = (os.path.join(path, '%s_%s.%s' % (fname, p, suffix)) for p in parts) return [Texture(f) for f in files]
def __init__(self, texture, shader, **kwds): super(ImageSprite, self).__init__(**kwds) if not isinstance(texture, Texture): # i.e. can load from file name texture = Texture(texture) self.set_shader(shader) self.buf[0].set_draw_details(shader, [texture]) self.set_2d_size() # method in Shape, default full window size
print("Good turnings are often greener and tend to be near") print("(but in the opposite direction to) big holes") print("############################################################") print("If you get touched by a monster you will return to the start!") print("############################################################") print() # Setup display and initialise pi3d DISPLAY = Display.create(x=100, y=100, background=(0.4, 0.8, 0.8, 1)) shader = Shader("shaders/uv_reflect") flatsh = Shader("shaders/uv_flat") #======================================== # load Textures rockimg1 = Texture("textures/techy1.jpg") rockimg2 = Texture("textures/rocktile2.jpg") tree2img = Texture("textures/tree2.png") raspimg = Texture("textures/Raspi256x256.png") monstimg = Texture("textures/pong2.jpg") monsttex = Texture("textures/floor_nm.jpg") shineimg = Texture("textures/stars.jpg") # environment cube ectex = Texture("textures/ecubes/skybox_stormydays.jpg") myecube = EnvironmentCube(size=900.0, maptype="CROSS") myecube.set_draw_details(flatsh, ectex) # Create elevation map mapwidth = 1000.0 mapdepth = 1000.0
def __init__(self, pex_file, emission_rate=10, scale=1.0, rot_rate=None, rot_var=0.0, **kwargs): ''' has to be supplied with a pex xml type file to parse. The results are loaded into new attributes of the instance of this class with identifiers matching the Elements of the pex file. There is zero checking for the correct file format: self.texture={name:'particle.png'} self.sourcePosition={x:160.00,y:369.01} self.sourcePositionVariance={x:60.00,y:0.00} self.speed=138.16 self.speedVariance=0.00 self.particleLifeSpan=0.7000 self.particleLifespanVariance=0.0000 self.angle=224.38 self.angleVariance=360.00 self.gravity={x:0.00,y:-1400.00} self.radialAcceleration=0.00 self.tangentialAcceleration=0.00 self.radialAccelVariance=0.00 self.tangentialAccelVariance=-0.00 self.startColor={red:0.15,green:0.06,blue:1.00,alpha:1.00} self.startColorVariance={red:0.00,green:0.00,blue:0.00,alpha:0.00} self.finishColor={red:0.00,green:0.14,blue:0.23,alpha:0.00} self.finishColorVariance={red:0.00,green:0.00,blue:0.00,alpha:0.00} self.maxParticles=300 self.startParticleSize=43.79 self.startParticleSizeVariance=0.00 self.finishParticleSize=138.11 self.FinishParticleSizeVariance=0.00 self.duration=-1.00 self.emitterType=0 self.maxRadius=100.00 self.maxRadiusVariance=0.00 self.minRadius=0.00 self.rotatePerSecond=0.00 self.rotatePerSecondVariance=0.00 self.blendFuncSource=770 self.blendFuncDestination=772 self.rotationStart=0.00 self.rotationStartVariance=0.00 self.rotationEnd=0.00 self.rotationEndVariance=0.00 ''' # first parse the pex file, json would have been nicer than xml! _config = parse(pex_file).childNodes[0].childNodes for c in _config: if c.localName is not None: key = c.localName val = {} for v in c.attributes.items(): try: v_tp = int(v[1]) # try int first except ValueError: try: v_tp = float(v[1]) # if not try float except ValueError: v_tp = v[1] # otherwise leave as string if v[0] == 'value': # single value 'value' don't use dictionary val = v_tp break else: val[v[0]] = v_tp # not just a value self.__setattr__(key, val) self._emission_rate = emission_rate # particles per second self._last_emission_time = None self._last_time = None self.scale = scale self.rot_rate = rot_rate self.rot_var = rot_var ''' make the numpy arrays to hold the particle info vertices[0] x position of centre of point relative to centre of screen in pixels vertices[1] y position vertices[2] z depth but fract(z) is used as a multiplier for point size normals[0] rotation in radians normals[1] red and green values to multiply with the texture normals[2] blue and alph values to multiply with the texture. The values are packed into the whole number and fractional parts of the float i.e. where R and G are between 0.0 and 0.999 normals[:,2] = floor(999 * R) + G tex_coords[0] distance of left side of sprite square from left side of texture in uv scale 0.0 to 1.0 tex_coords[1] distance of top of sprite square from top of texture arr[8] x velocity arr[9] y velocity arr[10] lifespan arr[11] lifespan remaining arr[12:16] rgba target values arr[16:20] rgba difference arr[20] size delta (finish size - start size) / full_lifespan arr[21] radial acceleration arr[22] tangential acceleration ''' self.arr = np.zeros((self.maxParticles, 23), dtype='float32') self.point_size = max(self.startParticleSize + self.startParticleSizeVariance, self.finishParticleSize + self.FinishParticleSizeVariance) #NB capital F! super(PexParticles, self).__init__(vertices=self.arr[:,0:3], normals=self.arr[:,3:6], tex_coords=self.arr[:,6:8], point_size=self.point_size * self.scale, **kwargs) # pass to Points.__init__() shader = Shader('uv_pointsprite') try: tex = Texture(self.texture['name']) # obvious first! except: import os tex = Texture(os.path.join( os.path.split(pex_file)[0], self.texture['name'])) self.set_draw_details(shader, [tex]) self.unif[48] = 1.0 # sprite uses whole image
