def load_system(source_dir):
    Load the build system from a source dir (pyproject.toml).
    pyproject = os.path.join(source_dir, 'pyproject.toml')
    with open(pyproject) as f:
        pyproject_data = toml.load(f)
    return pyproject_data['build-system']
def _load_pyproject(source_dir):
    with open(os.path.join(source_dir, 'pyproject.toml')) as f:
        pyproject_data = toml.load(f)
    buildsys = pyproject_data['build-system']
    return (
def _load_pyproject(source_dir):
    with open(os.path.join(source_dir, "pyproject.toml")) as f:
        pyproject_data = toml.load(f)
    buildsys = pyproject_data["build-system"]
    return (
def main():
    default_config_path = Path(pkg_resources.resource_filename('dnevnik2', 'app_config.toml')).resolve()
    default_output_dir = Path('.').resolve()
    arg_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
    arg_parser.add_argument('cookies_path', type=Path)
    arg_parser.add_argument('--config_path', type=Path, default=default_config_path)
    arg_parser.add_argument('--output_dir', type=Path, default=default_output_dir)
    args = arg_parser.parse_args()

    cookies_path: Path = args.cookies_path
    config_path: Path = args.config_path
    base_dir: Path = args.output_dir

    with config_path.open('r', encoding='utf-8') as f1:
        config = toml.load(f1)

    dnevnik = Dnevnik2.make_from_cookies_file(cookies_path)

    data = dnevnik.fetch_marks_for_current_quarter()

    with (base_dir / 'last_res.txt').open('w', encoding='utf-8') as f1:
        print(json.dumps(data, ensure_ascii=False, indent=2), file=f1)

    out_lines = []
    grouped = defaultdict(list)
    for item in sorted(data['data']['items'], key=lambda x: (to_date(x['date']), x['estimate_value_name'])):
        s_name = item['subject_name'] = get_subject(item, config['subjects'])
        mark = item['estimate_value_name']
        if mark.isdigit():
        comment = ('# ' + item['estimate_comment']) if item['estimate_comment'] else ''
            "{subject_name:25s} {estimate_value_code:5s} {estimate_value_name:9s} {estimate_type_name:20s}".format(

    if not out_lines:

    with (base_dir / f'marks.{dt.date.today()}.txt').open('w', encoding='utf-8') as f1:
        for date, mark, comment in sorted(out_lines):
            print(f'{date}  {mark} {comment}', file=f1)

        for s_name in sorted(grouped):
            avg = sum(grouped[s_name]) / len(grouped[s_name])
            s_marks = ' '.join(str(mark) for mark in grouped[s_name])
            print(f'{s_name:25s} : {avg:0.3f}    {s_marks}', file=f1)
def load_pyproject_toml(
    use_pep517,  # type: Optional[bool]
    pyproject_toml,  # type: str
    setup_py,  # type: str
    req_name  # type: str
    # type: (...) -> Optional[BuildSystemDetails]
    """Load the pyproject.toml file.

        use_pep517 - Has the user requested PEP 517 processing? None
                     means the user hasn't explicitly specified.
        pyproject_toml - Location of the project's pyproject.toml file
        setup_py - Location of the project's setup.py file
        req_name - The name of the requirement we're processing (for
                   error reporting)

        None if we should use the legacy code path, otherwise a tuple
            requirements from pyproject.toml,
            name of PEP 517 backend,
            requirements we should check are installed after setting
                up the build environment
            directory paths to import the backend from (backend-path),
                relative to the project root.
    has_pyproject = os.path.isfile(pyproject_toml)
    has_setup = os.path.isfile(setup_py)

    if has_pyproject:
        with io.open(pyproject_toml, encoding="utf-8") as f:
            pp_toml = toml.load(f)
        build_system = pp_toml.get("build-system")
        build_system = None

    # The following cases must use PEP 517
    # We check for use_pep517 being non-None and falsey because that means
    # the user explicitly requested --no-use-pep517.  The value 0 as
    # opposed to False can occur when the value is provided via an
    # environment variable or config file option (due to the quirk of
    # strtobool() returning an integer in pip's configuration code).
    if has_pyproject and not has_setup:
        if use_pep517 is not None and not use_pep517:
            raise InstallationError(
                "Disabling PEP 517 processing is invalid: "
                "project does not have a setup.py"
        use_pep517 = True
    elif build_system and "build-backend" in build_system:
        if use_pep517 is not None and not use_pep517:
            raise InstallationError(
                "Disabling PEP 517 processing is invalid: "
                "project specifies a build backend of {} "
                "in pyproject.toml".format(
        use_pep517 = True

    # If we haven't worked out whether to use PEP 517 yet,
    # and the user hasn't explicitly stated a preference,
    # we do so if the project has a pyproject.toml file.
    elif use_pep517 is None:
        use_pep517 = has_pyproject

