 def appendCentroidal(first_iter_for_phase = False):
     Compute the values of the CoM position, velocity, acceleration, the anuglar momentum and it's derivative
     from the wholebody data and append them to the current phase trajectories
     :param first_iter_for_phase: if True, set the initial values for the current phase
     and initialize the centroidal trajectories
     pcom, vcom, acom = pinRobot.com(q, v, dv)
     L = pinRobot.centroidalMomentum(q, v).angular
     dL = pin.computeCentroidalMomentumTimeVariation(pinRobot.model, pinRobot.data, q, v, dv).angular
     if first_iter_for_phase:
         phase.c_init = pcom
         phase.dc_init = vcom
         phase.ddc_init = acom
         phase.L_init = L
         phase.dL_init = dL
         phase.c_t = piecewise(polynomial(pcom.reshape(-1,1), t , t))
         phase.dc_t = piecewise(polynomial(vcom.reshape(-1,1), t, t))
         phase.ddc_t = piecewise(polynomial(acom.reshape(-1,1), t, t))
         phase.L_t = piecewise(polynomial(L.reshape(-1,1), t, t))
         phase.dL_t = piecewise(polynomial(dL.reshape(-1,1), t, t))
         phase.c_t.append(pcom, t)
         phase.dc_t.append(vcom, t)
         phase.ddc_t.append(acom, t)
         phase.L_t.append(L, t)
         phase.dL_t.append(dL, t)
    def test_centroidal_derivatives(self):

        res = pin.computeCentroidalDynamicsDerivatives(self.model,self.data,self.q,self.v,self.a)

        self.assertTrue(len(res) == 4)

        data2 = self.model.createData()


        data3 = self.model.createData()
        res2 = pin.getCentroidalDynamicsDerivatives(self.model,data3)

        for k in range(4):
 def appendCentroidal(first_iter_for_phase=False):
     pcom, vcom, acom = pinRobot.com(q, v, dv)
     L = pinRobot.centroidalMomentum(q, v).angular
     dL = pin.computeCentroidalMomentumTimeVariation(
         pinRobot.model, pinRobot.data, q, v, dv).angular
     if first_iter_for_phase:
         phase.c_init = pcom
         phase.dc_init = vcom
         phase.ddc_init = acom
         phase.L_init = L
         phase.dL_init = dL
         phase.c_t = piecewise(polynomial(pcom.reshape(-1, 1), t, t))
         phase.dc_t = piecewise(polynomial(vcom.reshape(-1, 1), t, t))
         phase.ddc_t = piecewise(polynomial(acom.reshape(-1, 1), t, t))
         phase.L_t = piecewise(polynomial(L.reshape(-1, 1), t, t))
         phase.dL_t = piecewise(polynomial(dL.reshape(-1, 1), t, t))
         phase.c_t.append(pcom, t)
         phase.dc_t.append(vcom, t)
         phase.ddc_t.append(acom, t)
         phase.L_t.append(L, t)
         phase.dL_t.append(dL, t)
    def writeToMessage(self,
        # Filling the time information
        self._msg.header.stamp = rospy.Time(t)
        self._msg.time = t

        if v is None:
            v = np.zeros(self._model.nv)
        if tau is None:
            tau = np.zeros(self._model.njoints - 2)

        # Filling the centroidal state
        pinocchio.centerOfMass(self._model, self._data, q, v)
        c = self._data.com[0]
        cd = self._data.vcom[0]
        # Center of mass
        self._msg.centroidal.com_position.x = c[0]
        self._msg.centroidal.com_position.y = c[1]
        self._msg.centroidal.com_position.z = c[2]
        self._msg.centroidal.com_velocity.x = cd[0]
        self._msg.centroidal.com_velocity.y = cd[1]
        self._msg.centroidal.com_velocity.z = cd[2]
        # Base
        self._msg.centroidal.base_orientation.x = q[3]
        self._msg.centroidal.base_orientation.y = q[4]
        self._msg.centroidal.base_orientation.z = q[5]
        self._msg.centroidal.base_orientation.w = q[6]
        self._msg.centroidal.base_angular_velocity.x = v[3]
        self._msg.centroidal.base_angular_velocity.y = v[4]
        self._msg.centroidal.base_angular_velocity.z = v[5]
        # Momenta
        momenta = pinocchio.computeCentroidalMomentum(self._model, self._data)
        momenta_rate = pinocchio.computeCentroidalMomentumTimeVariation(
            self._model, self._data)
        self._msg.centroidal.momenta.linear.x = momenta.linear[0]
        self._msg.centroidal.momenta.linear.y = momenta.linear[1]
        self._msg.centroidal.momenta.linear.z = momenta.linear[2]
        self._msg.centroidal.momenta.angular.x = momenta.angular[0]
        self._msg.centroidal.momenta.angular.y = momenta.angular[1]
        self._msg.centroidal.momenta.angular.z = momenta.angular[2]
        self._msg.centroidal.momenta_rate.linear.x = momenta_rate.linear[0]
        self._msg.centroidal.momenta_rate.linear.y = momenta_rate.linear[1]
        self._msg.centroidal.momenta_rate.linear.z = momenta_rate.linear[2]
        self._msg.centroidal.momenta_rate.angular.x = momenta_rate.angular[0]
        self._msg.centroidal.momenta_rate.angular.y = momenta_rate.angular[1]
        self._msg.centroidal.momenta_rate.angular.z = momenta_rate.angular[2]

