class Camera(Product.Product): ''' classdocs ''' def __init__(self, parent = None): super(Camera, self).__init__(parent) ''' Constructor ''' self._vfov = 45.0 self._near = 0.1 self._far = 400 self._eye = QVector3D(10,0,0) self._up = QVector3D(0,0,1) self._center = QVector3D(0,0,0) self._transform = Transforms.Transform() self._transform.set_producer(self) self.perspective_override = None Product.ConstProperty(vars(), Transforms.Transform, 'transform') Product.InputProperty(vars(), float, 'vfov') Product.InputProperty(vars(), float, 'near') Product.InputProperty(vars(), float, 'far') Product.InputProperty(vars(), QVector3D, 'eye') Product.InputProperty(vars(), QVector3D, 'up') Product.InputProperty(vars(), QVector3D, 'center') @Slot(float, float) def pan_tilt(self, _eye, _up, dx, dy): _front = self._center - _eye _right = QVector3D.crossProduct(_front, _up).normalized() q = QQuaternion.fromAxisAndAngle(_up, dx) * QQuaternion.fromAxisAndAngle(_right, dy) self.eye = self._center - q.rotatedVector(_front) self.up = q.rotatedVector(_up) def roll(self, _eye, _up, delta): self.up = QQuaternion.fromAxisAndAngle(self._center - _eye, delta).rotatedVector(_up) def translate(self, _eye, _center, dx, dy): _left = QVector3D.crossProduct((_center - _eye), self._up).normalized() d = _left * dx + self._up * dy d *= (_eye - _center).length() self.eye = _eye + d = _center + d def view_matrix(self): mat_v = QMatrix4x4() mat_v.lookAt(self._eye, self._center, self._up) return mat_v def _update(self): self._transform.set_local_transform(self.view_matrix().inverted()[0])
def __init__(self, parent = None): super(SensorCapture, self).__init__(parent) self._traces = Product.VariantProduct() self._traces.set_producer(self) self._calibration = "" self._calibration_data = None self._specs = None self._nChannels = 0
class MatrixTransform(Transform): def __init__(self, parent=None, matrix=QMatrix4x4()): super(MatrixTransform, self).__init__(parent) self._matrix = None self.matrix = matrix def matrix_cb(self): self.set_local_transform(self._matrix) Product.InputProperty(vars(), QMatrix4x4, 'matrix', matrix_cb)
class Rotation(Transform): def __init__(self, parent=None): super(Rotation, self).__init__(parent) self._quaternion = QQuaternion() def quaternion_cb(self): m = QMatrix4x4() m.rotate(self._quaternion) self.set_local_transform(m) Product.InputProperty(vars(), QQuaternion, 'quaternion', quaternion_cb)
class Translation(Transform): def __init__(self, parent=None): super(Translation, self).__init__(parent) self._translate = QVector3D() def translate_cb(self): m = QMatrix4x4() m.translate(self._translate) self.set_local_transform(m) Product.InputProperty(vars(), QVector3D, 'translate', translate_cb)
class Effect(Product.Product): def __init__(self, parent=None, shader0=None, point_size=1, line_width=1, name=""): super(Effect, self).__init__(parent) self._shader0 = None self._pointSize = 1 self._lineWidth = 1 self.setObjectName(name) self.shader0 = shader0 self.pointSize = point_size self.lineWidth = line_width Product.InputProperty(vars(), GLSLProgram, 'shader0') Product.InputProperty(vars(), int, 'pointSize') Product.InputProperty(vars(), int, 'lineWidth')
class Attribs( Product.Product ): def __init__( self, parent=None, vertices = None, normals = None ): super(Attribs, self).__init__( parent ) self._vertices = None self._normals = None self.vertices = vertices self.normals = normals Product.InputProperty(vars(), Array, 'vertices') Product.InputProperty(vars(), Array, 'normals') def get_attributes(self): ''' override this method to add all your attribs ''' assert self._vertices.ndarray.dtype.type in [np.float32, np.float64], "not float32/64" assert len(self._vertices.ndarray.shape) == 2, "not 2d matrix" assert self._vertices.ndarray.shape[1] in [2,3], "not 2d or 3d" return {"vertices": self._vertices, "normals" : self._normals}
class SegmentationLabelsAttribs(Attribs): def __init__(self, parent=None): super(SegmentationLabelsAttribs, self).__init__(parent) self._labels = None Product.InputProperty(vars(), Array, 'labels') def get_attributes(self): ''' override this method to add all your attribs ''' a = super(SegmentationLabelsAttribs, self).get_attributes() a["labels"] = self._labels return a
class PackageFilter(Product.VariantProduct): def __init__(self, parent = None): super(PackageFilter, self).__init__(parent) self._packages = None self._specs = None self._filter = {'ampMin': -2**14, 'ampMax': 2**14, 'distMin': 0, 'distMax': 300, 'rejectedFlags' : []} Product.InputProperty(vars(), 'QVariant', 'filter') Product.InputProperty(vars(), Product.VariantProduct, 'packages') def _update(self): if self._packages is not None and self._packages._variant is not None: data = self._packages._variant['data'] f = (self._filter['ampMin'] < data['amplitudes']) \ & (data['amplitudes'] < self._filter['ampMax']) \ & (self._filter['distMin'] < data['distances']) \ & (data['distances'] < self._filter['distMax']) \ & (data['flags'] == 1) #, self._filter['rejectedFlags'], invert = True) self._variant = self._packages._variant.copy() self._variant['data'] = np.ascontiguousarray(data[f])
class Transform(Product.Product): def __init__(self, parent=None): super(Transform, self).__init__(parent) self._localTransform = QMatrix4x4() self._parentTransform = None Q_CLASSINFO('DefaultProperty', 'parentTransform') localTransformChanged = Signal() def local_transform(self): return self._localTransform localTransform = Property(QMatrix4x4, local_transform, notify=localTransformChanged) def set_local_transform(self, matrix4x4): if matrix4x4 is None: matrix4x4 = QMatrix4x4() Product.assign_input(self, "localTransform", matrix4x4) Product.InputProperty(vars(), Product.Product, 'parentTransform') @Slot(result=QMatrix4x4) def worldTransform(self, update=False): if update: self.update() assert not self.dirty return self.localTransform if self.parentTransform is None \ else self.parentTransform.worldTransform() * self.localTransform @Slot(QVector3D, float, result=QQuaternion) def qFromAA(self, axis, angle_rad): return QQuaternion.fromAxisAndAngle(axis, math.degrees(angle_rad)) @Slot(float, float, float, result=QQuaternion) def qFromEuler(self, roll, pitch, yaw): return QQuaternion.fromEulerAngles(math.degrees(roll), math.degrees(pitch), math.degrees(yaw)) @Slot(QQuaternion, QVector3D, result=QMatrix4x4) def mFromTQ(self, t=QVector3D(), q=QQuaternion()): m = QMatrix4x4() m.rotate(q) m.translate(t) return m
class ColorsAttribs(Attribs): def __init__(self, parent=None, vertices=None, normals=None, colors=None): super(ColorsAttribs, self).__init__(parent, vertices, normals) self._colors = None self.colors = colors Product.InputProperty(vars(), Array, 'colors') def get_attributes(self): ''' override this method to add all your attribs ''' a = super(ColorsAttribs, self).get_attributes() a["colors"] = self._colors return a