def loadFileOBJ(model, fileName): """Loads an obj file with associated mtl file to produce Buffer object as part of a Shape. Arguments: *model* Model object to add to. *fileName* Path and name of obj file relative to program file. """ model.coordinateSystem = "Y-up" model.parent = None #model.childModel = [] # don't really need parent and child pointers but will speed up traversing tree model.vNormal = False model.vGroup = {} # holds the information for each vertex group # read in the file and parse into some arrays, name='teapot', z=4 #import os if fileName[0] != '/': for p in sys.path: if os.path.isfile(p + '/' + fileName): # this could theoretically get different files with same name fileName = p + '/' + fileName break filePath = os.path.split(os.path.abspath(fileName))[0] LOGGER.debug(filePath) f = open(fileName, 'r') vertices = [] normals = [] uvs = [] faces = {} materials = {} material = "" mcounter = 0 mcurrent = 0 mtllib = "" # current face state group = 0 objct = 0 smooth = 0 for l in f: chunks = l.split() if len(chunks) > 0: # Vertices as (x,y,z) coordinates # v 0.123 0.234 0.345 if chunks[0] == "v" and len(chunks) >= 4: x = float(chunks[1]) y = float(chunks[2]) z = -float(chunks[3]) # z direction away in gl es 2.0 shaders vertices.append((x, y, z)) # Normals in (x, y, z) form; normals might not be unit # vn 0.707 0.000 0.707 if chunks[0] == "vn" and len(chunks) >= 4: x = float(chunks[1]) y = float(chunks[2]) z = -float(chunks[3]) # z direction away in gl es 2.0 shaders normals.append((x, y, z)) # Texture coordinates in (u,v) # vt 0.500 -1.352 if chunks[0] == "vt" and len(chunks) >= 3: u = float(chunks[1]) v = float(chunks[2]) uvs.append((u, v)) # Face if chunks[0] == "f" and len(chunks) >= 4: vertex_index = [] uv_index = [] normal_index = [] # Precompute vert / normal / uv lists # for negative index lookup vertlen = len(vertices) + 1 normlen = len(normals) + 1 uvlen = len(uvs) + 1 for v in chunks[1:]: vertex = parse_vertex(v) if vertex['v']: if vertex['v'] < 0: vertex['v'] += vertlen vertex_index.append(vertex['v']) if vertex['t']: if vertex['t'] < 0: vertex['t'] += uvlen uv_index.append(vertex['t']) if vertex['n']: if vertex['n'] < 0: vertex['n'] += normlen normal_index.append(vertex['n']) if not mcurrent in faces: faces[mcurrent] = [] faces[mcurrent].append({ 'vertex':vertex_index, 'uv':uv_index, 'normal':normal_index, 'group':group, 'object':objct, 'smooth':smooth, }) # Group if chunks[0] == "g" and len(chunks) == 2: group = chunks[1] # Object if chunks[0] == "o" and len(chunks) == 2: objct = chunks[1] # Materials definition if chunks[0] == "mtllib" and len(chunks) == 2: mtllib = chunks[1] # Material if chunks[0] == "usemtl": if len(chunks) > 1: material = chunks[1] else: material = "" if not material in materials: mcurrent = mcounter materials[material] = mcounter mcounter += 1 else: mcurrent = materials[material] # Smooth shading if chunks[0] == "s" and len(chunks) == 2: smooth = chunks[1] for g in faces: # make each of these into an array_buffer with its own material g_vertices = [] g_normals = [] g_tex_coords = [] g_indices = [] i = 0 # vertex counter in this material LOGGER.debug("len uv={}".format(len(vertices))) vec_dict = {} # hold unique combinations of v/u/n for f in faces[g]: vec_list = [] # hold index vals for each array_buffer entry for this face length = len(f['vertex']) length_n = len(f['normal']) length_uv = len(f['uv']) for v in range(length): vec_tuple = (f['vertex'][v], f['uv'][v] if length_uv > 0 else -1, f['normal'][v] if length_n == length else -1) if vec_tuple in vec_dict: #already exists don't duplicate vec_list.append(vec_dict[vec_tuple]) else: g_vertices.append(vertices[vec_tuple[0] - 1]) if length_n == length: #only use normals if there is one for each vertex g_normals.append(normals[vec_tuple[2] - 1]) if (length_uv > 0 and len(uvs[vec_tuple[1] - 1]) == 2): g_tex_coords.append(uvs[vec_tuple[1] - 1]) vec_dict[vec_tuple] = i vec_list.append(i) i += 1 for t in range(len(vec_list) - 2): g_indices.append((vec_list[0], vec_list[t + 2], vec_list[t + 1])) if len(g_normals) != len(g_vertices): g_normals = None # force Buffer.__init__() to generate normals model.buf.append(Buffer(model, g_vertices, g_tex_coords, g_indices, g_normals)) n = len(model.buf) - 1 model.vGroup[g] = n model.buf[n].indicesLen = len(model.buf[n].element_array_buffer) model.buf[n].material = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0) model.buf[n].draw_method = GL_TRIANGLES LOGGER.debug("indices=%s\nvertices=%s", len(model.buf[n].element_array_buffer), len(model.buf[n].array_buffer)) try: material_lib = parse_mtl(open(os.path.join(filePath, mtllib), 'r')) for m in materials: LOGGER.debug(m) if 'mapDiffuse' in material_lib[m]: tfileName = material_lib[m]['mapDiffuse'] model.buf[model.vGroup[materials[m]]].texFile = tfileName model.buf[model.vGroup[materials[m]]].textures = [Texture(filePath + '/' + tfileName, blend=False, flip=True)] # load from file else: model.buf[model.vGroup[materials[m]]].texFile = None model.buf[model.vGroup[materials[m]]].textures = [] if 'colorDiffuse' in material_lib[m]:#TODO don't create this array if texture being used though not exclusive. #TODO check this works with appropriate mtl file redVal = material_lib[m]['colorDiffuse'][0] grnVal = material_lib[m]['colorDiffuse'][1] bluVal = material_lib[m]['colorDiffuse'][2] model.buf[model.vGroup[materials[m]]].material = (redVal, grnVal, bluVal, 1.0) model.buf[model.vGroup[materials[m]]].unib[3:6] = [redVal, grnVal, bluVal] except: LOGGER.warning('no material specified')
# Setup display and initialise pi3d DISPLAY = Display.create(x=200, y=200, frames_per_second=20) DISPLAY.set_background(0.4, 0.8, 0.8, 1) # r,g,b,alpha camera = Camera((0, 0, 0), (0, 0, -1), (1, 1000, 30.0, DISPLAY.width / DISPLAY.height)) light = Light((10, -10, 20)) # load shader shader = Shader("shaders/uv_reflect") flatsh = Shader("shaders/uv_flat") defocus = Defocus() #======================================== # Setting 2nd param to True renders 'True' Blending # (this can be changed later to 'False' with 'rockimg2.blend = False') groundimg = Texture("textures/stripwood.jpg") monstimg = Texture("textures/pong3.png") ballimg = Texture("textures/pong2.jpg") # environment cube ectex = Texture("textures/ecubes/skybox_stormydays.jpg") myecube = EnvironmentCube(camera, light, 900.0, "CROSS") myecube.set_draw_details(flatsh, [ectex]) #ball maxdsz = 0.3 radius = 1.0 ball = Sphere(camera, light, radius, 12, 12, 0.0, "sphere", -4, 8, -7) # Shape.set_draw_details is a wrapper for calling the method on each item in buf # as is done explicitly here for no reason than to show that it can be done! ball.buf[0].set_draw_details(shader, [ballimg], 0.0, 0.0)
def __init__(self, camera=None, light=None, w=1.0, h=1.0, corner=0.1, name="", texture=None, shader=None, x=0.0, y=0.0, z=20.0, rx=0.0, ry=0.0, rz=0.0, sx=1.0, sy=1.0, sz=1.0, cx=0.0, cy=0.0, cz=0.0): """Uses standard constructor for Shape. Extra Keyword arguments: *w* Width. *h* Height. *corner* The size that the edge thirds will be. Used for mapping textures to plane """ super(ButtonSprite, self).