    # At this point, we know whether we're going to use PEP 517.
    assert use_pep517 is not None

    # If we're using the legacy code path, there is nothing further
    # for us to do here.
    if not use_pep517:
        return None

    if build_system is None:
        # Either the user has a pyproject.toml with no build-system
        # section, or the user has no pyproject.toml, but has opted in
        # explicitly via --use-pep517.
        # In the absence of any explicit backend specification, we
        # assume the setuptools backend that most closely emulates the
        # traditional direct setup.py execution, and require wheel and
        # a version of setuptools that supports that backend.

        build_system = {
            "requires": ["setuptools>=40.8.0", "wheel"],
            "build-backend": "setuptools.build_meta:__legacy__",

    # If we're using PEP 517, we have build system information (either
    # from pyproject.toml, or defaulted by the code above).
    # Note that at this point, we do not know if the user has actually
    # specified a backend, though.
    assert build_system is not None

    # Ensure that the build-system section in pyproject.toml conforms
    # to PEP 518.
    error_template = (
        "{package} has a pyproject.toml file that does not comply "
        "with PEP 518: {reason}"

    # Specifying the build-system table but not the requires key is invalid
    if "requires" not in build_system:
        raise InstallationError(
            error_template.format(package=req_name, reason=(
                "it has a 'build-system' table but not "
                "'build-system.requires' which is mandatory in the table"

    # Error out if requires is not a list of strings
    requires = build_system["requires"]
    if not _is_list_of_str(requires):
        raise InstallationError(error_template.format(
            reason="'build-system.requires' is not a list of strings.",

    # Each requirement must be valid as per PEP 508
    for requirement in requires:
        except InvalidRequirement:
            raise InstallationError(
                        "'build-system.requires' contains an invalid "
                        "requirement: {!r}".format(requirement)

    backend = build_system.get("build-backend")
    backend_path = build_system.get("backend-path", [])
    check = []  # type: List[str]
    if backend is None:
        # If the user didn't specify a backend, we assume they want to use
        # the setuptools backend. But we can't be sure they have included
        # a version of setuptools which supplies the backend, or wheel
        # (which is needed by the backend) in their requirements. So we
        # make a note to check that those requirements are present once
        # we have set up the environment.
        # This is quite a lot of work to check for a very specific case. But
        # the problem is, that case is potentially quite common - projects that
        # adopted PEP 518 early for the ability to specify requirements to
        # execute setup.py, but never considered needing to mention the build
        # tools themselves. The original PEP 518 code had a similar check (but
        # implemented in a different way).
        backend = "setuptools.build_meta:__legacy__"
        check = ["setuptools>=40.8.0", "wheel"]

    return BuildSystemDetails(requires, backend, check, backend_path)
文件: envbuild.py 项目: Shikeinn/Fit
from .wrappers import Pep517HookCaller
from .wrappers import Pep517HookCaller, LoggerWrapper
>>>>>>> development

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def _load_pyproject(source_dir):
    with open(os.path.join(source_dir, 'pyproject.toml')) as f:
<<<<<<< HEAD
        pyproject_data = pytoml.load(f)
    buildsys = pyproject_data['build-system']
    return buildsys['requires'], buildsys['build-backend']
        pyproject_data = toml.load(f)
    buildsys = pyproject_data['build-system']
    return (
>>>>>>> development

class BuildEnvironment(object):
    """Context manager to install build deps in a simple temporary environment

    Based on code I wrote for pip, which is MIT licensed.
    # Copyright (c) 2008-2016 The pip developers (see AUTHORS.txt file)
def load_config() -> RootConfig:
    with open(default_config_file) as f:
        return parse_config(toml.load(f))
文件: pyproject.py 项目: Shikeinn/Fit
<<<<<<< HEAD
            directory paths to import the backend from (backend-path),
                relative to the project root.
>>>>>>> development
    has_pyproject = os.path.isfile(pyproject_toml)
    has_setup = os.path.isfile(setup_py)

    if has_pyproject:
        with io.open(pyproject_toml, encoding="utf-8") as f:
<<<<<<< HEAD
            pp_toml = pytoml.load(f)
            pp_toml = toml.load(f)
>>>>>>> development
        build_system = pp_toml.get("build-system")
        build_system = None

    # The following cases must use PEP 517
    # We check for use_pep517 being non-None and falsey because that means
    # the user explicitly requested --no-use-pep517.  The value 0 as
    # opposed to False can occur when the value is provided via an
    # environment variable or config file option (due to the quirk of
    # strtobool() returning an integer in pip's configuration code).
    if has_pyproject and not has_setup:
        if use_pep517 is not None and not use_pep517:
            raise InstallationError(
                "Disabling PEP 517 processing is invalid: "