class GLSLProgram(Product.Product): def __init__(self, parent=None, vertex_shader=None, geometry_shader=None, fragment_shader=None, uniforms={}, textures={}, outputTextures={}): super(GLSLProgram, self).__init__(parent) self._vertexShader = None self._geometryShader = None self._fragmentShader = None self._uniforms = {} self._textures = {} self._outputTextures = {} self._linkDirty = False self.vertexShader = vertex_shader self.geometryShader = geometry_shader self.fragmentShader = fragment_shader self.uniforms = uniforms self.textures = textures self.outputTextures = outputTextures def _update(self): if self._linkDirty: self._program = QOpenGLShaderProgram() if self._vertexShader is not None: self._program.addShaderFromSourceCode(QOpenGLShader.Vertex, self._vertexShader) if self._geometryShader is not None: self._program.addShaderFromSourceCode(QOpenGLShader.Geometry, self._geometryShader) if self._fragmentShader is not None: self._program.addShaderFromSourceCode(QOpenGLShader.Fragment, self._fragmentShader) self._linkDirty = False Product.InputProperty(vars(), 'QVariant', 'uniforms') ''' supports dict of Array, subject to the constraints associated with Image.to_QImage() ''' Product.InputProperty(vars(), 'QVariant', 'textures') Product.InputProperty(vars(), 'QVariant', 'outputTextures') def relink(self): self._linkDirty = True Product.InputProperty(vars(), str, 'geometryShader', relink) Product.InputProperty(vars(), str, 'vertexShader', relink) Product.InputProperty(vars(), str, 'fragmentShader', relink)
class Platform(Product.Product): def __init__(self, parent=None, path=''): super(Platform, self).__init__(parent) self._path = path self._platform = None Product.InputProperty(vars(), str, 'path') sensorNamesChanged = Signal() @Property(QVariant, notify=sensorNamesChanged) def sensorNames(self): if self._platform is None: return QVariant([]) return QVariant(list(self._platform.sensors.keys())) datasourcesNamesChanged = Signal() @Property(QVariant, notify=datasourcesNamesChanged) def datasourcesNames(self): if self._platform is None: return QVariant([]) return QVariant(self._platform.datasource_names()) orientationChanged = Signal() @Property(QVariant, notify=orientationChanged) def orientation(self): if self._platform is None: return QVariant([]) return QVariant(self._platform.orientation) @Slot(list, result=list) def expandWildcards(self, labels): if self._platform is not None: return self._platform.expand_wildcards(labels) def _update(self): if self._platform is None: self._platform = platform.Platform(dataset=self._path) self.orientationChanged.emit() self.sensorNamesChanged.emit() self.datasourcesNamesChanged.emit() def __getitem__(self, key): return self._platform[key]
class ExtractImage(Array.Array): def __init__(self, parent=None): super(ExtractImage, self).__init__(parent) self._packages = None self.productClean.connect(self.sizeChanged) Product.InputProperty(vars(), Product.VariantProduct, 'packages') sizeChanged = Signal() @Property(QSize, notify=sizeChanged) def size(self): return QSize(self.ndarray.width, self.ndarray.height) def _update(self): if self._packages is not None and self._packages._variant is not None: self.ndarray = self._packages._variant.copy()
class AmplitudeAttribs(Attribs): def __init__(self, parent=None, vertices=None, normals=None, amplitude=None): super(AmplitudeAttribs, self).__init__(parent, vertices, normals) self._amplitude = None self.amplitude = amplitude Product.InputProperty(vars(), Array, 'amplitude') def get_attributes(self): ''' override this method to add all your attribs ''' a = super(AmplitudeAttribs, self).get_attributes() a["amplitude"] = self._amplitude return a
class TexcoordsAttribs(Attribs): def __init__(self, parent=None, vertices=None, normals=None, texcoords0=None): super(TexcoordsAttribs, self).__init__(parent, vertices, normals) self._texcoords0 = None self.texcoords0 = texcoords0 Product.InputProperty(vars(), Array, 'texcoords0') def get_attributes(self): ''' override this method to add all your attribs ''' a = super(TexcoordsAttribs, self).get_attributes() a["texcoords0"] = self._texcoords0 return a
class Undistort(Image.ImageFilter): def __init__(self, parent=None): super(Undistort, self).__init__(parent) self._path = None self._yaml = None self._map = None self._roi = [] self._shape = [] def path_cb(self): with as tar: try: calib = pickle.loads( tar.extractfile(tar.getmember('calib.pkl')).read()) cam_specs = pickle.loads( tar.extractfile(tar.getmember('cam_specs.pkl')).read()) w = cam_specs['h'] h = cam_specs['v'] self._shape = (h, w) mtx = calib['matrix'] dist = calib['distortion'] newcameramtx, self._roi = cv2.getOptimalNewCameraMatrix( mtx, dist, (w, h), 1, (w, h)) self._map = cv2.initUndistortRectifyMap( mtx, dist, None, newcameramtx, (w, h), 5) except: print(traceback.format_exc()) Product.InputProperty(vars(), str, 'path', path_cb) def _update(self): if self._imageArray is not None and self._map is not None: image = self._imageArray.ndarray if self._shape == image.shape[:2]: dst = cv2.remap(image, self._map[0], self._map[1], cv2.INTER_LINEAR) # crop the image x, y, w, h = self._roi self.ndarray = np.copy(dst[y:y + h, x:x + w])
class SensorReferential(CloudBase): def __init__(self, parent=None): ''' It may appears bit deceiving that this class derive from CloudBase, but this way we ensure we use 'quad_directions' as computed for 3d projection, therefore keeping referential naturally in sync with projection model ''' super(SensorReferential, self).__init__(parent) self._depth = 5 ## 0,5, 0,6, 0,7, 0,8 mid-lines self._indices.ndarray = np.array( [0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 3, 0, 4, 1, 2, 2, 4, 4, 3, 3, 1], dtype="uint32") Product.InputProperty(vars(), float, 'depth') def _update(self): self._fill_empty_specs() self.ndarray.resize((9, 3)) v, h = [self._specs[x] for x in ["v", "h"]] mid_v, mid_h = (v + 1) // 2, (h + 1) // 2 n = v * h def index(v_i, h_i, offset): return v_i * h + h_i + offset self.ndarray[0] = [0, 0, 0] self.ndarray[1:] = self._quad_directions[[ index(0, 0, 0), index(0, h - 1, 3 * n), index(v - 1, 0, n), index(v - 1, h - 1, 2 * n), index(0, mid_h, 0), index(v - 1, mid_h, 0), index(mid_v, 0, 0), index(mid_v, h - 1, 0) ]] * self._depth
class ColorMapFliter(ImageFilter): def __init__(self, parent = None): super(ColorMapFliter, self).__init__(parent) self._colorMap = 'jet' self._min = None self._max = None self._adaptative = 0 self._log = False self._interpolate = False def colorMap_cb(self): assert hasattr(cm, self._colorMap) Product.InputProperty(vars(), str, 'colorMap', colorMap_cb) Product.InputProperty(vars(), float, 'min') Product.InputProperty(vars(), float, 'max') Product.InputProperty(vars(), bool, 'log') Product.InputProperty(vars(), float, 'adaptative') #Test, addition of interpolation for missing values Product.InputProperty(vars(), bool, 'interpolate') def _update(self): if self.imageArray is not None and self.imageArray.ndarray.size > 0: image = self.imageArray.ndarray #shape (8,32) #test interpolation placed here if self._interpolate: image = images.interpolate_missings(image) # if self._adaptative > 0: # image = basics.clean_bleed_amp(image, image, self._adaptative) _min = self._min if self._min is not None else image.min() _max = self._max if self._max is not None else image.max() self.ndarray = images.to_color_image(image, self._colorMap, _min, _max, self._log)