        # Filling the joint state
        njoints = self._model.njoints - 2
        for j in range(njoints):
            self._msg.joints[j].position = q[7 + j]
            self._msg.joints[j].velocity = v[6 + j]
            self._msg.joints[j].effort = tau[j]

        # Filling the contact state
        names = list(p.keys()) + list(pd.keys()) + list(f.keys()) + list(
        names = list(dict.fromkeys(names))
        self._msg.contacts = [None] * len(names)
        if len(names) != 0 and (len(p.keys()) == 0 or len(pd.keys()) == 0):
            pinocchio.forwardKinematics(self._model, self._data, q, v)
        for i, name in enumerate(names):
            contact_msg = ContactState()
            contact_msg.name = name
            frame_id = self._model.getFrameId(name)
            # Retrive the contact position
            if name in p:
                pose = pinocchio.SE3ToXYZQUAT(p[name])
                oMf = pinocchio.updateFramePlacement(self._model, self._data,
                pose = pinocchio.SE3ToXYZQUAT(oMf)
            # Retrieve the contact velocity
            if name in pd:
                ovf = pd[name]
                ovf = pinocchio.getFrameVelocity(
                    self._model, self._data, frame_id,
            # Storing the contact position and velocity inside the message
            contact_msg.pose.position.x = pose[0]
            contact_msg.pose.position.y = pose[1]
            contact_msg.pose.position.z = pose[2]
            contact_msg.pose.orientation.x = pose[3]
            contact_msg.pose.orientation.y = pose[4]
            contact_msg.pose.orientation.z = pose[5]
            contact_msg.pose.orientation.w = pose[6]
            contact_msg.velocity.linear.x = ovf.linear[0]
            contact_msg.velocity.linear.y = ovf.linear[1]
            contact_msg.velocity.linear.z = ovf.linear[2]
            contact_msg.velocity.angular.x = ovf.angular[0]
            contact_msg.velocity.angular.y = ovf.angular[1]
            contact_msg.velocity.angular.z = ovf.angular[2]
            # Retrieving and storing force data
            if name in f:
                contact_info = f[name]
                ctype = contact_info[0]
                force = contact_info[1]
                contact_msg.type = ctype
                contact_msg.wrench.force.x = force.linear[0]
                contact_msg.wrench.force.y = force.linear[1]
                contact_msg.wrench.force.z = force.linear[2]
                contact_msg.wrench.torque.x = force.angular[0]
                contact_msg.wrench.torque.y = force.angular[1]
                contact_msg.wrench.torque.z = force.angular[2]
            if name in s:
                terrain_info = s[name]
                norm = terrain_info[0]
                friction = terrain_info[1]
                contact_msg.surface_normal.x = norm[0]
                contact_msg.surface_normal.y = norm[1]
                contact_msg.surface_normal.z = norm[2]
                contact_msg.friction_coefficient = friction
            self._msg.contacts[i] = contact_msg
        return copy.deepcopy(self._msg)
    robot.computeAllTerms(data, q, v)
    sample = traj.computeNext()
    const = taskAM.compute(t, q, v, data)

    # compare the pinocchio method to
    # Del Prete's quick and dirty way to compute drift
    # compute momentum Jacobian at next time step assuming zero acc
    dt = 1e-3
    q_next = pin.integrate(model, q, dt * v)
    data_next = robot.data().copy()
    robot.computeAllTerms(data_next, q_next, v)
    J_am = data.Ag
    J_am_next = data_next.Ag
    drift = (J_am_next[-3:, :] - J_am[-3:, :]) * v / dt
    drift_pin = pin.computeCentroidalMomentumTimeVariation(model, data).angular
    diff_drift = norm(drift_pin - drift)
    print("Difference between drift computations: ", diff_drift)

    Jpinv = np.linalg.pinv(const.matrix, 1e-5)
    dv = Jpinv * const.vector

    assert np.linalg.norm(Jpinv * const.matrix, 2) - 1.0 < tol
    v += dt * dv
    q = pin.integrate(model, q, dt * v)
    t += dt

    error = np.linalg.norm(taskAM.momentum_error, 2)
    assert error - error_past < 1e-4
    error_past = error
    if error < 1e-8: