    def _get_new_credentials(
        original_url: str,
        allow_netrc: bool = False,
        allow_keyring: bool = False,
    ) -> AuthInfo:
        """Find and return credentials for the specified URL."""
        # Split the credentials and netloc from the url.
        url, netloc, url_user_password = split_auth_netloc_from_url(
            original_url, )

        # Start with the credentials embedded in the url
        username, password = url_user_password
        if username is not None and password is not None:
            logger.debug("Found credentials in url for %s", netloc)
            return url_user_password

        # Find a matching index url for this request
        index_url = self._get_index_url(url)
        if index_url:
            # Split the credentials from the url.
            index_info = split_auth_netloc_from_url(index_url)
            if index_info:
                index_url, _, index_url_user_password = index_info
                logger.debug("Found index url %s", index_url)

        # If an index URL was found, try its embedded credentials
        if index_url and index_url_user_password[0] is not None:
            username, password = index_url_user_password
            if username is not None and password is not None:
                logger.debug("Found credentials in index url for %s", netloc)
                return index_url_user_password

        # Get creds from netrc if we still don't have them
        if allow_netrc:
            netrc_auth = get_netrc_auth(original_url)
            if netrc_auth:
                logger.debug("Found credentials in netrc for %s", netloc)
                return netrc_auth

        # If we don't have a password and keyring is available, use it.
        if allow_keyring:
            # The index url is more specific than the netloc, so try it first
            # fmt: off
            kr_auth = (get_keyring_auth(index_url, username)
                       or get_keyring_auth(netloc, username))
            # fmt: on
            if kr_auth:
                logger.debug("Found credentials in keyring for %s", netloc)
                return kr_auth

        return username, password
    def _get_url_and_credentials(self, original_url):
        """Return the credentials to use for the provided URL.

        If allowed, netrc and keyring may be used to obtain the
        correct credentials.

        Returns (url_without_credentials, username, password). Note
        that even if the original URL contains credentials, this
        function may return a different username and password.
        url, netloc, _ = split_auth_netloc_from_url(original_url)

        # Use any stored credentials that we have for this netloc
        username, password = self.passwords.get(netloc, (None, None))

        # If nothing cached, acquire new credentials without prompting
        # the user (e.g. from netrc, keyring, or similar).
        if username is None or password is None:
            username, password = self._get_new_credentials(original_url)

        if username is not None and password is not None:
            # Store the username and password
            self.passwords[netloc] = (username, password)

        return url, username, password
    def _get_url_and_credentials(
            original_url: str) -> Tuple[str, Optional[str], Optional[str]]:
        """Return the credentials to use for the provided URL.

        If allowed, netrc and keyring may be used to obtain the
        correct credentials.

        Returns (url_without_credentials, username, password). Note
        that even if the original URL contains credentials, this
        function may return a different username and password.
        url, netloc, _ = split_auth_netloc_from_url(original_url)

        # Try to get credentials from original url
        username, password = self._get_new_credentials(original_url)

        # If credentials not found, use any stored credentials for this netloc.
        # Do this if either the username or the password is missing.
        # This accounts for the situation in which the user has specified
        # the username in the index url, but the password comes from keyring.
        if (username is None or password is None) and netloc in self.passwords:
            un, pw = self.passwords[netloc]
            # It is possible that the cached credentials are for a different username,
            # in which case the cache should be ignored.
            if username is None or username == un:
                username, password = un, pw

        if username is not None or password is not None:
            # Convert the username and password if they're None, so that
            # this netloc will show up as "cached" in the conditional above.
            # Further, HTTPBasicAuth doesn't accept None, so it makes sense to
            # cache the value that is going to be used.
            username = username or ""
            password = password or ""

            # Store any acquired credentials.
            self.passwords[netloc] = (username, password)

        assert (
            # Credentials were found
            (username is not None and password is not None)
            # Credentials were not found
            or (username is None and password is None)
        ), f"Could not load credentials from url: {original_url}"

        return url, username, password
    def _get_url_and_credentials(self, original_url):
        # type: (str) -> Tuple[str, Optional[str], Optional[str]]
        """Return the credentials to use for the provided URL.

        If allowed, netrc and keyring may be used to obtain the
        correct credentials.