__init__(camera, light, name, x, y, z, rx, ry, rz, sx, sy, sz, cx, cy, cz) self.width = w self.height = h self.corner = corner verts = [] norms = [] texcoords = [] inds = [] ww = w / 2.0 hh = h / 2.0 for (j, y) in enumerate((hh, hh - corner, -hh + corner, -hh)): y_uv = j / 3.0 for (i, x) in enumerate((-ww, -ww + corner, ww - corner, ww)): x_uv = i / 3.0 verts.extend([[x, y, 0.0]]) norms.extend([[0.0, 0.0, -1.0]]) texcoords.extend([[x_uv, y_uv]]) if i > 0 and j > 0: n = j * 4 + i inds.extend([[n - 1, n - 5, n - 4], [n - 4, n, n - 1]]) self.buf = [Buffer(self, verts, texcoords, inds, norms)] if texture is None: for p in sys.path: img_path = os.path.join(p, "pi3d/shape/button_image.png") if os.path.exists(img_path): texture = Texture(img_path) break else: if not isinstance(texture, Texture): # i.e. can load from file name texture = Texture(texture) if shader is None: shader = Shader("uv_flat") else: if not isinstance(shader, Shader): shader = Shader(shader) self.set_draw_details(shader, [texture])
def __init__(self, pex_file, emission_rate=10, scale=1.0, rot_rate=None, rot_var=0.0, new_batch=0.1, hardness=2.0, **kwargs): ''' has to be supplied with a pex xml type file to parse. The results are loaded into new attributes of the instance of this class with identifiers matching the Elements of the pex file. There is zero checking for the correct file format. pex_file: file name. if "circle" then lite option doesn't use texture lookup and used mat_pointsprite shader emission_rate: new particles per second scale: scale the point size and location rot_rate: UV mapping rotates rot_var: variance in rotation rate new_batch: proportion of emission_rate to batch (for efficiency) hardness: for lite version The following attributes are created from the pex file and can be subsequently altered. i.e. self.sourcePosition['x'] += 2.0 self.texture={name:'particle.png'} self.sourcePosition={x:160.00,y:369.01} self.sourcePositionVariance={x:60.00,y:0.00} self.speed=138.16 self.speedVariance=0.00 self.particleLifeSpan=0.7000 self.particleLifespanVariance=0.0000 self.angle=224.38 self.angleVariance=360.00 self.gravity={x:0.00,y:-1400.00} self.radialAcceleration=0.00 self.tangentialAcceleration=0.00 self.radialAccelVariance=0.00 self.tangentialAccelVariance=-0.00 self.startColor={red:0.15,green:0.06,blue:1.00,alpha:1.00} self.startColorVariance={red:0.00,green:0.00,blue:0.00,alpha:0.00} self.finishColor={red:0.00,green:0.14,blue:0.23,alpha:0.00} self.finishColorVariance={red:0.00,green:0.00,blue:0.00,alpha:0.00} self.maxParticles=300 self.startParticleSize=43.79 self.startParticleSizeVariance=0.00 self.finishParticleSize=138.11 self.FinishParticleSizeVariance=0.00 self.duration=-1.00 self.emitterType=0 self.maxRadius=100.00 self.maxRadiusVariance=0.00 self.minRadius=0.00 self.rotatePerSecond=0.00 self.rotatePerSecondVariance=0.00 self.blendFuncSource=770 self.blendFuncDestination=772 self.rotationStart=0.00 self.rotationStartVariance=0.00 self.rotationEnd=0.00 self.rotationEndVariance=0.00 ''' # first parse the pex file, json would have been nicer than xml! _config = parse(pex_file).childNodes[0].childNodes for c in _config: if c.localName is not None: key = c.localName val = {} for v in c.attributes.items(): try: v_tp = int(v[1]) # try int first except ValueError: try: v_tp = float(v[1]) # if not try float except ValueError: v_tp = v[1] # otherwise leave as string if v[0] == 'value': # single value 'value' don't use dictionary val = v_tp break else: val[v[0]] = v_tp # not just a value self.__setattr__(key, val) self._emission_rate = emission_rate # particles per second self._last_emission_time = None self._last_time = None self._new_batch = emission_rate * new_batch # to clump new particles self.scale = scale self.rot_rate = rot_rate self.rot_var = rot_var # make a flag to avoid this expensive operation if no accelerators self.any_acceleration = (self.gravity['x'] != 0.0 or self.gravity['y'] != 0.0 or self.radialAcceleration != 0.0 or self.tangentialAcceleration != 0.0) self.any_colorchange = any(self.startColor[i] != self.finishColor[i] for i in ('red','green','blue','alpha')) ''' Buffer.array_buffer holds [0] vertices[0] x position of centre of point relative to centre of screen in pixels [1] vertices[1] y position [2] vertices[2] z depth but fract(z) is used as a multiplier for point size [3] normals[0] rotation in radians [4] normals[1] red and green values to multiply with the texture [5] normals[2] blue and alph values to multiply with the texture. The values are packed into the whole number and fractional parts of the float i.e. where R and G are between 0.0 and 0.999 normals[:,2] = floor(999 * R) + G [6] tex_coords[0] distance of left side of sprite square from left side of texture in uv scale 0.0 to 1.0 [7] tex_coords[1] distance of top of sprite square from top of texture for lite version using the mat_pointsprite shader [3:7] hold RGBA in simple float form make additional numpy array to hold the particle info arr[0] x velocity arr[1] y velocity arr[2] lifespan arr[3] lifespan remaining arr[4:8] rgba target values arr[8:12] rgba difference arr[12] size delta (finish size - start size) / full_lifespan arr[13] radial acceleration arr[14] tangential acceleration ''' self.arr = np.zeros((self.maxParticles, 15), dtype='float32') self.point_size = max(self.startParticleSize + self.startParticleSizeVariance, self.finishParticleSize + self.FinishParticleSizeVariance) #NB capital F! super(PexParticles, self).__init__(vertices=np.zeros((self.maxParticles, 3), dtype='float32'), normals=np.zeros((self.maxParticles, 3), dtype='float32'), tex_coords=np.zeros((self.maxParticles, 2), dtype='float32'), point_size=self.point_size * self.scale, **kwargs) # pass to Points.__init__() if self.texture['name'] == 'circle': # TODO alternative geometries self.lite = True shader = Shader('mat_pointsprite') self.set_shader(shader) self.buf[0].unib[0] = hardness else: self.lite = False shader = Shader('uv_pointsprite') try: tex = Texture(self.texture['name']) # obvious first! except: import os tex = Texture(os.path.join( os.path.split(pex_file)[0], self.texture['name'])) self.set_draw_details(shader, [tex]) self.unif[48] = 1.0 # sprite uses whole image
