def main(sentenceId, jsonFile, tokens, ww, wTags, depParse, inAMR, alignment, completed):
    amr = inAMR
    cop_preds = set()
    for deps in depParse:
        if deps is None: continue
        for dep in deps:
            i, r, h = dep["dep_idx"], dep["rel"], dep["gov_idx"]
            if completed[1][(h,i)]: continue
            if r=='cop':
                completed[1][(h,i)] = True
    for deps in depParse:
        if deps is None: continue
        for dep in deps:
            i, r, h = dep["dep_idx"], dep["rel"], dep["gov_idx"]
            if (h in cop_preds and r.endswith('subj')) or r=='appos':
                x = amrget(amr, alignment, h, depParse, wTags, completed)
                y = amrget(amr, alignment, i, depParse, wTags, completed)  # asserting non-completion here might be bad
                if r=='appos':
                    completed[1][(h,i)] = True
                    if '-FALLBACK' in amr.get_concept(str(x)) and '-FALLBACK' not in amr.get_concept(str(y)):
                        x, y = y, x
                if x!=y:
                    newtriple = (str(x), '-COREF' if r=='appos' else 'domain', str(y))
                amr = new_amr_from_old(amr, new_triples=[newtriple])

    return depParse, amr, alignment, completed
文件: misc.py 项目: christianbuck/nlu
def main(sentenceId, jsonFile, tokens, ww, wTags, depParse, inAMR, alignment, completed):
    amr = inAMR
    for deps in depParse:
        if deps is None: continue
        for dep in deps:
            i, r, h = dep["dep_idx"], dep["rel"], dep["gov_idx"]
            if completed[1][(h,i)]: continue
            if r in ['nn','poss'] or r.startswith('prep_'):
                x = amrget(amr, alignment, h, depParse, wTags, completed)
                y = amrget(amr, alignment, i, depParse, wTags, completed) # modifier variable
                if r=='nn':   # attach as :mod-NN
                    newtriple = (str(x), 'mod-NN', str(y))
                elif r=='poss':
                    newtriple = (str(x), 'poss', str(y))
                else:   # attach with :prep-X relation
                    assert r.startswith('prep_')
                    newtriple = (str(x), r.replace('_','-'), str(y))
                amr = new_amr_from_old(amr, new_triples=[newtriple])

                completed[1][(h,i)] = True

    # simplify adverbs to adjectives based on lexicon
    for v in amr.node_to_concepts.keys():
        amr.node_to_concepts[v] = simplify_adv(amr.node_to_concepts[v])
    return depParse, amr, alignment, completed
def main(sentenceId, jsonFile, tokens, ww, wTags, depParse, inAMR, alignment, completed):
    amr = inAMR
    nConjOps = {}   # maps conjunction concept variable to its current number of :opX relations
    for deps in depParse:
        if deps is None: continue
        for dep in deps:
            if completed[1][(dep["gov_idx"],dep["dep_idx"])]: continue
            i, r, c = dep['dep_idx'], dep["rel"], dep["gov_idx"]
            if r=='conj':
                x = amrget(amr, alignment, c, depParse, wTags, completed)
                y = amrget(amr, alignment, i, depParse, wTags, completed)
                newtriple = (str(x), 'op'+str(nConjOps.setdefault(x,0)+1), str(y))
                nConjOps[x] += 1

                amr = new_amr_from_old(amr, new_triples=[newtriple])

                completed[1][(c,i)] = True

    return depParse, amr, alignment, completed
def main(sentenceId, jsonFile, tokens, ww, wTags, depParse, inAMR, alignment, completed):
    amr = inAMR
    triples = set() # to add to the AMR
    props = pipeline.loadNProp(jsonFile)
    predheads = {}  # map head index to nominal predicate variable (not reflected in the alignment)
    # add all predicates first, so the roleset properly goes into the AMR
    for prop in props:
        baseform, roleset = prop["baseform"], prop["frame"]
        if not config.fullNombank and not verbalize.nompred2verbpred(roleset):
            continue    # TODO: maybe add just the pred stem & non-core args that map to AMR role names?
        preds = {tuple(arg) for arg in prop["args"] if arg[0]=='rel'}
        assert len(preds)==1
        pred = next(iter(preds))
        assert pred[2]==pred[3] # multiword predicates?
        ph = pred[2]    # predicate head
        #px = alignment[:ph]    # instead of aligning noun predicate to noun in the sentence, introduce the noun predicate separately (so the plain noun concept can be its argument)
        px = predheads.get(ph)
        predconcept = pipeline.token2concept(roleset.replace('.','-n-'))
        if not (px or px==0):
            px = new_concept(predconcept, amr)  # no alignment here - instead use 'predheads'
            px0 = alignment[:ph]
            if not (px0 or px0==0):
                px0 = new_concept_from_token(amr, alignment, ph, depParse, wTags)
            triples.add((str(px0), '-PRED', str(px)))
            #if len(prop["args"])==1 or (prop["args"][0][0] in ['Support','rel'] and prop["args"][1][0] in ['Support','rel']):
            #    triples.add((str(px), '-DUMMY', ''))
            predheads[ph] = px
        else:   # predicate already a concept in the AMR (e.g. inserted by the 'nouns' module)
            amr.node_to_concepts[str(px)] = predconcept # change the name of the concept
        completed[0][ph] = True
    # now handle arguments
    for prop in props:
        baseform, roleset = prop["baseform"], prop["frame"]
        pred = [arg for arg in prop["args"] if arg[0]=='rel'][0]
        ph = pred[2]    # predicate head
        #px = alignment[:ph]
        if ph not in predheads:
        px = predheads[ph]
        for rel,treenode,i,j,yieldS in prop["args"]:
            if i is None or j is None: continue # TODO: special PropBank cases that need further work
            if rel in ['rel', 'Support']: continue
            assert rel[:3]=='ARG'
            h = choose_head(range(i,j+1), depParse)
            if h is None: continue # TODO: improve coverage of complex spans
            # handle general proposition arguments
            if str(alignment[:h]) in amr.node_to_concepts:
                rel, amr.node_to_concepts[str(alignment[:h])] = common_arg(rel, amr.get_concept(str(alignment[:h])))
                drels = [dep["rel"] for dep in depParse[h]]
                rel = common_arg(rel, drels=drels)
            if isinstance(rel,tuple):
                rel, val = rel
                assert isinstance(val,Atom)
                triples.add((str(px), rel, val))
                x = amrget(amr, alignment, h, depParse, wTags)
                triples.add((str(px), rel, str(x)))
            completed[0][h] = True

            # if SRL argument link corresponds to a dependency edge, mark that edge as complete
            if (ph,h) in completed[1]:
                completed[1][(ph,h)] = True
                #print('completed ',(ph,h))
            if (h,ph) in completed[1]:  # also for reverse direction
                completed[1][(h,ph)] = True
                #print('completed ',(ph,h))
    amr = new_amr_from_old(amr, new_triples=list(triples))

    return depParse, amr, alignment, completed