class PiApplication(object): def __init__(self, config): self.config = config # Clean directory where pictures are saved self.savedir = config.getpath('GENERAL', 'directory') if not osp.isdir(self.savedir): os.makedirs(self.savedir) if osp.isdir(self.savedir) and config.getboolean( 'GENERAL', 'clear_on_startup'): shutil.rmtree(self.savedir) os.makedirs(self.savedir) # Prepare GPIO, physical pins mode GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BOARD) # Prepare the pygame module for use os.environ['SDL_VIDEO_CENTERED'] = '1' pygame.init() # Dont catch mouse motion to avoid filling the queue during long actions pygame.event.set_blocked(pygame.MOUSEMOTION) # Create window of (width, height) init_size = self.config.gettyped('WINDOW', 'size') init_debug = self.config.getboolean('GENERAL', 'debug') init_color = self.config.gettyped('WINDOW', 'background') init_text_color = self.config.gettyped('WINDOW', 'text_color') if not isinstance(init_color, (tuple, list)): init_color = self.config.getpath('WINDOW', 'background') if not isinstance(init_size, str): self.window = PtbWindow('Pibooth', init_size, color=init_color, text_color=init_text_color, debug=init_debug) else: self.window = PtbWindow('Pibooth', color=init_color, text_color=init_text_color, debug=init_debug) self.state_machine = StateMachine(self) self.state_machine.add_state(StateWait()) self.state_machine.add_state( StateChoose(30)) # 30s before going back to the start self.state_machine.add_state(StateChosen(4)) self.state_machine.add_state(StateCapture()) self.state_machine.add_state(StateProcessing()) self.state_machine.add_state(StatePrint()) self.state_machine.add_state(StateFinish(0.5)) = camera.get_camera( config.getint('CAMERA', 'iso'), config.gettyped('CAMERA', 'resolution'), config.getint('CAMERA', 'rotation'), config.getboolean('CAMERA', 'flip'), config.getboolean('CAMERA', 'delete_internal_memory')) # Initialize the hardware buttons self.led_capture = PtbLed(config.getint('CONTROLS', 'picture_led_pin')) self.button_capture = PtbButton( config.getint('CONTROLS', 'picture_btn_pin'), config.getfloat('CONTROLS', 'debounce_delay')) self.led_print = PtbLed(config.getint('CONTROLS', 'print_led_pin')) self.button_print = PtbButton( config.getint('CONTROLS', 'print_btn_pin'), config.getfloat('CONTROLS', 'debounce_delay')) self.led_startup = PtbLed(config.getint('CONTROLS', 'startup_led_pin')) self.led_preview = PtbLed(config.getint('CONTROLS', 'preview_led_pin')) # Initialize the printer self.printer = PtbPrinter(config.get('PRINTER', 'printer_name')) # Variables shared between states self.dirname = None self.makers_pool = PicturesMakersPool() self.capture_nbr = None self.capture_choices = (4, 1) self.nbr_duplicates = 0 self.previous_picture = None self.previous_animated = [] self.previous_picture_file = None def initialize(self): """Restore the application with initial parameters defined in the configuration file. Only parameters that can be changed at runtime are restored. """ # Handle the language configuration language.CURRENT = self.config.get('GENERAL', 'language') fonts.CURRENT = fonts.get_filename( self.config.gettuple('PICTURE', 'text_fonts', str)[0]) # Set the captures choices choices = self.config.gettuple('PICTURE', 'captures', int) for chx in choices: if chx not in [1, 2, 3, 4]: LOGGER.warning( "Invalid captures number '%s' in config, fallback to '%s'", chx, self.capture_choices) choices = self.capture_choices break self.capture_choices = choices # Reset printed pages number self.printer.nbr_printed = 0 # Handle autostart of the application self.config.enable_autostart( self.config.getboolean('GENERAL', 'autostart')) self.window.arrow_location = self.config.get('WINDOW', 'arrows') self.window.arrow_offset = self.config.getint('WINDOW', 'arrows_x_offset') self.window.drop_cache() # Handle window size size = self.config.gettyped('WINDOW', 'size') if isinstance(size, str) and size.lower() == 'fullscreen': if not self.window.is_fullscreen: self.window.toggle_fullscreen() else: if self.window.is_fullscreen: self.window.toggle_fullscreen() self.window.debug = self.config.getboolean('GENERAL', 'debug') # Handle debug mode if not self.config.getboolean('GENERAL', 'debug'): set_logging_level() # Restore default level self.state_machine.add_failsafe_state(StateFailSafe(2)) else: set_logging_level(logging.DEBUG) self.state_machine.remove_state('failsafe') # Initialize state machine self.state_machine.set_state('wait') @property def printer_unavailable(self): """Return True is paper/ink counter is reached or printing is disabled """ if self.config.getint('PRINTER', 'max_pages') < 0: # No limit return False return self.printer.nbr_printed >= self.config.getint( 'PRINTER', 'max_pages') def find_quit_event(self, events): """Return the first found event if found in the list. """ for event in events: if event.type == pygame.QUIT: return event return None def find_settings_event(self, events, type_filter=None): """Return the first found event if found in the list. """ event_capture = None event_print = None for