def autoinstall(name, package=None):
    if not package:
        package = name

    if args.auto_install:
            import pip
        except ImportError:
            raise SystemExit("""\
Can not autoinstall as PIP is not avaliable.

To install 'pip' please ask your administrator to install the package
'python-pip' or run:
# sudo apt-get install python-pip

        from pip.req import InstallRequirement
        install = InstallRequirement(package, None)

        if install.satisfied_by is None:
            print "Unable to find %s, autoinstalling" % (name, )

            if install.conflicts_with:
                raise SystemExit("""
Can't install %s because it conflicts with already installed %s.

Please try installing %s manually with:
# sudo pip install --upgrade %s
""" % (name, install.conflicts_with, name, package.replace(">", "\>")))

            ret = subprocess.call(["pip", "install", "--user", package])
            if ret == 0:  # UNKNOWN_ERROR
                # Restart python is a nasty way, only method to get imports to
                # refresh.
                python = sys.executable
                os.execl(python, python, *sys.argv)
                raise SystemExit("""
Unknown error occurred.

Please install the Python %s module.
# sudo pip install %s
""" % (name, package.replace(">", "\n")))
def autoinstall(name, package=None):
    if not package:
        package = name

    if args.auto_install:
            import pip
        except ImportError:
            raise SystemExit("""\
Can not autoinstall as PIP is not avaliable.

To install 'pip' please ask your administrator to install the package
'python-pip' or run:
# sudo apt-get install python-pip

        from pip.req import InstallRequirement
        install = InstallRequirement(package, None)

        if install.satisfied_by is None:
            print "Unable to find %s, autoinstalling" % (name,)

            if install.conflicts_with:
                raise SystemExit("""
Can't install %s because it conflicts with already installed %s.

Please try installing %s manually with:
# sudo pip install --upgrade %s
""" % (name, install.conflicts_with, name, package.replace(">", "\>")))

            ret = subprocess.call(["pip", "install", "--user", package])
            if ret == 0: # UNKNOWN_ERROR
                # Restart python is a nasty way, only method to get imports to refresh.
                import sys, os
                python = sys.executable
                os.execl(python, python, *sys.argv)
                raise SystemExit("""
Unknown error occurred. 

Please install the Python %s module.
# sudo pip install %s
""" % (name, package.replace(">", "\n")))