class DasSampleToCloud(Array.ArrayDouble3): def __init__(self, parent=None): super(DasSampleToCloud, self).__init__(parent) self._sample = None self._seg3DSample = None self._referential = None self._undistort = False self._undistortRefTs = -1 self._primitiveType = Geometry.PrimitiveType.POINTS self._indices = Array.ArrayUInt1() self._indices.set_producer(self) self._amplitudes = Array.ArrayFloat1() self._amplitudes.set_producer(self) self._colors = Array.ArrayFloat4() self._colors.set_producer(self) self._transform = Transforms.Transform() self._transform.set_producer(self) self._minAmplitude = np.nan self._maxAmplitude = np.nan self._hasReferential = True self._logScale = False self._method = None self._amplitudeRatio = 100 #call setters: self.method = 'point_cloud' self.sample = Product.VariantProduct() self.seg3DSample = Product.VariantProduct() # inputs: Product.InputProperty(vars(), Product.VariantProduct, 'sample') Product.InputProperty(vars(), Product.VariantProduct, 'seg3DSample') Product.InputProperty(vars(), str, 'referential') Product.InputProperty(vars(), bool, 'undistort') Product.InputProperty(vars(), int, 'undistortRefTs') def cb_method(self): if self._method not in ['point_cloud', 'quad_cloud']: raise RuntimeError(f"Unexpected method: {self._method}") self.set_primitiveType( self, Geometry.PrimitiveType.POINTS if self._method == 'point_cloud' else Geometry.PrimitiveType.TRIANGLES) Product.InputProperty(vars(), str, 'method', cb_method) Product.InputProperty(vars(), float, 'minAmplitude') Product.InputProperty(vars(), float, 'maxAmplitude') Product.InputProperty(vars(), float, 'amplitudeRatio') Product.InputProperty(vars(), str, 'amplitudeType') Product.InputProperty(vars(), bool, 'logScale') #outputs: Product.ConstProperty(vars(), Array.ArrayUInt1, 'indices') Product.ConstProperty(vars(), Array.ArrayFloat1, 'amplitudes') Product.ConstProperty(vars(), Array.ArrayFloat4, 'colors') Product.ConstProperty(vars(), Transforms.Transform, 'transform') Product.ROProperty(vars(), bool, 'hasReferential') Product.ROProperty(vars(), int, 'primitiveType') #slots: @Slot(int, result=int) def channel(self, n): if self._primitiveType == Geometry.PrimitiveType.TRIANGLES: triangle = self._triangle_at(n) data = self.filter_banks() return data['indices'][clouds.triangle_to_echo_index(triangle)] elif self._primitiveType == Geometry.PrimitiveType.POINTS: return self.indices.ndarray[n] else: raise RuntimeError( f"Unsupported primitiveType {self._primitiveType}") @Slot(int, result=QVariant) def channelInfo(self, n): triangle = self._triangle_at(n) echo_i = clouds.triangle_to_echo_index(triangle) sample = self._get_sample().masked data = sample['data'] channel_i = data['indices'][echo_i] h = sample['h'] try: coeff = sample['timestamps_to_us_coeff'] except: coeff = 1 rv = { 'v': int(channel_i // h), 'h': int(channel_i % h), 'i': int(channel_i), 'distance': float(data['distances'][echo_i]), 'amplitude': float(data['amplitudes'][echo_i]), 'timestamp': int(data['timestamps'][echo_i] * coeff), 'flag': int(data['flags'][echo_i]), 'category': '' } if self._seg3DSample._variant is not None: seg_source = categories.get_source( self._seg3DSample._variant.datasource.ds_type) category_number = self._seg3DSample._variant.raw['data'][int( echo_i)]['classes'] category_name, _ = categories.get_name_color( seg_source, category_number) rv['category'] = category_name return QVariant(rv) # private: def _triangle_at(self, n): return self._indices.ndarray[n * 3:n * 3 + 3] def _normalize_amplitudes(self): min_ = self._minAmplitude if not np.isnan( self._minAmplitude ) or self._amplitudes.ndarray.size == 0 else self._amplitudes.ndarray.min( ) max_ = self._maxAmplitude if not np.isnan( self._maxAmplitude ) or self._amplitudes.ndarray.size == 0 else self._amplitudes.ndarray.max( ) if self._logScale: norm = colors.LogNorm(1 + min_, 1 + min_ + max_) else: norm = colors.Normalize(min_, max_) self._amplitudes.ndarray = norm(self._amplitudes.ndarray + ((1 + min_) if self._logScale else 0)) def _get_sample(self): if self._sample is None or self._sample._variant is None: raise RuntimeError("No sample found!") return self._sample._variant def _update(self): sample = self._get_sample() f = getattr(sample, self._method) #point_cloud() or quad_cloud() tf_Ref_from_Local = linalg.tf_eye(np.float64) try: rv = f(referential=self._referential, ignore_orientation=False, undistort=self._undistort, reference_ts=self._undistortRefTs, dtype=np.float64) self.set_hasReferential(self, True) tf_Ref_from_Local = sample.compute_transform( self._referential, ignore_orientation=True, dtype=np.float64) except sensors.Sensor.NoPathToReferential as e: rv = f(referential=None, undistort=self._undistort, dtype=np.float64) self.set_hasReferential(self, False) self._transform.set_local_transform( QMatrix4x4( tf_Ref_from_Local.astype(np.float32).flatten().tolist())) if self._method == "quad_cloud": v, a, i = rv self.set_ndarray(v) self._amplitudes.set_ndarray(a) self._indices.set_ndarray(i) self._normalize_amplitudes() elif self._method == "point_cloud": amp = sample.amplitudes nb_points = np.max( [1, int(amp.shape[0] * self._amplitudeRatio / 100.0)]) if self._amplitudeRatio < 100.0: amp_order = np.argsort(amp) self.set_ndarray(rv[amp_order][-nb_points:]) self._amplitudes.set_ndarray(amp[amp_order][-nb_points:]) self._indices.set_ndarray( np.arange(rv[amp_order][-nb_points:].shape[0], dtype=np.uint32)) else: self.set_ndarray(rv[-nb_points:]) self._amplitudes.set_ndarray(amp[-nb_points:]) self._indices.set_ndarray( np.arange(rv[-nb_points:].shape[0], dtype=np.uint32)) if self._logScale and np.min(self._amplitudes.ndarray) < 0: self._amplitudes.set_ndarray(self._amplitudes.ndarray - np.min(self._amplitudes.ndarray)) self._normalize_amplitudes() if self._seg3DSample._variant is not None: self._colors.set_ndarray( self._seg3DSample._variant.colors(self._method))
def prettyPrint(self, d): return pprint.pformat(Product.cvt_if_js_value(d))
