文件: api.py 项目: showlabor/pims
def open(sequence, **kwargs):
    """Read a filename, list of filenames, or directory of image files into an
    iterable that returns images as numpy arrays.

    sequence : string, list of strings, or glob
        The sequence you want to load. This can be a directory containing
        images, a glob ('/path/foo*.png') pattern of images,
        a video file, or a tiff stack
    kwargs :
        All keyword arguments will be passed to the reader.

    >>> video = open('path/to/images/*.png')  # or *.tif, or *.jpg
    >>> imshow(video[0]) # Show the first frame.
    >>> imshow(video[-1]) # Show the last frame.
    >>> imshow(video[1][0:10, 0:10]) # Show one corner of the second frame.

    >>> for frame in video[:]:
    ...    # Do something with every frame.

    >>> for frame in video[10:20]:
    ...    # Do something with frames 10-20.

    >>> for frame in video[[5, 7, 13]]:
    ...    # Do something with frames 5, 7, and 13.

    >>> frame_count = len(video) # Number of frames in video
    >>> frame_shape = video.frame_shape # Pixel dimensions of video
    files = glob.glob(sequence)
    if len(files) > 1:
        # todo: test if ImageSequence can read the image type,
        #       delegate to subclasses as needed
        return ImageSequence(sequence, **kwargs)

    _, ext = os.path.splitext(sequence)
    if ext is None or len(ext) < 2:
        raise UnknownFormatError(
            "Could not detect your file type because it did not have an "
            "extension. Try specifying a loader class, e.g. "
    ext = ext.lower()[1:]

    # list all readers derived from the pims baseclasses
    all_handlers = chain(_recursive_subclasses(FramesSequence),
    # keep handlers that support the file ext. use set to avoid duplicates.
    eligible_handlers = set(h for h in all_handlers
                            if ext and ext in map(_drop_dot, h.class_exts()))
    if len(eligible_handlers) < 1:
        raise UnknownFormatError(
            "Could not autodetect how to load a file of type {0}. "
            "Try manually "
            "specifying a loader class, e.g. Video({1})".format(ext, sequence))

    def sort_on_priority(handlers):
        # This uses optional priority information from subclasses
        # > 10 means that it will be used instead of than built-in subclasses
        def priority(cls):
                return cls.class_priority
            except AttributeError:
                return 10
        return sorted(handlers, key=priority, reverse=True)

    exceptions = ''
    for handler in sort_on_priority(eligible_handlers):
            return handler(sequence, **kwargs)
        except Exception as e:
            message = '{0} errored: {1}'.format(str(handler), str(e))
            exceptions += message + '\n'
    raise UnknownFormatError("All handlers returned exceptions:\n" + exceptions)
文件: api.py 项目: alexlib/pims
def open(sequence, process_func=None, dtype=None, as_grey=False, plugin=None):
    """Read a directory of sequentially numbered image files into an
    iterable that returns images as numpy arrays.

    sequence : string, list of strings, or glob
       The sequence you want to load. This can be a directory containing
       images, a glob ('/path/foo*.png') pattern of images,
       a video file, or a tiff stack
    process_func : function, optional
        callable with signalture `proc_img = process_func(img)`,
        which will be applied to the data from each frame
    dtype : numpy datatype, optional
        Image arrays will be converted to this datatype.
    as_grey : boolean, optional
        Convert color images to greyscale. False by default.
        May not be used in conjection with process_func.
    plugin : string
        Passed on to skimage.io.imread if scikit-image is available.
        If scikit-image is not available, this will be ignored and a warning
        will be issued.

    >>> video = open('path/to/images/*.png')  # or *.tif, or *.jpg
    >>> imshow(video[0]) # Show the first frame.
    >>> imshow(video[-1]) # Show the last frame.
    >>> imshow(video[1][0:10, 0:10]) # Show one corner of the second frame.

    >>> for frame in video[:]:
    ...    # Do something with every frame.

    >>> for frame in video[10:20]:
    ...    # Do something with frames 10-20.

    >>> for frame in video[[5, 7, 13]]:
    ...    # Do something with frames 5, 7, and 13.

    >>> frame_count = len(video) # Number of frames in video
    >>> frame_shape = video.frame_shape # Pixel dimensions of video
    files = glob.glob(sequence)
    if len(files) > 1:
        # todo: test if ImageSequence can read the image type,
        #       delegate to subclasses as needed
        return ImageSequence(sequence, process_func, dtype, as_grey, plugin)

    # We are now not in an image sequence, so warn if plugin is specified,
    # since we will not be able to use it
    if plugin is not None:
        warn("scikit-image plugin specification ignored because such plugins "
             "only apply when loading a sequence of image files. ")
    _, ext = os.path.splitext(sequence)
    if ext is None or len(ext) < 2:
        raise UnknownFormatError(
            "Could not detect your file type because it did not have an "
            "extension. Try specifying a loader class, e.g. "
    ext = ext.lower()[1:]

    all_handlers = _recursive_subclasses(FramesSequence)
    eligible_handlers = [
        h for h in all_handlers if ext and ext in h.class_exts()
    if len(eligible_handlers) < 1:
        raise UnknownFormatError(
            "Could not autodetect how to load a file of type {0}. "
            "Try manually "
            "specifying a loader class, e.g. Video({1})".format(ext, sequence))

    def sort_on_priority(handlers):
        # TODO make this use optional information from subclasses
        # give any user-defined (non-build-in) subclasses priority
        return handlers

    handler = sort_on_priority(eligible_handlers)[0]

    # TODO maybe we should wrap this in a try and loop to try all the
    # handlers if early ones throw exceptions
    return handler(sequence,