event in events: if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN and event.key == pygame.K_ESCAPE and \ (type_filter is None or type_filter == event.type): return event if event.type == BUTTON_DOWN: if == self.button_capture and ( type_filter is None or type_filter == event.type): event_capture = event elif == self.button_print and ( type_filter is None or type_filter == event.type): event_print = event if event_capture and event_print: return event_capture # One of both (return != None is enough) return None def find_fullscreen_event(self, events): """Return the first found event if found in the list. """ for event in events: if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN and \ event.key == pygame.K_f and pygame.key.get_mods() & pygame.KMOD_CTRL: return event return None def find_resize_event(self, events): """Return the first found event if found in the list. """ for event in events: if event.type == pygame.VIDEORESIZE: return event return None def find_capture_event(self, events, type_filter=None): """Return the first found event if found in the list. """ for event in events: if (event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN and event.key == pygame.K_p) or \ (event.type == BUTTON_DOWN and == self.button_capture): if type_filter is None or type_filter == event.type: return event elif event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONUP: rect = self.window.get_rect() if pygame.Rect(0, 0, rect.width // 2, rect.height).collidepoint(event.pos): if type_filter is None or type_filter == event.type: return event return None def find_print_event(self, events, type_filter=None): """Return the first found event if found in the list. """ for event in events: if (event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN and event.key == pygame.K_e and pygame.key.get_mods() & pygame.KMOD_CTRL) or \ (event.type == BUTTON_DOWN and == self.button_print): if type_filter is None or type_filter == event.type: return event elif event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONUP: rect = self.window.get_rect() if pygame.Rect(rect.width // 2, 0, rect.width // 2, rect.height).collidepoint(event.pos): if type_filter is None or type_filter == event.type: return event return None def find_print_status_event(self, events): """Return the first found event if found in the list. """ for event in events: if event.type == PRINTER_TASKS_UPDATED: return event return None def find_choice_event(self, events): """Return the first found event if found in the list. """ for event in events: if (event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN and event.key == pygame.K_LEFT) or \ (event.type == BUTTON_DOWN and == self.button_capture): event.key = pygame.K_LEFT return event elif (event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN and event.key == pygame.K_RIGHT) or \ (event.type == BUTTON_DOWN and == self.button_print): event.key = pygame.K_RIGHT return event elif event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONUP: rect = self.window.get_rect() if pygame.Rect(0, 0, rect.width // 2, rect.height).collidepoint(event.pos): event.key = pygame.K_LEFT else: event.key = pygame.K_RIGHT return event return None def main_loop(self): """Run the main game loop. """ try: clock = pygame.time.Clock() self.led_startup.switch_on() self.initialize() menu = None fps = 40 while True: events = list(pygame.event.get()) if self.find_quit_event(events): break if self.find_fullscreen_event(events): self.window.toggle_fullscreen() event = self.find_resize_event(events) if event: self.window.resize(event.size) if not menu and self.find_settings_event(events): menu = PiConfigMenu(self.window, self.config, fps) if menu and menu.is_shown(): # Convert HW button events to keyboard events for menu if self.find_settings_event(events, BUTTON_DOWN): events.insert(0, menu.create_back_event()) if self.find_capture_event(events, BUTTON_DOWN): events.insert(0, menu.create_next_event()) elif self.find_print_event(events, BUTTON_DOWN): events.insert(0, menu.create_click_event()) menu.process(events) elif menu and not menu.is_shown(): self.initialize() menu = None else: self.state_machine.process(events) pygame.display.update() clock.tick( fps ) # Ensure the program will never run at more than x frames per second finally: self.makers_pool.quit() self.led_startup.quit() self.led_preview.quit() self.led_capture.quit() self.led_print.quit() GPIO.cleanup() self.printer.quit() pygame.quit()