# create splash screen and draw it splash = ImageSprite("textures/tiger_splash.jpg", shade2d, w=10, h=10, z=0.2) splash.draw() DISPLAY.swap_buffers() # create environment cube ectex = EnvironmentCube.loadECfiles('textures/ecubes/Miramar', 'miramar_256', suffix='png') myecube = EnvironmentCube.EnvironmentCube(size=1800.0, maptype='FACES') myecube.set_draw_details(flatsh, ectex) # Create elevation map mapwidth = 2000.0 mapdepth = 2000.0 mapheight = 100.0 mountimg1 = Texture('textures/mountains3_512.jpg') bumpimg = Texture('textures/grasstile_n.jpg') tigerbmp = Texture('models/Tiger/tiger_bump.jpg') topbmp = Texture('models/Tiger/top_bump.jpg') #roadway = Texture('textures/road5.png') mymap = ElevationMap(mapfile='textures/mountainsHgt2.png', width=mapwidth, depth=mapdepth, height=mapheight, divx=64, divy=64) mymap.buf[0].set_draw_details(shader, [mountimg1, bumpimg], 128.0, 0.0) FOG = (0.7, 0.8, 0.9, 0.5) def set_fog(shape): shape.set_fog(FOG, 1000.0)
# Setup display and initialise pi3d DISPLAY = Display.create(x=10, y=10, w=900, h=600, frames_per_second=25) DISPLAY.set_background(0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1.0) # r,g,b,alpha persp_cam = Camera.instance() # default instance camera perspecive view ortho_cam = Camera(is_3d=False) # 2d orthographic view camera #setup textures, light position and initial model position Light((0, 5, 0)) #create shaders shader = Shader("shaders/uv_reflect") flatsh = Shader("shaders/uv_flat") defocus = Defocus() #Create textures shapeimg = Texture("textures/straw1.jpg") shapebump = Texture("textures/floor_nm.jpg", True) shapeshine = Texture("textures/pong3.png") #Create shape myshape = MergeShape(camera=persp_cam) #specify perspective view asphere = Sphere(sides=16, slices=16) myshape.radialCopy(asphere, step=72) myshape.position(0.0, 0.0, 5.0) myshape.set_draw_details(shader, [shapeimg, shapebump, shapeshine], 8.0, 0.1) mysprite = Sprite(w=10.0, h=10.0, camera=persp_cam) mysprite.position(0.0, 0.0, 15.0) mysprite.set_draw_details(flatsh, [shapebump]) tick = 0
cloud_depth = 350.0 zd = 1.0 * cloud_depth / cloudno MARGIN = 100 # Setup display and initialise pi3d DISPLAY = Display.create(x=MARGIN, y=MARGIN) scnx = DISPLAY.width scny = DISPLAY.height DISPLAY.set_background(0, 0.7, 1, 1) shader = Shader("shaders/uv_flat") ############################# cloudTex = [] cloudTex.append(Texture("textures/cloud2.png", True)) cloudTex.append(Texture("textures/cloud3.png", True)) cloudTex.append(Texture("textures/cloud4.png", True)) cloudTex.append(Texture("textures/cloud5.png", True)) cloudTex.append(Texture("textures/cloud6.png", True)) # Setup cloud positions and cloud image refs cz = 0.0 clouds = [] # an array for the clouds for b in range(0, cloudno): size = 0.5 + random.random() / 2.0 cloud = Sprite(w=size * widex, h=size * widey, x=150.0 * (random.random() - 0.5), y=0.0, z=cloud_depth - cz)
from pi3d.shape.EnvironmentCube import EnvironmentCube from pi3d.shape.EnvironmentCube import loadECfiles from pi3d.util.Screenshot import screenshot from pi3d.util import Utility # Setup display and initialise pi3d DISPLAY = Display.create(x=50, y=50) shader = Shader('shaders/uv_flat') #======================================== #select the environment cube with 'box'... box = 3 if box == 0: ectex = [Texture('textures/ecubes/skybox_interstellar.jpg')] myecube = EnvironmentCube(size=900.0, maptype='CROSS') elif box == 1: ectex = [Texture('textures/ecubes/SkyBox.jpg')] myecube = EnvironmentCube(size=900.0, maptype='HALFCROSS') elif box == 2: ectex = loadECfiles('textures/ecubes', 'sbox_interstellar', nobottom=True) myecube = EnvironmentCube(size=900.0, maptype='FACES', nobottom=True) else: ectex = loadECfiles('textures/ecubes', 'skybox_hall') myecube = EnvironmentCube(size=900.0, maptype='FACES') myecube.set_draw_details(shader, ectex) rot = 0.0 tilt = 0.0
def loadFileOBJ(model, fileName): """Loads an obj file with associated mtl file to produce Buffer object as part of a Shape. Arguments: *model* Model object to add to. *fileName* Path and name of obj file relative to top directory. """ model.coordinateSystem = "Y-up" model.parent = None model.childModel = [ ] # don't really need parent and child pointers but will speed up traversing tree model.vNormal = False model.vGroup = {} # holds the information for each vertex group # read in the file and parse into some arrays filePath = os.path.split(os.path.abspath(fileName))[0] print filePath f = open(fileName, 'r') vertices = [] normals = [] uvs = [] faces = {} materials = {} material = "" mcounter = 0 mcurrent = 0 numv = [ ] #number of vertices for each material (nb each vertex will have three coords) numi = [] #number of indices (triangle corners) for each material mtllib = "" # current face state group = 0 objct = 0 smooth = 0 for l in f: chunks = l.split() if len(chunks) > 0: # Vertices as (x,y,z) coordinates # v 0.123 0.234 0.345 if chunks[0] == "v" and len(chunks) == 4: x = float(chunks[1]) y = float(chunks[2]) z = -float(chunks[3]) # z direction away in gl es 2.0 shaders