class LiveCapture( SensorCapture ): def __init__(self, parent = None): super(LiveCapture, self).__init__(parent) self._dev = None self._ip = "" self._oversampling = -1 self._accumulation = -1 self._basePoints = -1 self._tracesROI = [0,1] #offset, count self._rejectedFalgs = [0, 3, 4, 9, 3072] self._received_echoes = [] self._n_received = 0 self._received_traces_raw = [] self._received_traces_proc = [] self._received_states = [] self._running = False self._locked = False self._tracesMode = TracesMode.NONE self._delay = 5000 self._nDroppedPackages = 0 self._ts_prev = None self._triggerMode = TriggerMode.LONG self._lcpgIndex = 0x08 self._overriden_specs = False self._connected = False self._emitConnectedChanged = False self._properties = list(leddar.property_ids.keys()) self._calibrating = False self._restoringCal = False self._calibration_samples = [] self._calibration_states_samples = [] self._n_calibration_samples = 100 self._n_drop_calib_samples = 5 self._calibrationProgress = 0.0 self._calibration_wall_distance = 2.0 self._interpCal = False self._dTCorrection = False self._dTGainFactor = 0.00489 self._dTFix = 0.0 self._aTCorrection = False self._aTGainFactor = 0.01521 self._aTThreshold = 20.0 self._editingResoSpecs = False self._resoSpecsMode = "" self._resoSpecsVal = 0 if not os.path.exists('calib_results/'): os.makedirs('calib_results/') if not os.path.exists('rcalibration/'): os.makedirs('rcalibration/') if not os.path.exists('angles_table/'): os.makedirs('angles_table/') self._listFilesRCal = [os.path.basename(x) for x in glob.glob('rcalibration/' + '*.pkl')] self._listFilesCustomVAngles = [os.path.basename(x) for x in glob.glob('angles_table/' + '*.txt')] self._vtabanglesCorrection = False self._scalevangles = 1.0456 self._savingcalibinto = "calibration.pkl" def _disconnect_device(self): if self._dev is not None and self._connected: self._dev.disconnect() self._dev = None if not self._overriden_specs: self._specs = None def _update_traces_roi(self): if self._dev is not None and self._connected: self._dev.set_traces_to_receive(int(self._tracesROI[0]), int(self._tracesROI[1])) TracesMode = TracesMode Q_ENUMS(TracesMode) def _update_traces_mode(self): if self._dev is None or not self._connected: return try: self._update_traces_roi() if self._tracesMode == TracesMode.PROCESSED: def proc_trace_callback(new_traces): if not self._locked: self._received_traces_proc.append(new_traces) self.makeDirty() self._dev.set_data_mask(self._dev.get_data_mask() | leddar.data_masks["PDM_PROCESSED_TRACES"]) self._dev.set_callback_processed_trace(proc_trace_callback) else: self._dev.set_data_mask(self._dev.get_data_mask() & ~leddar.data_masks["PDM_PROCESSED_TRACES"]) if self._tracesMode == TracesMode.RAW: def raw_trace_callback(new_traces): if not self._locked: self._received_traces_raw.append(new_traces) self.makeDirty() self._dev.set_data_mask(self._dev.get_data_mask() | leddar.data_masks["PDM_RAW_TRACES"]) self._dev.set_callback_raw_trace(raw_trace_callback) else: self._dev.set_data_mask(self._dev.get_data_mask() & ~leddar.data_masks["PDM_RAW_TRACES"]) except: traceback.print_exc() Product.InputProperty(vars(), int, 'tracesMode', _update_traces_mode) Product.InputProperty(vars(), QVariant, 'tracesROI', _update_traces_roi) Product.InputProperty(vars(), QVariant, 'rejectedFlags') Product.InputProperty(vars(), str, 'ip', _disconnect_device) def _update_data_thread(self): if self._dev is None or not self._connected: return self._dev.set_data_thread_delay(self._delay) if self._running: self._dev.start_data_thread() else: self._dev.stop_data_thread() Product.InputProperty(vars(), bool, 'running', _update_data_thread) Product.InputProperty(vars(), int, 'delay', _update_data_thread) Product.ROProperty(vars(), int, 'nDroppedPackages') Product.ROProperty(vars(), bool, 'connected') Product.ROProperty(vars(), float, 'fps') Product.ConstProperty(vars(), list, 'properties') Product.ROProperty(vars(), QVariant, 'states') Product.ROProperty(vars(), bool, 'calibrating') Product.ROProperty(vars(), float, 'calibrationProgress') Product.InputProperty(vars(), bool, 'interpCal') Product.InputProperty(vars(), bool, 'dTCorrection') Product.InputProperty(vars(), float, 'dTFix') Product.InputProperty(vars(), float, 'dTGainFactor') Product.InputProperty(vars(), bool, 'aTCorrection') Product.InputProperty(vars(), float, 'aTGainFactor') Product.InputProperty(vars(), float, 'aTThreshold') Product.ROProperty(vars(), bool, 'editingResoSpecs') Product.ROProperty(vars(), float, 'resoSpecsVal') Product.ROProperty(vars(), bool, 'restoringCal') Product.ROProperty(vars(),list, 'listFilesRCal') Product.ROProperty(vars(),list, 'listFilesCustomVAngles') Product.InputProperty(vars(), bool, 'vtabanglesCorrection') Product.InputProperty(vars(), float, 'scalevangles') Product.InputProperty(vars(), str, 'savingcalibinto') @Slot(int, int, int, result = bool) def writeMemory(self, zone, address, value): self._dev.write_memory(zone, address, np.array([value], np.uint16)) @Slot(int, int, int, result = str) def readMemory(self, zone, address, n_bytes): return str(np.array(self._dev.read_memory(zone, address, n_bytes), np.uint8).tolist()) @Slot(float, int, result = bool) def calibrate(self, wall_distance, n_samples): if self._dev and self._connected: self._dev.set_calib_values(leddar.calib_types['ID_TIMEBASE_DELAY'], [0.0] * self._nChannels) self._calibration_wall_distance = wall_distance self._n_calibration_samples = n_samples self._calibration_samples = [] self._calibration_states_samples = [] self._received_echoes = [] self.set_calibrating(self, True) self.set_calibrationProgress(self, 0.0) self.set_restoringCal(self, False) return True return False @Slot(str, result = bool) def restoreCalibration(self, spath_to = "rcalibration/calibration.pkl"): if self._dev and self._connected: self.set_restoringCal(self, True) self._dev.set_calib_values(leddar.calib_types['ID_TIMEBASE_DELAY'],[0.0] * self._nChannels) data = pickle.load(open(spath_to, 'rb')) self._specs['v'] = data['v'] self._specs['h'] = data['h'] self._specs['v_fov'] = data['v_fov'] self._specs['h_fov'] = data['h_fov'] if 'angles' in data: self._specs['angles'] = data['data'] self.scalevangles = data['scaling_angles'] self.dTGainFactor = data['dT_slope'] self.dTFix = data['dT_ref'] self.aTGainFactor = data['aT_slope'] self.aTThreshold = data['aT_threshold'] self._dev.set_calib_values(leddar.calib_types['ID_TIMEBASE_DELAY'], data['offsets']) super(LiveCapture, self)._handle_specs_changed() return True return False @Slot(str, result = bool) def editResoSpecs(self, mode): if mode == "NONE": self.set_editingResoSpecs(self, False) self.set_resoSpecsVal(self,0) else: self.set_editingResoSpecs(self, True) self._resoSpecsMode = mode self.set_resoSpecsVal(self,self._specs[mode]) return True @Slot(float, result = bool) def changeResoSpecs(self, new_value): if self._resoSpecsMode == "h_fov" or self._resoSpecsMode == "v_fov": self._specs[self._resoSpecsMode] = new_value elif self._resoSpecsMode == "h" or self._resoSpecsMode == "v": self._specs[self._resoSpecsMode] = int(new_value) super(LiveCapture, self)._handle_specs_changed() return True @Slot(str, result = bool) def changeAnglesSpecs(self, filename): c_filename = 'angles_table/' + filename self._specs['angles'] = clouds.custom_v_angles(self._specs, factor=self._scalevangles, filename=c_filename, dtype = np.float32) self._specs['v_fov'] = np.rad2deg(np.max(self._specs['angles'][:,0]) - np.min(self._specs['angles'][:,0])) super(LiveCapture, self)._handle_specs_changed() return True @Slot(str, result = bool) def changeIP(self, ip_string): if self._dev and self._connected: try: rv = self._dev.set_IP_config(False, ip_string) print(f"ip