def __init__(self, config): self.config = config # Clean directory where pictures are saved self.savedir = config.getpath('GENERAL', 'directory') if not osp.isdir(self.savedir): os.makedirs(self.savedir) if osp.isdir(self.savedir) and config.getboolean( 'GENERAL', 'clear_on_startup'): shutil.rmtree(self.savedir) os.makedirs(self.savedir) # Prepare GPIO, physical pins mode GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BOARD) # Prepare the pygame module for use os.environ['SDL_VIDEO_CENTERED'] = '1' pygame.init() # Dont catch mouse motion to avoid filling the queue during long actions pygame.event.set_blocked(pygame.MOUSEMOTION) # Create window of (width, height) init_size = self.config.gettyped('WINDOW', 'size') init_debug = self.config.getboolean('GENERAL', 'debug') init_color = self.config.gettyped('WINDOW', 'background') init_text_color = self.config.gettyped('WINDOW', 'text_color') if not isinstance(init_color, (tuple, list)): init_color = self.config.getpath('WINDOW', 'background') if not isinstance(init_size, str): self.window = PtbWindow('Pibooth', init_size, color=init_color, text_color=init_text_color, debug=init_debug) else: self.window = PtbWindow('Pibooth', color=init_color, text_color=init_text_color, debug=init_debug) self.state_machine = StateMachine(self) self.state_machine.add_state(StateWait()) self.state_machine.add_state( StateChoose(30)) # 30s before going back to the start self.state_machine.add_state(StateChosen(4)) self.state_machine.add_state(StateCapture()) self.state_machine.add_state(StateProcessing()) self.state_machine.add_state(StatePrint()) self.state_machine.add_state(StateFinish(0.5)) = camera.get_camera( config.getint('CAMERA', 'iso'), config.gettyped('CAMERA', 'resolution'), config.getint('CAMERA', 'rotation'), config.getboolean('CAMERA', 'flip'), config.getboolean('CAMERA', 'delete_internal_memory')) # Initialize the hardware buttons self.led_capture = PtbLed(config.getint('CONTROLS', 'picture_led_pin')) self.button_capture = PtbButton( config.getint('CONTROLS', 'picture_btn_pin'), config.getfloat('CONTROLS', 'debounce_delay')) self.led_print = PtbLed(config.getint('CONTROLS', 'print_led_pin')) self.button_print = PtbButton( config.getint('CONTROLS', 'print_btn_pin'), config.getfloat('CONTROLS', 'debounce_delay')) self.led_startup = PtbLed(config.getint('CONTROLS', 'startup_led_pin')) self.led_preview = PtbLed(config.getint('CONTROLS', 'preview_led_pin')) # Initialize the printer self.printer = PtbPrinter(config.get('PRINTER', 'printer_name')) # Variables shared between states self.dirname = None self.makers_pool = PicturesMakersPool() self.capture_nbr = None self.capture_choices = (4, 1) self.nbr_duplicates = 0 self.previous_picture = None self.previous_animated = [] self.previous_picture_file = None
def __init__(self, config): self.config = config # Clean directory where pictures are saved self.savedir = config.getpath('GENERAL', 'directory') if not osp.isdir(self.savedir): os.makedirs(self.savedir) if osp.isdir(self.savedir) and config.getboolean( 'GENERAL', 'clear_on_startup'): shutil.rmtree(self.savedir) os.makedirs(self.savedir) # Prepare GPIO, physical pins mode GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BOARD) # Prepare the pygame module for use os.environ['SDL_VIDEO_CENTERED'] = '1' pygame.init() # Dont catch mouse motion to avoid filling the queue during long actions pygame.event.set_blocked(pygame.MOUSEMOTION) # Create window of (width, height) init_size = self.config.gettyped('WINDOW', 'size') if not isinstance(init_size, str): self.window = PtbWindow('Pibooth', init_size) else: self.window = PtbWindow('Pibooth') self.state_machine = StateMachine(self) self.state_machine.add_state(StateWait()) self.state_machine.add_state( StateChoose(30)) # 30s before going back to the start self.state_machine.add_state(StateChosen(4)) self.state_machine.add_state(StateCapture()) self.state_machine.add_state(StateProcessing()) self.state_machine.add_state(StatePrint()) self.state_machine.add_state(StateFinish(0.5)) # Initialize the camera. If gPhoto2 camera is used, try to kill # any process using gPhoto2 as it may block camera access if camera.gp_camera_connected() and camera.rpi_camera_connected(): cam_class = camera.HybridCamera pkill('*gphoto2*') elif camera.gp_camera_connected(): cam_class = camera.GpCamera pkill('*gphoto2*') elif camera.rpi_camera_connected(): cam_class = camera.RpiCamera elif camera.cv_camera_connected(): cam_class = camera.CvCamera else: raise EnvironmentError( "Neither Raspberry Pi nor GPhoto2 nor OpenCV camera detected") = cam_class(config.getint('CAMERA', 'iso'), config.gettyped('CAMERA', 'resolution'), config.getint('CAMERA', 'rotation'), config.getboolean('CAMERA', 'flip')) # Initialize the hardware buttons self.led_capture = PtbLed(config.getint('CONTROLS', 'picture_led_pin')) self.button_capture = PtbButton( config.getint('CONTROLS', 'picture_btn_pin'), config.getfloat('CONTROLS', 'debounce_delay')) self.led_print = PtbLed(config.getint('CONTROLS', 'print_led_pin')) self.button_print = PtbButton( config.getint('CONTROLS', 'print_btn_pin'), config.getfloat('CONTROLS', 'debounce_delay')) self.led_startup = PtbLed(config.getint('CONTROLS', 'startup_led_pin')) self.led_preview = PtbLed(config.getint('CONTROLS', 'preview_led_pin')) # Initialize the printer self.printer = PtbPrinter(config.get('PRINTER', 'printer_name')) # Variables shared between states self.dirname = None self.makers_pool = PicturesMakersPool() self.capture_nbr = None self.capture_choices = (4, 1) self.nbr_duplicates = 0 self.previous_picture = None self.previous_animated = [] self.previous_picture_file = None