vertices.append((x, y, z)) # Normals in (x, y, z) form; normals might not be unit # vn 0.707 0.000 0.707 if chunks[0] == "vn" and len(chunks) == 4: x = float(chunks[1]) y = float(chunks[2]) z = -float(chunks[3]) # z direction away in gl es 2.0 shaders normals.append((x, y, z)) # Texture coordinates in (u,v) # vt 0.500 -1.352 if chunks[0] == "vt" and len(chunks) >= 3: u = float(chunks[1]) v = float(chunks[2]) uvs.append((u, v)) # Face if chunks[0] == "f" and len(chunks) >= 4: vertex_index = [] uv_index = [] normal_index = [] # Precompute vert / normal / uv lists # for negative index lookup vertlen = len(vertices) + 1 normlen = len(normals) + 1 uvlen = len(uvs) + 1 if len(numv) < (mcurrent + 1): numv.append(0) if len(numi) < (mcurrent + 1): numi.append(0) for v in chunks[1:]: numv[mcurrent] += 1 numi[mcurrent] += 3 vertex = parse_vertex(v) if vertex['v']: if vertex['v'] < 0: vertex['v'] += vertlen vertex_index.append(vertex['v']) if vertex['t']: if vertex['t'] < 0: vertex['t'] += uvlen uv_index.append(vertex['t']) if vertex['n']: if vertex['n'] < 0: vertex['n'] += normlen normal_index.append(vertex['n']) numi[ mcurrent] -= 6 # number of corners of triangle = (n-2)*3 where n is the number of corners of face if not mcurrent in faces: faces[mcurrent] = [] faces[mcurrent].append({ 'vertex': vertex_index, 'uv': uv_index, 'normal': normal_index, 'group': group, 'object': objct, 'smooth': smooth, }) # Group if chunks[0] == "g" and len(chunks) == 2: group = chunks[1] # Object if chunks[0] == "o" and len(chunks) == 2: objct = chunks[1] # Materials definition if chunks[0] == "mtllib" and len(chunks) == 2: mtllib = chunks[1] # Material if chunks[0] == "usemtl": if len(chunks) > 1: material = chunks[1] else: material = "" if not material in materials: mcurrent = mcounter materials[material] = mcounter mcounter += 1 else: mcurrent = materials[material] # Smooth shading if chunks[0] == "s" and len(chunks) == 2: smooth = chunks[1] if VERBOSE: print "materials: ", materials print "numv: ", numv for g in faces: numv[g] -= 1 numi[g] -= 1 g_vertices = [] g_normals = [] g_tex_coords = [] g_indices = [] i = 0 # vertex counter in this material if VERBOSE: print "len uv=", len(vertices) for f in faces[g]: iStart = i for v in range(len(f['vertex'])): g_vertices.append(vertices[f['vertex'][v] - 1]) g_normals.append(normals[f['normal'][v] - 1]) if (len(f['uv']) > 0 and len(uvs[f['uv'][v] - 1]) == 2): g_tex_coords.append(uvs[f['uv'][v] - 1]) i += 1 n = i - iStart - 1 for t in range(1, n): g_indices.append((iStart, iStart + t + 1, iStart + t)) model.buf.append( Buffer(model, g_vertices, g_tex_coords, g_indices, g_normals)) n = len(model.buf) - 1 model.vGroup[g] = n model.buf[n].indicesLen = len(model.buf[n].indices) model.buf[n].material = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0) model.buf[n].ttype = GL_TRIANGLES #for i in range(len(model.vGroup[g].normals)): # print model.vGroup[g].normals[i], if VERBOSE: print print "indices=", len(model.buf[n].indices) print "vertices=", len(model.buf[n].vertices) print "normals=", len(model.buf[n].normals) print "tex_coords=", len(model.buf[n].tex_coords) material_lib = parse_mtl(open(os.path.join(filePath, mtllib), 'r')) for m in materials: if VERBOSE: print m if 'mapDiffuse' in material_lib[m]: tfileName = material_lib[m]['mapDiffuse'] model.buf[model.vGroup[materials[m]]].texFile = tfileName model.buf[model.vGroup[materials[m]]].textures = [ Texture(os.path.join(filePath, tfileName), False, True) ] # load from file else: model.buf[model.vGroup[materials[m]]].texFile = None model.buf[model.vGroup[materials[m]]].textures = [] if 'colorDiffuse' in material_lib[ m]: #TODO don't create this array if texture being used though not exclusive. #TODO check this works with appropriate mtl file redVal = material_lib[m]['colorDiffuse'][0] grnVal = material_lib[m]['colorDiffuse'][1] bluVal = material_lib[m]['colorDiffuse'][2] model.buf[model.vGroup[materials[m]]].material = (redVal, grnVal, bluVal, 1.0) model.buf[model.vGroup[materials[m]]].unib[3:6] = [ redVal, grnVal, bluVal ]
from pi3d.shape.Sphere import Sphere from pi3d.util.Screenshot import screenshot # Setup display and initialise pi3d DISPLAY = Display.create(x=50, y=50, w=-100, h=-100, background=(0.4, 0.8, 0.8, 1)) shader = Shader("shaders/uv_reflect") flatsh = Shader("shaders/uv_flat") ############################# # Load textures reflcn = Texture("textures/stars.jpg") #load environment cube ectex = loadECfiles("textures/ecubes", "sbox_interstellar") myecube = EnvironmentCube(size=900.0, maptype="FACES") myecube.set_draw_details(flatsh, ectex) # Create elevation map mapwidth = 1000.0 mapdepth = 1000.0 mapheight = 60.0 mountimg1 = Texture("textures/mars_colour.png") bumpimg = Texture("textures/mudnormal.jpg") mymap = ElevationMap(mapfile="textures/mars_height.png", width=mapwidth, depth=mapdepth,
from pi3d.Shader import Shader from pi3d.Light import Light from pi3d.shape.Model import Model from pi3d.util.Screenshot import screenshot # Setup display and initialise pi3d DISPLAY = Display.create(x=100, y=100, background=(0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 1)) Light((1, 1, 1)) shader = Shader("shaders/mat_reflect") #======================================== # load bump and reflection textures bumptex = Texture("textures/floor_nm.jpg") shinetex = Texture("textures/stars.jpg") # load model_loadmodel mymodel = Model(file_string='models/teapot.egg', name='teapot', x=0, y=0, z=10) mymodel.set_shader(shader) # material is set in the file mymodel.set_normal_shine(bumptex, 4.0, shinetex, 0.2, is_uv = False) # Fetch key presses mykeys = Keyboard() while DISPLAY.loop_running(): mymodel.draw() mymodel.rotateIncY(2.0) mymodel.rotateIncZ(0.1)