changed to {self._dev.get_IP_config()}, you need to reboot your device!") return rv except: traceback.print_exc() return False @Slot(str, QVariant, result = bool) def setLeddarProperty(self, name, value): if self._dev and self._connected: try: rv = self._dev.set_property_value(name, str(value)) self.connectedChanged.emit() return rv except: traceback.print_exc() return False @Slot(str, result = QVariant) def getLeddarProperty(self, name): if self._dev and self._connected: try: return self._dev.get_property_value(name) except: traceback.print_exc() return False return None @Slot(str, result = QVariant) def getPropertyAvailableValues(self, name): if self._dev and self._connected: try: rv = self._dev.get_property_available_values(name) string_value = self._dev.get_property_value(name) if isinstance(rv, dict): if rv['type'] in ['list', 'bitfield']: rv['current'] = string_value return rv else: return {'type': 'list', 'data': [current], 'current': current} except: pass return None def _update(self): if not self._running: return if self._dev is None or not self._connected: self._dev = leddar.Device() if not self._dev.connect(self._ip): self._connected = False self.connectedChanged.emit() self._dev = None return self._connected = True self.connectedChanged.emit() self._emitConnectedChanged = True if self._specs is None: self._specs = utils.get_specs(self._dev) else: self._overriden_specs = True self._handle_specs_changed() def echo_callback(new_echoes): if not self._locked: self._received_echoes.append(new_echoes) self.makeDirty() self._dev.set_callback_echo(echo_callback) self._dev.set_data_mask(leddar.data_masks["PDM_ECHOES"]) def state_callback(new_state): if not self._locked: self._received_states.append(new_state) self.makeDirty() self._dev.set_callback_state(state_callback) self._dev.set_data_mask(self._dev.get_data_mask() | leddar.data_masks["PDM_STATES"]) self._update_traces_mode() self._update_data_thread() self._n_received = 0 if self._received_echoes: self._n_received += 1 self._locked = True self._nDroppedPackages = len(self._received_echoes) - 1 last_received = self._received_echoes[-1] last_received['data'] = last_received['data'][np.isin(last_received['data']['flags'], self._rejectedFalgs, invert = True)] if self._calibrating: self._calibration_samples.append(last_received) else: if (self._dTCorrection) and (self._states is not None): T = self._states['system_temp'] last_received = calibration.distance_correction_temperature(last_received, T, self._dTGainFactor, self._dTFix) if (self._aTCorrection) and (self._states is not None): T = self._states['system_temp'] last_received = calibration.amplitude_correction_temperature(last_received, T, self._aTGainFactor, self._aTThreshold) self._received_echoes = [] self._locked = False self.nDroppedPackagesChanged.emit() if self._ts_prev is None: self._ts_prev = time.time() ts = time.time()#last_received['timestamp'] if self._n_received%10 == 0: self._fps = 10 /(ts - self._ts_prev) self.fpsChanged.emit() self._ts_prev = ts if self._emitConnectedChanged: #important for those watching properties. properties seem only valid after the first echo self._emitConnectedChanged = False self.connectedChanged.emit() self._update_with_last_received(last_received) if self._received_states: last_received = self._received_states[-1] self.set_states(self, last_received) self._received_states = [] if self._calibrating: self._calibration_states_samples.append(last_received) if self._calibrating: self.set_calibrationProgress(self, len(self._calibration_samples)/(self._n_calibration_samples+self._n_drop_calib_samples)) if self._calibrationProgress >= 1.0: self._calibration_samples = self._calibration_samples[-self._n_calibration_samples::] self._calibration_states_samples = self._calibration_states_samples[-self._n_calibration_samples::] offsets = calibration.calibrate(self._calibration_samples, self._calibration_wall_distance, self._specs, self._interpCal) if self._dTCorrection: offsets = calibration.set_offset_to_base_temperature(self._calibration_states_samples, offsets, self._dTGainFactor, self._dTFix) self._dev.set_calib_values(leddar.calib_types['ID_TIMEBASE_DELAY'], offsets.tolist()) self.saveCalibration(offsets = offsets.tolist()) self.set_calibrating(self, False) if self._received_traces_raw: self._update_traces_with_last_recieved(self._received_traces_raw[-1]) self._received_traces_raw = [] def saveCalibration(self, offsets, spath = 'calib_results/' ): if not os.path.exists(spath): os.makedirs(spath) dico = { 'v': self._specs['v'], 'h': self._specs['h'], 'v_fov': self._specs['v_fov'], 'h_fov': self._specs['h_fov'], 'dT_slope': self._dTGainFactor, 'dT_ref': self._dTFix, 'aT_slope': self._aTGainFactor, 'aT_threshold': self._aTThreshold, 'offsets': offsets, 'data': self._calibration_samples } if 'angles' in self._specs: dico['angles'] = self._specs['angles'] dico['scaling_angles'] = self._scalevangles fname = spath + self._savingcalibinto with open(fname, 'wb') as f: pickle.dump(dico, f) return True
class EchoesMPLFigureProvider(Product.Product): def __init__(self, parent=None): super(EchoesMPLFigureProvider, self).__init__(parent) self._packages = None self._absoluteMax = 2**20 #np.finfo('f4').max self._absoluteMin = 0 #np.finfo('f4').min self._max = self._absoluteMax self._min = self._absoluteMin self._dynamicMax = self._absoluteMax self._dynamicMin = self._absoluteMin self._dynamicRange = True self._logScale = False self._colorMap = 'viridis' self._flipud = False self._rot90 = False self._options = 'amplitudes:max_amplitudes' self.shape = None self.fig = None = None self.ax_img = None clicked = Signal(int, int, float, int, arguments=['v', 'h', 'value', 'button']) Product.InputProperty(vars(), Product.VariantProduct, 'packages') Product.InputProperty(vars(), float, 'absoluteMax') Product.InputProperty(vars(), float, 'absoluteMin') Product.InputProperty(vars(), float, 'min') Product.InputProperty(vars(), float, 'max') Product.InputProperty(vars(), bool, 'dynamicRange') Product.InputProperty(vars(), bool, 'logScale') Product.InputProperty(vars(), str, 'colorMap') Product.InputProperty(vars(), str, 'options') Product.ROProperty(vars(), float, 'dynamicMax') Product.ROProperty(vars(), float, 'dynamicMin') def handle_rotated_changed(self): self.ax_img = None Product.InputProperty(vars(), bool, 'flipud', handle_rotated_changed) Product.InputProperty(vars(), bool, 'rot90', handle_rotated_changed) def setCanvas(self, canvas): self.canvas = canvas = None self.ax_img = None self.makeDirty() def _update(self): if self._packages is not None: p = self._packages.variant if p is not None: if self._options == 'amplitudes:max_amplitudes': self.img = leddar_utils.images.extrema_image( p['v'], p['h'], p['data'], sort_field='amplitudes', sort_direction=-1, dtype='f4') elif self._options == 'distances:max_amplitudes': _, others = leddar_utils.images.extrema_image( p['v'], p['h'], p['data'], sort_field='amplitudes', sort_direction=-1, other_fields=['distances'], dtype='f4') self.img = others['distances'] # the following is a hack around an hard to overcome architectural flaw # We want to reuse EchoesMPLFigureProvider in cheddar_config and das.api, # but we don't yet want them to know about each other, thus we 'hide' a # das.api.samples.Sample instance inside its 'raw' packet so we can orient # the image in a standard way. It is crucial to keep the standard orientation in one place if 'das.sample' in p: s = p['das.sample'] self.img = s.transform_image(self.img) if 'amplitudes:' in self._options and 'extrema_amp' in s.datasource.sensor.config: self.absoluteMax = s.datasource.sensor.config[ 'extrema_amp'] if 'distances:' in self._options and 'extrema_dist' in s.datasource.sensor.config: self.absoluteMax = s.datasource.sensor.config[ 'extrema_dist'] if self.img is None: return self.set_dynamicMin(self, self.img.min()) self.set_dynamicMax(self, self.img.max()) vmax = self.dynamicMax if self._dynamicRange else self._max vmin = self.dynamicMin if self._dynamicRange else self._min if self._flipud: self.img = np.flipud(self.img) if self._rot90: self.img = np.rot90(self.img) color_img = leddar_utils.images.to_color_image( self.img, self._colorMap, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, log_scale=self._logScale) if is None: = self.canvas.getFigure().add_subplot(111) self.helper = backend_qtquick5.MPLImageHelper( self.img, def on_click(event): try: col, row = self.helper.to_indices( event.xdata, event.ydata) value = self.img[row, col] if self._rotated: row, col = col, row self.clicked.emit( row, col, value, backend_qtquick5.to_qt_button[event.button]) except: pass self.cid = self.canvas.mpl_connect('button_press_event', on_click) self.helper.img = self.img if self.ax_img is None: self.ax_img = self.canvas.draw() else: self.ax_img.set_data(color_img) self.canvas.draw() if self.shape != self.img.shape: self.shape = self.img.shape
class Viewport( QQuickFramebufferObject ): def __init__( self, parent=None ): super(Viewport, self).__init__( parent ) self.setAcceptedMouseButtons(Qt.AllButtons) self.setAcceptHoverEvents(True) self.renderer = None self._camera = Camera() self._mouse_start = None self._start_eye = None self._start_up = None self._actors = None self._debug_actors = Actors() self._debug = True self.render_to_texture_attachment = -1 self._backgroundColor = QColor(qRgba(1,1,1,1)) Product.ConstProperty(vars(), Camera, 'camera') Product.RWProperty(vars(), 'QVariant', 'backgroundColor') Product.RWProperty(vars(), Actors, 'actors') def harvest_updates(self): self.update() # TODO: to prevent clogging 1 CPU, we should do something like this # if self.renderer is not None: # for actor in self.renderer.sorted_actors: # if actor.dirty: # self.update() # return def aspect_ratio(self): return self.width()/self.height() def view_matrix(self): return self._camera.view_matrix() def perspective_matrix(self): if self._camera.perspective_override is None: p = QMatrix4x4() p.perspective(self._camera.vfov, self.aspect_ratio(), self._camera.near, self._camera.far) return p else: return self._camera.perspective_override def orthographic_matrix(self): p = QMatrix4x4() p.ortho(0, self.width(), 0, self.height(), self._camera.near, self._camera.far) return p def createRenderer( self ): self.renderer = InFboRenderer.InFboRenderer() self.timer = QTimer() self.timer.timeout.connect(self.harvest_updates) self.timer.start(0) #will be called after each event loop return self.renderer def set_render_to_texture_attachment(self, attachment): if "QSG_RENDER_LOOP" in os.environ: if os.environ['QSG_RENDER_LOOP'] != "basic": warnings.warn("Error: multithreaded rendering enabled, please set os.environ['QSG_RENDER_LOOP'] = 'basic' before any Qt call") if self.render_to_texture_attachment != attachment: self.render_to_texture_attachment = attachment self.update() def get_render_to_texture_array(self): if self.renderer is not None: return self.renderer.render_to_texture_array return None def pick(self, clicked_x, clicked_y, modifiers = None): # aspect_ratio = self.aspect_ratio() cam_origin = self._camera.eye cam_direction = ( - cam_origin).normalized() # The coordinate system we chose has x pointing right, y pointing down, z pointing into the screen # in screen coordinates, the vertical axis points down, this coincides with our 'y' axis. v = -self._camera._up # our y axis points down # in screen coordinates, the horizontal axis points right, this coincides with our x axis h = QVector3D.crossProduct(cam_direction, self._camera._up).normalized() # cam_direction points into the screen # in InFobRenderer::render(), we use Viewport::perspective_matrix(), where self._camera.fov is used # as QMatrix4x4::perspective()'s verticalAngle parameter, so near clipping plane's vertical scale is given by: v_scale = math.tan( math.radians(self._camera.vfov) / 2 ) * self._camera.near h_scale = v_scale * aspect_ratio # translate mouse coordinates so that the origin lies in the center # of the viewport (screen coordinates origin is top, left) x = clicked_x - self.width() / 2 y = clicked_y - self.height() / 2 # scale mouse coordinates so that half the view port width and height # becomes 1 (to be coherent with v_scale, which takes half of fov) x /= (self.width() / 2) y /= (self.height() / 2) # the picking ray origin: corresponds to the intersection of picking ray with # near plane (we don't want to pick actors behind the near plane) world_origin = cam_origin + cam_direction * self._camera.near + h * h_scale * x + v * v_scale * y # the picking ray direction world_direction = (world_origin - cam_origin).normalized() if self._debug and modifiers is not None and (modifiers & Qt.ShiftModifier): np_origin = utils.to_numpy(world_origin) np_v = utils.to_numpy(v) np_h = utils.to_numpy(h) self._debug_actors.clearActors() self._debug_actors.addActor(CustomActors.arrow(np_origin, np_origin + np_h, 0.01, QColor('red'))) self._debug_actors.addActor(CustomActors.arrow(np_origin, np_origin + np_v, 0.01, QColor('green'))) self._debug_actors.addActor(CustomActors.arrow(np_origin, np_origin + utils.to_numpy(world_direction) * 100, 0.01, QColor('magenta'))) min_t = float("inf") min_result = None for actor in self.renderer.sorted_actors: if actor._geometry: if actor._geometry.indices is not None\ and actor._geometry.attribs.vertices is not None: bvh = actor._geometry.goc_bvh() if bvh is None: continue bvh.update() if bvh.bvh is None: continue # bring back the actor at the origin m = actor.transform.worldTransform() if actor.transform else QMatrix4x4() m_inv = m.inverted()[0] # bring the ray in the actor's referential local_origin, local_direction =, m_inv.mapVector(world_direction) local_origin_np, local_direction_np = utils.to_numpy(local_origin), utils.to_numpy(local_direction) # try to intersect the actor's geometry! if bvh.primitiveType == BVH.PrimitiveType.TRIANGLES or bvh.primitiveType == BVH.PrimitiveType.LINES: ids, tuvs = bvh.bvh.intersect_ray(local_origin_np, local_direction_np, True) if