def singleTeamCity(tricode): ''' A full scene-building routine for single-team CITY elements.''' loadTeamsLite(tricode) #sort sort.sceneTeardown() sc = sort.SortControl('Single_Team_CITY') # change output path vrs = pm.PyNode('vraySettings') vrs.fileNamePrefix.set('TEAMS/{}/%l/%l.#'.format(tricode)) # rename / save scene scene = project.Scene() scene.rename(tricode)
def splitMatchup(tricode, package): ''' A full scene-building routine for single-team elements.''' #load in the new team loadTeamsStadium(tricode, tricode, diagnostic=False, clean=True) #sort sort.sceneTeardown() sc = sort.SortControl('Split_Matchup_{}'.format(package.upper())) #change output path vrs = pm.PyNode('vraySettings') vrs.fileNamePrefix.set('TEAMS/{}/%l/%l.#'.format(tricode)) #rename / save scene scene = project.Scene() scene.rename(tricode)
def getAnimPath(filetype, message, use_maya_subfolder, folder_only=False, override_name=False): # check that the scene is controlled by the pipeline try: scene_controller = pm.PyNode('sceneControlObject') except: pass if override_name: folder_name = override_name else: folder_name = filetype # set up export paths scene = project.Scene() # The use_maya_subfolder flag determines whether this export goes into a folder # below the main project folder or below the maya folder instead. anim_folder = {0: scene.project_folder, 1: scene.maya_project_folder}[use_maya_subfolder] + '\\{0}\\'.format(folder_name) anim_file = scene.scene_name # If exporting (i.e. determining a full destination file name) if not folder_only: if override_name: anim_file += '.{0}'.format(override_name) else: custom_string = pm.promptDialog( title='Custom name tag?', message=message, text='', b=['OK', 'No'], db='OK', cb='No', ds='No' ) if custom_string == 'OK': custom_string = pm.promptDialog(q=True, text=True) else: custom_string = '' anim_file += '_{}.{}'.format(custom_string, filetype) return anim_folder + anim_file # i.e., if import (just returning a path) elif folder_only: return anim_folder
def quad(team, *a): ''' A full scene-building routine for 'quad' logo slicks ''' loadTeamsLite(team, team) sorter = sort.SortControl('Quad') try: pm.PyNode('HOMELOGO:GEO_05').visibility.set(0) pm.PyNode('AWAYLOGO:GEO_05').visibility.set(0) except: pass try: pm.PyNode('HOMELOGO:GEO_06').visibility.set(0) pm.PyNode('AWAYLOGO:GEO_06').visibility.set(0) except: pass v_ray = pm.PyNode('vraySettings') v_ray.fileNamePrefix.set("""TEAMS/{0}/%l/%l.#""".format(team)) scene = project.Scene() scene.rename(team)
def init_scene(*a): scene = project.Scene()
def rename_ui(*a): if project.isScene(): scene = project.Scene() scene.rename() else: return
def save_ui(*a): if project.isScene(): scene = project.Scene() else: return
def init_scene(*a): scene = project.Scene() try: pm.deleteUI('cfbTools') except: pass try: pm.deleteUI('pipeline') except: pass scene = project.Scene(delay=True) g_main = pm.getMelGlobal('string', '$gMainWindow') pm.setParent(g_main) mmenu ='cfbTools', l='CFB \'15', to=True) pm.setParent(menu=True) #pm.menuItem(l="Reload Scripts", c=lambda *args: pm.evalDeferred( "exec('reload(cfb) in globals()')", lp=True ) #pm.menuItem(divider=True) #pm.menuItem(l="Launch Widget", c=run) #pm.menuItem(divider=True) pm.menuItem(l="Open Scene", c=open_ui) pm.menuItem(l="Save Scene", c=save_ui)
def multiTeam(tricode_list, playoff=False, force_name=None): if (playoff): attachments = getMultiTeamAttachments() if len(attachments) > len(tricode_list): pm.warning( 'ERROR Not enough teams specified ({} minimum). Aborting...'. format(len(attachments))) return if len(attachments) < len(tricode_list): pm.warning( 'ERROR Too many teams specified ({} maximum). Aborting...'. format(len(attachments))) return for idx, loc in enumerate(attachments): print attachments[idx] attachments[idx] = loc[:-7].strip() for idx, tricode in enumerate(tricode_list): loadAssetsLite(tricode, attachments[idx], playoff=playoff) elif not (playoff): namespaces = getMultiTeamAttachments(references=True) if len(namespaces) > len(tricode_list): pm.warning( 'ERROR Not enough teams specified ({} minimum). Aborting...'. format(len(namespaces))) return if len(namespaces) < len(tricode_list): pm.warning( 'ERROR Too many teams specified ({} maximum). Aborting...'. format(len(namespaces))) return for idx, namespace in enumerate(namespaces): namespaces[idx] = namespace[:-4].strip() for idx, tricode in enumerate(tricode_list): loadAssetsNYS(tricode, namespaces[idx]) sort.sceneTeardown() sc = sort.SortControl('Multi-Team (NYS / CHAMP)') if project.isScene(): scene = project.Scene() scene.rename(name=force_name, save=False) prefix = scene.custom_string vrs = pm.PyNode('vraySettings') vrs.fileNamePrefix.set('{}/%l/%l.#'.format(prefix)) return else: return