def __init__(self, textures, shader, camera=None, light=None, w=1.0, h=1.0, name="", x=0.0, y=0.0, z=20.0, rx=0.0, ry=0.0, rz=0.0, sx=1.0, sy=1.0, sz=1.0, cx=0.0, cy=0.0, cz=0.0): """Uses standard constructor for Shape. Arguments: *textures* must be a two dimensional list of lists of textures or strings (which must be the path/names of image files) The array runs left to right then down so six textures in spreadsheet notation would be [[R1C1, R1C2], [R2C1, R2C2], [R3C1, R3C2]] *shader* shader to use Extra keyword arguments: *w* Width. *h* Height. """ try: nh = len(textures) nw = len(textures[0]) super(MultiSprite, self).__init__(camera, light, name, x, y, z, rx, ry, rz, sx, sy, sz, cx, cy, cz) self.width = w self.height = h self.ttype = GL_TRIANGLES self.verts = [] self.norms = [] self.texcoords = [] self.inds = [] ww = w / 2.0 / nw hh = h / 2.0 / nh self.buf = [] for i in range(nw): for j in range(nh): offw = w * ((1.0 - nw) / 2.0 + i) / nw offh = -h * ((1.0 - nh) / 2.0 + j) / nh self.verts = ((-ww + offw, hh + offh, 0.0), (ww + offw, hh + offh, 0.0), (ww + offw, -hh + offh, 0.0), (-ww + offw, -hh + offh, 0.0)) self.norms = ((0, 0, -1), (0, 0, -1), (0, 0, -1), (0, 0, -1)) self.texcoords = ((0.0, 0.0), (1.0, 0.0), (1.0, 1.0), (0.0, 1.0)) self.inds = ((0, 1, 3), (1, 2, 3)) thisbuf = Buffer(self, self.verts, self.texcoords, self.inds, self.norms) if not isinstance(textures[j][i], Texture): # i.e. can load from file name textures[j][i] = Texture(textures[j][i]) thisbuf.textures = [textures[j][i]] self.buf.append(thisbuf) self.set_shader(shader) self.set_2d_size() # method in Shape, default full window size except IndexError: print('Must supply a list of lists of Textures or strings') return
print("move this terminal window to top of screen to see FPS") print("=====================================================") # Setup display and initialise pi3d DISPLAY = Display.create(x=200, y=150, frames_per_second=25.0) DISPLAY.set_background(0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 0.5) # r,g,b,alpha #setup textures, light position and initial model position Light((5, -5, 8)) #create shaders shader = Shader("shaders/uv_reflect") matsh = Shader("shaders/mat_reflect") flatsh = Shader("shaders/uv_flat") #Create textures shapeimg = Texture("textures/straw1.jpg") shapebump = Texture("textures/mudnormal.jpg") waterbump = [] iFiles = glob.glob("textures/water/n_norm???.png") iFiles.sort() # order is vital to animation! for f in iFiles: waterbump.append(Texture(f)) num_n = len(waterbump) shapeshine = Texture("textures/stars.jpg") #Create shape myshape = MergeShape() num = (2, 2) asphere = Sphere(sides=32) for i in range(num[0]): for j in range(num[1]):
def loadFileOBJ(model, fileName): """Loads an obj file with associated mtl file to produce Buffer object as part of a Shape. Arguments: *model* Model object to add to. *fileName* Path and name of obj file relative to program file. """ model.coordinateSystem = "Y-up" model.parent = None #model.childModel = [] # don't really need parent and child pointers but will speed up traversing tree model.vNormal = False model.vGroup = {} # holds the information for each vertex group # read in the file and parse into some arrays, name='teapot', z=4 #import os if fileName[0] != '/': for p in sys.path: if os.path.isfile( p + '/' + fileName ): # this could theoretically get different files with same name fileName = p + '/' + fileName break filePath = os.path.split(os.path.abspath(fileName))[0] f = open(fileName, 'r') vertices = [] normals = [] uvs = [] faces = {} materials = {} material = "" mcounter = 0 mcurrent = 0 numv = [ ] #number of vertices for each material (nb each vertex will have three coords) numi = [] #number of indices (triangle corners) for each material mtllib = "" # current face state group = 0 objct = 0 smooth = 0 for l in f: chunks = l.split() if len(chunks) > 0: # Vertices as (x,y,z) coordinates # v 0.123 0.234 0.345 if chunks[0] == "v" and len(chunks) >= 4: x = float(chunks[1]) y = float(chunks[2]) z = -float(chunks[3]) # z direction away in gl es 2.0 shaders vertices.append((x, y, z)) # Normals in (x, y, z) form; normals might not be unit # vn 0.707 0.000 0.707 if chunks[0] == "vn" and len(chunks) >= 4: x = float(chunks[1]) y = float(chunks[2]) z = -float(chunks[3]) # z direction away in gl es 2.0 shaders normals.append((x, y, z)) # Texture coordinates in (u,v) # vt 0.500 -1.352 if chunks[0] == "vt" and len(chunks) >= 3: u = float(chunks[1]) v = float(chunks[2]) uvs.append((u, v)) # Face if chunks[0] == "f" and len(chunks) >= 4: vertex_index = [] uv_index = [] normal_index = [] # Precompute vert / normal / uv lists # for negative index lookup vertlen = len(vertices) + 1 normlen = len(normals) + 1 uvlen = len(uvs) + 1 if len(numv) < (mcurrent + 1): numv.append(0) if len(numi) < (mcurrent + 1): numi.append(0) for v in chunks[1:]: numv[mcurrent] += 1 numi[mcurrent] += 3 vertex = parse_vertex(v) if vertex['v']: if vertex['v'] < 0: vertex['v'] += vertlen vertex_index.append(vertex['v']) if vertex['t']: if vertex['t'] < 0: vertex['t'] += uvlen uv_index.append(vertex['t']) if vertex['n']: if vertex['n'] < 0: vertex['n'] += normlen normal_index.append(vertex['n']) numi[ mcurrent] -= 6 # number of corners of triangle = (n-2)*3 where n is the number of corners of face if not mcurrent in faces: faces[mcurrent] = [] faces[mcurrent].append({ 'vertex': vertex_index, 'uv': uv_index, 'normal': normal_index, 'group': group, 'object': objct, 'smooth': smooth, }) # Group if chunks[0] == "g" and len(chunks) == 2: group = chunks[1] # Object if chunks[0] == "o" and len(chunks) == 2: objct = chunks[1] # Materials definition if chunks[0] == "mtllib" and len(chunks) == 2: mtllib = chunks[1] # Material if chunks[0] == "usemtl": if len(chunks) > 1: material = chunks[1] else: material = "" if not material in materials: mcurrent = mcounter materials[material] = mcounter mcounter += 1 else: mcurrent = materials[material] # Smooth shading if chunks[0] == "s" and len(chunks) == 2: smooth = chunks[1]"materials: %s\nnumv: %s", materials, numv) for g in faces: numv[g] -= 1 numi[g] -= 1 g_vertices = [] g_normals = [] g_tex_coords = [] g_indices = [] i = 0 # vertex counter in this material"len uv=", len(vertices)) for f in faces[g]: iStart = i length = len(f['vertex']) length_n = len(f['normal']) #for component in 'normal', 'uv': # if length > len(f[component]): # LOGGER.error('There were more vertices than %ss: %d > %d', # component, length, len(f[component])) # length = len(f[component]) for v in range(length): g_vertices.append(vertices[f['vertex'][v] - 1]) if length_n == length: #only use normals if there is one for each vertex g_normals.append(normals[f['normal'][v] - 1]) if (len(f['uv']) > 0 and len(uvs[f['uv'][v] - 1]) == 2): g_tex_coords.append(uvs[f['uv'][v] - 1]) i += 1 n = i - iStart - 1 for t in range(1, n): g_indices.append((iStart, iStart + t + 1, iStart + t)) if len(g_normals) != len(g_vertices): g_normals = None # force Buffer.