ids.size > 0: actor_min_t = tuvs[:,0].min() if actor_min_t < min_t: min_t = actor_min_t min_result = (actor, ids, tuvs, world_origin, world_direction, local_origin, local_direction) elif bvh.primitiveType == BVH.PrimitiveType.POINTS: object_id, distance, t = bvh.bvh.ray_distance(local_origin_np, local_direction_np) real_distance = math.sqrt(t**2 + distance**2) if real_distance < min_t: min_t = real_distance min_result = (actor, bvh.indices.ndarray[object_id, None], np.array([[t, distance, real_distance]]), world_origin, world_direction, local_origin, local_direction) if min_result is not None: return min_result raise NothingToPickException() def mouseDoubleClickEvent(self, event): btns = event.buttons() if btns & Qt.MidButton or (btns & Qt.LeftButton and event.modifiers() & Qt.ShiftModifier) : # centers camera on clicked point try: _, _, tuvs, world_origin, world_direction, _, _ = self.pick(event.localPos().x(), event.localPos().y()) p = world_origin + world_direction * tuvs[0,0] = p self._camera.eye = world_origin except NothingToPickException: pass except: traceback.print_exc() self.update() def signal_helper(self, signal, event, ids, tuvs, world_origin, world_direction, local_origin, local_direction): if ids.size > 0: signal.emit(ids[0], QVector3D(tuvs[0,0], tuvs[0,1], tuvs[0,2]), world_origin, world_direction, local_origin, local_direction, Product.convert_to_dict(event), self) def mousePressEvent(self, event): """ Called by the Qt libraries whenever the window receives a mouse click. """ self._mouse_start = (event.localPos().x(), event.localPos().y()) self._start_eye = self._camera.eye self._start_up = self._camera.up self._start_center = if event.buttons() & Qt.RightButton: try: actor, ids, tuvs, world_origin, world_direction, local_origin, local_direction = self.pick(event.localPos().x(), event.localPos().y()) self.signal_helper(actor.clicked, event, ids, tuvs, world_origin, world_direction, local_origin, local_direction) except NothingToPickException: pass except: traceback.print_exc() event.setAccepted(True) def wheelEvent(self, event): """ Called by the Qt libraries whenever the window receives a mouse wheel change. """ delta = event.angleDelta().y() # move in look direction of camera # note: this will only do something for non-orthographic projection front = - self._camera.eye if event.modifiers() & Qt.ShiftModifier: factor = (5*120) else: factor = (5*12) d = front.normalized() * delta/factor self._camera.eye -= d -= d # re-paint at the next timer tick self.update() def mouseReleaseEvent(self, event): # nothing to be done here. pass def hoverMoveEvent(self, event): try: actor, ids, tuvs, world_origin, world_direction, local_origin, local_direction = self.pick(event.pos().x(), event.pos().y(), event.modifiers()) self.signal_helper(actor.hovered, event, ids, tuvs, world_origin, world_direction, local_origin, local_direction) except NothingToPickException: pass except: traceback.print_exc() def mouseMoveEvent(self, event): """ Called by the Qt libraries whenever the window receives a mouse move/drag event. """ btns = event.buttons() x, y = event.localPos().x(), event.localPos().y() x_0, y_0 = self._mouse_start dx, dy = (x - x_0, y - y_0) h_width = self.width()/2 h_height = self.height()/2 if btns & Qt.LeftButton: # we want half a screen movement rotates the camera 90deg: self._camera.pan_tilt(self._start_eye, self._start_up, 90.0 * dx/h_width, 90.0 * dy/h_height) elif btns & Qt.MidButton: self._camera.translate(self._start_eye, self._start_center, -dx/h_width, dy/h_height) elif btns & (Qt.RightButton): self._camera.roll(self._start_eye, self._start_up, -90.0 * dy/h_width) # re-draw at next timer tick self.update()
def signal_helper(self, signal, event, ids, tuvs, world_origin, world_direction, local_origin, local_direction): if ids.size > 0: signal.emit(ids[0], QVector3D(tuvs[0,0], tuvs[0,1], tuvs[0,2]), world_origin, world_direction, local_origin, local_direction, Product.convert_to_dict(event), self)
def set_local_transform(self, matrix4x4): if matrix4x4 is None: matrix4x4 = QMatrix4x4() Product.assign_input(self, "localTransform", matrix4x4)
class ROSStereoCalibratorFilter(ROSCalibratorFilter): def __init__(self, parent=None): super(ROSStereoCalibratorFilter, self).__init__(parent=parent) self._imageArrayRight = None self._images_right = [] self._leftCalibPath = "" self._rightCalibPath = "" self._rightImageResult = Array.Array() self._rightImageResult.set_producer(self) Product.InputProperty(vars(), Array.Array, "imageArrayRight") Product.InputProperty(vars(), str, "leftCalibPath") Product.InputProperty(vars(), str, "rightCalibPath") Product.ConstProperty(vars(), Array.Array, 'rightImageResult') #leftImageResult is self @Slot() def calibrate(self): if self._images: proc = intrinsics.ChessboardFinderProc(4) corners_list_left = proc(self._images, self._pattern()) proc = intrinsics.ChessboardFinderProc(4) corners_list_right = proc(self._images_right, self._pattern()) with open(self._leftCalibPath, 'rb') as f: left_calib = pickle.load(f) with open(self._rightCalibPath, 'rb') as f: right_calib = pickle.load(f) self._calibration = intrinsics.calibrate_camera_stereo( corners_list_left, corners_list_right, intrinsics.make_object_points(self._pattern(), self._patternSpecs['size']), self._image_size(), left_calib['matrix'], left_calib['distortion'], right_calib['matrix'], right_calib['distortion']) self._update_outputs(None) def _update(self): if self._left is None or self._imageArray is None: return if self._left._imageArray.ndarray.size > 0 and self._imageArray.ndarray.size > 0: self.ndarray = self._imageArray.ndarray self._rightImageResult.ndarray = self._imageArray.ndarray if abs(self._imageArray.timestamp - self._left._imageArray.timestamp) < 1e-4: #100us appart left = self._imageArray.ndarray right = self._imageArrayRight.ndarray gray_left = cv2.cvtColor(left, cv2.COLOR_RGB2GRAY) gray_right = cv2.cvtColor(right, cv2.COLOR_RGB2GRAY) rv_right = self._handle_new_image(gray_right) if rv_right != gray_right: #chessboard found in right image, let's look in left image: self._rightImageResult.ndarray = rv_right rv_left = self._handle_new_image(gray_left) if rv_left != gray_left: #left image was added to the database, let's add right image too self.ndarray = rv_left self._images_right.append(right) return super()._update()