        Returns (url_without_credentials, username, password). Note
        that even if the original URL contains credentials, this
        function may return a different username and password.
        url, netloc, _ = split_auth_netloc_from_url(original_url)

        # Use any stored credentials that we have for this netloc
        username, password = self.passwords.get(netloc, (None, None))

        if username is None and password is None:
            # No stored credentials. Acquire new credentials without prompting
            # the user. (e.g. from netrc, keyring, or the URL itself)
            username, password = self._get_new_credentials(original_url)

        if username is not None or password is not None:
            # Convert the username and password if they're None, so that
            # this netloc will show up as "cached" in the conditional above.
            # Further, HTTPBasicAuth doesn't accept None, so it makes sense to
            # cache the value that is going to be used.
            username = username or ""
            password = password or ""

            # Store any acquired credentials.
            self.passwords[netloc] = (username, password)

        assert (
            # Credentials were found
            (username is not None and password is not None) or
            # Credentials were not found
            (username is None and password is None)
        ), f"Could not load credentials from url: {original_url}"

        return url, username, password
def test_split_auth_netloc_from_url(url, expected):
    actual = split_auth_netloc_from_url(url)
    assert actual == expected
                return u
<<<<<<< HEAD
        return None

    def _get_new_credentials(self, original_url, allow_netrc=True,
        # type: (str, bool, bool) -> AuthInfo

    def _get_new_credentials(self, original_url, allow_netrc=True,
>>>>>>> b66a76afa15ab74019740676a52a071b85ed8f71
        """Find and return credentials for the specified URL."""
        # Split the credentials and netloc from the url.
        url, netloc, url_user_password = split_auth_netloc_from_url(

        # Start with the credentials embedded in the url
        username, password = url_user_password
        if username is not None and password is not None:
            logger.debug("Found credentials in url for %s", netloc)
            return url_user_password

        # Find a matching index url for this request
        index_url = self._get_index_url(url)
        if index_url:
            # Split the credentials from the url.
            index_info = split_auth_netloc_from_url(index_url)
            if index_info:
                index_url, _, index_url_user_password = index_info
文件: test_utils.py 项目: pypa/pip
def test_split_auth_netloc_from_url(url, expected):
    actual = split_auth_netloc_from_url(url)
    assert actual == expected
    def _get_new_credentials(self, original_url, allow_netrc=True,
        """Find and return credentials for the specified URL."""
        # Split the credentials and netloc from the url.
        url, netloc, url_user_password = split_auth_netloc_from_url(

        # Start with the credentials embedded in the url
        username, password = url_user_password
        if username is not None and password is not None:
            logger.debug("Found credentials in url for %s", netloc)
            return url_user_password

        # Find a matching index url for this request
        index_url = self._get_index_url(url)
        if index_url:
            # Split the credentials from the url.
            index_info = split_auth_netloc_from_url(index_url)
            if index_info:
                index_url, _, index_url_user_password = index_info
                logger.debug("Found index url %s", index_url)

        # If an index URL was found, try its embedded credentials
        if index_url and index_url_user_password[0] is not None:
            username, password = index_url_user_password
            if username is not None and password is not None:
                logger.debug("Found credentials in index url for %s", netloc)
                return index_url_user_password

        # Check for creds in environment
        user_var = 'PIP_USERNAME'
        passwd_var = 'PIP_PASSWORD'
        msg = "Found '{fv}' env variable, but not '{nv}'. Ignoring '{fv}'."
        env_username = os.environ.get(user_var)
        env_password = os.environ.get(passwd_var)
        if env_username:
            if env_password:
                logger.debug("Found credentials in environment.")
                return env_username, env_password

            logger.warning(msg.format(fv=user_var, nv=passwd_var))

        if env_password:
            logger.warning(msg.format(fv=passwd_var, nv=user_var))

        # Get creds from netrc if we still don't have them
        if allow_netrc:
            netrc_auth = get_netrc_auth(original_url)
            if netrc_auth:
                logger.debug("Found credentials in netrc for %s", netloc)
                return netrc_auth

        # If we don't have a password and keyring is available, use it.
        if allow_keyring:
            # The index url is more specific than the netloc, so try it first
            kr_auth = (_get_keyring_auth(index_url, username) or
                       _get_keyring_auth(netloc, username))
            if kr_auth:
                logger.debug("Found credentials in keyring for %s", netloc)
                return kr_auth

        return None, None
def test_split_auth_netloc_from_url(
        url: str, expected: Tuple[str, str, Tuple[Optional[str],
                                                  Optional[str]]]) -> None:
    actual = split_auth_netloc_from_url(url)
    assert actual == expected