__init__() to generate normals model.buf.append( Buffer(model, g_vertices, g_tex_coords, g_indices, g_normals)) n = len(model.buf) - 1 model.vGroup[g] = n model.buf[n].indicesLen = len(model.buf[n].element_array_buffer) model.buf[n].material = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0) model.buf[n].ttype = GL_TRIANGLES"indices=%s\nvertices=%s", len(model.buf[n].element_array_buffer), len(model.buf[n].array_buffer)) try: material_lib = parse_mtl(open(os.path.join(filePath, mtllib), 'r')) for m in materials: if 'mapDiffuse' in material_lib[m]: tfileName = material_lib[m]['mapDiffuse'] model.buf[model.vGroup[materials[m]]].texFile = tfileName model.buf[model.vGroup[materials[m]]].textures = [ Texture(filePath + '/' + tfileName, blend=False, flip=True) ] # load from file else: model.buf[model.vGroup[materials[m]]].texFile = None model.buf[model.vGroup[materials[m]]].textures = [] if 'colorDiffuse' in material_lib[ m]: #TODO don't create this array if texture being used though not exclusive. #TODO check this works with appropriate mtl file redVal = material_lib[m]['colorDiffuse'][0] grnVal = material_lib[m]['colorDiffuse'][1] bluVal = material_lib[m]['colorDiffuse'][2] model.buf[model.vGroup[materials[m]]].material = (redVal, grnVal, bluVal, 1.0) model.buf[model.vGroup[materials[m]]].unib[3:6] = [ redVal, grnVal, bluVal ] except: LOGGER.warning('no material specified')
# Setup display and initialise pi3d DISPLAY = Display.create(x=100, y=100) DISPLAY.set_background(0.4, 0.8, 0.8, 1) # r,g,b,alpha # yellowish directional light blueish ambient light Light(lightpos=(1, -1, -3), lightcol=(1.0, 1.0, 0.7), lightamb=(0.15, 0.1, 0.3)) #======================================== # load shader shader = Shader("shaders/uv_reflect") flatsh = Shader("shaders/uv_flat") tree2img = Texture("textures/tree2.png") tree1img = Texture("textures/tree1.png") hb2img = Texture("textures/hornbeam2.png") bumpimg = Texture("textures/grasstile_n.jpg") reflimg = Texture("textures/stars.jpg") rockimg = Texture("textures/rock1.jpg") clash = Clashtest() FOG = ((0.3, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5), 650.0) TFOG = ((0.1, 0.14, 0.12, 0.3), 150.0) #myecube = EnvironmentCube(900.0,"HALFCROSS") ectex = loadECfiles("textures/ecubes", "sbox") myecube = EnvironmentCube(size=900.0, maptype="FACES", name="cube") myecube.set_draw_details(flatsh, ectex)
def loadFileEGG(model, fileName): """Loads an panda3d egg file to produce Buffer object as part of a Shape. Arguments: *model* Model object to add to. *fileName* Path and name of egg file relative to top directory. """ model.coordinateSystem = "Y-up" model.materialList = {} model.textureList = {} model.vertexGroupList = {} model.vertexList = [] model.polygonList = [] model.childModelList = [] model.parentModel = None model.childModel = [] # don't really need parent and child pointers but will speed up traversing tree model.vNormal = False model.vGroup = {} # holds the information for each vertex group # read in the file and parse into some arrays filePath = os.path.split(os.path.abspath(fileName))[0] if VERBOSE: print(filePath) f = open(fileName, 'r') l = # whole thing as a string in memory this will only work for reasonably small files!!! ############### function to parse file as one off process to avoid re-traversing string ######### # convertes the '<a> b { c <d> e {f} <g> h {i} }' structure # into nested arrays ['a', 'b', 'c',[['d','e','',['','','f',[]]],['g','h','',['','','i',[]]]]] def pRec(x, bReg, l, i): while 1: try: nxtFind = advance_iterator(bReg) j = nxtFind.start() except: return i+1 c = l[j] if c == "<": # add entry to array at this level if len(x[3]) == 0: x[2] = l[i:j].strip() # text after "{" and before "<Tabxyz>" i = j+1 # save marker for start of descriptor x[3].append(["", "", "", []]) elif c == "{": xn = x[3][len(x[3])-1] tx = l[i-1:j].strip().split() xn[0] = tx[0] #x[0] & x[1] is the "<Tabxyz>" & "123" prior to "{" xn[1] = tx[1] if len(tx) > 1 else "" i = pRec(xn, bReg, l, j+1) else: #i.e. c="}" # go up one level of recursion if len(x[3]) == 0: x[2] = l[i:j].strip() return j+1 ################### end of pRec ################# ####### go through all the nested <Groups> #################### def groupDrill(gp, np): structVList = {} offsetVList = {} structPList = [] offset = 0 #numv = 0 #numi = 0 for x in gp: if len(x) == 0: continue if ("<Group>" in x[0]): if len(x[1]) > 0: nextnp = np+x[1] else: nextnp = np+str(randint(10000, 99999)) groupDrill(x[3], nextnp) else: #build vertex, polygon, normal, triangles, UVs etc etc if "<VertexPool>" in x[0]: vp = x[1] structVList[vp] = [] offsetVList[vp] = offset for v in x[3]: #if "<Vertex>" in v[0]: #try with this test first! coords = [float(n) for n in v[2].strip().split()] # before first < error if no coords! # texture mapping UVcoords = [] normal = [] for u in v[3]: if "<UV>" in u[0]: UVcoords = [float(n) for n in u[2].strip().split()] #TODO get UVtangent and UVbinormal out of UVset (and use them!) # if ("<Tangent>" in vList[v]): UVtangent = [float(n) for n in (extBracket("<Tangent>", vList[v]))[0].split()] # not sure how to use this at this stage #else: UVtangent = [] # if ("<Binormal>" in vList[v]): UVbinormal = [float(n) for n in (extBracket("<Binormal>", vList[v]))[0].split()] # not sure how to use this at this stage #else: UVbinormal = [] # normals, used in 'smoothing' edges between polygons if "<Normal>" in u[0]: normal = [float(n) for n in u[2].strip().split()] vInt = int(v[1]) while (len(structVList[vp]) < (vInt+1)): structVList[vp].append("") structVList[vp][vInt] = (vertex(coords, UVcoords, normal)) offset += 1 # # now go through splitting out the Polygons from this Group same level as vertexGroup if "<Polygon>" in x[0]: normal = [] rgba = [] MRef = "" TRef = "" for p in x[3]: if ("<Normal>" in p[0]): normal = [float(n) for n in p[2].strip().split()] if ("<RGBA>" in p[0]): rgba = [float(n) for n in p[2].strip().split()] if ("<MRef>" in p[0]): MRef = p[2].strip() if ("<TRef>" in p[0]): TRef = p[2].strip() if ("<VertexRef>" in p[0]): vref = [] for n in p[2].strip().split(): vref.append(int(n)) #numv += 1 #numi += 3 #numi -= 6 # number of corners of triangle = (n-2)*3 where n is the number of corners of face vpKey = p[3][0][2].strip() # ought to do a for r in p[3]; if "Ref in... # add to list #while (len(structPList) < (p+1)): structPList.append("") # structPList.append(polygon(normal, rgba, MRef, TRef, vref, vpKey)) # now go through the polygons in order of vertexPool+id, trying to ensure that the polygon arrays in each group are built in the order of vertexPool names # only cope with one material and one texture per group #numv -= 1 #numi -= 1 g_vertices = [] g_normals = [] g_tex_coords = [] g_indices = [] nv = 0 # vertex counter in this material #ni = 0 # triangle vertex count in this material gMRef = "" gTRef = "" nP = len(structPList) for p in xrange(nP): if (len(structPList[p].MRef) > 0): gMRef = structPList[p].MRef else: gMRef = "" if (len(structPList[p].TRef) > 0): gTRef = structPList[p].TRef else: gTRef = "" vpKey = structPList[p].vpKey vref = structPList[p].vref startV = nv for j in vref: if (len(structVList[vpKey][j].normal) > 0): model.vNormal = True else: model.vNormal = False if model.coordinateSystem == "z-up": thisV = [structVList[vpKey][j].coords[1], structVList[vpKey][j].coords[2], -structVList[vpKey][j].coords[0]] if model.vNormal: thisN = [structVList[vpKey][j].normal[1], structVList[vpKey][j].normal[2], -structVList[vpKey][j].normal[0]] else: thisV = [structVList[vpKey][j].coords[0], structVList[vpKey][j].coords[1], -structVList[vpKey][j].coords[2]] if model.vNormal: thisN = [structVList[vpKey][j].normal[0], structVList[vpKey][j].normal[1], -structVList[vpKey][j].normal[2]] g_vertices.append(thisV) if model.vNormal: nml = thisN else: nml = structPList[p].normal g_normals.append(nml) uvc = structVList[vpKey][j].UVcoords if (len(uvc) == 2): g_tex_coords.append(uvc) else: g_tex_coords.append([0.0, 0.0]) nv += 1 n = nv - startV - 1 for j in range(1, n): g_indices.append((startV, startV + j + 1, startV + j)) ilen = len(g_vertices) if ilen > 0: model.buf.append(Buffer(model, g_vertices, g_tex_coords, g_indices, g_normals)) n = len(model.buf) - 1 model.vGroup[np] = n model.buf[n].indicesLen = ilen model.buf[n].material = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0) model.buf[n].ttype = GL_TRIANGLES # load the texture file TODO check if same as previously loaded files (for other loadModel()s) if (gTRef in model.textureList): model.buf[model.vGroup[np]].textures = [model.textureList[gTRef]["texID"]] model.buf[model.vGroup[np]].texFile = model.textureList[gTRef]["filename"] else: model.buf[model.vGroup[np]].textures = [] model.buf[model.vGroup[np]].texFile = None #TODO don't create this array if texture being used but should be able to combine if (gMRef in model.materialList): redVal = float(model.materialList[gMRef]["diffr"]) grnVal = float(model.materialList[gMRef]["diffg"]) bluVal = float(model.materialList[gMRef]["diffb"]) model.buf[model.vGroup[np]].material = (redVal, grnVal, bluVal, 1.0) model.buf[model.vGroup[np]].unib[3:6] = [redVal, grnVal, bluVal] else: model.buf[model.vGroup[np]].material = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0) ####### end of groupDrill function ##################### bReg = re.finditer('[{}<]', l) xx = ["", "", "", []] pRec(xx, bReg, l, 0) l = None #in case it's running out of memory? f.close() for x in xx[3]: if "<Texture>" in x[0]: model.textureList[x[1]] = {} for i in xrange(len(x[3])): model.textureList[x[1]][x[3][i][1]] = x[3][i][2] model.textureList[x[1]]["filename"] = x[2].strip("\"") if VERBOSE: print(filePath, model.textureList[x[1]]["filename"]) model.textureList[x[1]]["texID"] = Texture(os.path.join(filePath, model.textureList[x[1]]["filename"]), False, True) # load from file if "<CoordinateSystem>" in x[0]: model.coordinateSystem = x[2].lower() if "<Material>" in x[0]: model.materialList[x[1]] = {} for i in xrange(len(x[3])): model.materialList[x[1]][x[3][i][1]] = x[3][i][2] if "<Group>" in x[0]: groupDrill(x[3], x[1])
from pi3d.shape.Building import Building, corridor, SolidObject, Size, Position from pi3d.util.Screenshot import screenshot from pi3d.Light import Light from pi3d.event.Event import InputEvents # Setup display and initialise pi3d DISPLAY = Display.create(x=150, y=150, background=(0.4, 0.8, 0.8, 1)) shader = Shader("shaders/uv_reflect") flatsh = Shader("shaders/uv_flat") ############################# # Load textures blockimg = Texture("textures/squareblocks4.png") roofedgeimg = Texture("textures/roofedging.png") roofimg = Texture("textures/Roof.png") greenimg = Texture("textures/squareblocks4green.png") ectex = loadECfiles("textures/ecubes", "sbox", "jpg") myecube = EnvironmentCube(size=900.0, maptype="FACES") myecube.set_draw_details(flatsh, ectex) # Create elevation map mapwidth=1000.0 mapdepth=1000.0 mapheight=60.0 floorimg = Texture("textures/dunes3_512.jpg") bumpimg = Texture("textures/mudnormal.jpg") mymap = ElevationMap(mapfile="textures/mountainsHgt2.png", width=mapwidth, depth=mapdepth, height=mapheight,