class Synchronized(Product.Product): def __init__(self, parent=None, platform=None, params={ 'sync_labels': ['*'], 'interp_labels': [], 'tolerance_us': -1e3 }): super(Synchronized, self).__init__(parent) self._platform = platform self._parameters = params self._nIndices = 0 self._synchronized = None def cb_parameters(self): self._dataset = None Product.InputProperty(vars(), QVariant, 'parameters', cb_parameters) def cb_platform(self): self._synchronized = None Product.InputProperty(vars(), Platform, 'platform', cb_platform) sensorNamesChanged = Signal() @Property(QVariant, notify=sensorNamesChanged) def sensorNames(self): if self._synchronized is None: return QVariant([]) names = set() for k in self._synchronized.keys(): sensor_type, position, _ = platform.parse_datasource_name(k) names.add('{}_{}'.format(sensor_type, position)) return QVariant(list(names)) @Slot(list, result=list) def expandWildcards(self, labels): if self._synchronized is not None: return self._synchronized.expand_wildcards(labels) datasourcesChanged = Signal() @Property(QVariant, notify=datasourcesChanged) def datasources(self): if self._synchronized is None: return QVariant([]) return QVariant(self._synchronized.keys()) nIndicesChanged = Signal() @Property(int, notify=nIndicesChanged) def nIndices(self): return self._nIndices def __getitem__(self, key): return self._synchronized[key] def _update(self): if self._platform is not None: self._synchronized = self._platform._platform.synchronized( **self._parameters) self._nIndices = len(self._synchronized) self.nIndicesChanged.emit() self.datasourcesChanged.emit() self.sensorNamesChanged.emit()
class Array(Product.Product): arrayChanged = Signal() def __init__(self, parent=None, ndarray=None): super(Array, self).__init__(parent) self._input = None self.ndarray = None self._timestamp = 0 self.productClean.connect(self.arrayChanged) self.set_ndarray(ndarray) def set_ndarray(self, ndarray): if ( ndarray is not None or self.ndarray is not None ): # if both array are None, we know they're the same, otherwise, we assume they're not self.ndarray = ndarray self.makeDirty() def input_cb(self): if self._input: if isinstance(self._input, list): if len(self._input) > 0 and isinstance(self._input[0], QVector3D): self._input = [[v.x(), v.y(), v.z()] for v in self._input] a = np.array(self._input, self.ndarray.dtype) elif isinstance(self._input, np.array): a = self._input.as_type(self.ndarray.type) if len(a.shape) == 1 and len(self.ndarray.shape) == 2: a = np.expand_dims(a, axis=1) # the most frequent case assert len(a.shape) == len(self.ndarray.shape) for i in range(1, len(a.shape)): assert a.shape[i] == self.ndarray.shape[i] self.ndarray = a Product.InputProperty(vars(), 'QVariant', 'input', input_cb) @Slot(result='QVariant') def values(self): return self.ndarray.tolist() @staticmethod def recurse_value(a, indices): if len(indices) == 1: return a[int(indices[0])] return Array.recurse_value(a[int(indices[0])], indices[1:]) @Slot(list, result=float) def value(self, indices): assert len(indices) == len(self.ndarray.shape) return float( self.ndarray.dtype.type(Array.recurse_value(self.ndarray, indices))) @Property(int, notify=arrayChanged) def size(self): return self.ndarray.size @Property(list, notify=arrayChanged) def shape(self): return list(self.ndarray.shape) @Slot() def resize(self, new_size): ''' Resizes dim 0 only ''' s = list(self.ndarray.shape) s[0] = new_size self.ndarray.resize(tuple(s), refcheck=False)
class ROSCalibratorFilter(Image.ImageFilter): def __init__(self, parent=None): super(ROSCalibratorFilter, self).__init__(parent) self._patternSpecs = {'nx': 13, 'ny': 10, 'size': 0.145} self._camSpecs = { 'h': 1440, 'v': 1080, 'f': 3.1e-3, 'pixel_size': 3.45e-6 } self._xCoverage = 0 self._yCoverage = 0 self._sizeCoverage = 0 self._skewCoverage = 0 self._nImages = 0 self._matrix = '' self._distortion = '' self._calibrated = False self._name = "camera_name" self._intrinsics_hints = None self._calibration = None self._init() def _init(self): self._images = [] self._params = [] self._intrinsics_hints = None self._calibration = None self._intrinsics_hints = np.eye(3, dtype=np.float64) self._intrinsics_hints[0, 0] = self._intrinsics_hints[ 1, 1] = self._camSpecs['f'] / self._camSpecs['pixel_size'] self._intrinsics_hints[0, 2] = self._camSpecs['h'] / 2 self._intrinsics_hints[1, 2] = self._camSpecs['v'] / 2 #inputs: Product.InputProperty(vars(), str, 'name') Product.InputProperty(vars(), QVariant, 'patternSpecs') Product.InputProperty(vars(), QVariant, 'camSpecs') #outputs: Product.ROProperty(vars(), int, 'nImages') Product.ROProperty(vars(), float, 'sizeCoverage') Product.ROProperty(vars(), float, 'skewCoverage') Product.ROProperty(vars(), float, 'xCoverage') Product.ROProperty(vars(), float, 'yCoverage') Product.ROProperty(vars(), float, 'skewCoverage') Product.ROProperty(vars(), bool, 'calibrated') Product.ROProperty(vars(), str, 'matrix') Product.ROProperty(vars(), str, 'distortion') def _pattern(self): return (self._patternSpecs['nx'], self._patternSpecs['ny']) def _image_size(self): if self._images: return tuple(reversed(self._images[0].shape[:2])) else: return (self._camSpecs['h'], self._camSpecs['v']) @Slot() def calibrate(self): if self._images: proc = intrinsics.ChessboardFinderProc(4) corners_list = proc(self._images, self._pattern()) self._calibration = intrinsics.calibrate_camera( corners_list, intrinsics.make_object_points(self._pattern(), self._patternSpecs['size']), self._image_size()) self._update_outputs(None) @Slot(str, str, str) def save(self, name, pos, path): intrinsics.save_as_datasource(self._images, path, name, pos, self._calibration, self._camSpecs, self._patternSpecs) @Slot(str) def load(self, path): self._init() with as tar: for filename in tar.getmembers(): if[-4:] == ".png": byte_arr = bytearray(tar.extractfile(filename).read()) arr = np.asarray(byte_arr, dtype=np.uint8) self._handle_new_image( cv2.imdecode(arr, cv2.IMREAD_GRAYSCALE)) def _update_outputs(self, params): if params is not None: x, y, size, skew = ([float(p[3]) for p in params]) self.set_yCoverage(self, y) self.set_xCoverage(self, x) self.set_sizeCoverage(self, size) self.set_skewCoverage(self, skew) self.set_nImages(self, len(self._images)) if self._calibration is not None: self.set_calibrated(self, True) for label in ['matrix', 'distortion']: getattr(self, f'set_{label}')(self, str(self._calibration[label])) def _handle_new_image(self, gray, try_add_to_db=True): scrib_mono, corners, downsampled_corners, _ = intrinsics.downsample_and_detect( gray, self._pattern()) scrib = cv2.cvtColor(scrib_mono, cv2.COLOR_GRAY2BGR) if corners is not None: # Draw (potentially downsampled) corners onto display image cv2.drawChessboardCorners(scrib, self._pattern(), downsampled_corners, True) if try_add_to_db: # Add sample to database only if it's sufficiently different from any previous sample. params = intrinsics.get_parameters(corners, self._pattern(), reversed(gray.shape[:2])) if intrinsics.is_good_sample(params, self._params): self._images.append(gray) self._params.append(params) self._update_outputs( intrinsics.compute_progress(self._params)) return scrib # only return scrip if sample was added else: return scrib return gray def _update(self): if self._imageArray is not None and self._imageArray.ndarray.size > 0: image = self._imageArray.ndarray now = datetime.utcnow() now = time.mktime(now.timetuple()) + float(now.microsecond) / 1e6 delta_t = time.time() - self._imageArray.timestamp #if delta_t < 0.5: self.ndarray = self._handle_new_image( cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_RGB2GRAY))